"(Y/N), are you sure you're okay?" Tony asked as he continued to stroke my hair.
"I said I'm fine, we need to complete this. We need to find that tesseract, then give him back to where ever he's from." You gave Loki a look, everyone looked back at you.
I slowly brought myself back up, Everyone looked at you. "What?"
"You have a little..." Thor gestured "blood?"
"What, where?" I touched my face to find the spot of blood.
"uh- everywhere."
"what that's impossible. Does anyone have like a mirror or something?" I asked, I haven't been looking out for myself that much, especially trying to look good. What's the point of trying to look good when you already have natural beauty?
"y- ya honey I always keep a spare." Tony jumped out of his suit.
"What, why do you have one?" I questioned, everybody was still watching.
"You never know maybe a bad hair day, or maybe there's a hot-" He rubbed the back of his neck, I squinted my eyes.
"Finish it, I dare you." I warned him, aggressively grabbing the mirror.
"Woah, Girl what happened? Did somebody kill you and you came back to life or something?" Natasha joined in.
"It can't be that ba-" Before I could finish, I opened the mirror to find myself drenched in blood. "Oh my god." I looked back at them, they were all grinning awkwardly except for Loki.
"What afraid of a little blood?" You heard Loki say in the back of the plane, quoting steve's innocents.
The blood was all over my face, mostly by my nose and eyes. The blood spread all over my face. I look down at my suit, there was blood all around my hair. How much blood did I lose?
"Did anybody lose any blood?" I looked around but everybody was in perfect condition, they were all speechless. "Nope, just me? Thanks, guys." I rolled my eyes. I began to rub the blood off with my fingers, it was coming off but in pieces.
"Here." You heard a woman's voice.
You looked up to see Natasha, "Thanks?" She handed you a first aid kit, "I'm not really bleeding, it's more like a dried running nose."
"Oh I know, there's Alcohol wipes in there for the blood and a hair tie for well that." She pointed to my hair, "I packed it for us, so if you need a tampon there right there." I turned the first aid kit over, it said our last names. Natasha & (Y/Ln), she smiles then leaves to talk to Steve.
Tony sat next to me, he grabbed the first aid kit and began to clean my face with the alcohol wipe. I sat there not moving my body but getting lost in my thoughts, Natasha was the first person and the last person I told about my power. She used to be a pretty bad person back when I met her, but I loved her. She's changed since I've met her but she's still going to be THEE Natasha Romanoff.
I looked at Tony, "I love you" There was a tear streaming down my cheek. The tear looked light red, he quickly swipes it off my face.
" Hey, don't cry. I love you a lot okay?" He pulled me into a hug, " There's nothing you should be worrying about okay?" he continued.
I looked at Steve as I hugged Tony, he sat in pain. It wasn't me who was in pain, it was him. I gazed at him hoping to grasp his attention, but nothing happened he just hung his head.
"Thank you." I forced my eyes shut. Tony pulled away from my embrace marking a kiss on my forehead.
I continued to look at Steve, "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something." I heard but I didn't listen to the conversation, I was too focused on Steve.
"Huh?" I looked back at Tony.
"I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend? Or however, you make it official." He rolled his eyes, I had the biggest smile on my face but I could feel Steve's pain.
"I thought I already your girlfriend ." I grinned
" You know what I mean. Don't be a smart ass." He warned
"All right DAD," I joked. "but yes I will be your girlfriend." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and laid my head on his shoulder.
"Steve." You called him over but he didn't answer, I ran towards him.
"Yeah?" His voice sounded sad almost raw.
"Thank you"
"For what?" Steve asked slightly confused.
"For everything." My head hung, I could feel all his pain.
"That's apart of the job" He hid his pain under his smile, he looks down at me. He put his hand on your chin pulling my head up. He looked straight into your eyes practically getting lost in them. There was something there Between the two of you, something attracted the two of you. For a second all of his pain was gone, It felt lost, burned.
"Hey, Honey." You said pulling away from his touch, avoiding his gaze. Tony walked to the two of you, this was wrong, all of it was wrong. Steve walked away, again the pain came rushing back.
"Hey" His smile was bright, he gave me a kiss on the lips.
"I was thinking if you wanted to go out to dinner with me on Saturday? Dinner? Maybe lunch?" I asked
"Of course. Let me just add that to my planner, if I have space" He joked
"You loser, you don't even have enough time for your own girlfriend" You shook your head.
"KIDDING." I playfully hit his arm. "Okay, I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow? Jarvis has something cooking in the Lab that I've been dreaming to get my hands on." He seemed so excited, it was like a child at a toy store.
"Have fun! But not too much fun." I pointed to him, "Bye love." I kissed him, I guess we were at the puppy names.
"Bye honey."
You could feel pain in your chest, It was pain a lot of it. You rushed to find Steve, The pain was giving you heartache. Your whole body was losing the ability to feel your legs but just in time, you found Steve sitting on a bench thinking.
"What the hell is wrong with you, ugh." I yelled to him across the hall, my legs collapse making my knees hit hard to the ground. My powers are out of control, is this even my power? It's taking over way my body like it's just using me.
Steve runs to you, "What happened?" He grabbed me bridal style, and rushed me to the bench he was sitting on.
"What the fuck are you thinking?" I cursed at him as he placed me down.
"Okay, okay. Let's just settle down here." he tried to settle me down.
"What is going on in there?" I yelled at him as I hit his head softly.
"Work with me here. You need to breathe." He grabbed my face
"What happened to you? Why did you just collapse?" He asked as he stood in front of you. He looked at you with his hand holding yours.
"I should be asking you the same thing."
"What do you mean?" He tilted his head
"What are you feeling Steve? You need to talk to me because apparently I'm losing the ability to walk here." I waved my hands to my feet trying to catch his attention.
"What?" He questioned, he was speechless. Suddenly he got lost in his thoughts, I didn't know what he was thinking but it was getting out of control.
"Dude stop! Agh" I groaned in pain causing him to give me his full attention. He jumps out of his thoughts, "I could feel your pain. Please stop, I beg you." A tear rolled down my eye, my legs began to feel numb and paralyzed.
"Steve please." I looked at him, he removed the tear.
"I can't..." I looked down at his hand and grabbed it
"I'm sorry..." I rushed into a vision, He was thinking about the women in the picture he keeps in his room. What is up with her, for fuck sake it's just getting annoying. Then... there was a flash, it was me.
It was me, he was in pain because of me.
You gasped trying to get air, Jumping back to reality hit hard. You couldn't breathe, It hurt twice as much. A stream of tears came rushing down, your heart was in shock.
"Its... it's me isn't it." His eyes turned to the floor, he didn't say anything.
"Yeah, it is." He looked defeated, with all the strength I had left I forced my body up with the assistance of my power.
I forced myself to my room gliding off the floor, Steve didn't even try to get up. He was in more pain making me fall to the floor on all fours, I spit out a pit of blood. "Shit, what the fuck is happening?" I tried to get back up but it was no use, suddenly I felt somebody arms wrap around me, so much for a dramatic exit.
Steve picks me up, my arms wrapped around his neck and my head laid on his chest. I tried to look at his face but my eyes drifted back, my eyes were way too heavy to oepen.
You passed out in his arms.
I am his pain but he is my weakness.
There was a raging pain in my body, it drove me crazy. Adjusting to the lighting I tried to open my eyes. The curtains had a crack of sunlight shining inside of the room, I began to stretch my body for comfort.
I looked for my phone but it wasn't on my counter, What time is it? A rumbling sound came from the other side of the room, Steve was seated on a chair beside my bed.
His hands were keeping his head from dangled as he slept. I began to move to find my phone, but the rumble of the sheet covers woke him up.
"Hey..." You smiled, you stopped moving as soon as you seen his eyes flutter. You Tried getting up from bed but your body was too sore to even move a muscle.
"You okay?" He came quickly to help me get up from bed.
"A little sore," he sat me up, "Did you sleep here?" I questioned him. His eyes were baggy and restless, his posture was crooked probably the way he slept in the chair.
"Yeah." He sat next to me.
"Wh- why?"
"I couldn't leave you." He loses contact with my eyes, dropping his head to look at his hands.
"Well, you could have slept somewhere comfortable." You tried to get up to sit next to him. "Like the couch or something."
There was silence, he didn't say anything. The silence flooded the room with empathy, you touched his shoulder. "Is this about yesterday?" He turned his head around to see you with a hopeful smile, he grinned to see you smile. "It's okay if it is and you don't want to talk about it."
"It's not that I don't want to talk about it." he let out a breath of frustration, "I don't know why I feel like this when I'm with you." His tears were on the rim of his eyes almost falling off, "I put you in pain, and this isn't even sad pain, this is physical pain. I don't know why. It's just confusing, I see you and I'm filled with an overwhelming feeling."
I grabbed his chin, "It's okay." He hugged my waist. "We could work around this, maybe it's for the best we don't talk to each other anymore?"
"No. I think it'll be worse." He pulled away.
"Okay, let's just figure this out together then." I grabbed his hand, I forced my body to face his. "Who is that woman?" I asked. This burning sensation filled my body, This attraction was getting worse. I'm feeling every one of his emotions and it's controlling me.
"Her name was Peggy... She was the love of my life, when I fell into the ice she was my last thought." This lady better be worth it, seriously she's putting Steve and me in a whole lot of shit. "I loved her, she was strong, fierce, brave. I was supposed to go dancing with her but I sacrificed myself for New york." He smiled, "I found her, she's in a retirement home for seniors. I should be in there with her. I should have grown old with her, I should have been there for her in life."
"Steve, I'm sorry." You rubbed his shoulder
"It's alright you wouldn't have known." Steve sat in grief but I could feel the pain in my abdomen.
"Alright, now ask me a question." I said filling in the silence as I rubbed the side of my stomach, "Please hurry." I said under my breathe.
"Why do you feel my pain? why are you like this? Is this another one of your powers?" He asked as he realized he was putting me in pain.
"No, it can't be. You make me feel like this, you're controlling me." I smiled to cover up the pain.
"How is that even possible?" He frowned his eyebrows.
"Do you think I know?" I let out a loud breath of pain, it was like giving birth. "What are you thinking about that made you like this right now." I yelled at him.
"I was thinking of her" He stood in no distress.
"Not to be a buzzkill or anything. But I'm in A LOT of pain, so could you jus-" I yelled in pain. "STOP!" He rushed to me.
"What do I do?" He tried to pull me up. My eyes turned blue trying to take over the pain, but my body rejected it. Both my eyes were blue and brown.
"Clear- AHH" I groaned in pain, "CLEAR YOUR FUCKING MIND!" I cursed at him, he grabs me by the hair. His lips smash against mine allowing all of my nerves to calm down, his body was on top of mine.
My hands wander around his hair, I tried to pull away but it was too hard not to. I was attached to his body, the kiss pushed into a passionate make out. Our heavy breathing filled in the silence, my body felt controlled by his. I pushed his body closer to mine, his knee was next to my crotch.
I forced him to lay on the bed, I sat on his chest regaining all strength of my body. I began to kiss his neck the only thing I could hear was his loud breathing.
There was a knock on the door, I pull away from steve "hey (y/ln), I don't know if you remembered but there was a meeting today. Everybody has been looking for you and Steve, by the way, do you Know where steve is?" A woman's voice spoke from the other side of the door.
"Shit, Shit, Shit." I quickly got up from my bed, "Get up!" Steve stood in the bed.
"Do you want me to leave?" He slowly got up, he sat up but knocked down my phone from under the sheets causing a loud thump.
"What are you insan-" The woman's voice cut over her.
"Hey (y/n), Is everything alright?"
"You can't go out, whoever is on the other side of that door would think something bad happened." I looked over at Steve who looked confused.
"What do you mean something bad happened?" I looked at him, It was like having THE TALK from your parents.
"Really." I gave him a look, he just shrugged his shoulders. I simulated a demonstration with my hand, "You see it's when a man and woman are deeply in love, so the man put his penis in the woman's va-" my finger poked my finger through the circle.
"Alright, I get it!" He looked disturbed.
"I'm coming in." The woman said trying to break the door.
"NO! I'm coming!" I rushed to the door, I swayed my hands to signal steve to hide.
I opened the door, "HI!" I said with the biggest smile but slowly faded when Natasha was the woman's voice.
"Hey, is everything okay? I heard you talking to someone." She tried to look inside.
"It's the voices." I twisted my fingers, "By any chance, what time is it?" I asked her.
"1:30" she said as she looked at her watch.
"I overslept!" I rolled my eyes, "I'm so sorry, my powers have been controlling me lately, they've been draining me out. blah blah blah." I smiled.
"Okay, well I'll see you over there." I slammed the door in her face, I sighed.
I walked to Steve before he could open his mouth I shushed him. "Don't say a word. I am going to change, don't look!" I whispered
He nodded, I grabbed a spare suit. I began to take off my clothes in front of steve. I looked at him as a warning, "don't even think about it."
I finished changing, "You could open your eye's now."
He opened his eyes and quickly got up. "here's the plan, If anybody asked. Just say we watched movies and you passed out on the couch, got it."
"Got it."
"Okay let's go, Remember you just crashed at my place. THAT'S IT." I pointed to him as we walked out the door.
We arrived to see Everybody waiting for you and Steve. Bruce banner looked at you, "Hi, nice to meet you." He waved. I gave him a nice smile as I walked to tony and gave him a kiss.
"Okay since now that you're here we can get started." Fury said looking at you and Steve.
"We have good and bad news." Tony frowned, he looked down at you giving you a tight squeeze.
"What?" You said confused everyone knows except you and Steve.
"Agent Barton is working with Loki. Loki, he's taken advantage of him. "
"What? How? Where is he?"I was in a rage.
I'm sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger💀😙. But I upload everyday sooo. Hehe. But I have to go to practice.
-(edited) I just realized how a fucking cringe I was, it just doesn't sit right with me. Like tf is that, at this point, this book/story is just really bad. I'm really trying to fix everything but it just... it's really bad. I am so sorry for everybody who read this before I edited it.
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