Suwperrrrr clweannnn
~Coran's POV~
I was getting the bath ready because I thought Hunk might almost be done with the young ones. I turned the handle so that warm water could start flowing into the bath. I put some bubbles in the bath and some old but still in good shape toys that Allura found, in the tube so they could play with them in the bath.
When I was finished as if on cue Hunk walk in with Lance and Keith .
"They stink, like bad, fix it."
He seemed to be swaying a bit as he left leaving Lance and Keith on the floor, I think he needs some rest.
Lance and Keith both jump up at the same time and ran towards the bathtub. I picked them up carefully to change them so I could put them in the bath. When they were changed I place them on the floor near the tub.
Lance was trying to grab a toy while Keith was trying to find a way up there. I was about to pick them up and put them in the tube when they started to speak.
"Nowa! Wa havfet ou worky togethar!"
(This ones a little hard to read so it says: No! We have to work together!)
Keith nods his head in agreement and stopped trying to claw the tube. They started looking around the room for any item that would help in their case. They seem to have found the towels Allura layed out for them. They folded them as best they could and place them on the ground. After they hopping on the towels to get a little height. It was funny seeing them try to reach but their smell was getting worse by the minute so I picked them up and put them in the tube.
Lance seemed scared ,but I made sure that the water wasn't too high so they could touch the ground and not drown. But lance didn't seem conceived that there was a floor beneath him. He started crying and seemed like he wanted to scream for help but if someone heard him he would be done for.
Keith came over and shook lance a little too violently, but that seem to do the trick. Lance slowly realized he was standing in the water and it wasn't too deep, like deep enough to drown in. So after that he seem to relax, he start enjoy the bath, playing with Keith and the other toys I put in the tube.
I soaped them and rinsed them so that the smell would finally faded. They seemed cleaned enough so I grab a towel and took them out of the tube to dry them.
"There, all clean."
"Suwperrrrr clweannnn!"
After he said that baby keith yawned.
"Suwperrr sweeepy-..."
Lance was dozing off mid sentence and it was cute. I'm guessing they were tired so I picked them up and brought them to the nursery room so I could get shiro.
When I found him I told him where the nursery was and how I put them in there. He nodded and headed down to the nursery.
I have a weird feeling that I shouldn't have left two babies alone...
"Welp What's done is done."
I shrugged to myself and walked towards my room.
A/N: When I posted the last chapter I started this one and a few days ago I finished it and today I attempted to edit it so yeah sorry about that I'll try to make the next one a bit sooner...
Thanks for reading and voting on my story it helps me want to keep going even tho this book sucks.
(550 words)(not including the a/n note)
(Edited to the best of my ability find any mistake please kindly tell me)
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