"I'ma nowt sleeply!"
~Shiro's POV~
After Coran told me about the babies, I made my way to the nursery...
I don't think it was a good idea to leave 2 babies alone but, what's done is it done.
I walked towards the room and heard whining coming from behind the door.
I open the door and it revealed two crying babies clearly upset.
I pick them both up and start walking around the room so they'd stop whining. After the babies calmed down they started to yawn.
Did that baby just speak perfectly?
"I mean-" Keith coughs. "Go go ga ga"
(I'm so sorry I had to)
"I'ma nowt sleeply!"
"Me neither-"
Lance let out a yawn. I slowly chuckle to myself. What could possibly make them fall asleep? Maybe if a hum a tune?
(Nah just kidding)
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray"
I looked down to see they had fallen asleep despite saying other wise. I set them down in the crib that Allura had given and walk towards the door
"Good Night"
I headed down the halls to see the whole team that weren't babies all in the "living room".
They were questioning Hunk of his knowledge of Lances family which he usual responded with-
"You've said "mAyBe" for the THOUSANDTH TIME"
"Pidge calm down getting angry wont solve anything but I'm not gonna lie this is kinda frustrating"
The whole room perked up from the noise. I told them I would go look at what happened.
I walked into the room Lance and Keith were in to check if they were okay.
I see Lance on the floor surrounded in toys and next to an empty toy bin.
I see where the sound came from now.
Keith was still asleep in the crib, some how he wasn't woken up.
(That's the power of my love for Keith and him needing his beauty sleep)
Lance look up to me and said.
"I twold yu I wasn't tiwred"
He stuck out a tounge at me.
I gave him a stern look telling him I wasn't happy or what the team likes to call it "Shiros disappointed look/Shiros look of shame".
Lance seemed to pick up on the look and he's eyes widened.
"I'm sworry I'm sowrry just pwease don't hit me"
He was full on crying now and it seems like he wouldn't stop anytime soon.
"Hey hey Lance it's okay I'm not gonna hurt you".
I walk towards him trying to comfort.
"I-I won't do it again, I-I'll be a gwood boy, I-I'll get you the d-drwinks you want the m-money from mamas purse j-just pewase don't hurt me".
Lance started clinging onto me getting my shirt covered in snot. That didn't matter, all that mattered was Lance right now.
~Third Person POV~
Lance after a few minutes of crying was too tired out and fell asleep. Shiro cleaned him up a bit and put him back to bed where Keith was still sound asleep.
(Yes! Keith gonna be refreshed by the morning)
He left the room and returned to the rest of the team.
They all gave him a look that said "well?"
"Guys I think Lance's father abused him."
AHH IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING. Thank you all for the likes, comments, votes and it really motivates me to continue!!!
(562 words)(not including the a/n note)
(Edited to the best of my ability find any mistake please kindly tell me)
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