Chapter 9
Heyo I'm back! Why did I say I would publish a lot then not publish? Because I spent like 4 days in a row 100% in little space! eyyyyy. Welp here he have a chapter.
TW: Frustrated baby Roman
Logan looked up from his computer feeling a tap on his leg. He found Roman standing in front of him carrying "The Little Engine that Could" in his arms "Hello Roman. What do you have there?"
"Can you read to me please?" Roman asked. Logan gave a small smile and moved over so Roman could sit next to him in the chair. He picked Roman up and placed him down opening the book
"How about you help me read this. Won't that be fun?" Roman shook his head
"No. I don't want to read"
"Oh come on Roman. I'll help you out. I'll read one page and you read the next one ok?" Roman thought for a second before sighing and giving in. "Alright... 'Chug chug chug. Puff puff puff. The little train ran along the tracks. He was a happy little train.' ok Roman your turn"
"'His. Cars. W. er. Were full. Of good. Th... ing... s. Things for Boys and Girls.'" Roman struggled through the story "'Th... er.. There w... er.. There were all.. Kinds. Of toy... a... a..' I can't do it. You read it. " Roman pouted
"Ok Roman lets try to sound it out." Logan replied calmly
"NO! I can't do it!" Roman shouted
"Ok Roman lets calm down. Lets try to go letter by letter. Whats the first letter?"
"A-N-I-M-A-L-S. Now can you read" Roman replied looking down at the book
Logan smiled at Roman saying "Good job. Now lets put the letters together to make the word."
"No! I can't do it! It's not a word it's just letters!" Roman whined trying to wiggle out of the chair, but Logan pulled him back up.
"I know Roman but thats all words are. Just letters" Logan said trying to calm Roman down
"No they're not! Words are words. This is just letters!" Roman tried to explain "They aren't words they are just black blocks! You read it" Logan took a second to think about what Roman said
"Hey Roman what does this word look like to you?" Logan pointed to the word 'with'. Roman looked down at it and frowned
"It's just letters."
"Ok now what are those letters?" Logan asked patiently
"W. I. T. H" Roman slowly said
"Ok now let put the letters together. Lets put the W and the I together. What do you have?"
"You don't have anything! It's just letters. They don't go together" Roman said tears now slipping out of his eyes. Logan turned and gently grabbed Roman by his shoulders
"Hey there Roman it's ok. It's ok I promise. I just wanted to see how you saw the words ok. Your not in trouble or anything." Logan said softly. Roman started crying harder and put his face into Logans chest. Logan held Roman and rubbed his back before Romans tears quieted "Are you ok now?" Roman nodded "Lets finish this book then. I'll read"
*Time skip brought to you by the fact this totally wasn't based off of something that happened to me when I was like 5 or 6. I totally never cried because I couldn't read the word animal in "The little engine that could" PFFF What do you MEAN*
Logan walked into the kitchen seeing Janus chopping peppers. "Hey there my little nerd. How are you?"
"I'm fine. Me and Roman read a book today. He seemed to like it."
"Thats good he usually hates reading"
"Well I tried to get him to read some but he was having a lot of trouble and was getting really frustrated so I just ended up reading to him"
"That sounds fun. Now are you going to help me with dinner or what?"
"What" Logan said with a smirk before standing up and helping Janus prepare the chicken. The two finished up making dinner before putting it on the table and calling Remus and Roman down to the table. The two came down with Remus flying Roman around before putting him in his chair.
"Thank you Janus and dad for the food" Roman said before taking a big bite. Logan stoped mid bite fork hanging in the air. Janus and Remus looked at Logan trying to suppress their laughter at his reaction. Logan cleared his through lowering his fork "No problem Roman." Roman just smiled up at Logan and continued eating.
Logan picked up his fork and took a bite
"Dad" he thought "I like that"
Hellllloooooo! I hope you liked the FLUFF.
Also Roman is dyslexic and it's based off of my dyslexia. Reminder to everyone dyslexia is not always moving letters/words, mixing up letter, or hating reading. I tried to explain my dyslexia here and how for me words are actually just letters and they don't combine to make words. sure I still mix up my B's and D's and also. P, q, 9, b, and d are all the same thing(The 9 is only in hand writing or a font without the rounded bottom for the 9). How do y'all tell the difference. I also love reading and have over come a lot of my dyslexia. My spell check still hates me and will actually just *Disappear* for a few days before coming back and being like "B*tch there are SO many spelling mistakes here. What the... WTF is that word. I don't know" and it has been happening for so long and it's VERY funny.
IDK Don't die or something
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