Chapter 7
Heyooo!!!(Is that just how I start chapters now??) Guess who only has 3 days left of school!! THIS DEMON IN A FLESH SUIT!!! EYYYYY! And I finally finished all my test, turned in all my essays, and finished all but ONE of my projects! I AM DONE BITCHES!!!! PEACE OUT I NEVER WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL AGAIN FUCK EVERYONE THERE! Welp have a chapter because of my celebration
Also in this story if you couldn't tell Emile is gender fluid(Like MEEEEEEEE) and when they are more masculine they go by Emile, more non binary they go by Emmi or Em, more feminine they go by Emily. Emile just had a really good name for me to do this for so I'm happy about that! Anygay have a story
TW: Being sick, cursing, non verbal episodes,
Logan groaned as he rolled over. His head was pounding and he felt like he got run over by a bus. Logan reached over to find Remus or Janus(Because they had all cuddled the night before and Logan fell asleep in their room... Again) only finding they weren't there. He let out a small whine and started to get up when he herd the door creak open. "Oh good your awake" Logan looked up to see Janus in the doorway with a cup of tea. Janus walked to the bed closing the door behind him, he sat down next to Logan handing him the mug.
"How you feeling?"
"I can tell." Janus put his hand against Logans forehead and frowned "Well your definitely sick"
"No shit sherlock"
"Excuse me but you are Sherlock. You have a cosplay and everything"
"I though you said you would NEVER mention that again!"
"HAHAHA you though wrong."
Logan tried to sit up but Janus pushed him back down to the pillows
"Nu uh. Your sick and taking the day off"
"But someone needs to take care of Roman and you and Remus have work today."
"I can call in and say I need to stay home today"
"No you can't. You have already used up almost all your vacation days from when Roman first moved here and so did Remus."
"Fine. We can call our favorite M n' M's. I'm sure they'd love to take care of Roman."
"I'm sorry who?"
"Rem and Em's. It sounds like M n' M's" Janus made the 'You know' gesture with his hands and Logan just gave Janus a confused look. "Remy and Em. I mean Remy and Em"
"Oh that makes sense. Are you sure they'd be ok to watch Roman. I am fine to watch over him myse-"
"Nope you are going to take care of yourself and RELAX today."
Logan sighed and gave janus his best death glare "Fine" he mumbled. Janus smiled at his partner and stood up. "Great. I'll call them now. You finish that tea and get some sleep ok Logie"
"MY NAME IS LO-" Janus slammed the door shut cutting off Logan. He walked to the kitchen after looking down the hall to make sure Remus was getting Roman ready and pulled out his phone calling Em.
"Hey Janus! Do you how do? oh and Emily and she/her today!"
"Hey Emily. I'm really sorry to ask this on such a short notice but can you and Rem take care of Roman today. Logans sick and me and Remus have to work."
"Oh my stars! Yes we would love too! Do you just wan to drop him off at our house on your way to work?"
Janus thought for a second "I don't really think that would work out too well. Ro's been having a really had week and I don't think him being in the car would be the best right now. I'm so sorry."
Roman had been having a really bad week. He had gone almost completely non verbal even around Patton and Virgil(Not that Janus knew that) and had been too scared to even go near the car.
"Oh thats no problem. We'd be happy to come up to your house, that way we can also make sure Logan is actually resting. Knowing him he's probably try to be up and about the second you left the house." Janus instantly perked up as Emily's happy attitude.
"Yah that be great! Thank you so much Emily!"
"No problem Jan. Me an Remy can be there in like half an hour will that be ok?"
"Thats perfect! I don't know what I'd do without you guys" Janus chuckled
"I don't know either" Emily quickly said good bye and hung up the phone
*Time skip because I'm lazy*
Janus was with Roman and Remus on the flood playing with Roman's dolls when he heard a nock on the door. He quickly stood up with Remus brushing himself off before opening the door finding Emily and Remy outside.
"Emily, Remy! Thank you again for doing this. Roman is in the living room and Logan is in his room. Ro's nonverbal right now so just be patient and Logan is going to be a pain about not working but I swear he's just going to get more sick if he keeps working and you can call me or Remus if ANYTHING happens and-"
"JANUS! Calm down babe we know what to do. We raised Thomas pretty OK didn't we?"
"Yes you did. Jan's just worried but we 100% trust y'all" Remus said Putting his arm around Janus "But now we need to head to work if we want to be on time."
"Ancient Greek. Sorry we have to leave so suddenly. Thanks for the last time now. Call if you need us BYE" Janus shouted as Remus basically dragged him out the door Emily and Remy laughed at their friend.
"Ok I'll go check on Logan before joining you and Ro in the living room. M'kay babe" Remy said sipping on his Starbucks
"Perfect. Make sure our favorite workaholic gets some sleep" Emily said kissing Remy on the cheek before walking to the living room. She walked in seeing Roman sitting on the floor playing with his dolls. Emily sat down next to Roman startling him slightly "Hey there Roman! Do you remember me? Last time I saw you I said my name was Emmi and I used he/they pronouns, but today it's Emily and I use she/her." Roman just gave her a blank look as he clutched his doll close to his chest "Does that confuse you Ro?" Roman gave a small nod "Ok well I'm something called gender fluid. It means sometimes I'm a girl, like today, and sometimes I'm a boy. Other times I'm not either and sometimes I'm both. Does that make sense?" Roman nodded before a small smile spread across his face.
Roman suddenly stood up and ran over to the small pile of toys in the corner of the living room. He dug through his toys before pulling out a Captain America figure. He ran over and handed it to Emily and pointed at her. Emily gave Roman a confused look "What do you mean buddy?" Roman pointed at the Captain America toy and back at Emily. When she still didn't get it Roman put his arms out in front of him and ran around like he was flying. Emily thought for a second before it suddenly hit her
"Super powers!" Roman nodded happily "Are you saying that me being gender fluid is my super power?" Roman nodded and bounced up and down. Emily wiped the tears that started forming in her eyes. She hadn't been expecting Roman to be so excited about it and his reaction just struck pure joy in her heart.
Roman paused and tensed up thinking he had done something wrong when he saw Emily crying and gave her a confused look. "Oh no sweetie you didn't do anything wrong. These are happy tears I promise." She said after noticing Romans expression. Roman relaxed slightly but was still on edge. Emily noticed and looked down at the Captain America figure in her hand before coming up with an idea.
"If I'm a super hero then your my side kick!" She shouted. Roman smiled and nodded. He lifted his arms and made small grabby hands. Emily giggled before asking "Do you want me to fly you around?" Roman nodded happily and Emily grabbed Roman by his midsection, picking him up and running around the room. Roman giggled happily and made a few 'Whooshing' sounds as Emily flew him around. Remy soon joined them down stairs and they played a game a Super Heros with Emily and Roman as the heros and Remy as the villain.
*Time skip because I'm still lazy*
Remy and Emily had left after eating dinner with everyone after Janus and Remus had gotten home. Logan had joined them and now Janus, Logan, Remus, and Roman were all in the living room watching Steven Universe. Roman was humming to the theme while Remus was just full out screeching the lyrics. Logan soon fell asleep on Remus's shoulder and Roman started nodding off.
"Alright sleepy heads it's time for bed" Janus said standing up and turning off the TV. Roman whined and gestured to Janus to pick him up. Janus picked Roman up and Remus picked up Logan bridal style trying not to wake him up. The 2 boys carried them to everyones respective bed rooms.
Janus placed Roman down in his bed tucking him in and kissing him goodnight. "Good night Roman. I love you kid" Roman just gave Janus a small smile before Janus closed turned off the lights and closed the door. Just as the door closed Virgil appeared on Romans bed.
"Sup' Princey" he asked. Roman just shrugged sleepily. "Still nonverbal." Roman didn't respond because he didn't know what nonverbal meant. "Oh umm. Nonverbal means no talking like you are right now." Virgil explained to the 5 year old. Roman nodded now understanding.
Virgil continued to have a sort of conversation with Roman mainly consisting of his talking at Roman and Roman reacting to whatever he said. Before he knew it Roman could barley keep his eye's open. Virgil chuckled at Roman. "Ok Ro time for bed. Go to sleep idiot." Roman laughed and pulled the covers up before quickly falling asleep.
Hey I hoped Y'all liked it! And yah I know literally everyone was OOC but WHATEVER THIS IS MY STORY AND THATS JUST HOW IT ISSSSS.
Also Roman saying Em has super powers because they're gender fluid is based of oh when I was baby sitting this 4 year old and her little brother and I explained how I was gender fluid to them. I swear I was so happy and I almost started crying
IDK don't die or something.
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