𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡 𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨 ━━ 𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯
▬▬▬ ethereal heights, reconciliation of the honored ones
YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS CAME BACK RUSHING TO YOUR SENSES. There was a mild white noise in your head and gave yourself a moment to shed it from your brain.
"Fucking shit . . ." you muttered as you winced, feeling the strain and tension on the muscles of your neck.
Hangover again?
Slowly, you were having recollections of what happened before you passed out . . . Passed out? More like someone knocked you down. If you could tell it correctly, it was the sorcerer with an almond cookie palette.
"Damn, someone doesn't know how to be gentle," you groaned, attempting to massage your stiff neck.
But you were taken aback when you found out that you couldn't move your body.
You jolted, surprised, and awakened your half-conscious self. Roaming your eyes to your situation, it dawned on you that you were tied by a thick rope. Each of your ankles was bound, your hands from behind, as well as to your neck.
"Heh . . ?" It somehow amused you, instead of getting scared.
"Good morning." You heard a man's voice. "Fully awake?"
You traveled your sight in front. There came a man with white locks contrasting his dark violet attire. And oh, of course, you wouldn't ignore his . . . Blindfold.
A sly smile formed your lips, painting a faint sadistic expression. "Ne, tell me, is this some sort of kink?"
The man almost burst on laughing, only noticing the atmosphere in this chamber: you being tied, him blindfolded, the lamps being dimly lit, as well to the countless talismans stuck on the walls.
"I'm not going to deny that I'm into this kind of kink as well–" you kept the humor, either way– "but I actually prefer to top, y'know what I mean?"
"Hahaha!" He couldn't contain his laughter, he even regarded you as an amusing curse. "You're a funny woman, and I'm sorry to disappoint you, we're not here for that kind of kink, but to talk about your execution."
Your smile vanished. "You're such a letdown," and you pouted. "Execution on what grounds?"
"Oh~" he sing-songed, "for someone who's about to be executed, you're not being bothered by it."
"Meh. I'm not new to execution, so." You forcefully lifted a corner of your lips, but your eyes lack enthusiasm. "You don't have something more interesting than that? I'm really getting uncomfortable here, y'know? Look, look, look, oh?"
He only chuckled, "I can't do that, especially, I can't figure out if you're a human or cursed spirit or vengeful cursed spirit."
You angled your head to catch a glimpse of yourself, but you couldn't see your skin. You had lived all your life blended amongst the mortals, thus you mastered a sealing jutsu that suppressed your powers and make your marks disappear. Relying on your memories, half part of your clothes were ruined, but now, you were wearing a caramel-colored suit.
But you were sure that your marks were on.
"Uh, well, I'm sort of I am, but actually not," you answered as a half-joke. "So it's safe to conclude that I'm exempted from the execution."
"Nope~ I actually lied about the execution~! There's no execution imposed on you." You noticed that whenever he spoke, he was emphasizing the ending syllables with a playful tune. "We decided to keep your identity from the higher-ups, because we know that they would regard you as a threat, and we don't need another assassination attempt. And for someone who holds a powerful prowess, you'd get knocked down easily, thus spoke Nanami~!"
Oh, must be the one who has an almond cookie palette.
"Yeah, and you're actually not here just to talk about my execution, aren't you? You already know too well that I don't die easily, only getting knocked out."
You became serious now. Playtime was over. And you were not born yesterday, you had learned all the ways and thoughts of the living things: be it humans, mediums, or curses. And the intentions of this man in front of you weren't new.
"As expected," he only grinned as he supported your prediction, "you are smarter than you look. Oh, by the way, we haven't introduced ourselves yet. I'm Gojo Satoru."
Yeah, introduction while in this kind of situation.
"You're actually an asshole," you said exasperatingly. "But I'm Murphy Ryusei."
It was just a made-up name. For centuries, you had lived with different names, different personas, different personalities, and of course, this was an important requirement for your migration to Japan.
"Yes, yes, I know~!" Gojo Satoru chimed, then grabbed something from his behind. It was your purse, where your identification cards at. "I wonder if that's your real name, Murphy-san?"
"What do you mean?"
Am I being caught?
"Your false identity is caught."
"Che," you sighed.
"We found out that you've moved to Japan just a week ago, and you came from the country of the Philippines with a fake identity as well. 'Estella Araullo', I remember. And according to the Law, that's forgery and fraud."
You rolled your eyes. "Does investigation a person without a warrant is a part of your jujutsu sorcerer work? You're out of your jurisdiction, Gojo-san. If the Law is what we're talking here, then you also have violated it."
He only smiled, and though you couldn't see his eyes, you knew amusement had stricken upon his face. "But weighing your crime compared to mine, yours are a grave criminal offense."
Silence caught you. He won this argument, period.
"Well, since you have stalked me, might as well confess that I have been stealing in different establishments, blackmailing, having illegal possessions of firearms, swindling money, and retaliating to civilians resulting in violence." You smiled mischievously. "So, tell me, what kind of death penalty should I get?" Clearly, you were unprovoked. "And cut the bullshits, will you? What do you want from me?"
"You're looking for a job, aren't you, Ryusei?" he asked cheerfully. "I can give you one!"
"What kind?" you replied wearily. Given the tone of his voice, there was a hidden scheme.
"Teaching job! Here in Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College!"
So I'm here in the Jujutsu institution . . ?
"Mendokuseeeeee," you whined tonelessly. "And if I don't?"
"Then I'll resort to blackmailing as well!"
"You? Blackmailing me? What kind?"
He was just talking casually to you as if he was forgetting that you were still in restraints.
You could just free yourself from it if you wanted to, but you were still waiting for the right time when he lowered his guard.
"I'm just acting based on speculations, but the fact that you're hiding your real identity and left your home country, then, there must be something big behind it. And if manipulated the media by then, you, an international criminal, it will be bad news for you."
You only shrugged your shoulder. "Surely, it won't do me a favor, but can't you come up with a better threat?" Then you snickered. "What's this? A child play?"
It was his turn to be silenced. He even realized that your status—either being a wanted criminal or normal civilian—didn't have significance to you.
"Hmm?" you hummed mockingly. "Am I seeing a 'why' question? Let the whole world know that I'm a wanted criminal? Okay, sure, tell the media, but don't expect me giving a fuck. You must know by now what kind of creature I am, Gojo Satoru . . . I'm no new to murder. A life of one or two or three or even a hundred people doesn't really matter to me," you paused just to show him your evilly crooked smile. "And think of it that I'm doing the sorcerer's community a favor."
Gojo Satoru never liked the sounds of your words. He became slightly disappointed in him; he thought that he had completely wrapped you in his finger, but it turned out that the situation had backfired.
"No need to thank me, y'know," you smiled full of pretense, insincerity, and fatuousness, just like how wicked you had always been.
His features got darkened, clenching his fists tight and letting out ominous energy that created artificial wind in a closed room. Hearing your words it was as if a memory of the past was opening.
And as for you, seeing how the tables had turned, it made you sadistically triumphant, eager to provoke the white-haired sorcerer more.
"Oh?" you cooed, even making your simpering grin more diabolic, spitting out a venomous threat. "You mad? Why? Don't you know that most of the sorcerers are dying of pointless death because of those useless humans?"
While he bathed in silence, you took pleasure to share your point-of-view. "Have you ever thought that you're in the wrong job, Gojo Satoru-san? Those civilians you swore to protect are actually the evilest of all. A demon knows by nature how evil they are, but humans?–" you tilted your head and showed your disgust towards humanity– "they're awfully conscious, but do the evil thing, anyway. It took the universe 14 billion years to create humans just to think that they are the supreme beings created, but in all actuality, they're still the monkeys that failed to evolve correctly."
You were right, utterly right, he knew that. He once had that kind of philosophy, too. Not only him, but as well as to the most precious friend he failed to save. And with his very own dear hands, he ended his life—Geto Suguru. That was the trigger for Gojo in becoming a teacher: to look for potential talents in sorcery and train them, so that he could at least be a help to make this society peaceful.
You and Geto Suguru were sharing the same philosophy, and it contrasted his idealogy.
"Heey~! Tell me, I'm correct, yeah? Curse users don't create cursed spirits, for they know how to control their cursed energy." You continued teasing him, having a child-like voice with fluttery eyes. "And don't you question yourself that these non-curse users who toy with the lives of you sorcerers? Spawning variety of curses because of their ignorance and lack of cursed energy control."
And after a long, contemplative moment, Gojo Satoru finally gave answers for your qualms.
"Yes, you're right," he replied silently, but deathly. "That's why, according to the Ninth Article of the Sorcery Regulations, I, Gojo Satoru, will brand you as a curse user, and your crimes shall be punishable by death."
You inhaled, sighing heavily.
Here it goes again . . . Death.
"Really? Say, if I did those crimes, do you even have evidence? And a death penalty based on unproven testimonies? For a crime of being born having creeds that differ the majority of humanity?" you taunted. You never ran out provocations; manipulating and machiavellianism were your specialties. "You're no different from murderers, Gojo Satoru-san."
You did hold your words not, yet your words did summon an unforgiving beast. The last thread of his patience got snapped, no longer could withstand your impetuous preaching, for you made him remember a memory he always yearned to forget.
With just one gesture of his hand, he made convergent energy at his own will, directly aiming for your head and neck.
His immense power didn't betray him, leaving your head twisted and hideously deformed.
The audacity you had! How insolent of you to insult him. He who altered the balance of the Jujutsu world, stripping all of the curse users their freedom. He is the invincible Gojo Satoru, the alone who was the honored one throughout the Heavens and earth.
You were a threat to society, thus he felt no remorse in killing you.
But death is just a normal, everyday routine for you—a state of condition.
Without Gojo's notice, you healed—more like to say time did reverse and your injured self returned to what it was, as if nothing happened to you.
"Interesting cursed technique you have," you spoke once returning to your perfect state, feeling the curse marks on your face burning. "But still not enough."
Having the ability to touch things that had matter, you would be able to control their time. The binds that had been on your grasps, you activated your curse energy, forwarding their given time, and turned them into dust. Even if you wanted to, you could return them into nothing.
And as simple as that, you freed yourself.
"How resilient," he grimly confronted you, "just like a cockroach you are."
You survived his attack, and he wondered why. Anyone should be dead right now.
You smiled, looking at him with bloodshot eyes. "It means that you're just too weak."
There was no denying that this room was full of malevolent intent, one was willing to kill one another.
Blaspheming a person with a god complex was a grave sin. And killing an immortal cursed person would only bring the worst.
You attacked first as you amplified your fist with immense cursed energy, jumping towards him at a pace no human could perceive.
But not with the holder of Six Eyes.
You were about to jamb your fist to his face when it halted on mid-air. With his Limitless switched on, he was untouchable.
You frowned at the sight of it, sensing the kind of mastery towards his technique.
As you were able to conclude in split seconds, looking closely, your attack wasn't stopped in mid-air like you usually did, it was just the faster you were, the slower you became in the space he absolutely controlled.
Yes, yes . . . This is it. You chanted in the mind, gaining a brand-new interest in him.
Since he had introduced himself to you, it would rude not to greet back.
"Relativity, huh?" you smirked with tiny cackles. "You can manipulate space, I see . . . But I hold time on my very own hands, Satoru."
After uttering those words, your cursed energy still in motion, your hand made through to the area of the Limitless and broke all of his defenses.
Him, being taken aback, your hand made contact with his skin, directly grabbing his neck. With your whole might, you took him down the floor with your cosmic energy.
As he landed to a certain point, it created a destructive impact with a large number of tremors and damages.
You stood up properly with a loud grunt, brushing the dust on your hands. Well, you broke his neck as well.
"A neck for a neck, asshole. I'll charge you for my head at a later date"
If he was strong enough, he could heal himself. But if he wasn't . . . Congratulations! You have just committed a murder.
And yeah, you should give a fuck by now. You should also escape.
You looked for the door of the isolated chamber and exited.
To your surprise, there was a man waiting outside.
You stood in stunned silence after sensing his overwhelming aura, a dreadful feeling looming over you.
He stood beside the doorframe, his toned collarbones were peeking through his unbuttoned shirt with his loosened tie.
Oh, what's his name again?
The one with an almond cookie palette.
Na . . . Something with 'Na' . . .
Right! Nanami!
From your perspective, Nanami was a reserved kind of man, appearing so calm and indifferent that he comes off as stoic and aloof, and having the ability to make the air around him very unapproachable. Without even talking to him, you were quick to notice that he was avid to express his irritation. In conclusion, his demeanor was rather forbidding.
However, you were obligated to somehow talk to him.
"I remember you," you prompted with a cheerful tune, feigning a casual smile. "You're the one who hit me in the nape and knocked me down . . . For an unknown reason."
He didn't react or such, only giving you scrutinized side-long stares.
"Uhm–" your gazes shifted on the suit you were wearing, noticing that it had the same color as his slacks– "this is your suit, right? I'm sorry, but I have to borrow it for a while. If you don't mind."
Finally, he sighed, after you forced him to talk.
"I don't mind," he said, standing up straight in the process.
When you noticed that he was about to make his way to the isolation chamber, you blocked him.
"Oh, just so you know, the man who's on guard fell asleep on me." You did try your best to make your voice convincing, acting innocent as if you didn't commit attempted murder. "So, the reason I'm escaping is that he's not doing his job well." Then you saluted to him as a form of goodbye. "Well, then . . . Off I go!"
As if on that cue, you ran in the hallway, leaving away from him.
On the other hand, Nanami, for the second time, just sighed. If you managed to take down the strongest sorcerer alive, then confronting you to another fight was no good for him.
He entered the chambers, only finding that Gojo was all beat up. And it was a rare sight; for someone who was an epitome of confidence and pride, for the first time, he was being humbled.
Nanami should show some sympathy for him, but remembering that he didn't have an ounce of respect for Gojo, he took out his phone and started capturing photos.
He could show this to his close colleagues, even to the students, much better.
"Nanami," Gojo finally spoke in a hoarse and painful manner, "you took photos of me, didn't you?"
Nanami replied, "I did."
"At least try to deny it." Gojo vexedly sat down with a grunt, massaging his neck that the woman broke easily. Though he could do the Curse Reversal Technique, the pain was still there.
"So, what happened?" Nanami cued, leaning on the wall, and crossed his arms on his chest. "For an untouchable person, did you purposely let her hit you?"
"As if I did!" he snarled, scratching the back of his head. "I was sure I had the Infinity on, but she said that she holds time on her hand, and before I knew it, everything became black."
Out of amusement, Nanami found himself grinning. "What's that? She's stronger than you?"
Gojo contemplated answering him, because he didn't want to jump to a conclusion. Sure, she was right: either the Jujutsu association or the society was a den of the evil and sinful in the world. Just like what he described them: conservative fools, nepotic fools, arrogant fools, and simply idiotic fuckers. Resetting the shithole in the world of sorcery was his goal . . . And he noticed that you were like Geto Suguru, by means of philosophy, but you had no goals; you were empty and in need of redemption.
His goal was to raise clever and strong sorcerers, then they must need a clever and strong teacher. And you were fit for the goal.
That was the purpose why he had you in the isolation chamber: to negotiate with you. But his small foolery made things worst, not expecting it would turn out like this.
"Shit," Gojo only muttered under his breath, frustrated. "She's strong, all right?" He admitted. "But for now, she's untamable. And we need her to get on our side!"
"Why?" Nanami simply asked. "If she doesn't want to, why force her?"
"Let's assume she's someone who doesn't want to be seen, someone who remained invisible amongst the society, so she remains on the neutral side."
The honey-colored man raised a brow. "Someone who's like a judge, is it not?"
"Yes, yes, yes," Gojo replied while raising his pointer finger, consenting his point. "I have only met her now, but I have already discerned that she is a someone we don't want to make enemies with . . . That woman has no human compassion!"
"And if she became one?"
"Then it's big trouble." Gojo's features became dead and serious, remembering how you hid a demon in your heart. "She is somehow viewed humorous, overconfident individual . . . But you must know by now, Nanami, that she might have surpassed the demon itself."
A weight of silence shifted in the midst of them.
Nanami could tell as well, from the first moment he had seen her in that school. If she had surpassed a demon, she might be in the league of the gods. But she was a someone without human compassion . . . He only sighed. It wasn't the time to think about that woman—you.
For a while, he should be more concerned about Itadori's mental constitution.
Without uttering any words, Nanami composed himself, prepared to leave the chambers.
"Oi, Nanami!" Gojo called out. "You're going to help me convince her, yes?"
Before Nanami could go out, he took one step back just to show the white-haired manchild his thinning mouth turning into an actual frown.
"Scared of a certain woman?" Nanami scoffed, considering Gojo was kind of a womanizer. "Do it yourself."
"No!" Gojo hollered, by this time, he had completely recovered, standing up to chase after him. "Nanami~! Don't abandon me!"
NanaGo 7️⃣5️⃣ are so cute, aight??? 🥺
i just love their dynamics hahaha
but i don't really ship them, just platonically XDDD
i more shop Gojo to Utahime ~~ GoUta y'all 5️⃣🎵
and i only ship Nanami to me wahahah NanaNana ftw !! 7️⃣7️⃣
this all for now hahahaha this chapter still has a 'supposed to next scene', but it has reached 3.5k words, sooooo i will just do it in the next chap.
— h a n d t h e I r e n d —
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