You ever wonder why the earth spins? Why it's shape is even round at all? And no don't you go asking your science teacher for the answer, science isn't the case here. And I don't want anybody else's answers I want yours! I'm asking if you've ever wondered.
Ever thought beyond. Ever questioned just to question? Ever had a theory?
Well I have a theory, but it isn't completely thought out yet so I won't tell you. Shh! It's a secret so don't you go blabbing!
Lol I know you won't. You can't go blabbing about something you have yet to know. And yes I feel like king of the world, ok maybe not king of the world exactly. But I feel somewhat superior, I know something you don't.
If only you could see me now, I would stick my thong out at you and laugh. But then you'd probably call me immature and that would just hurt my feelings.
But cut me some slack, hellooo!!! Did you not read the summary?? I'm eight!! How else do you suppose I act, I'm not yet old enough to have been thought better.
I think kids have the right to be immature. And you grown ups have got no right to chastise us for being so.
Anyway! Back to the topic!! Yeesh how did I get so sidetracked. Am ashamed, you've discovered my weakness, am easily distracted!! But I trust you won't find a way to use it against me.
I bet I'm not the only one with this weakness though, I'm still young. kids are always easily distracted. I think it's just one of them kid things.
Like you grown ups have your own grown up things. I wonder what it's like to be like you, to be grown.
Ok! I promise I won't get distracted like before. What was it that I was talking about again?...
Ooo! Oooh I remember now. I was talking about thinking beyond.
So you never answered my question. And if you don't know I suppose it's ok. Nobody knows everything!!
Well maybe except the adults because their such smartypants like that. I bet they ate smarties on a daily basis. I guess I've been eating too much dum-dums lately. Because I'm not considered very smart.
It's ok if you've never wondered why the Earth spins or why it's even round at all. You've probably never had to wonder because your probably an adult reading this and you probably already know why.
There's no need to wonder if you already know. It's almost... pointless.
But I bet two candy bars your answer to my question is probably correct but also at the same time not. I don't want your answer to have anything to do with science. Like I said before, science isn't the case here. And this definitely isn't a science lab report. I don't even know how I'd write that.
I like to think beyond. Well... at first I didn't because whenever I explained my thoughts and speculations to someone they'd just look at me weirdly and walk away. Muttering some inaudible words as they did.
And when that happened my feelings felt as though they'd fallen in a big hole and they were having trouble getting out. They were hurt. And it did something weird to a certain area in my chest. It caused a strange emotion out
of me, it was almost... painful. It was a feeling I disliked.
I would then run home sopping and then my loving mama would hug me close and ask what was wrong. I'd then tell her what happened, and then she'd laugh and just say that I just had an unusually big imagination.
I'm not sure what imagination is. I think it's something everybody has, that much I can understand. I also understand that somehow, strangely mines is... different, unusual in a way. What I have trouble comprehending is why? Why did a part of me have to be different than other people?
But I think it's more than just a part of me. I think it was just me. My whole demeanor. I was the odd man out, I'm the one who doesn't belong.
But another thing I have trouble understanding is who exactly did belong.
Because I think society claims to accept diversity. But for some reason unknown when diversity came to them it was immediately judged, believed to be nothing good. They ignored it, they called it names. They casted it out.
I think I'm it. Am something different, someone out of the ordinary. And for some reason my abnormality is frowned upon.
It wasn't very clear to me, it just didn't make sense. Why claim to accept something when in reality you do the exact opposite?
Society itself was weird. People are weird period. But I think I'm weirder. Because if in their eyes I'm deemed different then that meant there was something off about me. Something that they didn't like. I bet it was because I was something more, I'm not just ordinary and nothing else.
I'm different. Perhaps they wanted to be different too. It was probably why I'm always cast out by them, because I am something they wish they could be.
But it wasn't everyone. My uncles and aunts didn't cast me out, my parents didn't either. When I was in their presence I didn't feel like what I was, an outcast, an intruder, an imposter trying to fit in. Trying to be like them, attempting to be normal.
I didn't have to hide because with them I wasn't judged or frowned upon. I could be myself. Be what I was, someone of difference. I wonder why that is. Why did they accept me but others not so much?
I guess they were just as weird as I, or perhaps even weirder.
I just realized that I never told you what I thought. No, don't you heave a deep sigh and roll your eyes, I know I've explained a lot about what I think. But please, bare with me.
I never said what I thought about what I had first started with, the science question that wasn't really a science question.
Do you remember now? I have confidence you do so if I may I will proceed.
I never caught what your answer was, but if theres a chance your still reading I'll tell you mine.
I think the Earth is round simply because it has to be. If it wasn't things just couldn't be. It'd never work.
Everything would be strange, out of line, disoriented, not in coordination. It wouldn't be reality. Or perhaps it could be a reality but it would be a reality unknown to us.
Our reality runs in a circle, its rounded. Ever wonder why sometimes in a bad day you feel as though your trapped? That your caged in even though you are not, that theres no where to run?
I think its simply because of the way our reality is. Our world is rounded. And our definition of normal is a circle. I think thats why on the bad days we feel as though were trapped, because in a way we are. In our world there are no corners to hide in, no dark spaces to run to.
Of course your science teacher may have an objection to this. If you ask she'll probably tell you the Earth is round because there is no such thing as a planet being cubed. There hasn't been a square plant discovered yet.
If there was that would be really cool though! But that isn't the matter of discussion at the moment!!
I've got another question for you, yes I know your probably tired of my questions already. But my questions are apart of me. I'm a person who wonders.
Ever wondered what it is that makes us human? And no I'm not speaking of the flesh and bone that makes us. Am thinking beyond. What does it mean to be a being. What is it in our heads that makes us, us.
And don't you dare try and give me a science answer, if you do I'll tell my mom on you!! Lol, I'm just kidding theres no need for panic. I would never do such a thing.
But seriously science has got nothing to do with this. Well in a way it does, but at the same time it doesn't, I want you to think beyond, further.
Carry your mind out of your head, I think skulls are useless. They act as cages. Ever wondered why you could never figure out that one math problem? Or why you could never think of an answer to what that one word meant even though it was at the tip of your thong? Ever wondered, ever questioned it?
Well I've wondered because wondering is what I do. And also because having words at the tip of my thong but always unable to be said is something that always happens to me. And this left me speculating, curious, and suspicious. What was it that was stealing my thoughts? What was it that had me at lost for words at times? Even though the words were right there in my very brain. So familiar and known, but never able to be spoken.
It a speculation that has existed in my mind for quite sometime. And I finally came up with an answer, well... more like an opinion. Because I think answers had to be proven facts before deemed an actual correct answer.
This was just me wondering.
But my wondering had lead to something. I don't think that its merely just a simple flaw placed at the base of our brains. I highly doubt anyones thoughts could be flawed.
I think whenever we lost our train of thought, or whenever we forgot something we were able to remember seconds before, we just couldn't because our thoughts were being trapped, stolen!!
And I have proof, the skulls are the culprit!!
Well... my proof is not necessarily solid. But I'll find a way to lock our skulls in jail. Once my "proof" becomes solid.
Justice will be served!!
Perhaps my skull was thin, soft, and everybody else's just wasn't. It was why I found it so easy to be able to think beyond, because my cage wasn't as locked as theirs were. My skull wasn't inevitable. I think how big your imagination is depends on how hard your skull really is. The harder your skull the more your thoughts are caged and unable to escape. The less your imagination.
It seems bizarre, I know. But if you escape that cage of yours and let your mind drift then it would make sense to you. And finally you'd be thinking beyond.
I'm not sure if my imagination will always be the way it is now.
Oh and incase if you were wondering I know what it means now, my teacher gave me a dictionary.
But my thoughts and words may not always be the same. I may not care why the Earth spins or why its even rounded at all once I'm an adult. Things change when as you grow, my questions and conspiracies may seem important to me now but once I'm a grown up I may find them silly. May even laugh at them. Somehow that saddens me.
The thought of myself in a different version laughing at my speculations hurts me. It's quite ironic really, myself hurt my own feelings.
I didn't want to be like them, yes I thought of how it may feel. But I feel I'd rather stay a kid than allow myself to grow.
Being grown was hard, you were weighted down by years of experience, years of living, you were weighted down by life.
I think it's why the adults always yell at is kids to grow up and mature. Because I think in a way, despite their freedom, despite being able to make their own decisions, strangely they wished they were us.
And they were envious of the fact that they weren't.
I bet it was the reason behind the fact that they were mean and moody most times. I think they've come to know too much.
Ever wondered why they were so smart? I have.
I think they have such a large vocabulary and they seem to know everything because they've memorized the meaning of every single word and it's spelling. I think we go to school because they wanted us to memorize the dictionary. If we didn't then we'd never become grown ups, because we'd never become smart. It would explain why my teacher had us learn a new word every single day.
I think she was trying to get us to know the dictionary so we could be grown.
But I think learning the whole entire dictionary was something that brought on so much knowledge. So much, that knowledge like that eventually became heavy to hold, like a 25 pound dumbbell. It weighted you down.
I think that was exactly what the grown ups were, weighted down. It was why they were always yelling and seemed to be in a mood. They couldn't be carefree no matter how much they desired to. Their knowledge prevented them from doing such a thing.
Now that I think I about it, the whole dictionary conspiracy seems the only answer that would make sense. It would explain why my mama was always moody once a month for at least a week.
I remember one day she told me she was going out to buy pads. I don't know what a pad is and I'm not sure why'd she'd need it. I never got the chance to ask, but whatever, must be one of them grown up things.
There was a lot of weird things grown ups did. Like they drank blood in special fancy glasses on special occasions at dinner. I confronted my mother about it one day, told her that if she and the other grown ups were real live vampires then they could tell me. I wouldn't speak of it to a soul, I'd keep their secret.
But she just laughed hysterically at my question, she laughed so hard that little droplets of tears formed in her eyes. I think they were happy tears, there's no way a person can cry sad tears when they are laughing at the same time.
She just put a hand to my shoulder once her laughter had subsided and said, "Luis my boy. That's some brain you've got up there. But I like the fact that your opinions are never logical, it makes you creative." She then paused to laugh again, "and no luis we grown ups don't drink blood at the dinner table, it's called wine. Red wine to be precise."
I had looked at her quizzically, I've never heard of wine before. And what did she mean red wine? Were their different colors of this wine thing? If there were, could they possibly drink blue wine or green? The "red wine" looked like blood and the grown ups drinking it and liking the taste of it was just plain creepy. It left me feeling uncomfortable. I bet my mother only told me the half truth, I bet there's no such thing as wine. I bet she only made that up because she didn't want to be a snitch and cell out the other grown ups. I suppose thats understandable. But I'll still consider the possibility, I think the grown ups were secretly vampires.
I also know why they always hated children being immature and always found it annoying. I think it saddened them, or made them just a tad bit angry. Because they've come to know too much to ever be kids again. They couldn't be completely naive or innocent because they've already been through that. But I think in a way being naive and oblivious was easier and better than being a person of knowledge instead. I don't think it's always that knowing things was quite a privilege, sometimes it's better not to have known anything at all. But being naive and oblivious was the opposite of what the grown ups were and somehow someway, knowing things was harder. It would explain why they seemed to always be grumpy.
I have a theory, I think the grown ups are burdened.
And yes its just come to my realization that I just told you my theory and it was supposed to stay a secret.
But it's ok, I think secret's are meant to be told. And anyway, I've got a lot of theories. This is just one of them, I promise if you keep reading I'll tell you the rest later.
Thankyou so much for reading😊😊 You don't even have to vote or nothing, just you reading brings happiness to my heart. I don't plan to make this story very long, I just thought about writing it because lately I've been busy writing another story and I felt like I was getting writers block. So I decided I needed a break, and I suppose writing another story is my break lol.
Hope you enjoyed😃😊🙌🏾
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