Once Upon A Time...
Once upon a time, there was a girl. This girl's name was Apelpisía. For short, people would call her Apple.
Apple wondered what her name meant. It was so strange. But, she smiled. It was such a beautiful sounding name. It must've meant something beautiful. Her parents had given it to her when she was born.
She remembers her father playing a fun game of Peekaboo with her. Once, she was left in a small carriage when her parents went to go drop off something. They promised they'd be back quickly. "It'll take 2 seconds, love," Apple's mother assured.
Apple waited in the carriage. 2 seconds had passed. Then, a minute. Then, many more minutes. Then, an hour. A young woman had spotted Apple and hurriedly rushed to her. "Dear," she spoke softly, "what are you doing in this carriage alone?"
Apple pursed her lips tightly. "Mama told me she and Papa would be back," she sniffled. Suddenly, the sky flashed quickly and a roaring thunder bellowed throughout the town. Apple began to cry, "M-Mama! Papa... Where are they, Miss?" She questioned the lady, with her loving eyes staring intently at the small child.
"I... I don't know, carissimo. They must be coming back. No one would have a heart to leave such a precious child. How about I take you to my home and we wait for your mama and papa's return? It will rain soon," the lady said, worry in her voice. Apple rubbed her eyes and nodded. The lady smiled and gently lifted her up. Apple snuggled into the lady's arms. It was soft and cosy.
(Carissimo- Italian word for Dear. Blame Google Translate if I'm wrong.)
An hour went to days. Days went to weeks. Weeks went to months. And months went to years. Apple grew up with her new family. A new woman she called Mama. And a new man she called Papa. But, Apple never gave up on finding her true parents. She had a strong emotion in her heart that spread throughout her soul. Hope. It radiated off of her.
Apple grew to be a gorgeous woman. She still didn't know her name's meaning. That filled her with determination to find her parents. And what had taken them so long. A sudden dread was at the very back of her happy thoughts. What if Mama and Papa left me, on purpose? No. It would never be true.
In school, Apple was starting to learn Greek. It was a fascinating language to her. The whole Greek culture fascinated her. Her father wasn't an adherent of the Greek culture. He would never explain why. Apple's mother was born and raised in Greece and her father was born in Egypt but was brought to Greece around the age of 16 years old.
Apple skipped over to the local schoolhouse for tutoring on her Greek studies. She sat with her friend, Melodia. Apple had moved to Italy when she was 3. A year before the disappearance of her parents. She's been here ever since.
"What's wrong, cucciolo?" Melodia asked, noticing Apple's quiet behaviour. "I... I remembered something from my childhood. È strano. I haven't thought of anything like this before," Apple looked at the ground as if her memory from the past had scared her. "I was in my bed. And my parents were arguing. Very loud. And my mother... She said the most unbelievable thing. And I still don't understand it," Apple explained.
(Cucciolo - Italian word for Puppy. Like a nickname? Blame Google Translate.)
(È strano - Italian for It's strange. Again. Blame Google Translate.)
"I could feel it, Khaldun. A name defines its owner. She... I know she's perfect for that name. I can sense it. Stop the arguments and go to bed," her mother's voice was very stern.
She heard her father sigh. "Fine. I don't like it. But, I think this is sakhif. I will call her Apple. It sounds much more friendly," her father announces, followed by a bunch of stomps.
(Sakhif - Arabic word for Ridiculous.)
Melodia tilted her head. Confusion was everywhere. "Strano. We must find out your name's meaning, Apple." Apple agreed.
Suddenly, the two girls heard a shriek from outside.
Apple and Melodia ran outside, anxiety filled their hearts. "What going on?" Melodia whispered. A thin man ran up to the two girls. "Which one is Apelpisía?" He asked, panting. Apple hesitantly pointed to herself.
He gestured for her to follow him and she did, with Melodia following.
They walked a couple of yards to a small cottage and walked through the old creaky doors. "Apple... This a secret government base..." Melodia said. She points to the wall where the man was waiting for them. "This," started the man, "is the wall consisting off all the secret agents that were kidnapped. We finally have tracked you down, Apelpisía."
This sounded stupid, thought Apple. It's like it came right out of a cliché action movie plot. "Track me down? What do you mean?" Apple began to feel frustrated, "Is this a joke?" The man shook his head. "When you were young, your mother and father disappeared correct?" Melodia and Apple looked at each other. "Y-Yes... That is right, but I will find them. I know I will. I have hope on my side," Apple said, proud of the defiance in her voice.
"Yes. You may have had hope on your side. But, not life," replied the man. Apple was confused. "Look at the board, Apelpisía. You will see the truth." Apple graciously glanced over the board. She stopped when she saw familiar names underneath and even more familiar pictures.
Montea Memuna
Khladun Memuna.
It was her mama and papa. "Ma- Where did you find this photograph? Dove sono i miei genitori?" Apple's adrenaline circulated throughout her body.
(Dove sono i miei genitori? - Where are my parents?)
(Amore - Love)
"I'm sad to say, amore, your parents... died that day they left you alone," he said. Her heart dropped. It can't be true.
This is not true. Mama and Papa are not dead. They are not dead. "You're lying to me," Apple's voice struggled to be stable. "I'm not. And... your mother always was strange about philosophy. She always said a person's name is what their life is destined to be. The last feeling of their life. She always talked about you. She cried when she said that. She said it was Greek or something. What does your name mean...?"
She was baffled. She had just found out after 19 years that her father and mother were dead and he is asking what her name meant. "I don't KNOW! And I don't CARE! It doesn't MATTER anymore!" Apple screamed before falling to ground, sobbing. A few seconds later, she ran out of the building.
Nothing matters.
Everyone is gone.
They left.
She ran as far as she could. The man's voice echoed in her ears.
She always said a person's name is what their life is destined to be. The last feeling of their life.
Did it matter anymore what her name's meaning was? Who really cared? This is stupid. This is stupid. What type of story was her life? This wasn't a story. It was a nightmare.
She ran far enough that she began to come close to a harsh cliff. She stopped running. And stood inches away from the edge. The man's words echoed again.
She always said a person's name is what their life is destined to be. The last feeling of their life.
And again.
She always said a person's name is what their life is destined to be. The last feeling of their life.
It never stopped
A person's name, she wondered, is what their life is destined to be. Her name was the last feeling of her life.
Apple was about to find out the meaning of her name. And she was going to reunite with her parents while doing it.
She took a step forward and took a deep breath. She remembered the day she met her new family.
"What's your name?"
"Oh, pretty! What does it mean?"
She always said a person's name is what their life is destined to be. The last feeling of their life.
I don't know what I wrote.
It was an idea that popped into my head.
It was poorly written but whatever.
I wrote something, my guy.
A lot of Google Translate was used in this process.
-More to come...
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