Chapter 9
-- 3-4 years after high school. Meeting Aaron to help him with therapy and such --
-- Blaze --
I'm finally seeing Aaron after all this time. It's been about 3-4 years! I hope I get to see Daniel again. That's all I could think about. I would always try to text him but he would ignore me. I gave up after awhile. It really hurt, but I had to let go. I still really like him, I'm not really interested into relationships with other people because of him. I made my way to the hotel Aaron's parents arranged for me and the other werwolves to stay at. I heard they were 4 other werewolves coming? We didn't know who was coming though. We already had assigned roommates. It was gonna be uneven, I hope I ended up without a roommate, I don't know these werewolves. I walked up to the desk and told them my info and such. They gave me my room key. I walked to my room and walked in. I saw a dark green haired werewolf on the bed. "D-Daniel!?" My face kinda turned red. "Blaze!?" I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "Ohmygodimissedyousomuchimsosorryiwassorudeiwasjustconfusedireallylikedyouandistilldopleaseforgiveme." I blurt out. "Aha.. I missed you too..." he squeezed me tightly. "Why didn't you answer my texts?" I perked an ear up. "Ugh I just-." He sighed. We turn our faces and our faces are inches apart. Just like how it was in the music room back in high school. I kiss him. He kisses back and it was a long passionate kiss. He starts to go back on the bed because I'm basically topping him in this kiss. Then I hear the door slam open. "DAN- ohmygod!" I hear a female wolf say. I hear a camera click. Daniel and I instantly pull away. "Cant wait until Aaron sees this!" She squeals and runs away. I turn to see Daniel on the verge of crying. "H-hey? What's wrong?" He leaps onto me. "I j-just really m-missed you and I-I was b-being such a j-jerk to y-you I didn't g-give you a s-second chance I just g-gave up." He choked out. I tilt his head up so we're looking at each other again. I kiss his cheek. "Shh it's okay, you're not a jerk.." I hug him close to my chest. "I'm gonna close the door." I get up and run to close and lock the door because I do not want people barging in. I crawl back onto the bed and tackle Daniel. "Hey! Stop that tickles!" Daniel laughs. After wrestling for like 5 minutes, I attack (he protec but he also attac. I need to be sued someone help) Daniel with kisses all over his face and his neck. "Aaaaa Blaze! Stop that tickles so much!" He was complaining but I knew he liked it. After that we just cuddled and gave each other quick pecks on the lips. Daniel eventually fell asleep. I looked at the time, it was almost 11 pm. I switch off the light and fell asleep with Daniel in my arms.
--in the morning--
I woke up with someone's arms around me and I heard snoring. "Wh!?" I quickly get up. It was Blaze and I remember what happened. I woke up Blaze and I felt bad. "Huh? What's wrong?" He said rubbing his eyes. "Sorry for waking you up." I rub the back of my neck awkwardly. "Nah it's fine babe." My face gets red extremely quick. "Sh-shoot sorry I didn't mean to-" "it's fine!" I peck him on the lips and smile. "We should go see the others." I get up and change. Blaze and I walk out, I'm really flustered because Blaze's arm is around me. We walk into the area we're supposed to meet Aaron and the others. I knew Rylan and Dottie were here- shoot they'd gonna be so angry when they see me- "What!? The heck!? Get your arm off of him!" Dottie shoves Blaze off of me. "You already hurt him before! I'm not letting you hurt him again!" Rylan growls. "G-guys it's fine we worked it out.." I nervously smile. "I still don't trust him!" Dottie snarls. "Guys really! It's fine!" Maria came in giggling. Man I haven't seen her in awhile. "Guys guess what I have!" She squealed. She showed her phone which had a picture of me and Blaze kissing. Oh no.. "So how long has this been going on?" Aaron walks in. "Aaron! It's good to see ya!" Blaze ruffled Aaron's hair. They were about the same height. "Blaze! It's been awhile!" Ruffling his hair back. "So you and Daniel?" He smirked. "Dude shut up." Blaze laughed and playfully punched Aaron. "We should go meet my parents." Aaron suggested. We all nodded and got up to follow him. Blaze and I held hands throughout the walk. My tail was wagging like crazy because of how happy I was. "Woah calm down there buddy." Blaze teased. I blushed. Once we finally made it to the place Aaron's parents wanted us to meet them, we were greeted by two wolves. "Hey mom, hey dad!" Aaron smiled. "Wait a second!? You guys are wolves!?" Maria shouted.
"Aaron, do your thing." Then Aaron showed his ears and tail. All of us except Daniel were in shock. "You guys didn't know?" Daniel questioned perking his ears up. "You knew!?" Everyone questioned. "I thought everyone knew already." Daniel shrugged it off. "Well... anyways, we're gonna be creating a wolf pack! You guys have to challenge each other to become alpha!" Aaron's mom clapped. "I'm out!" Daniel said immediately. "Yeah same." Dottie and Rylan nodded in agreement. "I'll run for it!" I chirped. "Lets go dudes!" I was challenging Maria and Aaron for alpha.
-- after the fighting --
Aaron had won, he was really strong. My face was a bit bruised and I was bleeding. "B-Blaze! Are you alright?!" Daniel caressed my face. "Don't worry haha.." I was really dizzy. "Come on let's go back to the hotel room.." Daniel tried lifting me up. I weakly got up and we walked to the hotel room. After what seemed like hours, we made it back. I plopped myself on the bed. Daniel sat on the bed. I dragged him down with me and squeezed him. "Aaaa Blaze!" Daniel giggled. I ruffled his ears. "Man it's frickin hot, one sec." I threw off my shirt. Daniel's face turned red. "Like what ya see?" I joked. He covered his face. "Y-yes.." I smirked. I kissed his cheek and I could feel his smile. The bruise on my face was more visible now and the bleeding stopped, it wasn't a big cut anyways. "Blaze! We need to get you ice!" Daniel had a worried look on his face. "Alright, alright, just for you." I got up and started to walk out. "P-put on a shirt.." Daniel mumbled. I laughed. "What? Are you gonna get jealous because other people will stare?" I grabbed the shirt I had and put it on. I put my arm around Daniel and we walked out to get ice. God I loved him so much.
A/N: 1211 words Jesus Christ. But y'all like the fluff >:) sorry for the angst on the last chapter
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