"Oh, dear god! What the fuck?!" you yelled, jumping back and falling off the bed.
"Hush," said Jack in return. "I'm waiting for something to happen."
"What are you waiting for?"
Then, a slam.
"Shut the fuck up, asshats!"
Jack looked at you and you could feel his smirk even with his mask on. You could help but let out a few chuckles at Jeff.
Even though you were scared of him and him stabbing you, you managed to laugh at his hilarious behavior.
When his anger wasn't directed at you, he could be pretty funny.
Jack sat up in the chair, leaning back and looking out the window. He looks like he's thinking of what he should say.
He glances at you before starting, "I like the birds. Makes the sounds of the others quieter."
"You really don't like them do you? Too loud?"
He looked at you, stared at you. He thought for a moment before speaking.
"They're like family. Annoying as all living hell. Just, sometimes, I need time to myself. Why? Did you hate your family?"
You look at the floor. The answer was obvious though.
"Nope. Not in the slightest. We earned good money, I got what I needed to get and only sometimes did I get what I wanted too."
Jack coughs into his hand and mumbles, "spoiled rich kid."
I smile a mocking smile at him.
"I had to pay for my own college though. I would've gotten my degree and everything if Olivia hadn't come to kill me."
"What were you studying?"
"Medicine, herbs, some other stuff. I was minoring in business. Planned on making my own pharmacy or something."
You look at the ground, thinking about the dream that went down the drain. All gone in a single night.
"But it doesn't matter now. Clearly, my bloodline is at a standstill, waiting for me to have kids. And I'm here! Nowhere near a whole career of pills and drugs."
We go silent. You have small tears going down your cheeks. You want to rub them away but doing that would feel like you were betraying yourself.
You left the tears and stood.
"Where's the bathroom?"
Jack pointed down the hallway, a room with a normal door unlike everything else in this house.
You nod and walk away. If there was somewhere you had wanted to be, it wasn't there. You wanted to be alone, not in a house full of people.
You open the door and sit in the bathtub. You think about what might be here, what you could do to just get away from everything for a little bit.
You stand and walk to the cabinets. You open a few, finding everything for everyone in the house. Good, good things.
Things that could be deadly if mixed together. But you didn't want to die, you just wanted to run. To be away from all this.
There's a window in the bathroom. It's one of the weird glass ones that makes everything blurry and it's covered with residents clothes.
You move it all aside and open the window. You're on what you guessed to be the second floor. You ponder. You decide.You jump.
You aim for the sky and then the trees. You come closer and closer to the rapidly approaching ground.
You hope and hope and land right where you wanted to. Scraped up but alive. Hanging right onto a tree branch. Freedom at last.
Climbing down the tree, you pick a direction and get ready to run. You want to run, feel free again. Free like you haven't been in a long time.
And so you do. You run until the night comes. Until you reach a large clearly and dance around to invisible music.
You picture myself in so many places. You feel so happy. Feelings you haven't felt in a while spring up.
You're lying on the ground, smiling, laughing, crying. All these emotions feel so foreign to you after so long.
Staring into the sky feels like a blessing. It feels like the word was finally on your side, like someone was finally agreeing with you.
You closed your eyes and took deep breaths. Listening to everything around you. Animals, the crickets, footsteps— wait...
You sit up and look around. You see a few different creepypasta around the forest edge, watching you.
You didn't know them, maybe they didn't know you. You knew you hadn't met most of them yet.
You stand and put your hands up.
"I'm (Y/N)!" you scream out to them. "I know Jack!"
They all look at each other before one steps forward.
"Which Jack? How do you know him?"
A knife goes whizzing past your face. No, not a knife, a scalpel. You didn't even dodge it, the person who threw it wasn't aiming for you.
You turned around. A monster. A skinny icon, but still a monster.
You scream and run towards where the scalpel came form. You jump into the forest, hiding behind the comfort of the trees.
You see a glint of blue near you and can only be led to hope it was Jack. Maybe he's here to protect you, be your hero.
You hear a screech. It wasn't human at all.
You look form behind the tree and see whizzes of black and blue fighting the monstrous creature.
You hear a tick behind you and quickly turn around. A man stands there, staring down at you.
"Who are you?"
"Oh, my god! Please, don't hurt me! I'm already injured! Just leave me alone, please!"
The man ticks again. It was his tongue he was clicking it. It sounded like a clock ticking.
"Okay, I'll leave you be... for now."
You sigh out as he walks away. He ticks twice and the monstrous creature passes the tree, it's eye staring at you.
You felt like you were going to die right there, behind the tree. A yank on your arm took you out of those thoughts.
"What the hell were you thinking?! You're injured!"
Thank god for Jack, your hero.
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