Chapter eight
Silver point of veiw ~ it's been a week since we found out what happened with mom and auntie Juvia. I can't believe they want to try and take us away from our mothers. Like how heartless could you be to try and take away kids that you don't even know from their mothers that they've know for their who lives and try and place them with people they barely know.
Right now we were currently in school my siblings and my cousins and I wanted to be with our moms instead but they were at the recording studio and had an afternoon meeting so we couldn't be with them. So that means our dads were going to pick us up.
"I seriously hate this like who do they think they are" I growled annoyed "I know right like seriously if we wanted to meet our dad. Mommy would've found out where he lived and got the necessary documents to prove that they were our biological dads and that we were their kids" Layla said with an annoyed pout
"Yeah plus we were fine the way we were living we got to travel a lot learn about new cultures and meet new people. Plus everyday Mom made sure we did our homework and studied. That's why we are smarter then all the kids in this place" Grayson said giving a slight glare to everyone in this class
"Ugh this is so annoying I knew we shouldn't have come here in the first place. We should've went to Rome Italy or something. We could've seen so many landmarks. Like the museums. And so many other historical land marks like the colosseum. That would've been so much fun" Leon said "but no we had to come here. Let's ask our moms if they can take us to Italy" Sylvia said
We were at our seats since it was dismissal and we were waiting to be picked up. "Hey Siri call Mom" I said "Calling My favorite person MOM" Siri said she immediately picked up after the first ring "hey sliver honey do you need something" She asked I put the phone on speaker
"So we were wondering if we can go to Italy so we can see the sites" I asked "yeah we were already planning a trip for two weeks during your two week break that is coming up. Auntie Juvia is headlining fashion week their so we are heading their. It will be on a Friday so we will have plenty of time to go site seeing" Mom said
"Oh that sounds amazing what line is she going to do and are we going to he models this time" Layla asked "it's the Stellar Fantasy clothing line and the Fashion Forward clothing line meaning you all will be in it for the kids line that's part of the brand" Auntie Juvia said "oh those are the best lines I love the designs for them mommy" Sylvia said
"Aww thanks honey" Auntie Juvia said "but won't you need more child models, and male models since it's a pretty big Line" Grayson asked "yeah we do we still haven't figured it out" Auntie Juvia said I looked around the room and smirked when the right people walked in "Dont worry about it mom and auntie Juvia just worry about getting the contracts ready" I said
"Okay see you kids later love you" mom said "love you too mom auntie" we all said. I got up and walked to the group of adults and children "just the people i was looking for" I said and they all looked at me confused "weren't you avoiding us all week"Melli asked "yup and now I want you to do something for me" I said
"And what is that kid" Gajeel asked "well my auntie needs some male models and more kid models and you seem like the perfect people to do the job" I said "and why would we do that" My dad asked "because Dad you are trying to take us away from our moms and think of this as making up for lost time" Grayson said
"And what do we have to do with this" Natsu asked "Girls think about it if you become child models for our company you will be getting the new releases from our mothers fashion line before anyone else" Sylvia said
"Daddy can we do it please" all the girls asked fathers "what do we get in return for this" Laxus growled "my mom just sent over the contracts for kids and adults. It tell you what you will be getting into if you sign and how much you will be getting paid" I said air dropping the pictures to all of them
They read the contract throughly. "So we will be getting an expense paid vacation to Italy free of charge a hotel room for two weeks. Food and drinks paid completely. We get to go on tours and visit all of Rome and all we have to do is be models for one week" Jellal said
"Not only that we get paid $2.5 million dollars for the modeling gig each. And get to keep the clothes from the line. And our kids get paid $1.5 million dollars each" Bixslow said "yes that is correct if you sign you will get a copy of the documents so you can keep on file and our moms will keep a copy on file also. Not only that your kids will get two weeks worth of private tutoring sessions so they will be two weeks ahead of the class if not a month ahead" I said
"I think we should go over this with our wives to see what they have to say about this" Elfman said and as soon as he did Freeds phone rang he put it on speaker after the person spoke "listen up losers me and and the girls were promised and expense paid vacation to Italy so come over and sign the fucking papers. This time we read the contracts and ours and we are going to be models also so it works out. Oh and Bixslow Lisannas is also going to be modeling in the fashion show" Cana said and hung up the phone
"Well there you have it you can't back out now if you do you gentlemen will be in the dog house for weeks possibly a month" I said with a smirk "little demon" all of them mumbled "I know that's the one thing mom says I get from my dad besides his looks I got his cunning and manipulative personality. When it comes to business. Along with his smarts and her smarts" I said with a shrug
"So which of your parents are you guys more like" a Uncle Lyon asked "Sylvia and I have both of you guys personalities but I act more like you and Sylvia more like mom" Leon said "Grayson, Layla, and I have both parents personalities. I act more like dad. Layla more like mom. Grayson some how both" I said
We then started walking to the car. Apparently they both came together. "So where to" Dad asked getting in the drivers seat "home" we said all at once and they drove us home. They parked in front of the gate The doors immediately scanned me, my cousins and my siblings.
"Grayson, Sliver, Leon, Layla, and Sylvia along with two unidentifiable people shall I call the police for them" The door asked "No Rain you may not they are our dads when our moms come home they will probably program them into the system" I said and the gate opened.
We went back in the car and the gate closed behind us. They parked in front of the house and the same thing happened again.
"So what was that" Uncle Lyon asked "that is the security system. It's all connected to our phones and completely wireless and hard to break into. If the system shuts down you would have to get in with a password" I said
"Oh I've heard of that it's called the Stella Odessa Secrity system it was invented by the CEO's of Zodiac Seas and was approved by the American and European governments after proven to be very affective and affordable. The company apparently gained $900 billion dollars for the invention" Dad said as we entered the house I made sure everything was locked
"It wasn't $900 billon it was $3.5 trillion dollars" Layla said "that would mean your moms company is worth more then ours" Uncle Lyon said with his jaw dropped "that's because it is but our moms don't want anyone to know" Sylvia said going to feed the puppies. Grayson went to get our food that our moms left for us.
"What do they even do with all the money they earn" Dad asked "donate it to every single hospital in America and Europe and Asia. They donate it to animal shelters, Food banks, homeless shelters. They help rebuild orphanages and homeless shelters so they are better to live in. Then donate money to them. They help get people off the streets and get better lives. They have over ten different programs all around the world that help between 500-1000 people every month to get better lives" I said
"They also donate money to schools in towns that have poverty and help rebuild those towns also and get the people back on their feet. They also give money to the government funding and environmental funding also" Grayson said and both of our dads have their Jaws dropped
"Why would they do that" Uncle Lyon asked "because they know what it's like to be poor and not have much things or resources. That's basically what they knew up until they were taken in by our grandfather a week after we were released from the hospital after we were born two moths prior" Leon said
"Who is your grandfather and I thought they didn't have any family" Dad asked "that's because they didn't. Our grandfather also known as The Celestial King found them one day near his work in an ally. They were trying to get us to clam down and stop crying and our moms sang us a song making us calm down. He then approached them and asked them what had happen to them. My mom felt as if they could trust him and they told him everything from the day they were born up until he found them. He invited them to come live with him and first they didn't trust him but they eventually gave in because the two of them were hungry" Layla said
"When they got to the house they meet the thirteen stars who eventually learned their life stories and promised to protect them. Three months into living with our grandfather he ended up adopting our moms as his daughters. They went through a lot of background searchers and found out that our moms father was also alive and contacted him. His name is Acnologia. He didn't know about mom. A year later he adopted both mom and aunt Juvia also. Both left their money to our moms. Who had finished getting their collage and high school degrees when they were pregnant with us" Grayson said
"Then our moms decided to combine both of their fathers companies and make it into one known as Zodiac Seas. And they became celebrities also. The ones you now know today. Oh and both our grandfathers ended up getting married when we were around two years old and they now in in Hawaii" Leon said
"Now you know some of our history" Sylvia said. I just hope it's enough to get them to reconsider taking us away from our moms and so they can see that we are in capable hands. After we were finished eating. We went to do our homework which was fairly easy. We then gave it to our dads so the can check it "can you check this"I asked "why" dad asked "because mom always does it so we can know if we need to fix anything" Layla said they nodded and checked our homework
"It's all correct" Uncle Leon said "okay" Sylvia said and then our moms came and we hugged them along with the dogs "hey mom can you check our homework please" Grayson asked "but didn't we just check it for you" Dad asked we just ignored him "yeah it's all corrects. Now got put you homework away. And fix your clothes for school tomorrow. When your done you can go play" Mom said
"Yes mom/Auntie Lucy" we all said "I hope they weren't to much trouble" Auntie Juvia said "no they weren't they were perfectly fine" Uncle Leon said our moms nodded "see you tomorrow then at the meeting" Mom said "tomorrow" dad said then the both of them walked out "drive safe Dad" we all said which caused them to have smiles on their faces
End of chapter I don't own fairy tail or the pictures or the videos that I have on here
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