"Aren't you in. . .'' Oboro paused and stayed quiet when he saw the look on the ravenettes face. "I'll be in this class for the remainder of the year. . .'' Shota murmured softly as he opened the door.
The class went silent when they entered the room. There weren't that many females in the room or omegas. Shota kept his eyes ahead as he went to the teacher and bowed.
"Hello I'm Aizawa Shota. . .the transfer." He said clearly. Oboro made his way to his seat in the back and sat down as he listened to the omega try not to stutter.
The teacher looked up. "Ah yes I was told you'd be coming today." He said gruffly. "Go take a seat in front of Shirakumo." Oboro gave a small wave Shota's way and smiled softly.
Hizashi entered the room right as the bell rang. He was red and out of breath. "I'm sorry for being late sensei." He panted and made his way to his seat in front of Shota.
He was glaring at his boyfriend the entire time. "Asshole." He growled softly. Shota looked up at the angry blond as he approached him he sighed softly and looked back down.
It was going to be tough catching up to everyone in the class especially since he didn't have a flashy quirk. He planned on focusing more on his strength and endurance during his free time.
"Alright class. . ." Shota listened to the teacher lecture them. Since they had all done well in the festival they would be taking a two days break from training.
Shota stared out the window and frowned; he was hoping to get some training in during school as well. He raised his hand after a moment. "Yes, Aizawa?" The teacher asked as he looked up. "May I go check on my hero suit?" He asked curiously.
"Yes." He replied. "But be back in time for your next class."
"Yes, sensei. . " he replied as he got up and grabbed his bag to leave. Hizashi's eyes didn't leave Shota as he walked past him. Oboro let out a deep hum, happy that the omega had accepted his jacket earlier.
Shota glanced back unsure of where the sound had come from. Oboro's eyes were on both of them. The older boy was quieter than usual as he observed them. The omega went to walk out the room but a beta female tripped him. He let out a sound of discomfort as he hit the floor. There were a few laughs and Shota felt terrible, but he refused to cry in front of them.
He got up and hurried out the room before either Oboro or Hizashi could get to him. He ran to the bathroom and went inside a stall, locking the door. He teared up and leaned against the wall. He pulled the jacket closer to his body as he let out a sob.
The sound of a door hitting the wall filled the bathroom and soothing alpha pheromones permeated the room. There was a knock at the stall door he was in and Shota calmed down slightly. "Sho? You in there little cloud." Oboro asked softly as he stood on the other side with Hizashi.
"No. . " He mumbled as he turned away from the door. Oboro chuckled softly and leaned against the other side of the door. "It doesn't sound like it." He teased softly as Hizashi went to the bathroom door to lock it so they weren't bothered while they were trying to calm their omega down.
"You can't stay in there forever." Hizashi cooed. "Come out and we'll take you somewhere you can relax and catch your breath."
Shota thought about it for a moment. "Why are you both so nice to me. . ?" He asked softly. The two alphas looked at one another. "Because we're your friends." Hizashi replied. Shota thought about it for a moment longer before opening the door and walking into a chest.
"Woah there." Hizashi said with a soft laugh. "I'm going to go buy you something to snack on while Oboro brings you to our special place." He said as he gave Oboro another look. Oboro nodded and smiled softly.
"Don't worry little cloud you'll be safe and you'll also enjoy the view." He held out his hand out for the flustered omega as Hizashi left.
Shota took his hand in his own and bit his lip before stepping closer and leaning against him. Oddly both their scents calmed him. He gripped his hand tighter and let out a shaky breath as he relaxed.
Oboro let out a deep hum and helped him out of the bathroom and up the stairs. He pushed open the door onto the rooftop and Shota looked around a bit confused.
He didn't know they were allowed up there. Hizashi joined them after a few minutes with some juice and a rice ball. He grinned when he saw them.
"Hey!" He chirped and handed the boy his snack. Shota smiled and looked down at the food, "Thank you." He replied softly as Oboro led him to a bench that was in the shade of a small tree that was in a planter.
The alphas sat on either side of him and kept him company as he ate and relaxed. "So what time should we pick you up tonight?" Hizashi asked after a moment.
"Anytime is fine. My parents are away right now." He replied softly as he ate the food. The older boys locked eyes for a moment.
"How long will they be gone for?" Oboro asked, a bit concerned. Shota shrugged and shifted a bit. "Sorry for intruding I just-" Oboro was cut off.
"Its fine." Shota replied softly as he finished his food and glanced up at him. "I'm used to it." He added as he looked ahead at the city-scape and sipped his juice
He became tired after a while of silence and ended up dozing. His head fell to the side, landing on Oboro's shoulder. Hizashi watched with pure curiosity. He reached out and brushed his hair from his face.
"He's so beautiful. . ." He murmured softly to Oboro. Oboro nodded and watched the both of them fondly. "He is. . But I think this will take some time. . .he's a bit more sensitive. . And I think he's on scent blockers and suppressants." He said, noting that he couldn't smell his scent. He could also see the patch on the back of his neck.
He leaned closer and attempted to take in his scent. Hizashi watched him curiously and leaned down to see if he could as well but there was nothing. He pouted and looked down at the sleeping omega. "Well I guess he's safer this way. . ." He murmured softly to his boyfriend.
Oboro bit his lip. "Not completely babe." He replied softly. "Taking suppressants for an extended amount of time can mess with an omega's health and fertility." He ran his hand along the ravenettes back as he spoke.
Shota had begun purring in his sleep as he was surrounded by warmth and their scent. It was soft and barely there but they could hear it. Both of their hearts fluttered and Hizashi blushed. "I-I think his omega might like us. . ." He whispered softly.
Oboro smiled warmly and kissed his boyfriend's forehead. "We'll have him soon. We just need to court him and show him we can take care of him." He said softly. The boys stayed up on the roof until the bell rang for their next class.
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