They walked through the front gate in silence and up to the large school building. Shota had finished his coffee and threw the cup away as Oboro opened the door for them.
Other students were filling in slowly as the morning went on. "So what do you say about some breakfast?" Oboro said as he let the door close. Hizashi glanced at Shota and the omega realized that he had been speaking to him.
"I was just thinking about finding my class." He murmured. "But I guess I can come with you guys. . . " He added softly. Hizashi perked up and he grabbed Shota's hand. "Let's go then." He chirped.
Shota's eyes widened and Oboro chuckled. "Careful Zashi. You might take his arm." He went after them and Hizashi blushed and slowed down for them. "Sorry. . " He replied shyly.
Shota rubbed his arm and shrugged. "It's alright." He mumbled as he emtered the student union (aka Cafeteria.). He looked around never having been in that room during the morning. He went to the line and grabbed a bowl of oatmeal knowing he'd have to eat something for the suppressants to work properly. He stopped, eyes scanning the room for a place to sit. Hizashi rested a hand on his upper back.
He looked over his shoulder for Oboro but the male had been stopped by an omega. He could hear the omega confessing. He wasn't surprised. He knew the male was very popular among the omega's and probably got many confessions. But he couldn't help the ache he felt in his chest as he watched them.
"This way." Hizashi ushered him to an occupied table. A girl with dark hair was on her phone. Shota turned pink when he felt the hand. He wanted to lean into Hizashi but it wasn't very proper especially since they were only acquaintances. He sat down quickly and the girl glanced up momentarily. "Nemuri," Hizashi whined. "Don't ignore us. . ." He pouted and sat next to Shota. Nemuri looked up again and smiled at Shota.
"Hello, I'm Kayama Nemuri." She said kindly as she set her phone down. Shota let out a soft purr as he took in her scent. Hizashi froze and glanced at him and then back at Nemuri. He felt jealousy stir inside of himself and held back a growl. Oboro showed up a moment later and placed a hand on the blond's shoulder as he set a tray of food down for the both of them.
Oboro had noticed the way Hizashi was watching them. He leaned close to his ear. "It's okay." He cooed softly, trying to calm him. Shota glanced at them curiously, wondering if they were together. Oboro caught Shotas eye and winked. Shota looked away and busied himself eating his oatmeal. Nemuri smirked as she watched the trio and then went back to texting whoever.
Hizashi leaned into Oboro's side and smiled softly. "I'm okay." He chirped whenever Shota lost interest in Nemuri. "So you guys wanna hang out later today at that new karaoke bar?" He asked as he stole some of his boyfriend's food.
Oboro let him as he sipped his coffee from earlier. "I-I don't know. . ." Shota murmured as he set his spoon down. "Aww, come on, it'll be fun." Hizashi pouted and looked his way. Shota looked down and bit his lip as he thought about it. He wasn't sure. He didn't really know them and who knew what they were up to. He'd only gone along with them because he didn't want 2 upset alphas on his tail.
"I. . . I guess. . ." He eventually said as he began eating again. Nemuri looked up as she put her phone away. "I have a date, sorry." she said as she sipped her juice. Shota's face fell slightly because he had wanted her to come with.
"Don't look so sad." She said when she noticed the omega's reaction. "I'll come along next time." She gave him a warm smile and handed him her phone. "Give me your number hun."
Shota took the phone, still pink in the face. Hizashi's jaw clenched as he watched their actions. "Calm down baby. . " Oboro murmured softly as he rubbed his thigh gently.
Shota put his number in hers and then put hers in his before handing the phone back just in time for the bell to ring. He looked up and felt the oatmeal sink in his stomach. He frowned, now feeling nervous about switching classes, knowing some of his other classmates were going to be upset.
He got up to put away his trash and was pulled back by his collar. He let out a squeak as he hit the ground and looked up only to meet the eyes of a very pissed omega. "Get up bitch." The omega growled at him. Shota's eyes looked around frantically for his new friends but he didn't see them. He got up a bit slowly because he had hurt his ass falling.
It had gone quiet and some students tried to get a view of what was happening. The omega student was one of his old classmates. "I see you're close with the alphas in your new class." He sneered.
"Did you give your body to them? I wouldn't be surprised if you begged them. I couldn't ever see anyone willingly getting with you." He teased as Shota teared up and stayed quiet.
Before the boy could say any more he was stopped by Oboro. "The hell do you think you're doing, omega?" He said coldly as he glared at the omega. The omega's eyes widened as the alpha confronted him. "I-I was just putting him in his place." He squeaked, he tried regaining his composure but Hizashi spoke up.
"You're only saying that shit cause Oboro rejected you and you're pissed." Hizashi hissed as Oboro helped Shota up and pulled him to his chest.
Shota's heart was beating wildly from all the attention and Oboro could feel it. He released some calm pheromones to help him. Shota took a deep breath and trembled slightly. Oboro ran his fingers through the omega's hair as Hizashi told the other boy off.
Hizashi scoffed and kept his hands on his hips as he yelled at the omega. When it came to stuff like this he could be sassier than an omega. "If I find out you've been messing with him after today I'm gonna beat your ass into next year." He growled, using a bit of his quirk to give it more oomph. "I'm not like Oboro. I will fuck you up, bitch."
The omega was trembling as Hizashi got onto him. He looked like he was about to cry and Oboro stepped in. "Alright, that's enough sunshine." He murmured softly. Hizashi huffed and went over to his alpha as the omega hurried away from them.
Shota had calmed down a bit and was pulling away from the alpha. He sniffled softly and pulled Oboro's jacket closer. "You okay?" Hizashi asked the obviously shaken omega.
"Y-yeah I'm good. Just wasn't expecting that today." Shota lied softly as he began walking to the exit. The other three followed close behind.
Nemuri frowned as she looked over at Shota. She could tell he was still upset so she grabbed the back of Hizashi's collar suddenly. The alpha yelped as he was dragged to a locker and shoved in.
"H-Hey!" He cried out as Nemuri stopped him from getting out. Shota looked back and watched them confused. Oboro had a small smile playing on his lips knowing Hizashi was going to be fine. "Let me ooooout!" His quirk activated and his voice cracked. He turned as red as a tomato and banged on the closed door. "Nemuri!"
"I'm sorry Hizashi but I can't seem to recall the code." She said as she gave Shota a wink. Shota laughed softly and then began giggling a bit hysterically as Hizashi sounded auto-tuned as he cried out for help. They began walking off, leaving the poor blond.
Oboro kept close to Shoto's side as Nemuri went to her class. She was a grade higher and was just a few doors down. Shota walked a bit slowly, not wanting to enter the class first.
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