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Next Day..,
At Malhotra Mansion..,
It was an early Morning,
In Manan's Room..,
The Alarm ring, Manik wakes up switching off the alarm, He sees the time, it was 4:30 in morning..,
He stretches his arms and sees other side of bed empty..,
Manik: where did this sleepy head went, Nandini.., Nan..,
He was shocked seeing the view, Nandini was sleeping on floor just on a thin carpet hugging her teddy with a beautiful smile..,
Manik slaps his forehead and frowns..,
Manik: What the hell, is this girl Mad to sleep on floor that too for a teddy, (He feels guilty) it's so not done.., (He goes to her and speaks calmly) Nandini, get up and sleep on bed, my sleep is over u can sleep with your this teddy...,
She was in deep sleep and murmurs..,
Nandini: His name is sumo..,
Manik frowns..,
Manik: Seriously, Yeah whatever.., (she blabbers) God, she's seeing a dream and one sec, she's telling Sumo's name means, is she seeing me in dreams, coz she explains only me that her soft toy's name is sumo.., (Manik sees her hairs on her face, He tucks them behind her ears and smiles seeing her sleeping face) she's really very cute.., but now I'm stuck, I don't wanna disturb her sleep but I can't let her sleep on floor..,
He sighs and picks her in arms carefully and puts her on bed, she moves in sleep not feeling her teddy..,
Nandini: Sumo..,
Manik immediately runs and put the teddy beside her, she cuddles it while Manik sighs..,
He puts the blanket on her and leaves to do his daily routine..,
After some Time,
Nandini wakes up due to sun Ray's, she yawns.., she looks around and realizes she's on bed with sumo..,
Nandini: How did I came here, did Manik.., (she smiles) Aww, He just behaves rude n arrogant but He's so soft from inside, and put me on bed along with my sumo..., let's what this day has in store for me and what will Manik do when I tell him about my second wish..,
Someone knocks on door..,
Nandini: Yes come in, (a servant opens door) yes Nina..,
Nina: Ma'am Breakfast is ready, Manik sir sent me to check on you if u are awake or not...,
Nandini: okay, I'll be their in around 45 minutes..,
The servant nods and leaves...,
At Dining Table,
Breakfast was served, Manik was waiting for Nandini..,
Manik: where the hell is this girl, I'm so hungry..,
Nandini comes..,
Nandini: Good Morning..,
She sits beside his chair and smiles..,
Manik: Good Morning (He sees her eyes were little puffy) what happened to your eyes..,
Nandini: U noticed it, I thought I did my makeup well..,
Manik: Leave that, tell me what happened..,
He was genuinely worried..,
Nandini: Aree woh it happens due to lack of sleep, I didn't slept properly last night na, I need a proper 7 - 8 hours sleep, firstly I was waiting for u last night, then u came at around 11, then u had dinner and slept at around 12, and then I woke up again at 1:30, when u put my sumo away.., u slept well but I wasn't getting sleep and then at last around 3:30, I slept cuddling sumo on floor..,
Manik: but why u slept on floor Nandini, I saw u sleeping hugging that pillow, then what was the need to sleep on floor, u want me to feel guilty, that I didn't treat u well..,
He speaks angrily..,
Nandini: No, not your fault and that pillow was not big, I have habit of sleeping hugging my big teddy sumo, but thank you for putting me on bed, although it wasn't needed but u did it so thank you..,
Manik: no need and that's why I was saying we will sleep in different rooms, u didn't agreed to my that condition..,
Nandini: Manik we are Husband and wife and a couple does some adjustment..,
Manik: look who's talking when I asked u to sleep without your teddy, did u agreed..,
Nandini: don't worry Mr. Malhotra, today I'll sleep without my teddy, Pakka..,
Manik: Nandini, u are okay na, why do I feel something fishy..,
Chef comes with Nandini's breakfast while Nandini just smiles..,
Nandini: u feel anything Manik, just eat your leafy vegetables, I'll have my proper Indian Breakfast, Thank you steve, u prepared what I taught u..,
Steve: Yes, That Gujarati Dish, freshly prepared Jalebi and Fafda..,
Manik looks on surprised as steve shows the breakfast, It was looking tempting and licks his lips..,
Manik: u prepared this steve.., (Steve nods) but how, I mean this Gujarati dish..,
Steve: woh Nandini Ma'am taught me yesterday..,
Nandini: don't worry I'll make u a perfect Indian chef, when I come tonight, I'll teach u how to prepare Biryani..., and this also smells delicious well done..,
He nods and leaves while Nandini picks the sweet Jalebi..,
Nandini: Manik, let's start the breakfast what are u eating (she sees his plates and makes faces) I don't even know what u are eating..,
Manik: shut up, it's very health not like your food, so oily...,
Nandini ignores him and eats the Jalebi, and licks her fingers, Manik feels tempted seeing it..,
Nandini: it's so yummy, Manik u must try..,
Manik: it looks unhygienic but if u are insisting, I'll take one..,
Nandini: yeah don't worry u won't get fat, or else u will fail in my six packs parameter..,
Manik: u and your stupid partner..,
He takes one piece of Jalebi and Fafda, and eats it, He sees Nandini eating quietly without offering him more, while she sees him staring at her..,
Nandini: what, don't put your evil eye on my food, I don't wanna suffer indigestion..,
She hides her food, while Manik frowns..,
Manik: oh please, the way u are eating this unhygienic food, u will suffer indigestion by yourself I don't need to do something, I'm very happy with my healthy breakfast..,
He eats the salad and fruits in his plates..,
Nandini; and yes Come soon tonight..,
Manik: why..,
Nandini: coz I want to ask you my wish of the day na..,
Manik: what nonsense, what do u want tell it now, why suspense..,
Nandini: Meri Marzi..,
Manik: what meri Marzi, Nandini this thing will trouble me whole day..,
Nandini: Haan toh, if u can spoil my night then I'll spoil your day, tit for tat sweetheart.., (she stands and goes to him) my breakfast is done, I'm going to my restaurant, u think what will be my sweetheart, come soon tonight and yes Miss me Mr. Husband..,
She holds his chin and kisses his cheek while Manik was staring at her in shock with open mouth..,
Steve comes from kitchen and see Manik lost...,
Steve: Sir u are okay..,
Manik comes out of trance..,
Manik: Yeah okay and u, pack that food..,
Steve: what food sir..,
Manik: Aree this Jalebi and Fafda (He points at Nandini plate and sees it empty) Aree kitini Badi bhukkad hai ye, pura kha gayi..,
Steve: sorry sir, I don't understand hindi..,
Manik: no I mean, Pack Nandini's breakfast in my tiffin like yesterday and don't u dare to tell her..,
Steve: sorry sir but it's Finished, actually I prepared only for Nandini Ma'am...,
Manik: and what about your Ma'am's Husband, listen from tomorrow, u will prepare double whatever Nandini asks and secretly pack that food in my tiffin, but if Nandini asks why are u preparing too much then tell even u wanna eat, clear..,
He seems sternly, while poor steve looks at Manik like alien and nods..,
Manik: wow what a start, First Nandini puts that wish thing in my head and now even I can't have proper food, the Jalebi was so yummy.., she's doing this intentionally as I disturbed her sleep last night, don't know what she will ask at Night.., for the first time a girl is troubling me, THE Manik Malhotra, but no worries, Mrs. Nandini Manik Malhotra, Apna time bhi ayega...,
At Night,
The Day passed peacefully for Nandini but Manik was hell pissed off thinking about Nandini's wish, actually he was little scared coz who knows what's going on in His weirdo wife's mind..,
In Their Room,
Manik comes in and see Nandini playing games on her mobile with High Volume, she sees Manik and then time..,
Nandini: Hii, good u came soon today, we can do dinner today..,
Manik: First u tell me about your wish, this thing didn't let me at peace for a whole day Nandini..,
Nandini: Aree Baba, first freshen up and then..,
He snatches her phone as she was ignoring him due to game..,
Manik: I'm talking to you, Nandini enough just tell me your wish, My Mind isn't working..
Nandini sees his tired face plus irritated and feels bad, she forwards him a glass of water..,
Nandini: fine, I'll tell but drink water at least..,
Manik takes the glass and sips water...,
Manik: now tell..,
Nandini: okay so my wish of the day is.., see on our first night u kept teddy aside but I didn't woke coz u was cuddling u right..,
Manik: yeah off course, u were sticking me..,
Nandini: so now onwards, According to my today's wish, till I'm in the house, I'll sleep cuddling u on bed..,
Manik was surprised, this was really unexpected and He had mixed emotions, He don't know he should be angry on her or Happy..,
Manik: Have u lost, why will u cuddle me.., don't u dare to do that..,
Nandini: I'm not asking u, I'm telling u Mr. Malhotra and u have to fulfill my wish, u can't ruin my every night without sumo, so I need someone to cuddle and (she wraps hands around his neck) u are the best option right now..,
Manik: go to hell, I'm not gonna do anything like this..,
Nandini: Manik, Contract remember, conditions..,
Manik frowns more and points finger at her..,
Manik: u..,
Nandini: chill Manik and this will benefit u also, see according to since if u sleep cuddling someone then it releases oxytocin hormone in our body, it helps in relieving stress, better sleep and u fall asleep faster and I'm seeing u since last two night, u sleep very less Manik..,
Manik: I sleep for three hours and that's enough for me, I can't sleep for whole night, who will handle my Business then..,
Nandini: are u boss or employee, anyway let's have dinner and then we have to sleep cuddling..,
Manik sighs..,
Manik: Nandini, remember no intimacy rule..,
Nandini: Haan toh I'm not asking for sex, Manik..,
Manik thinks " How to make her understand that, I can't control my hormone when some girl sticks to me, on first night also she cuddled me and I woke up with a morning wood..."...,
He makes faces while Nandini was confused..,
Nandini: okay calm down, see u sleep 3 hours only no issue, I'll sleep cuddling my sumo and when u come, u put sumo aside and I'll cuddle u and when u woke up in morning, u keep sumo beside me and do your Morning routine.., (Manik don't know what to say) now no arguement,u freshen up, I'm hungry let's have dinner then..,
She pushes him in washroom...,
After some time,
As Nandini told she slept cuddling Her teddy sumo, while Manik came at late night, He remembers Nandini's wish, and sees Nandini sleeping hugging her teddy..,
Manik: Waise she's not wrong, cuddling has it's own beneficial effects, whenever I cuddle a girl after makeout, it feels good but now it's Nandini and we don't have any intimacy, God, why did I made that no intimacy clause, Fine, (self talks) Manik, don't be scared be a man, remember u are monster, Don't be scared of this Nandini..,
He goes and throws her teddy, as expected Nandini starts searching the teddy, Manik lays beside her, she cuddles him and comes on him totally
Manik sighs and makes her sleep on him comfortably by holding her waist, he sees her face and smiles and kisses her forehead,
while she hides her faces in his neck..,
Manik hugs her tightly and falls asleep very soon without any stress..,
Next Day,
Sun Ray's come in room, Manik's phone was ringing, With close eyes only He picks his phone...,
Manik: Hello..,
Cabir: Manik are u sleeping, u had to come to office early today, I thought u left for the office..,
Manik: Cabir, it's just 4 in morning, who goes office at this time..,
Cabir: Mr. Manik Malhotra, it's 7:30..,
Manik opens his eyes widely in shock and sees the time..,
Manik: oh God how did I sleep so much, Cabir I'll call later..,
He hangs phone..,
Manik: why didn't my alarm ring, (He sees alarm clock on floor and remembers throwing it in sleep when it ring) God, seriously, I'm an insomniac how can I sleep..,
He tries to get up but feels weight on him, He sees Nandini still sleeping Hugging him tightly, Manik understood what happened..,
Manik: Her so called cuddling, made me sleep longer, she and her weird ideas..,
He puts Nandini on bed and brings her teddy beside her immediate and goes in washroom..,
After some Time,
He comes out of washroom drying his hairs..,
Manik: wow, today I'm feeling more energetic even though I skipped my morning workout, is it due to her cuddling but I got late, anyway I have to leave now..,
He smiles at sleeping Nandini and leaves asking servants to take care of Nandini and also taking the Indian breakfast which was prepared for Nandini....
Manik sees Nandini with A Guy...,
How will he react???
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