Their Lolita:.41
"...We are gathered here today, to say our farewells, to..." Izuku ignored the priest and continued to stare down at Sheila's body in the casket. She serene, so at peace. He continued to stare at her until finally the casket was closed bringing him out of his thoughts. The casket was then lowered into the hole beneath it, allowing her to take her place right beside her husband. The man she loved more than anything and who reciprocated that feeling.
"...I hope you're happy deserve to be" Izuku said before backing away from the burial taking place, he had important things to take care of "mom's house" he said climbing into a limo waiting for him
"Looking for answers?" Shoto questioned taking Izuku's hands in his
"Yep, I can't keep living like this, keeping these important questions on my tongue but never voicing them" Izuku mumbled "I have so many unanswered questions burning at the back of my mind"
"Any of them you wanna voice now?" Shoto asked caressing Izuku's bandaged knuckles which were covered by black satin gloves
"How's Katsuki doing?" The greenette asked, emerald orbs meeting heterochromatic ones
"Much better than the last time you saw him, his other eye can open almost perfectly now, the lacerations are healing quite well and everything else is going good" the two toned male replied smiling
"Good" Izuku sighed "I don't...I don't ask for this very often recently, but, please cuddle me..."
"Of course baby" Shoto said picking Izuku up and setting him in his lap. Izuku leant forward and rested his head on Shoto's shoulder
"One more thing" Izuku mumbled comfortably
"Hmm?" Shoto hummed
"'s been on my mind for a while....remember how I said Sheila died?" Izuku asked
"Mhm, the roof of the room you were in caved in" Shoto recalled
"Did you find out what happened?" Izuku asked playing with a small ball of lint on Shoto's jacket sleeve
"Mhm, a small bomb was accidentally set off by one of Luca's members" the two toned male explained
"Oh, did you talk to the member as well as Luca?" Izuku asked
"Mhm, they were apologizing like crazy, Luca had to shut them up so that he can ask whatever questions he had" Shoto said rubbing Izuku's back soothingly
"...mmmh, you're gonna put me to sleep, stop..." the greenette mumbled lowly
"Rest, you need it" Shoto purred kissing Izuku's head gently. Slowly Izuku fell into a well needed sleep
"Shoto?" Izuku called out awakening in a black and lime-green room. He immediately remembered it as his bedroom, they had arrived at his mother's home, but he was asleep. He stretched with a small yawn and crawled out of bed, his bare feet hitting the floor softly, then stumbled out the door and walked over to the living room where Shoto and Inko were having tea.
He collapsed into Shoto's arms and snuggled into his chest "afternoon sleeping beauty" Shoto joked in a soft tone
"How long have I been sleeping?" Izuku groaned
"About an hour or two" Shoto shrugged sipping his tea
"Izuku? Baby?" Inko called out
"Hmm-yes Momma?" He answered looking over at her with lazy eyes
"Are you okay my baby boy?" She asked worry etched in her features
"I'm okay" Izuku nodded "however..."
"Yes? You hungry? Thirsty? Still a little tired?" Inko asked hurtling question after question at Izuku not giving him enough time to answer
"No, no and no" he answered finally before sighing "I have some questions I'd like to ask"
"Oh, of course hun" the green haired female nodded
"First, when was the last time you were ever in contact with Sheila, or rather Shadow?" Izuku asked climbing out of Shoto's arms and instead opted for the space beside him
"Well, the last time I ever saw her was when she walked out after killing- yeah" Inko explained, with a dark tone "why?"
"For starters, I saw her for the last time today" Izuku said wetting his lips
"What do you mean by that?" The female greenette asked, confusion lacing her words
"She died a while back, we were.....fighting and something unexpected happened and....well now she's with her husband" Izuku shrugged, seeming more laid-back about the subject than he truly was
"...I....see" Inko said nodding slowly
"Next question" Izuku said leaning forward, rested his elbows pn his knees "How exactly did Sheila's husband die?"
"...Remember how I used to tell you how sickly you were as a baby, and how happy I am that you come this far?" Inko asksd and Izuku nodded wordlessly "well, your dad and I found out about a serum that could help with your issue, so we got a squad ready, that squad also consisted of Sheila and her husband. We left towards the science facility where the serum was being made, everything was going well until Clinton, Sheila's husband, stepped on a trap that not only kept him stuck, but also set off an alarm as well as a bomb count down. At first your dad and I thought that the trap he fell in, he could get out easily. But then your dad realized, that wasn't the case, he'd lost a dear friend of his to the same trap, so he went back, grabbed Sheila and ran just as the count down reached its last few numbers and ran out of there. Its safe to say Clinton was left behind. Sheila wanted to go with him, but your dad loving his dear sister and all, he just couldn't let her go, not so soon"
"Wait? Sister?"
Oop😱👀. Once again, apologies for taking so long...
❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️
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