Their Lolita:.33
"Honey it's time to get up" Shoto said pulling on a pair of black ripped jeans to go with his plain white fitted shirt and blue plaid fannel shirt
"What you two did to me last night was......unexpected and I.......will not be agreeing to anything like that again" Izuku said as he struggled to rise from the bed as his ass and cock were extremely sensitive after the rough treatment he got last night.
Shoto and Katsuki had been twisting him in various positions and and pushing various things in his ass and on his cock, only to take a couple pictures and twist him, in another nearly impossible position.
"Not our fault you're sexy" Katsuki said walking into the room suddenly while putting on a necklace, startling Izuku into falling off the bed "shit babe, you okay?"
"Obviously not, you moron" Izuku grumbled struggling to stand, even with Katsuki's help
"How can we say sorry for being too rough?" Shoto asked putting on his chain O ring collar with no tag
"First, I need to get a couple more collars for you" Izuku said pointing at Shoto "second, you two are going to bathe me, dress me, feed me, and carry me, basically taking care of me as though I'm your child for the whole day"
"...aiite" Shoto and Katsuki agreed sighing. Katsuki then picked up the greenette while Shoto got the bath tub ready. After bathing the Izuku, Shoto got his dress while Katsuki got his shoes and accessories
After all of that, Katsuki picked up Izuku once more with Shoto right behind them as they descended the staircase.
"Morning boss, underboss" the occupants of the kitchen and common area greeted as Izuku, Shoto and Katsuki entered.
"Morning" Izuku and Shoto replied
"Oi! What about me? Do I not exist anymore?" Katsuki asked
".....hi Katsuki/Bakugou" everyone replied either rolling their eyes, shaking their heads or pinching the bridge of their noses.
Katsuki narrowed his eyes and shook his head slowly before carrying Izuku to the kitchen, where he set him down to eat his breakfast
"So why are we going to London?" Katsuki asked playing with Izuku's hair, which is still getting longer as the days go by and is yet to be cut
"I'm visiting someone" Izuku said fanning Katsuki's hand away "I also need to cut my hair"
"No, please leave it long" Shoto said shaking his head with a pout "I like it better long"
"Why? So you can use it to drag me left and right while you f🤗 me?" Izuku asked glaring playfully at Shoto
"Well, yes and no" Shoto replied shrugging
"Whatever, let's just go damnit" Izuku grumbled pushing away his now empty plate which was once filled with waffles
"Right, up you go" Shoto said picking Izuku up
"Babe, wake up, we're here" Shoto said trying to wake a sleeping Izuku
"So? Pick me up asshole" Izuku mumbled not bothering to open his eyes
"Ugh, sometimes I really hate it when he gets bossy" Katsuki grumbled picking up the greenette
"Let's just go, he's nicer when he's rested" Shoto mumbled
"I'll take your word for it" Katsuki huffed "by the way where are we going?"
"To our London house" Shoto replied shrugging
"You have a house here?" Katsuki asked in disbelief
"Yup" Shoto said nodding as they climbed off the plane "the maids there take care of everything when we're not there, and they know if they try anything Izuku won't be very merciful"
"How sad" a short white haired male, with red eyes cooed at the dead body, that now lay at his feet, the bullet wounds on its forehead pouring blood "you weren't even fast enough to save your own life"
"Boss its time to go" an orange haired man with pink eyes announced standing behind the white haired male
"Oh? Can't I put another hole in his brain?" Said white haired male asked pouting while playing with the ruffles of his dress
"...fine" the pink eyed male replied sighing
"Hehe! Yay!" The seemingly psychotic red eyed male giggled cocking his gun at the corpse "bye bye!"
"Hey guys" Izuku mumbled sleepily as he waddled into the kitchen, plopping himself down on Katsuki's lap
"Morning sweetheart/Baby" Shoto and Katsuki replied, both planting small kisses atop the greenette's head
"One, what day is it? Two what's for breakfast?" Izuku asked snuggling into Katsuki's chest
"It's Friday, you slept all of yesterday" Shoto replied smirking at the blushing Lolita "and you're having pancakes and bacon along with some fruits for breakfast"
"S-sounds yummy" Izuku stuttered still blushing
"Haha, how about I give you a little bubble bath and get you dressed for the day, hmm?" Katsuki said chuckling ashe caressed the blushing greenette's thighs
"O-okay" Izuku responded in a hushed tone
Grinning, Katsuki picked him up and took him to the bathroom, where he began to prepare the tub for his Lolita "babe?" He called out randomly
"Yeah?" Izuku answered pulling off his night dress
"Who exactly are you meeting up with?" Katsuki asked
"A friend of mine, that's all I'm telling you for now" Izuku chuckled shaking his head
"Why won't you tell me anything else?" Katsuki whined splashing Izuku who giggled
"Hehe, because I want you to see him and allow him to show and tell you the kind of person he is without just taking my word for it" Izuku replied stepping into the tub "he likes it better than way"
"He?" Katsuki said in an obviously jealous tone
"Yes Katsuki, he" Izuku said smirking, obviously picking up on Katsuki's jealousy "and I'll have you know I find him extremely cute"
"That's it, I've made up my mind, I'm going to kill this motherf🤗er when I see him" Katsuki declared as he began bathing his baby
"Pfft-right" Izuku said laughing at Katsuki
"Oi! What's that supposed to mean?" Katsuki asked glaring at Izuku
"Nothing, nothing" Izuku chuckled shaking his head. After bathing, Katsuki burrito wrapped Izuku in the towel took him to their room where he dried him off and dressed him as well as himself
"You guys done?" Shoto asked walking into the room
"Yeah, why don't you go get dressed?" Izuku suggested brushing his hair up into an elegant bun with the bow of a hairpin sticking out
"Alright" Shoto said nodding before pulling on his outfit
"Let's get you something to eat, yes?" Shoto cooed picking Izuku up
"Yes" Izuku agreed nodding with a small giggle. He wrapped his arms and legs around Shoto to carry him
"Hello, how may help you?" A blonde female with yellow eyes, asked as Izuku, Shoto and Katsuki walked into a glass building
"Yes, I need to see Mr Valentino" Izuku said nodding
"Oh? Do you have an appointment?" The receptionist asked
"No" Izuku replied raising an eyebrow at the girl
"Then I'm sorry ma'am but I can't-" the receptionist was about to say but stopped when Izuku held up a hand
"Just tell him that Izuku's here to see him" Izuku said smirking at her
"...fine" she sighed. She picks up a phone and dials what seems like a code since it was too short to be a phone number "yes sir, I-....I know sir but she told me to tell you that 'Izuku's here to see you'........sir?........sir are you there?......he.....hung up, I-"
"Shhh, listen" Izuku said pointing up. The receptionist said not another word and listened, trying to hear what Izuku heard.
Click! Clack!
Click! Clack!
Click! Clack!
Click! Clack!
"What the-" the receptionist mumbled hearing what sounded like heels going either up or down the stairs in a frantic hurry
A few more seconds of the odd sound and finally a short male with white hair and red eyes emerged from the stairwell and ran straight into Izuku's arms startling the receptionist
"Izuku!" He squealed wrapping his arms around the greenette
"Hehe, hey Luca" Izuku replied giggling
Who's Luca? 🤔. Bye!
❤❤❤Love You❤❤❤
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