There was a night Where God toldBlackMystery(Zack) that When God appears to him and God doesn'tanswer any of his questions that means he is going to die. As BlackMystery(Zack) was thinking how to beat shadow boy, there was a crime scene. When he went to the crime scene he saw a red light coming towards him then he fainted. He woke up in a mysterious place. While BlackMystery(Zack) was in the mysterious place ShadowGirl(Katie) and BlackMamba(Chris) realized that BlackMystery(Zack) is gone.
When BlackMystery(Zack) was in the mysterious place he saw some people with space suits. He then asked"What is this place?" 2 men named Stephen and Steve who are brothers replied "What? you don't know us? Well you're in planet Venus." BlackMystery(Zack)" What? But H-H-How?!" Then BlackMystery(Zack) saw a hologram bill board saying"Happy 2056 new year fellow astronauts!" Then BlackMystery(Zack) asked"Wait it's 2056?!" Stephen said"Yes." Then BlackMystery(Zack) was so worried that he could change history.Then BlackMystery(Zack) saw God and BlackMystery(Zack) asked him"Is this it? Is my death coming?" God doesn't answer and disappears.
While in Earth, ShadowBoy was ready to rule the world! He ruled every single country. While ShadowGirl(Katie) and BlackMamba(Chris) was thinking a way to stop ShadowBoy but ShadowBoy's just too strong.
While BlackMystery(Zack) was in the future he thought of a way of going back to the present. He thought he can use he's super speed to go back to the present. And when he used his super speed it worked! He was back to the right timeline. But he as shocked because all around him was chaos, all because of ShadowBoy
BlackMystery(Zack) Flew away to find ShadowBoy. Then whenBlackMystery(Zack) found ShadowBoy, BlackMystery(Zack) used he's heat vision only to put some scratches in ShadowBoy's Face ShadowBoy Quickly used and attack to knock out BlackMystery(Zack).
WhenBlackMystery(Zack) Was knocked out ShadowBoy killed many humans. And where is ShadowGirl(Katie) and BlackMamba(Chris)? Well they knew they won't win against ShadowBoy But When They saw ShadowBoy kill so many humans, They just couldn't stand it. So they came out and fight.
FinallyBlackMystery(Zack) woke up, he touched a building then he was so mad he's energy went to the building and the building exploded. He called that attack instant kill. But When he saw ShadowBoy kill innocent people and Stabbed BlackMamba(Chris) in his tummy.BlackMystery(Zack) raged and turned to his Ultra Dark form when no one can beat him.
After that he teleports to ShadowBoy's back then Punch him, and he launched in the air. BlackMystery(Zack) Did so many painful stuff to him. Then BlackMystery(Zack) turned to his normal form again. Then ShadowBoy had tentacles going out his back, and stabbedBlackMystery(Zack). BlackMystery(Zack) was still a little bit alive he was close to dying then BlackMystery(Zack) touched ShadowBoy's tentacles and used his Instant kill on him.
ShadowBoy died and so didBlackMystery(Zack). ShadowGirl(Katie) and BlackMamba(Chris) was crying because BlackMystery(Zack) died with ShadowBoy. 3 years later there was a statue ofBlackMystery(Zack) saying "Rest in piece our Hero BlackMystery(Zack). Also known as Zack Flint. THE END. MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW GUYS THANKS!
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