tw: abusive relationship
It was about a week into rehearsals and Evan and Connor hadn't rehearsed Dead Girl Walking since Evan ran out. Will was taking every opportunity to get close physically to Evan, and Connor would shoot death glares his way if he got to close to Evan. After running Candy Store for what felt like the hundredth time, their director dismissed the cast. Connor ran up to Evan quickly, smiling at the boy as they made eye contact.
"Hey! Do you maybe wanna come over and we can practice a little maybe... My parents aren't home so we have the house to ourselves." Evan nodded, grabbing Connor's hand in his own casually.
"Wow. You really trust that pervert enough to go to his house?" Will sneered, smoothing out his shirt as he sauntered up to the couple.
"Fuck off, Will." Connor rolled his eyes, gripping Evan's hand tighter as they started walking out. Will walked after Evan, putting his hand on his shoulder as to stop him for a moment. Evan jumped towards Connor, his face bright red and his eyes welling up with tears. Connor flipped off Will before putting his arms around Evan and running out of the school. By the time the boys had reached Connor's dads old jeep, Evan was whimpering as he sat in the passengers seat. Connor reached out a hand to Evan, but Evan batted it away.
"I swear... Evan just tell me when and I'll beat him up. I could kill him..." Connor gritted his teeth as he slammed on the gas, speeding back to his house. Evan sat curled up in the seat picking at the rips in his jeans. Connor was gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his fingernails were making imprints in the rubber, he was outraged that someone had made Evan feel this way. He reached out to slam the door shut behind him, but he caught himself and held the door open for Evan as he blushed. Evan walked in the house quickly, acting incredibly cautious of the world around him. He was scared anything was going to hurt him.
"W-What do you wanna practice first...?" Evan spoke first, standing in the doorway. Connor smiled and lead him upstairs, sitting them both down on his bed. Evan pulled out his script and started lazily flipping through the pages, opening up to Our Love is God.
"Is this o-okay?" Evan said softly, watching Connor nod to him as he was putting his hair into a ponytail.
"C-Cute..." He commented on the boys long hair, smiling a little bit. Connor cleared his throat before starting the song.
"They made you cry, but that will end tonight..." Connor sang softly, Evan becoming infatuated with him more and more every word. He moved closer to the other boy, eventually so their knees grazed each other ever so slightly. Connor blushed as he continued singing, putting his hand on Evan's leg protectively.
"Our love is god." Evan joined in, smiling at how well both of their voices harmonized together.
"They'll die because we say they must."
"W-What the fuck have you done?"
"I worship you... I'd trade my life for yours..." Connor's words flowed from his mouth slowly, his eyes closing as he focused on memorizing the words.
"Our love is god." The pair finished together, both smiling widely at one another.
"Th-That was really good! The way our voices go together..." Evan trailed off, blushing as Connor kissed his forehead.
"Sorry. You're kinda irresistible." Connor gushed at Evan, flipping through the pages in front of him as he opened to Dead Girl Walking. Evan looked at where Connor had opened to and he felt himself go rigid.
"I-I want to work... The blocking fo-for that... I wa-want to get comfortable with... tou-touching..." Evan stammered, getting up off the bed and turning on the music for the song. Connor nodded as he lay down on the floor across from Evan.
"The demon queen of high school has decreed it," Evan started off quiet, getting louder with each note of the song. His confidence grew as he felt Connor's eyes watching him the whole time.
"T-Tonight I'm yours, I'm your dead girl walkin'. G-Get on all fours, Kiss this dead girl walkin'." Evan stuttered, trying to cover it up by dropping to his knees and trapping Connor between his thighs.
"I'm here it's beautiful. Let's make this be-beautiful!" Evan let out the high note before feeling Connor's familiar hands take the hem of his shirt, slowly pulling it off of him. Evan breathed, letting the instrumental lead play out. He helped Connor take his shirt off and he blushed at seeing his chest. He felt comfortable enough with Connor to meet some of his hip movements, almost grinding down on him as Connor did a somewhat thrust up on him. Evan reached his hands out to grab Connor's face, Connor doing the same. Evan connected his lips to Connor's exaggerating the movements in between the two of them. He felt confident in his actions and was surprised at how well he was handling the situation. Connor smiled at his boy, proud of him.
"No sleep tonight for you, better chug that mo-mountain dew!"
"Okay, okay."
"Get your ass in gear, make this whole town disappear!"
"Okay, okay!" Connor's mouth was nearly against Evan's as he sang looking directly into the others eyes. He kept his hands on Evan's sides, feeling the soft skin under his fingers.
"Slap me, pull my hair! Touch me-"
"There and there and the-" As Evan and Connor finished the last "there", Evan felt Connor put his hand near his dick on his thigh. He stopped immediately, stumbling back off of Connor and breathing heavily. Connor frowned, panicking that he had hurt Evan.
"Evan, I'm so sorry..." Connor sat a distance from the boy, scared to touch him again. Evan slammed his fist against the floor, letting tears roll down his face in anger and fear.
"I-It's my fault... I fu-fucking hate that I can't just... do it like everyone else. I have... bruises... and shi-shit around certain areas an-and sometimes if you to-touch them it triggers..." Evan's voice became more quiet as he went on, in fear of it cracking as he was crying. He climbed back over to Connor, sitting next to him and putting his head onto Connor's shoulder and letting himself relax into Connor's side.
"Do you want to... talk about it...?" Connor put his arm around the other, rubbing small circles into his back calmingly. Evan nodded hesitantly against Connor's side.
"W-Will... would... beat me... If I did-didn't do what he wan-wanted me to..." Evan whispered before he choked on tears and fell further into Connor's embrace. Connor's eyes filled with rage for Will, and he held Evan tighter in his arms.
"Evan, we have to do something..."
"Will ge-gets what he wants... P-Please, I'm be-begging you... Don't do an-anything..." Evan gripped onto Connor's arm and whimpered. He didn't want to be hurt again.
"I'll do anything to protect you. We're going to get through this..." Connor spoke with a certain passion in his voice that made Evan feel reassured. Evan became aware after his tears started to stop that he didn't have his shirt on. He blushed and pulled away from Connor, grabbing Connor's shirt and sweatshirt instead of his own and throwing them over his head. They were large on his shorter body but he smiled as he could smell Connor's familiar scent of weed and the auditorium stained into them. Connor awed at the other, ruffling his hair affectionately.
"You're so fucking cute, Evan Hansen." Connor smiled, leaning forward to kiss Evan softly. Evan returned the kiss, putting his hand softly on Connor's bare chest. The boys sat making out in a pure bliss for what seemed to short before Evan heard his phone go off.
"S-Shit... I-I gotta leave soon..." Evan frowned against Connor's lips, Connor just continuing to kiss him.
"I'm proud of you. You did really well today." Connor spoke softly, running his hand through Evan's soft hair before putting his arms underneath him. He picked the boy up in his arms gently in a bridal-style fashion, watching Evan's face blush. Evan kissed him one last time before breaking apart to jump down from Connor's arms and looking into his eyes deeply.
"W-What does this make u-us...?"
"Don't know. Wanna date?"
"Y-You mean it?"
"I wouldn't lie to you Evan." Connor smiled and Evan looked astonished. He had forgotten how nice actually liking someone could be.
"I-I'd love to..." Evan shuffled his feet, feeling Connor press his lips to his cheek before leaning down to pick up an old shirt from the floor and throwing it over his head.
"Can I walk you to your house, boyfriend?" Connor said with an innocent grin, nonchalantly wrapping his arm around Evan's waist. Evan nodded and the boys stumbled down the stairs giggling to each other, walking down the dimly lit street stealing kisses from each other. Evan felt safe in Connor's grasp, and for once he wasn't dreading school the next morning.
a.n: 1523 words dAb wow tell me ur opinions on this shitty fanfic haha
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