tw: abusive relationships depicted, hoe used in a comical sense
Will had gotten suspended for the photo. Evan had gotten a phone call from the school saying so. He couldn't be more horrified to go back to school knowing everyone had seen the picture. Jake had offered to beat anyone up who tried to talk to Evan, but Rich interrupted offering the same thing as to protect Jake and then they had gotten into a small argument. Jared had been staying over at Evan's house every night, making sure he was okay and making sure he wasn't always checking online for the photo. The morning came that Evan had to go back to school, and Jared was close by his side along with Connor meeting them at the entrance. They were both aware Evan had already gotten looks and chuckles, and they were quick to stare down anyone who threw a nasty comment.
"I-I can't take this." Evan whispered to Zoe during third period, holding his head in his hands.
"We can probably get you a pass to leave-"
"It's just all the eyes are on me. I don't want any attention." He murmured, tears threatening to spill as he scribbled all over his paper.
"Just breathe... It's gonna be old news in a week. It's shitty now... But we all got your back for now, got that?" Zoe offered a small smile, reaching over to hold Evan's hand and squeeze it tightly.
"Thank you." Evan whispered, squeezing back before excusing himself to the bathroom to be alone.
"He's still not out?" Jared whimpered as Zoe shook her head, Connor coming up behind them and frowning.
"No... He wanted people to stop looking. At him."
"Hate to switch the mood but, opening night is tomorrow? How is Evan going to handle the audience?" Alana said, and Connor was about to say something as Evan appeared into the group.
"I'll be fine." He was holding a water bottle tight in his hands, standing close to Connor.
"Who's... His understudy?"
"He's still going on."
"The fuck?" Jared chimed in, looking horrified and his fists clenching.
"Will is still going on." Evan whispered as he looked down to the floor, shuffling his feet. Connor wrapped his arm around Evan's shoulder as they all sat under the trees outside during lunch.
"He won't try shit." Alana growled, picking at the grass beside him.
"I mean, I'll fucking kill him. In character and out." This caused a small giggle from Evan, causing the whole group to light up at the small smile tugging on Evan's lips.
"I-I was actually thinking... Maybe we should tone down the couple stuff... A-At least around Will." He whispered close to Connor, causing the light in the group to dim.
"Evan you don't need to change for him-" Jared cut in, looking concerned to his long time friend.
"No, I don't want Connor getting pulled anymore into this." He stated firmly as his hand moved from Connor's back to his side. Connor looked blankly to the ground, nodding slowly.
"Anything you need." He whispered back, smiling weakly as his eyes filled with familiar sadness.
"Anyways, dress rehearsal tonight. I think I'll fall asleep during the finale." Zoe switched the topic quickly, laughing softly to herself.
"That's not a word Connor-"
"Fuck you."
Dress rehearsal was until late at night, nine pm to be exact. Will was surprisingly quiet, still managing to belt out Candy Store perfectly. It annoyed everyone how well the horrible boy could sing, but it was undeniably impressive.
"Do you think I could pull of this skirt?" Evan held up the skirt to Alana in the costume closet, quite similar to Veronica's skirt in the original music.
"Try it on!" He quickly put them over his shorts, it hugged his hips perfectly and the bottom reached just to his thighs.
"Damn, baby! You're cute." Alana cheered, clapping her hands as she twirled him around her hand.
"Really? Is it too short?"
"Only if you think it is."
"I-I kinda like it." He blushed, holding the bottom of it and moving the fabric around.
"You should see if you can wear it for the production!"
"Are you kidding me? I'd get killed." Evan laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head as Alana rolled her eyes.
"You wouldn't. And you'd look so good! Only if you're comfortable with it, though."
"You really think I could?" He murmured, spinning around so it flowed up a little as he stood in front of the dusty mirror.
"Hey Lana we need you on- Fuck, Evan... Please wear that on stage." Jared came in as he clapped slowly, a smile on his lips.
"I'm gonna ask."
"No- Just go on in it next song. You could surprise Connor." He purred, nudging Evan in the arm softly.
"Actually maybe I shouldn't-"
"Evan, you know Will's not going to do shit with Connor around... Don't let him restrict your relationship. You and Connor really have something... I-It makes me happy when I see you with him with that damn smile." Jared took Evan's shoulders in his hands, looking at him seriously.
"I see it too- I don't think I can recall seeing a happier couple." Alana chimed in as she straightened out her shirt, smiling softly.
"I don't know... He doesn't deserve to go through all of this with me."
"Hey, if he loves you, which it's clear he does, he's gonna stick with you through thick and thin. Don't give up on each other just yet... Unless he's done something in that case I'll fuck that hoe up so bad-" Evan winced at the word 'hoe', Jared slapping a hand over his mouth and shaking his head.
"Shit, sorry... Fuck... I'm so sorry."
"N-No! It's okay! And he hasn't done anything... I just want to be... Mentally okay so that I can give him my all."
"He'll take any bit of you, Ev. He'd be stupid not to." Alana smiled, rubbing the safe spots on Evan's shoulder. Jared pulled both of them into a hug, quickly pulling away as they heard the music overhead fade.
"That's our cue."
"Let's wreck this bitch." Evan murmured, rubbing his hands together ironically as Alana smiled widely, Jared nearly keeling over in laughter.
"I love you so much. So fucking much." Jared leaned on Evan's shoulder as he tried to recover, walking up the musty stairs.
"You're pretty cool too." Evan teased, ruffling the other boys hair.
"W-What?" Jared faked hurt, pouting his lip out for effect.
"Kidding. Love you too, no homo." Evan gave him a quick squeeze before strutting on stage, forgetting the skirt was on him as it flowed ever so softly.
"Fuck." Connor whispered as he saw Evan walk up to him, a devilish smile amongst his lips.
a.n: idk what this is but here's an update also if u wanna roleplay anything hmu ? im a hoe sorry
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