tw: slut used , abusive relationship
"Full of people I know..." Zoe finished, blushing as she gave the microphone back to a crew member.
"She's my sister!" Connor yelled from the audience, earning a cheer from Evan. Zoe looked embarrassed as she went to talk to the director, smiling as she trailed back to the boys.
"He said if I get the blocking down quickly I can do it!" She squealed as Evan gave her a big hug. She hugged back quickly, gripping her new script in hand.
"I don't know how they're going to find a guitar player to replace you."
"Jake said he would! He's pretty decent, actually." The trio of Rich, Jake, and Jared sat behind them giggling and stealing kisses from each other. Jake heard his name and sent a wink over to the group, then going back to his boys.
"Everyone off stage, we're doing a full run through." The director called, the high schoolers quickly scurrying to the wings to change into costume. Connor helped Evan button up his blazer, kissing him quickly before rushing off to stage right.
"September first, nineteen eighteen eighty nine." Evan started, managing not to stutter and tried not to smile as he stayed in role. Most of the song went flawlessly, only getting a little shaky as the Heathers appeared. Zoe suited the costume perfectly, Evan thought to himself quietly.
"Let's make him beautiful..."
"Okay!" Zoe's face lit up hearing how confident how Evan sounded. Alana had to fight not to throw him a thumbs up as she remained in role, fixing her sweater a little bit. The rest of his lines went great, only naturally stuttering ever so often. The director always let it slide, they knew it wasn't an easy thing to fix. Connor's entrance was a little rough, but during his fight with Jared and Rich, his blocking was impeccable.
"I would fight for you... If you would fight for me." Evan's voice quivered, coughing a little at the end but it being covered up with transition music. Jared gave him a pat on the back before the lights came back up for Candy Store Playoff.
Connor couldn't help but put in little extra things to make Freeze Your Brain more flirtatious, such as moving closer to to Evan whenever he could. Will had been seemingly quiet with his actions towards Evan, staying his distance when he saw the group protecting Evan. Soon enough, the opening to Dead Girl Walking were playing again. Besides Evan nearly breaking Connor's buttons as he ripped his shirt off, the song went great. Zoe wrapped Evan in a hug as he came off stage for just a moment, earning a small squeak from the boy as he felt his bruises being crushed. She didn't have enough time to apologize as she let go, the boy hurrying quickly on stage with Connor as they had to kill Heather Chandler.
"What is her final statement to a cold, unforgiving planet?" Connor's voice was clear, leaning next to Evan as they stood close to Will's body on the ground. A girl named Christine came onstage as Ms. Fleming, seeming perfectly confident in everything she did.
"Heather would be so proud of you!" The song ended as the ensemble finished, earning a cheer from a small group in the audience. The rest of act one went normally, only a few minor mistakes from the stage crew, such as the lights coming on Jared and Rich lip locked or the music blaring at the wrong moments. They were granted a ten minute break between acts one and two for costume changes and other necessities. Connor and Evan preferred to spend the time in a quiet corner off to the side of the chaos, just holding hands and talking about anything and nothing.
"He hasn't done anything lately... Has he?" Both of them inferred "he" was Will. Evan squeezed Connor's hand back, nodding quickly.
"He's been okay. I'm surprised... You were really good... Singing and stuff." Evan blushed as he ran his thumb over Connor's, trying to flirt with the other a little.
"You looked a little shaky during The Me Inside of Me?"
"O-Oh, it was nothing."
"Don't get mad at her! Zoe hugged me for doing a good job and she hit one of my trigger spots. I-It was my fault."
"It was neither of your faults. I'm not mad... Just upset that you even have triggers. I mean, I love everything about you b-but... I don't want you to have to suffer. Ever." He whispered as he kissed Evan softly. Evan kissed back, holding his face until he heard the director call for places.
"Time to fight!" Evan whispered as he pretended to punch Connor in the arm, helping the other boy up. My Dead Gay Son went great, both of the dads really putting their effort into making the performance believable.
"Fine! We're damaged, really damaged. But that does not make us wise." Evan started, singing right at Connor as they were the only two on stage. The lights gleamed down on them, the stillness in the air of the theater almost unbearable. As the song peaked, the boys kissed deeply earning a whistle from Jake. They pulled away to finish the song, but Evan couldn't help but blush and coming in a few seconds late.
Zoe didn't once mess up the blocking. It was incredible, really. She had really studied the role, preparing for a production of it one day where she could play the part. And now, she sang confidently and quite beautifully on stage. As Evan hugged Zoe after the Shine A Light Reprise, she whispered a quiet "I'm sorry." to him as the lights cut. He gave her an extra squeeze as he got back up, preparing for the next notes he had to belt out. Alana's performance drew tears to everyone waiting in the wings, Evan sobbing so much that he had to cover his mouth so he wasn't heard. Meant To Be Yours started and as Evan started tying himself to be hung, he couldn't help but look to Connor.
"Oh my god, no... Ronnie..." Connor nearly fell to his knees, wincing as he saw Evan hanging. He took a deep breath and managed to finish the song, running off the stage quickly after the final notes sounded. Evan took himself down, singing the strongest Dead Girl Walking Reprise performance he had yet. The tears Evan cried when Connor blew up were legitimate, but he dug his fingernails into his palms to finish the show.
"Beautiful!" The whole cast finished, practicing a bow together. Evan and Connor came out last, holding each others hands tightly as they took their final bow. The cast rushed offstage and to the bathrooms to get undressed, then gathering for notes for the next rehearsal.
"Dismissed until Monday, which is a week from opening night!" The director called to the kids rushing to leave.
"H-Hey, you can all come over to my house an-and we can watch musical bootlegs if you want." Evan said to the small group of Zoe, Connor, and Alana. Jared had a date with Rich and Jake and Evan knew better than to interrupt them. They all agreed, Connor reaching out for Evan's hand as they walked to Evan's familiar small house.
"Just throw your stuff here... A-And you can grab food here. My room is d-down here, what musical do you want to watch?"
"Falsettos!" Connor and Zoe cried at the same time. The siblings had been obsessed with it for awhile and looked excited to Evan as he nodded slowly.
"T-That's one of my favorites too." Evan smiled as he looked it up on his old computer, finding a decent bootleg and connecting it to a tv in his room. The group sprawled across the floor, Evan and Connor cuddled close to each other on the side and Zoe and Alana sitting criss crossed next to each other. The girls didn't know each other that well, so through the course of the musical they managed to make some small talk.
"I've never heard of Falsettos, actually."
"It's amazing! It makes me cry every time. And I've heard it more than fifty times!" Zoe exclaimed with a look of pity.
"I'll take your word. Your blocking was better than mine today, by the way. And I've been in the cast since the start!"
"It wasn't perfect-"
"Shut up. Yes it was." Evan chimed in as Connor was leaning his head on his shoulder, their every limb entangled.
"I-I studied the other guy who did it... He was good, just had a temper." She giggled a little, looking back to the screen as Trina belted out I'm Breaking Down. Eventually Alana excused herself to go home, claiming something about homework. It was quite obvious she was going to study her blocking over and over, determined to get it somehow as perfect as Zoe's. The musical ended with Marvin sobbing into the casts arms, and Evan was sobbing into Connor's lap. The trio was all a crying mess as the curtain closed.
"Fuck you both for recommending that."
"I love Whizzer and Marvin almost as much as you." Connor choked out, earning a small gag as Zoe left the room to go raid Evan's food. Evan pulled out his phone to text his Mom about having the siblings over, smiling a little. Connor leaned in to kiss his cheek quickly.
"I like seeing my boyfriend happy."
"Me too."
"I'm a week clean, Ev." Evan broke into more tears, hugging Connor tightly.
"I've never been so proud in my life, Connor. You're so strong!" He said through a smile as tears came streaming down his face.
"Thanks to you." They spent the next few minutes just enjoying each others company, kissing each other deeply not being able to get enough of the other. They were interrupted when Zoe shrieked, and the sound of a plate crashing was evident.
"Zoe!" Connor came running, Evan trailing soon after him worriedly. She had a hand over her mouth as she was quivering, her phone in her other hand.
"I'll fucking kill him!" She screamed as she threw her phone on the table.
"Whoa... Calm down, Zo. T-Take a deep-"
"Have you been on Instagram?"
"N-No why-"
"I've already reported it, but there's nothing else I can do! Connor..."
"What the fuck are you talking..." Evan was already on his phone, messages flooding in as he opened up Instagram. Connor had turned on his phone, looking horrified at the pictures before him. A photo of Evan, asleep, adorned in only a pair of skimpy boxers laid out on bedsheets. The next photo was one of him and Evan, kissing. He noticed the background was their familiar spot backstage, knowing quickly it was a photo taken from today. Under the photos was captioned "Evan Hansen's a slut." The person who posted the photo was anonymous but it was clear who it was to the small group. There were reposts of the photo with horrible comments and undoubtedly groups sending the photos around to one another.
Evan looked pale as he shut off his phone, falling into Connor's arms. He was screaming silently, his face drowning in tears. Connor's expression couldn't be more enraged as he threw his phone on the ground, the screen cracking a little. Zoe left the pair, running home as fast as she could to try to get to her family before the photo did.
"W-Will took that. S-See the bruises? New. F-From him. I-I remember that night... T-The night he said h-he did it because he lo-loved me." Evan's words were only understandable to Connor as they collapsed onto the couch together. Connor gripped Evan tightly, wrapping his arms around his chest and his legs in the others.
"He's going to get expelled. Mark my words, Evan Hansen. He's not getting away with it this time." His voice was harsh as he turned Evan's face to his own. Both of them were crying, Evan pulling against Connor's hoodie.
"I-I told you, y-you don't have to help me!"
"I don't have to do anything! I want to help you. You're the light of my life, Evan. I love you so fucking much... So fucking much... I love you and I'm going to make your life good. We'll get rid of him together. And with Jared and Zoe... And Rich and Jake... And Zoe a-and... And every other decent person."
"I love you." Was all that Evan could murmur as their lips crashed against each other again. Evan pulling Connor closer, the kiss wet as both of them were crying quietly.
"Yes, my love?"
"A-Am I a slut?"
"Oh my god no... No... I know its cheesy but... I think you're perfect a-and amazing. I love you, Evan. Will's an asshole. You're not a slut... At all... If anything, he is."
"I can't b-believe how much I love you."
a.n: whoops sorry this had taken awhile to update !!! also hey. hit me up if you want to roleplay (most) any ship.
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