New ₱Ⱡ₳ɎɆ-person..
{P̶o̶m̶n̶i̶'̶s̶ POV}
Wandering around a shop i saw something out of the very corner of my eye.
A colorful headset
Red, Blue, gold and white with a few glowing accents along the edge
Without hesitation i broke walking forwards and began walking towards the headset
Grazing my fingers over the headset i sighed
becoming more intrigued i grabbed it
admiring the back it was still covered in bright colors
where my eyes would go was glowing bright white
i hesitated for a moment before placing the headset on my head
being blinded by the bright lights for a second before something came into view
colorful words..
"The.. c.r..s"
was all i could read
my eyes still blurred from the bright flashing light
before- a song started to play-?
i couldnt make out the words but before i knew it i was on a stage
not noticing people lined up in front of me i moved forwards, knocking all of them over
then turning around, an exit door?
running up to it i fell, it disintegrated in front of my eyes
shocked, i jumped back fearfully'
"ughhh caine?! is this a newcomer or one of your stupid NPC'S?! cause if this is a new sucker we're gonna have to do this theme song thing alllll over again" an annoyed male voice exclaimed
"immm.. not. doing that again." a feminine voice hissed
"My my! it appears a new human has appeared in this realm!" an excited voice exclaimed
i looked towards the voice.. his whole head was.. TEETH?!
"errghhh.. u-ugghh..!!! ho-how do i take this headset off..?!" i exclaimed, horrified|
"Just keep grabbin at it, thats worked for all of us" a male voice smirked
continuing to try i nearly pulled my eye out, which scared me even more
"i- i- wha-whats going on?! i- i put this w-weird headset on.. no-now im here?! who are you people..? why cant i take it off..?! where am i?!" i exclaimed out of pure horror
"now now.. lets all try to calm down alright?" walking over to me she looked down slightly
"everythings gonna be okay new stuff, we've all been through this"
"WHAT THE *BOING* IS GOING O- wha..?" i mumbled, it blurred out my swears?
"Now, now, now, my dear, we can't have any of that foul language around here. The Amazing Digital Circus is a place to be enjoyed by all ages. You, my friend, stumbled into an incredible world of wonders where anything can happen! Except for swearing." the 'tooth guy' exclaimed
~way too many swearing sound effects later~
" god.. Well.. how- how do i, you know.. leave.?" i sighed fearfully
"well uh.. d-dont freak out about it..or- or anything.. but, uh, we dont exactly..." a female voice spoke nervously before being cut off by a male
"ya cant." the male voice spoke bluntly
"what..?" i spoke softly
"shut up Jax. buttt- yeah. hes right. welcome to your new home! and your new body." a female voice hissed
"new home? what do you mean?!" i spoke, newly horrified again
"guys dont be meannn" a female voice sighed
"we've been stuck 'ere for yearsss. Old kinger over theres supposedly been here the longest" 'jax' spoke once again, bluntly
"did someone say something about an insect collection..?" a king chess piece type man peeked out of a pillow shelter
"thats why.. hes- eh- crazy.. eh- hehe-" 'jax' hissed
"OH! oKaY, i get itttt!!! This is a drEam and i should just PLAY along until i wAke up!! rIgHt?!" i giggled, wanting to cry
~...awkward silence...~
"whatever 'ya say kid" jax smirked
"..they broke my comedy mask.." one of those drama symbol like things sobbed
"SO! caine, we having another adventure for the newbie or what?" 'jax' quizzed, walking over the drama symbols already broken second mask
"IDE like to give our BRAND NEW member a tour of THE GROUNDS first.. OFF WE GOOOO!!"
"so first.. we've got, THE TENT! This is where your living quarters are, as well as all sorts of other activities. These activities may include-" 'caine' paused, his eyes turning into a computer virus system thing?
"Ball pits, mini golf, and more. And here we have ! Drown yourself in the digital lake or engage in ridery[sic] at the digital carnival! Night, day, it's all okay! The choice is yours, a cosmic buffet!" he continued excitedly
" that all.. there is..?" i asked, nervously
"OFFF COURSE NOT!" he shouted excitedly
"this isssss.... THE VOIDDDD!!! yeah.. we.. we dont venture out into the void." he paused for a moment
"not even i know whats out there." he continued, talking faster
"thats-s-" i was cut off by his quick talking once more
"We stay right here, where I can keep my hundreds of all seeing eyes on you." he spoke quickly
"Hello Caine.. I love you." the- THE MOON?! SPOKE?!
"Ah! lets get outta here before the moon gets frisky!" he spoke quickly as we teleported back into 'the tent'
"WAIT! whats that?!" i asked, seeing an exit door but quickly we were back into the tent
i felt sick from all the teleporting- was that even able to happen in a digital universe-!? clearly..
"wOAh! clean up on isle YOU!" 'caine' yelped
"Im on it boss!" a weird.. bubble.. demon.. creature.. thing.. spoke
"why are you like this.." Caine sighed
"wait wait.. was that an exit door?!?! was that an exit door i saw out there?!" i asked hopefully
"what exit?" 'Jax' spoke, ripping off a persons arm, their whole body was- scribbles?
"If there was any way to leave, im preeeeetty sure we wouldve all done it by now." He sighed before the scribble like person began choking him with the arm he ripped of... [rightfully]
"Yeah what are you talking about?" the scribble girl spoke in the same sassy voice ide heard earlier
"...Uh, I, ahem, I assure you there is no magical exit door. You're probably just experiencing DIGITAL HALLUCINATIONS! From your mind's transition to the digital plane!" Caine spoke, his voice sounded quick and.. panicked?
"i- err-uhhhh.." i stumbled
"DIGITAL HALLUCINATIONS!" he blurted out, starring at me scarily
"why dont we talk about something else... like... YOUR NAME!" he spoke quickly
"my name.. m-my name.. UH- AGHH!! WHY CANT I REMEMBER MY NAME!?" i yelled, why couldnt i remember..?!
"well here in this digital world your name can be anything!!!" caine spoke excitedly
"my name my name.. WHY CANT I REMEMBER MY NAME?!" i yelled once again
"yeah yeah none of us could. it happened to all of us." 'jax' sighed, oddly enough, keeping a smile
"Well if theres one thing i CANT control in this digital world, its your MINDS"
"b-but.." i mumbled
"well well! what do YOU want your name to be!!" he exclaimed
"..oh- i- uh- idontknowjust- just pick anything.." i muttered
"OKAYYY lets find out!" he exclaimed, pulling a rope as a letter chooser thingy mabob dropped from the horrifyingly tall celings
"oookay!! what do you think of... XDDCC?" he exclaimed
"i- i.. i dont.." i muttered
"YOUR RIGHT!! terrible.. lets try that again!" he spoke loudly
"what do you think of.. Pomni?" he asked right after spinning the wheel once more
"uhhhhh- s-sure.. i think i- i just.." i muttered
"GADZOOKS JAX! YOOOOOUR RIGHT! we should host a challenge for our NEWWW MEMBER!" he spoke loudly
"..i said that like- five minutes ago." jax rolled his eyes
~after explaining what Gloinks are and what they do/ how the 'game' works~
I hope yall enjoy reading about my random hyperfixations :D
i love you all/p
have an amazing day/night!!!
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