Meeting the others
CREATORS NOTE: Sorry for the kat upload I was busy with things, also if your new and still don't know anything read the 2 pages before this so you can be alarmed if you already read the 2 then enjoy this chapter. especially new characters are coming so if still not done, read it first. And again Enjoy!
Virgo and the other 2 had been walking for some minutes now Gemini and libra were amazed at how big the castle was then libra asked "How do you know every place here? this is so Massive!"
"well I've been a maid here for 5 years already... my mom was a maid here too but... she died..."
"Im very sorry I asked! im sorry for your mother by the way"
"No! it's okay you didn't know about it I don't really like talking about it much"
Gemini's eyes gazed as continuously walking he saw swords and more! "Virgo, is this it?" "Yes, it is! oh look there's Aries while the 2 was looking around Virgo walk towards aries "Hey Aries king Cepheus said that you can start it whenever you want if it will be good" "Oh you bought some friends wanna tell then who they are"
"Oh right! Gemini! Libra! come here!" the 2 came to Virgo and stand stood
"Okay, so this is Aries Ram or Aries to call him, he's the youngest head guard in the entire history also one in the war." "Good morning as Virgo said im Aries Ram call me Aries and yes I am a head guard and im in the war"... "Hello my name is Libra Scales and this is Gemini Twin we are both in the war, it's glad to meet you too"
"Oh, it's 12 pm now wanna go to lunch with us?" Aries then asked the 2
"Well if it's okay then sure will go"Gemini replied "Then let's go" Virgo happily responded
The 4 teens walk to the fairy cafe and oh look who is there!
"Hey dad, you didn't tell me you were working the morning shift," libra said
"well your auntie is sick so she is in the TNH, your friend is taking care of her"
"Oh bless her to be better, anyways we are here to eat lunch"
"Maid Maiden and Head guard Ram, I supposed you are friends with both of them. King Cepheus already made a copy for your lunch he also thought you were 4 I guess he was right. you 4 your seats are over there beside that pink lantern"
"Thanks, Mr. Scales"
the 4 walk to their table and sat at their seat
"Wow I didn't know your dad work here also your auntie," Virgo said, Gemini said "Yeah me too", "Well its because my dad is on the night shift and my auntie is switching jobs like she would be a cashier then a waitress than a cook, so yeah"
while they were talking the table then made a hole and saw some fairies lifting it up again, Look! It's a table of a feast! foods are in there, they were surprised at how much food there is! there was a note beside the candle
"Hey guys look there's a note" by Gemini weirdly said
Enjoy your lunch warriors, the other 8 is also enjoying
their lunch like you, you 12 teens deserve this before
the training starts full your selves up.
King Cepheus & Queen
The 4 was smiling because the king and queen still cared for them even though they're just teens
After they were done eating they thanked Mr. Scales and look for the king...
"Where could the king be?"
"Looking for me?" asked King Cepheus said from behind...
Moments later after calming down...
"Your majesty why would you scare us like that!" as Virgo shakingly asked
"Well, I thought I wasn't really surprised there, now why do you kids want to meet me?"
"Oh right, we are very thankful for the lunch you gave us, please also say thank you to queen Cassiopeia for us..."
"Well of course! also, we want you 4 to meet the other 8 si- I mean teens!"
"Sure we would love to meet them!"
"Well then I suppose to follow me"
They walk inside the castle with the greetings of the 8
"Salutations" "Hello" Hey" Sup" "Hi" "Good Morning" that's all they heard and of course they had also greet them with happiness. The King's guard was coming towards king Cepheus and spoke
"Your majesty the villagers need you I don't know why though"
"Okay thank you Atlas, you may go now... For you, teens here's a list for your roles just in case your forget"
Teen Roles:
Aries- Head Guard
Taurus- Fairy protector
Gemini- Elf (Male)
Cancer- Knight
Leo- Paladin
Virgo- Earth Mage
Libra- Mage healer
Scorpio- 2nd in command
Sagittarius- Archer
Capricorn- Ninja
Aquarius- Sorcerer
Pisces- Elf (Female)
"Wait what the, why is there only 11 of us?" said by one of the teens
"Let's introduce ourselves first, ill go first, good afternoon everyone my name is Sagittarius Archer, just call me Sagittarius or Sag"
"My name is Capricorn Sea-goat, Call me Capricorn"
"Im Pisces Fish just call me Pisces"
"Im Aries Ram just call me Aries"
"Taurus Bull just call me Taurus"
"Hello my name is Gemini twin and my other brother is Nimbus Twin"
"Good afternoon my name is Cancer Crab just call me Cancer or Cancy so you dont mistaken the sickness cancer"
"My name is Leo Lion just call me Leo"
"Libra Scales just call me libra"
"Im Virgo Maiden just call me Virgo"
"Hello im Scorpio Scorpion just call me Scorpio"
"hey where is this person named Aquarius?..." as Cancer ask
"Oh he is still working on something' as Leo responded
"You know him?" Scorpio asks
"Yeah actually, let's just go to the M.C. (Mahika Cabin)"
the 11 teens walk outside and talking to each other, and getting to know more, suddenly Leo remembered and suddenly said something... "He is in the 2nd Cabin of M.C. Which is in the... Forbidden forest"
Everyone shock glazed and got scared because what 16 years old would go to the forbidden forest, especially if it's dangerous for people in 19 and below...
"Isn't he aloud there I mean he might be like 16 or something!?" as Pisces shakily asked
"You know what let's just ask someone who knows him," Leo said
"What do you mean doesn't everyone know him?" Taurus asked
"Let's just say he doesn't like showing up to others... wait it's his sister!"
The others look at her and see her teaching someone to do sorcery... "Hey, Zouchi! where is your older brother?" by the shout of Leo "Oh he is in the Mahika Cabin 1, he just got back from Mahika Cabin 2... I think you guys are finding him because of the fight if I'm correct?" "Ah yes, also thank you for the help" as Cancer said "It's my pleasure to help"
The signs went over the river to get to the Mahika Cabin
(Okay before we continue im just gonna say Mahika means Magic in Filipino, you can continue)
The door slowly creaked, Aquarius heard the bell in the door and walk to the counter near the cabin door...
Leo quietly whispered... It was only Leo who came in since they were too many, Leo and Aquarius were the only people in that room, the other Sorcerers was in the basement Working
"I must expect that the other 10 is outside?"
"Yes, they are."
"Well then let us leave"
The 2 left the cabin and walk outside, by the surprised of the other teens outside waiting and talking to each other
"Ah I guess Leo had got you, The royal guard sent us this letter we hadn't opened it yet because we were waiting for you both, Also may you tell us who you are" Capricorn peacefully told the 2...
They got the other teens' attention and Aquarius started to spoke... "Salutations, im very sorry for the wait but my name is Aquarius Water-bearer, please call me Aquarius or if you want it to be shorter just call me aqua I don't really mind"
"What if I call you mine-" Leo added up
A few moments later
"Im sorry!" Leo cried on the floor "you deserve it" Sagittarius jokingly laughed
"Let's just open the note and see what the queen said" Cancer happily mention
Dear warriors,
We had chosen a school for you while getting ready for the war, I know it's not a good time but its also for your knowledge you will be separated into classes... We had already enrolled you all in and you will start on Monday, we hope you will learn something even though in the next few months you will go to war...
-Queen Cassiopeia
"Wait so we are going to school and then in the next few months we will go to war! Why!?" Scorpio shouted "I know the queen will have an explanation but for now let's stick to what she said" Taurus calming the scorpion down but in her face, it can see her worries
A shout was heard from a distance... It was Aquarius Father!
"Aquarius! We need your help, all of us need to create 900,000,000 potions each! We don't have enough people so we need to get going now"
"What!? Okay let's go, father please go ahead I just need to say my goodbyes" Mr. Bearer ran back to the cabin worried because they might not finish as he flashed to open the door
"Sorry everyone but I need to go there's a big problem"
"We don't mind go ahead! It's for the better anyway, also it is a big number of potions" Pisces assumingly said, the other nodded their head and Aquarius rushed through the door
"So I guess its 11 of us now" libra seemingly mentioned, "Hey guys let's go to the nearby river so that can be our hang out spot" Sagittarius screamed, Aries covered her mouth annoyed "lower your voice your geez"
"Nah man now let's go!"
*Annoyed Aries face*
The squad walk to the nearby river and jumping to rocks one by one to sit
The teens seemed to enjoy their time laughing, telling jokes, jumping around!
"Hey guys you know I've been wondering of what we can call for our group," Gemini asked. The others face turned from being happy to now Wondering the same question...
"I KNOW! How about let's call ourselves 'The Zodiacs'" Taurus screamed Virgo wondered "what made you think we should name our group that?"... "Well I mean look at our names it's like the 12 major constellations the zodiac signs, so I got the idea of The zodiacs"
"Hey she does get a point our name do like the sound of the constellations" Libra slowly said
They spent their time talking and having fun, Cancer, Pisces, and Gemini were on the river swimming while they were talking to the other, Leo fell to the river and then Aqua appears out of nowhere!
"My spot~" Aquarius flirty mumbled "Aquarius!? Where did you come from!?" Virgo Screamed "Its just a time-stopping spell, my father let me hang out with you guys
Leo sat beside Aquarius still annoyed at him "Okay fine im sorry Leo" Aquarius apologize and Leo responded "Fine I forgive you, you're lucky your cute, or else I would have beat you up by now"
"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!?" "IM SORRY PLEASE DONT HURT ME" Leo cried out loud, Leo got up and started running Aquarius also stood up and chased after him "Man I ship those 2" Gemini mumbled "Gemini why are you so freaking adorable?" Aries questioned
"I know I am-" Gemini realized who told it "Wait aries-? Did you just call me adorable"
Aries blushed and noticed what he said "Looky looky our guard is blushing" Pisces teasing them both "I know a ship name for Aries and Gemini! How about Arimini or AriGem"
"Great thinking Cancer" Libra complimented "Ill be back I think Leo already got beat up by aqua the second time, I will just heal him"
Moments later they git back to the group and had fun again just to relax for the upcoming events
"So you 12 are the voted teens..."
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