Crazy things that cats do
Aries - Fights another cat for being in the same room as them
Taurus - Falls asleep with their face in their food bowl
Gemini - Sits completely still and then just starts running!
Cancer - Hides in weird places
Leo - Watches you from the top of the fridge
Virgo - Brings you a dead animal because you don't know how to fend for yourself
Libra - Meows loudly at you when you get home
Scorpio -Knocks stuff off surfaces for no reason what-so-ever
Sagittarius - Sticking their head out of the window and then easing out the rest of their body
Capricorn - Moving very slowly while attempting to steal your food so you don't see them
Aquarius - The head bobble thing
Pisces - Meowing loudly to themselves for no reason
Author's note:
I didn't come up with this, xXxRed-RosesxXx did. She has written a brilliant zodiac so if you haven't already, go and read it.
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