It is so near yet so far,
It was long as it was short,
It was happy as it was sad,
It was beautiful and yet it was ugly.
I really dont know what to make of my childhood,
Even as my little mind grew,
Even as it grows.
The things that seemed so big back then,
I realized now as I grow they were mere stones on the road,
The things that seem so big now,
I wonder if they will become pebbles as I grow,
I wonder if they will become footholds to climb,
To climb the mountain that is life.
My past ,my childhood,
It creates me,
It destroys me,
It shatters me,
Yet I learn it to turn it into footholds,
I learn to make the slippery, rough surface,
Hard enough for me to hold and climb on.
I wont let my problems wash and wear me down with its torrents,
I wont let myself drown,
Even if its tempting,
I wont let the sweat in my eyes sting me,
or the main on my hands burn me,
I wont let my hands slip,
I will reach the top.
I will keep trying
as long as the birds fly,
and the sun still shines,
as long as there is a mountain to climb.
For I learnt,
Life is not a fairytale,
The world is one big bad wolf,
And there is no prince charming coming to save you,
All you always truly have is yourself.
For in this path to the top,
No one can help you even if they wanted to.
for in this journey,
there is going to be no warm hand to pull you up,
no soul to stay beside you,
lend you their warmth,
Because in this path to the top,
You always walk alone.
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