The Secret of Kronos
I looked around for Thena but I couldn't find her anywhere.
Me: if you don't show up right now you can go through the Death Gates and eat there.
Owlgirl: I know I know I'm almost there.
I picked a place to sit and it began to rain, just perfect. Athena just made it inside. "Sorry Artemis thought that it would be great to show me a litter of wolf pups as soon as I was leaving", she said clearly annoyed with the goddess of the moon. "Whatever just show me what you found out", I said impatiently. She took out a big dusty, very dusty, book from her bag. "Man I live underground", I started saying while coughing, "But even I can't handle soo much dust". "Oh Andro", she said rolling her hazle eyes, "Just wait till you here its secrets". She opened it to a particular page and it was in styled graphic murder toy eyes. She realized this and said, "You don't have to read it that's why I'm here".
A long time ago before the the gods came into existence there was nothing. "Ugh this isn't what I was looking for", she said grumbling pushing her nutbrown hair out of her face. "Ah found it. Rhea and Kronos had a child after Ouranos' downfall. Kronos weary of being over thrown ate his child, Hestia. "Ew that is both gross and completely cruel". This went on for the next four children, Demeter, Hera, Hades and Poseidon. His wife was finally fed up by the time she was due to give birth to her sixth child. She turned to Gaea for help she then gave birth to the boy, Zeus, and left him in Gaea's care. Rhea wrapped up a rock and presented it to Kronos and without giving it a second thought he gulped it down. Zeus grew up into a strong courageous god and devised a plan to save his siblings. He gave the Titan a drink as he was disguised as a servant. After taking the drink he regurgitated the five gods who grew unharmed (remember gods are immortal) together they brought down Kronos and sent him to Tartarus. The three brothers drew lots and received their kingdoms Zeus the sky, Poseidon the sea and Hades the underworld. "Oh my gosh our parents have been through soo much", I said horrified. "Wait that's not all". Kronos still has a chance to resurface he can enter any mans mind and he will rise again but it is up to fate to decide who will win this fight. "Oh no", I said thinking about what my father told me to tell my mom, "I think the battle is already starting, Poseidon, your dad and my dad were talking about it". "He told me to tell my mom that his father was waking", I continued, "And I told him to leave me alone". At that moment dark clouds gathered above us. "Well it looks like we've joined the fight", she said staring at them. I just hope we can stick it to the end.
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