'It is a universe where the impossible can happen right on your nose.'
Christopher Trott felt uneasy.
He slid down the wall, gazing ever so often at his two friends whom were looking round the corner down the hallway. Even if the whole place was deserted except for some night staff out and wandering about, they three of them had to stay incognito. Christopher thought this was not going to end well.
Looking up at his tall ginger friend, Chris watched his furrowed eyes before he gestured the both of them to get up. He sighed heavily before ambling behind the two tall men. Since he was the shortest, Chris never liked being the one being pulled to these dangerous situations. And one of these was right underneath his nose.
"This way," Chris heard Alex Smith's voice.
Looking back to his other friend – who seemed to be ever so quiet – Chris wondered if Ross Hornby had either been pulled or agreed to this. Though he knew that the majority of the time, both of his tall gigantic friends (so-called) never discussed it any place except for their dressing rooms. Chris was of course the one being pulled.
Descending down the corridor, he looked from his left and right to watch out for any security guards. They made sure that their walking speed and style was as casual as they could have done due to cameras lurking in every cut corner. Whenever Chris passed a camera, he would immediately force himself not to even give a glance of worry. Sometimes, both Smith and Ross would not care for the entire universe being found out. They did work there after all.
When the three stopped in front of a fire exit door, Chris saw the keys shimmering from the dim light as Smith unlocked it. The dark haired man followed the ginger through, leaving Chris with heavy doubts on his shoulders. Should he follow his friends – resulting to him joining another one of their plans? Or would he go and stay put and the two do it themselves?
'No, I have to or else Ross and Smith will kill me as well.' He panicked in his head before scrambling through and down the metal clattering staircase.
As they walked down the staircase, Chris could feel his skin turn to goose bumps. The cold surged through his body and the shakiness of his worried posture didn't help at all. Chris seemed the journey down to their destination had lasted for hours. Yet he soon spotted the metal doorway that said: 'Maintenance Basement'. He realised that door didn't need any source of unlocking, so the three easily got through and down the darkest corridor the whole facility had.
The corridor was so thin that it could have only fit the width size of Chris's door width frame. He gulped, remembering that if their plan had backfired – the three would have to escape back this way. Surely, one of them would not make it by such a narrow and dark escape. Of course: who even built it like this?
Even if the hallway was narrow, he did spot a glowing light at the end. Squinting his eyes, he realised that the source of light had been leaking from the open crack of the black metal door in front of them. And as they arrived there, both Chris had his friend's eyes piercing the back of his head.
Smith gave a smirk and said, "Okay, Trott. You go first."
"Why don't you first," Trott frowned, but failed to earn his support from Ross, and thus having Chris enter in the mysterious door.
It was pitch black at the beginning, before there was an echoing sound that automatically turned the lights on. But Chris thought the need of lights were a waste when the whole room was filled with flashing multicoloured lights. There were aisles of hardware cabinets, filled with hard drives and wires. When he looked everywhere: everything looked the same. Chris was afraid to accidently step on one of the wire clumps as he had Smith push pass him.
He turned around to spot Ross come up to him and said, "Come on."
When the tall man walked passed, Chris sighed and said to himself: "Not even a 'sorry I couldn't help you'?"
Eventually they came across the end of the central aisle towards an open room. There was still cables, wires and hard drives everywhere – except for a bare wall in front of them as well as a metal table and a computer. He spotted Smith already open the desktop and began working on something quite familiar in Chris' eyes.
The wall.
The computer.
The device on Smith's hands.
"Are you sure about this?" Chris asked, slipping some panic in his voice.
Smith replied, "What? Scared by a little electricity?"
Crossing his arms, he replied back to him: "No...I'm just asking why are we doing it again? We've already done it to him." The mention of 'him' made Chris regret what he had spoke of. He knew that Smith hated anyone talking about it, especially in a time like this.
"Smith – he's gone." Ross tried to reassure all three of them. "All we're here is just to test it again."
Luckily, he saw his ginger friend took a breath. "You're right."Chris saw him sigh. "He's gone and after we get his passing done with, we'll be able to control the media as far as we know it."
Silence returned, and only the sound of Smith's hands were only heard whilst Chris and Ross had guarded the perimeter just in case. It took a few minutes before their plan had booted up once more for another test run. Though, there test run came for a halt.
"Someone's here!" Chris heard Smith pause, himself gulping in worry. He also knew that someone was here – and they had followed the three down here.
The three gathered around the table and waited in silence, letting their target be lured in. Chris widened his eyes as he saw his friend's hand hold the remote control. Terrified, he knew that no matter how this person escapes: they couldn't. Smith had the controller.
A minute or so, the figure began to appear in the shadows. It was rather much the same height as Chris, and as well a male person too by his walking style he had deduced. He turned to Ross quickly to spot him just staring intently at the silhouette. Smith had been smiling maniacally, holding his device in his right hand as he stepped forward.
Just about then, Smith said, "It'll be nice to know who our guest is."
The figure appeared: and Chris had described him to be a man much like their age. He wore a neat ironed t shirt and jeans alongside neat clean sneakers. The man had glasses perched on the bridge of his nose; his raven dark hair was messy and flat. All he had on was his phone as a source of light. Chris really wished that he didn't follow his friends: or he could have stopped this poor man following them.
" shouldn't be here!" The man called out. "It's highly dangerous and you could die here!"
Smith retorted, "Yes we know. The electricity shots and force could kill you instantly with just a drop of water."
"You're intending to do that?" The man said.
And what happened next was quite like the psychotic side of Alex Smith. He laughed with a sly grin on his face that even Chris knew that Ross was going to be afraid as him. There were times like these that both knew not to mess with him...or else you're getting to his bad side. Chris knew not to mess with this situation.
Meaning that both of them couldn't help what Smith had intended to do next.
"If I did, that would kill all of us." Smith yawned. "And I don't really want to die today, thanks."
The man said back, "Enough with the jokes, Mr Smith. My name is Lewis Brindley and when I get back up there: I'm going to tell the press that the three of you are psychopaths!" Taking out his phone, he showed the three that he had been filming all this time.
"Or really?" Smith spoke.
Though, Chris interrupted: "Smith, I don't think..."
"Shut up Trott," Smith growled, walking towards the nervous man who began backing away...right to the bare back wall.
Ross then answered, "Mate, let's think this through..."
Smith then roared at the two of them, now pointing the controller right on the man's body. "Can't you see? If he gets out, we'll be dead! HE NEEDS TO GO!"
No matter how hard he tried, Chris forced himself to watch this go into motion. This had only happened once, though they had planned it for months... even years to perfect it. Now: Chris didn't speak, holding back his tongue as he watched the scene fold.
Smith already had the man cornered, who looked to have been confused as to why Smith had been holding the controller towards him.
"A controller," Lewis Brindley smirked. "Is that what you all can do? Point a flipping a controller at me?"
Smith took a smirk and replied. "By all means laugh; I do hope you enjoy your stay."
As the controller was pressed, Chris could feel the electric currents around the room as it began to brighten. He looked in horror before him at the wall as he heard Lewis Brindley's screams echo...until there was nothing there.
Lewis Brindley had been eliminated.
A/N: Argh this was the most spin tingling chapter I have ever written. I thought this would get into the mind set of the 'science fiction dark' side of the story before having to return some back story and details. I cannot wait what to do with the next couple of chapters. Hope you have all enjoyed :)
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