'Nothings better than a glass of gin and tonic'
During the weekdays, the streets, alleys or avenues of Bristol were normally busy. Even if it was the verge of the break of sunrise, Lewis Brindley will always see the same old woman walk down the street on his way to work. The lady would always go round to the little corner shop every morning to grab a plastic bag of groceries – he is even used to being observant very now and then.
This morning, Lewis Brindley a little over the moon when he decided to take his normal route to his work: Yogtowers. You could say it's a bit odd that the co-founder of an internet sensational business is cycling to work instead of taking his car. Though, he felt something in his gut that something will happen today hopefully.
"Morning Minty," Lewis said as he skipped pass the reception desk with a smiling and slightly startled woman behind it. The woman – Minty some would say – was typing on her computer, waving at her boss. She was the administrator of their company as well as the receptionist whenever and whatever there is time.
Minty then raised an eyebrow and asked the man, "Bit chirpy coming in today? Had a nice sleep?"
"Not really, Minty." Lewis sighed as he stopped. "But I just feel as if today's going to be great! Right?"
Once the woman gave a chuckle, Lewis grinned and decided to take the staircase instead (which was rare that he would really have the effort to take the stairs nowadays). It was not long that he had arrived on the first floor of Yogtowers and took the two wooden double doors on his left. Pushing it open, he found himself walking down the corridor he would walk every day at work.
However, it was always different everyday at Yogtowers; Lewis found that each day being different was something special for the Yogscast. Sometimes there were his co-workers filming live action videos. Lewis had remembered that his friend had actually pushed Warwick Davis on an office chair down this exact hallway a few years back.
He was gladder that someone – a little taller than himself – had exited his office and gave him a wave.
Duncan Jones spoke, "Oh hey, Lewis." He had his phone clutched onto his hand. "Did you just get here?"
"Yeah," Lewis replied. "Just about to go and see if Sjin wanted to do some recording on Druidz Downtown today."
"Well you seem quite more energetic about it," Duncan pointed out. "Had your morning tea yet?"
Lewis smiled and patted his friend's shoulder – almost awkwardly – and said, "No...I just feel really productive. Have you ever had that?"
"No," He sheepishly laughed. "But you are a bit off and a little 'happy go lucky'."
When Duncan had to excuse himself off to get a cup of coffee from the intern they had, Lewis retraced back to his quest and stroll down the corridor. He stopped and looked into every office door to see if there was anyone else in.
The offices on the first floor – to Lewis's knowledge – was shared by Sjin, Hannah, Duncan, Martyn and the trio group called Hatfilms. Ever since the group of Hatfilms had moved in, their common room was now their office. And when Lewis bit his lip at the sight of their office, he immediately tried not to give a critic on their unorganised matters. Hannah Rutherford on the other hand: was the opposite. She may have many boxes filled with gift sent from 'fans' (they work as Youtubers), though she was tidy and slightly crazy when to coming from owl related products.
Just at that time of thought, Lewis saw Hannah in her room. He opened the door and greeted her morning. He felt that there was still an eerie tension between them.
"When did you get here this morning?"She asked politely.
Lewis said, "Oh, just now. Do you need anything?"
"Uh," Hannah rummaged through her bag beside her desk and took out some papers and a dozen of Pokémon cards. "Is it alright if you give these to Kim upstairs when she gets here? I still need to edit some of Quantum Break and she's just ordered these through me. I don't know what the papers are for."
When Lewis agreed to so, he was given the pile of stuff onto his hands. He then said goodbye to her, watching the door slowly close due to the stoppers they now had installed on each door. They had too or else you can hear slamming doors in every video the Yogscast produced. Either that or it was because he was a little salty and annoyed sometimes and would like to close the door at a very large volume.
He headed upstairs, and to find where Kim had been installing her 3DS into the recording equipment. Small and yet filled with character, Lewis always knew not to shock the woman no matter how he thought of scaring her was fun. Also once he kicked the door with his foot, it wasn't a surprise entrance into the main offices.
At the end of the room, he motioned for Kim to grab the stack of papers and Pokémon cards from his hands – and thanked her for finally letting his arms free. The woman chuckled and rolled her eyes, thanking her boss in return.
"Thank god they finally arrived!" Kim exasperated as Lewis watched her scan through the papers. He tried to figure out what it was, until he saw the title labelled on the front.
Panel Cooling System.
Lewis raised an eyebrow, "Shouldn't Sam have a look at them?"
"I know..." Kim bit her lip as she said, "But he isn't in until this evening for the Hat Films' livestream. And I'm technically the only one qualified; I actually know how to install it."
Lewis then questioned further, "Did Turps put you in charge of it?"
"Yep," She popped, smirking in the end. "I don't know why he trusted me...or Sam. But I'll definitely have Sam to do some test runs before the stream tonight."
He could not disagree or argue anything back, so Lewis had decided to let Kim back to her work whilst he proceeded to go back to his desk and begin recording with Duncan and Sjin. He loved his company, and it was even better when he did his job surrounding himself with the greatest friends he could possibly have.
The odd thing was, Lewis never pondered of another life. He would never imagine himself back into his old career, a journalist for a chemistry company and scientist. It sounded boring when it rang through his head, so he'd always cut himself off his past. He was content right in the present, right?
So nevertheless, Lewis throughout the day had completed a five episodes worth of content, plus a new episode with Simon on a new series.
"We definitely need more whale butter," Simon stated through the microphone, and Lewis belted out a laugh once Sips couldn't hold it any longer. Duncan – as he was always – had shouted through the laughter that the whale had been called Balti. Meanwhile: Sjin had said the other alternative...which was a little too explicit for readers to know...
Recording had been done by around five o'clock, and Lewis had locked the computer before he could venture out for a cup of tea downstairs. Along the way, he paused to hear the shrieks and shouts of the Hat boys as he passed the corridor. Shaking his head, Lewis continued down and entered the tiny kitchen they had built ever since they had rented this place.
He was sipping his tea when Sjin's head poked into the room from the doorway. "Hey Lewis," He spoke. "Uh, the Duncan and I are having a drink out in the pub with a couple of others. Are you free tonight or..."
"Shit," Lewis hissed, and mentally told himself off. He only calmed down once he realised that Sjin was still in the room. "I'm sorry Sjin, but I'll have to pass. I forgot that Tom's ill and I'll have to edit out the main channel videos for next week."
Sjin nodded his head in understanding. "Alright, but if you have time: you know we're just down in the pub with Turps and the Hats after their stream."
If Lewis had wished work didn't take so long...
He sat in his individual office this time, forcing himself to gaze at the screen at each lapse whilst he edited the Minecraft video to be placed in waiting for the upcoming uploads. Lewis looked above to the monitor, pointing at the time to find it had just passed nine o'clock in the night. It had meant majority of the staff in the office had probably left by now – since Sam had asked to shut the floor down after Lewis was done.
Exasperated, he rolled back his seat. His arms grasped under the desk and pulled out the drawer, only to find a bottle of gin and tonic – plus a glass to go with it. If he was missing a drink out with his friends: why not drink to himself?
One glass.
Two glasses.
Five glasses.
By half way through the sixth, Lewis could barely focus. Everything was blurred, looking as if the scene were a clutter of coloured pixels. From then, Lewis could only shut the PC down before deciding that it was enough for the night. He needed a rest and get sober before he could leave.
In result, he remembered from this morning that a new cooling system had been installed, and the paranoid person himself: Lewis knew he had to go see if Sam had check it. Packing up, he grabbed his seventh glass of gin and trudged down the hallway – drinking as he went.
Hands shaking, Lewis managed to open the light to the server room with one hand. He looked amongst the many CPUs and panels that were arranged in large trolleys. In one side of his head...he could have sworn he heard a scream in the room.
But that was probably his mind playing with him.
Though suddenly, as he tripped over the wire, a droplet of gin fell into the panels.
And all could Lewis could sense was a tingling spark of light...
...before he had blacked out...
A/N: and I thought I would never upload a chapter of this.
Anyways...Welcome back! It's been a year. A lot of people have been wishing for this to be updated and the waiting is gone...unless I don't update again.
However, I am hoping to be in the Minecraft/Yogs mood and have most of my works to be uploaded at least once before I go on holiday.
Hope you guys enjoyed. :)
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