Chapter 2
Jessica's P.O.V
Since Kiki invited me to hers, she is having a sleepover at mine. I started setting up the bedroom and moved the TV inside. Mom's not going to be here because of her night shift at the hospital, so it's gonna be epic! I went out to the shop to get crisps and sweets for the hangout
CJ's P.O.V
I think this is her place. Yeah definitely. I just saw her angelic body walk out the front door. Climbing through the window is nothing old. Done it a million times with other girls' places.
Oooh, she got a big bed. Perfect for.... (Author's note: NOT WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE!) hiding under it. I'm a pretty tall guy. All my friends are jealous because I get all the girls. Catching this one shouldn't be hard. But already, she seems tough. Most girls go 'head over heels' when they see me, but she just went "Wassup''. But I have to get her. She's the hottest one yet!
(Authors note: I am physically, mentally, and emotionally dying. WHAT DID I JUST WRITE? Lol thanks friend who helped me make this)
Jessica's P.O.V
I just collected Kiki and arrived at my home. We sat down on the bed and talked for a bit. We started deciding what to watch. 'Encanto?' Kiki said. 'No that's dead' I replied. 'Squid game?' Kiki asked. 'WHAT has gotten into you' I reply. 'Let's just rewatch BFDI' I continue. 'Sounds good' Kiki sighed.
We were in the middle of episode one when Kiki asked, 'Did you hear something?' 'No' I answered. 'Like a sneeze or something?' she continued. 'It might've been the video' I replied.
(Warning: lots of P.O.V switches coming up)
Kwanisha's P.O.V
Jessy could be right, but I genuinely don't think it came from the video.
CJ's P.O.V
Shoot. The dust. And now I'm sneezing. This is bad.
Kwanisha's P.O.V
There it is again. I swear I heard it this time.
Jessica's P.O.V
Ok now I think Kiki might be right. I did hear a sneeze and it wasn't from the show. 'Kiki, I think I heard a sneeze as well' I say hurriedly.
Kwanisha's P.O.V
'It's coming from... under the bed?' I said. Lemme check.
CJ's P.O.V
I'm. Screwed.
Kwanisha's P.O.V
'CJ??!!' I scream. 'What the hell CJ? What are you doing here!'. 'You're not serious!' Jessy says beside me. CJ jumped out the window.
'Honestly I hope he died from that' I say. 'What was that about?' Jessy askes. 'He acts really weird around you' I say randomly. 'Wait sorry what was the question?' I hurriedly ask. 'Oh, that explains it' Jessy says, referring to my previous sentence. 'You know what he is?' Jessy says. 'A simp' I reply. 'Exactly!' she says. We sit down to finish watching, but I can't concentrate. My own brother likes my best friend.
'CJ? What happened back there?' I asked, after I got home. 'Hey, when is your friend coming over next time' he says dodging the question. 'What, uh I asked, uhm, nevermind' I stuttered.
'Isn't she beautiful' CJ said randomly. 'Who?' I asked. 'Your friend' he replied. I shuddered. 'I'm not a lesbian so I don't know' I replied, trying not to scream. 'But wait, don't you have a girlfriend already?' I asked, realising. 'Oh, forget Lara, your friend is... better' he said. I just got out of there. I'd probably be ripping his soul out of his body if I didn't.
Authors note
Just to clarify, Kiki is Kwanisha's nickname. Same story for Jessy and Jessica
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