Chapter Eight: Tomorrow is
We go back to Bikini Bottom where Stephen is at the Bandshell. He has a list of things to prepare for the Electric Skates show tomorrow.
"Alright, I gotta get this concert organized. The drum kit will go here," Stephen pointed to his left and the sound guy made a drum sound, "the confetti cannon there," he pointed near where the drum kit would be and motioned to the sound guy hoping for a sound but didn't get one, "oh," a confetti explosion went off and Stephen looked annoyed, "oh, and posters, of course. 'The Electric Skates'. With a very special guest: Doctor Stephen Strange!" He gasped and put a hand over his heart with a wide smile.
"Oh, I can still remember that night; my third-grade talent show. All the other fish calling me 'Loser! Loser! Loser!' To this day, whenever I hear that word, something inside me just snaps," Stephen straightened his posture and the sound guy made a snapping sound, "but you got me through it, Mama," he sent a flying kiss to her, "you told me someday I'd play the Bikini Bottom Bandshell. Well, before time runs out, I will prove you right! I'm a pretty boy, Mama... and I'm gonna show 'em what I got! Hit it!"
The conductor started playing, 'oh, look out world...' (Y/N), Thor, and Nat came in interrupting Squidward.
"Hey, Stephen, good news. We're going to save Bikini Bottom," (Y/N) told them.
Loki came in with Mobius, "what are you talking about? Explain yourself, rhombus slacks."
"Nat is going to build an ingenious bubble device to stop the volcano. Then all we have to do is climb to the top of Mount Humongous and drop it in," (Y/N) explained.
Stephen looked at (Y/N) in disbelief and laughed in her face and (Y/N) joined in, "you're kidding right? Nobody," he pointed at (Y/N), "has ever seen reached the top," he pointed to Mount Humongous, "alive."
The two looked at Mount Humongous in fear but (Y/N) was slightly confused, "when you say nobody, do you mean that as a figure of speech or...?"
"I mean nobody ever, period, full stop, exclamation point."
(Y/N) gulped while Stephen snickered and left.
"Don't worry, buddy, we can do it." Thor told (Y/N), "I'll be with you the whole way, no matter what."
Loki stopped time, "that girl is the greatest threat to my plot. If somehow they do manage to climb that mountain..."
"We have to make sure they don't live long enough to reach the top," Mobius popped in
"I like how you're thinking, Mobius. And you know what, I'm so glad you want to scheme with me again. It's just like the old days."
Mobius celebrated a little, "I guess it took a little apocalypse to... spice things up."
Loki and Mobius left unfreezing time.
"We got this, guys. Come tomorrow, we'll be on that mountain like a smoked sausage on a hickory grill," Nat told the two.
The trio heard something in the distance. They soon found out it was a group of sardines wearing blond wigs, grey jumpers with red sleeves and a hammer in the middle, and long red dresses.
(A/N: Lyrics are too complicated to write so the song is at the top.)
Thor posed in a red cape before he started heading off with the sardines.
(Y/N) tried to stop them, "no! No, no, no, no, no!" Thor stopped with some of the sardines that were holding his cape, "you can't leave! We have a mountain to climb."
"That was before I became a savior."
"You said you'd be with me no matter what!"
"Unless I became a savior. I'm pretty sure I said that!" The sardines nodded in agreement.
"What about our team?"
"This is my moment, (Y/N). Try not to ruin it!"
"Fine then! Go! I don't need you!"
"You don't? Well, I don't need you!"
"Well, I don't need you more!"
"At least I don't live in a fruit..."
"At least I don't have dead parents!"
"At least I'm not (Body Shape)! (Body Shape)! (Body Shape)!"
"Blond! Blond!"
"Fine!" The sardines said.
"We're out!" Thor told (Y/N)
Thor and the sardines left (Y/N) and Nat alone. (Y/N) looked really sad that her best friend just left after promising he would be with her to save Bikini Bottom.
"What are we gonna do now?" (Y/N) asked Nat, "Thor's the brawn. There's no way we get up that mountain without him."
At that moment, night falls. J. Jonah Jameson came in on all fours.
"The last night before the end. And hysteria spreads through our streets, many have begun to question the government's ability to handle this crisis!"
Indistinct shouting gradually came closer which turned out to be most of the town complaining to Ross in a group behind him.
"Stop it!" Everyone stopped complaining, "don't believe the media! Everything is under control."
Everyone started grumbling but stopped when the ground started the shake violently.
"Oh Tartar sauce! Look!" Everyone looked at Mount Humongous, "more boulders!"
Everyone gathered together anticipating the boulders. Multiple boulders started flying around, hitting people causing all of them to scream and run around in panic. The boulders stopped and everyone froze except for Nat and (Y/N). (Y/N) was still saddened by the situation and began to lose hope.
"(Y/N), we can't give up now..." Nat told her, 'we only have tomorrow to try to save the day; our world could end tomorrow; (Y/N), we have to find a way!'
'A way!'
Stephen unfroze, 'I only have tomorrow to show them what I've got.'
Tont unfroze, 'we only have tomorrow, so get 'em while they're hot,' he revealed a Krabby Paty in his hand
'Small, yes, but devious,' Loki sang, 'I feel ten feet tall. If I succeed...'
'The sponge will fall!' Mobius and Loki sang.
'The sun has sunk below us, the dark of night is here; the hands of time keep ticking, tomorrow's almost here! Almost here, almost here! We only have tomorrow before our town is gone; we only have tomorrow before we must move on!'
'From the world-renowned.'
'We only have tomorrow.'
'Bikini Bottom.'
'Have to save this town.'
'We only have tomorrow.'
'Bikini Bottom.'
'As the sun goes down...'
'We only have one more...'
'...on a beautiful Bikini Bottom...'
Will (Y/N) save Bikini Bottom? You will find out... in the next chapter.
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