Power Rangers: Timeline Guardians Ep 3
Will:Hey,Guess What Time It Is?
Everyone(Except Future Rem):What?
Will:It's Morphin Time!
Mondo:Screw You!I Like It.
Arthur:It Puts The Knight King In a Good Light.
Koneko Simply Whacked Him with a Hammer And Told Him To Shut Up As You Sworn You Heard Shinra's Laughter.
(Bf/n):Let's Start This Show,Already.
Will:On It.
The screen Showed People Being Attacked By Saiku's Monsters across the Multiverse And Space time continuum.
Narrator:Long Ago,The Ruler Of the Dark Dimension saiku Found The Humanity Core,The Essence of Good And Hope And Tried to Claim it For Himself.
The 5 Animalistic Guardians Of the Dimensions And Timelines Are Shown Giving Up their Energy to Send Saiku back to where he belongs but in Turn,Losing their Bodies.
Narrator:But The Dimension Guardians Sacrificed Themselves To Protect The Balance and keep the dimensions Safe from The Monster,saiku.
Narrator:Years later,Saiku returns with His Soldiers and Army Of Galacti-bots To find The energy and claim it for himself.
Narrator:Only ONE Team Of heroes can stop Him.
(Y/n) and The Others Are Shown Running Towards Something Or Someone As he Steps up And Say This.
(Y/n):It's Morphing Time!
They are Shown Morphing As The Narrator Introduces Them As....
Narrator:They are The "Power Rangers: Timeline Guardians!"
The Screen Shows the Inside of a Dark Area And It's Screams Evil As Dark Spirit Like Energy waves Fly Around In it.
Coral:Anything New?
Will:It's Getting There.
We Open To Manic Working On A Device While Humming Until Kazuya Spooks Him By Sneaking Up on Him And Speaking Out Of The Blue.
he Turns And He Speaks In An Annoyed Voice to The Female Monster.
Manic:Kazuya!That Wasn't Funny,Can't You See I'm Busy?
Kazuya:Busy With What,Though?
Manic:It's Something For Only Me And Eventually,Master Saiku To Know But Until Than Beat It!
Momo:Something Tells Me That It's Not Gonna Be Good.
(Y/n)[Sarcastic]:Really?Why We Could've Never Figured That Out.
Saiku:Know About What?
They Both Turn To See Their Master Walking Into The Room as He Wants To Know What they Were Talking About And Manic Panics at This As He Explains that He Has A Device That Is Capable Of Destroying The Rangers by Giving Their Monsters More Power But It's Not Finished And Some Of The Materials Needed Are In The Human Dimensions.
Mondo:Oh,This Will Be Fun.
Koneko:They're Gonna Get It.
Saiku:Well,Go Get The Materials That You Need And As Back Up,Kazuya Will Come With You And If You Encounter the Rangers....Destroy Them.
Adult rem:DESTROY?!
(Y/n calmed her down after reminding her that it wasn't their own timeline.
an awesome guitar is heard as we see an array of Saiku's Army as it rapidly changes to Saiku,Nix and future friends and foes as The scene starts with the original Guardians giving up their lives as It then cuts to our heroes of (Y/n),Momo,Arthur,Mondo & Koneko finding their Dimensionizers.
Bakugou:What the hell is This?
Will said it was the theme song,Every Ranger team has One!
It then cuts to the five being sent into the bas and meeting Nix before Saiku is shown walking past a field of Black flames.
Darkness spreads through reality
(Y/n) is shown relaxing on one side and the other shows him battling the Galacti-Bots as He avoids attacks from the footsoldiers as he is also smiles at the 4th wall.
(Y/n) (L/N)/Red Ranger
Ancient evil deep in space
Momo was shown reading on one side and the other had her backflipping as fired her Bow at galacti-Bots and giving a sweet smile at the 4th wall.
Momo Yaoyorozu/Yellow Ranger
Power Rangers answer the call
Momo:I'm not sure if that's actually true....
Arthur was slashing at Galacti-bots,left and right as he gave a cocky smile to the 4th wall.
Arthur Boyle/Blue Ranger
It's time to save the human race!
Arthur:A task truly fit for the Knight Ki-
he was knocked Out before he could Finish
Koneko was punching a training Bag as she was also shown flinging Galacti-Bots away and breaking them with her gauntlets before giving a blank stare at the 4th wall.
Koneko Tōjo/White Ranger
Mighty Defenders chosen to save us
Koneko looked at her own fist and thought....
Koneko:'Maybe a little training wouldn't hurt'
Mondo was shown checking his bike before showing him using street fight skills to take care of Galacti-Bots as he smirked at the 4th wall.
Mondo Owada/Black Ranger
Travel Off to dark frontiers
Count down to Launch now 3 2 1 Let's GO!
The scene then shows Mondo fending off against a mechanic themed monster,Momo dodging laser fire, then Nix staring at a picture of the original guardians before the five morph into their Ranger forms.
Power Rangers to the rescue
(Y/n) is launched into the air as he's covered by a red dragon of wind and flames,while Momo fires several arrows,Arthur jumps off the wall to slash a new monster and Koneko is shwon punching at a rapid pace.
Power Rangers break the curse
The Dark dimension is seen hovering over the mortal realms as Saiku takes a sight in his throne while his generals stand behind him.
the rangers summons a large cannon created by their weapons before they fired it.
Power Rangers save the world, GO!
Power Rangers Timeline Guardians!
Constellation powers in hand
Dark evil they'll reverse
They're Reality's only hope, GO!
The rangers are shown battling before rapidly changing to a monster being enlarged.
Power Rangers Timeline Guardians!
Power Rangers to the rescue
Power Rangers break the curse
Power Rangers save the world, GO!
The rangers are shown summoning large mechanical Beasts to battle the giants before showing a glow.
Power Rangers Timeline Guardians!
shows the core five and Nix as they look into the deep endless space.
Power Rangers Stop the evil
The next scenes include Koneko flying with her devil wings,Mondo jumping high in the air in a new bike, a large giant(Megazord) brings their sword down,Momo slamming her fists together as her new power kicks in,Arthur charging blue energy into his "sword" and (Y/n) engulfing his body in flames.
Time and space they will traverse
Time to save the future, lets GO!
Power Rangers Timeline Guardians
the Five Rangers each do a pose before the title appears.
"POWER RANGERS:Timeline Guardians"
before anyone said ANYTHING,Will already promised the Music for them.
(Y/n) was Sleeping In his Room At The Base And Relaxing As The Title Appeared.
'Cruisin & Bruisin'
As he was Sleeping,The Monster Alarm Suddenly Went Off And Immediately Woke him As he got Out Of Bed And Went To See The Other Rangers With Nix.
Nix:Okay Rangers,This Time,The Monster Went To a Place Called 'Kuoh'
Koneko:That's My Place
Koneko:That's My Place.
(Bf/n):Wow,Said The Same Thing...Like That Hasn't Happened Before.
Koneko:Oh,Shut Up.
(Y/n):Let's Go.
The Scene Transitions To Show Manic And Kazuya With a Lots Of Stuff As they stole This And Used The Teleporter To send It Back To The Lab and We're About About To Head Back But....
They Turn Around And Face 5 Teens And Remember The Rangers as They Also Feel The Auras Of The Guardians Of The Spirits In Them.
Manic:The Rangers?Oh Dear,Galacti-bots!
The Galacti-bots Come And Position Themselves Ready For A Fight As They Charge At The Five Teenagers Who Stayed Unmorphed.
(Y/n):Bring It On!
He Punched One And Kicked Another Before Throwing Them Into A Group As Mondo Was Beating the Crap Out Of His Own Group And punched One Without Looking.
Makoto:Nice Moves,You Two.
(Y/n):Thank You,I Don't Have Muscles For Nothing.
Mondo:When Your Biker,You Gotta deal With Rival Biker Gangs.
Arthur Stood In Center And Closed His Eyes As Somehow He Managed To Slice All Of Them Without Moving.
Shinra:HOLY SH-...HOW!?
And With The Girls,They Were Simply Beating The Crap Out Of Them With Momo Striking and Dodging Them By Using A Staff As Her Weapon And Koneko Using Her rook Strength as they looked and saw there was more.
(B/n):Uh Guys,You Might Wanna Look At The Screen.
Arthur:More Of Them!?
Koneko:I Think We Should...
(Y/n):Morph?Yeah,We Should.
The Five Activate their Dimensionizers And In A Instant,they're Covered In their Ranger Suits.
Everyone:Wait What?
Mare:Where's Their Morph Sequence?
Will:Well,That Was An Instant Morph And Basically,It Just Shows Them Morphing Without The Morph Sequence.
Rangers:Power Rangers,Ready!
The Rangers Charge At Manic And Kazuya As Manic Panics But Kazuya Sighs And Prepares To Fight as She Takes A Spear and Told Manic to Fight to which,He Answers By Pulling Out A Blaster.
Kazuya:You Can't Win Against Us.
(Y/n):That's What You Say But We're Power Rangers!
The Five Split Into two Groups And that's One To Deal With Kazuya and The Other To Deal With Manic.
Ochako:Hey,That's Not A Bad Idea.
(Y/n):Why Thank You,I Guess Other Me Is Just A Natural....
But Both Groups Fail As They Couldn't Manage To get Close to them Let Alone Lay A Single Hit on them.
(Bf/n)[Joking]:My Best Friend Is A Natural Mother Fucker?How Many MILFs Did You Bang?
(S/n):Why Are You Friends With Him,Little Brother?
(Y/n):In All Honesty,I Ask That Question Myself.
They Return To Base And Talk To Nix About Who They Were And Nix Explained That They Were Saiku's Soldiers.
Nix:More Accurately,They Were Different As Manic Was His Scientist And An Inventor As He helped Create Many Unique Devices For Saiku and His Army But Kazuya Is Different As She Is Fast And Strong,She Has Been Said To Be The Most Fastest Being Alive And She's Not Even The Deadliest And She Let You All Live To Toy With You,So Let This Be A Lesson,You May Be Rangers But You're Not Unbeatable.
Arthur:We're Doomed.
(Y/n):What He Said.
they nod before The Monster Alarm Went Blaring Again And (Y/n) Checked The Computer And It Showed That It Was A Drill Like Monster As He Had Glowing Red Eyes And Drills For Hands As Well As A Weird Core In his Chest.
Mondo:Yo Nix,You Know Who That Is?
Nix Came And Saw The Monster And Nod As She Spoke To The 5 And Said This..
Nix:Yes,He Is Known As Drillicon and He Is An Intense Soldier Of Saiku As He Can Is Dangerous AND Sneaky.
Momo:With Drills For Hands,I Think I Can Guess How.
(Y/n)[Sarcastic]:Digging Underground....So Original.
(L/n) Parents:(Y/n)......
(Y/n):Let's Go Team!
The Five Rangers Go and Face Drillicon As He Threatens Them But They Stand Their Ground As he Says This.
(Y/n):It's Morphin Time!Ready?
The five of them Appear in a space as they lift Their Morphers up in the Air as A Glow Matching their Colors Covered their Bodies And their eyes Are closed but once,their Entire Bodies Are covered,their Eyes open to reveal a darker shade of their Colors as their heads changes into their Ranger Helmets with their Guardian Symbols And Home Symbols On their Bodies.
All Five:Rangers Forever!
Drillicon:Let's See How Long That Lasts Against My Drills!
He Charges At (Y/n) As he Summons the Dragon Lance And Tried to Spin Strike Him But He Grabbed his Lance And Send it Back Before Attacking him with His Drills.
(Y/n):Don't Worry,I'm Okay.
The Others Tried Attacking But Nothing Seemed To Work On Him And He Decided To Do His Own Attack.
Drillicon:Spiral Beam Drill!
Drillicon fires A Laser From one of his Drills that Slowly forms Into A Drill and it Strikes All Five Of You causing You to fly through the Air but You Soon Hear Nix Speak To You.
Nix:Rangers,You Need to Use Your Striker.
The five of them Bring out their Weapons and Merge them Weapons Together to form a Cannon with eagle wings on one side,Wolf claws on the Back Horseshoe on the other side and on the Front were Yokai Claws and a Dragon head as the Main Center for it.
(Y/n):Omega Guardian Striker!
(Y/n) yelled.
other 4:Ready!
the others replied, all their voices a harmonious blend of resolve.
all 5:Omega Guardian Striker Final attack!
The Attack Hits Drillicon And Destroys Him But This Battle Ain't Over Yet Because Meanwhile, within Saiku's lair, Manic had just finished a devious invention.
Manic:It's called the Humonganizer!
he declared.
Manic:This device can revive and enlarge the monsters you've sent to destroy the Rangers.
Zenitsu:Their Goners!
(Y/n):Actually,This Means Zord Time!
Saiku clapped his hands together in excitement.
Saiku:Well, activate it!
Manic:Powering on!
Manic replied, flipping switches as the machine whirred to life. A beam shot into the sky, streaking toward the remnants of Drillicon, magically reconstructing him as he grew to a colossal size.
Drillicon:Oh yeah! Ready for round two, Rangers?
Drillicon bellowed with a resounding laughter that sent tremors through the very ground they stood on.
(Y/n):Oh crap.
(Y/n) muttered, barely dodging a crushing stomp from the giant.
Nix:Rangers, your Zords... I can feel them... call out to them!
Weiss:Like That'll Actually Work...
Nix urged, sensing the Ranger's Zords waiting for their commands as The team exchanged determined glances, ready to rise to the challenge once more.
(Y/n):Dragon Zord!
Arthur:Charger Zord!
Koneko:Yokai Zord!
Mondo:Alpha Zord!
YaoMomo:Eagle Zord!
With a thunderous roar, the Zords surged into battle, unleashing their powers simultaneously on Drillicon as The impact sent him stumbling back, allowing the Rangers to connect with their Zords.
(Y/n):I Got A Zord......Awesome.
(Y/n):Aw Sweet!I Got A Dragon As A Zord!
(Y/n) said in disbelief as the majestic Dragon Zord nuzzled affectionately against them.
They traded cheers before hopping into the cockpits, adrenaline coursing through their veins as they prepared for combat.
(Y/n):I REALLY hope I know how to drive this thing!
Blake:You Mean You Don't?
(Y/n):A Zord Isn't Real In My Dimension,What did You Expect?!
(Y/n):Thank You,Milo.
(Y/n) said, gripping the controls tightly and With a deep breath, the five charged at Drillicon.
(Y/n):Dragon's Breath!
Flames erupted from the Zord, igniting the drills that Drillicon wielded.
Drillicon let out a furious roar.
Drillicon:WHAT THE-!?
(Y/n) shouted, coordination flowing smoothly with his team.
Koneko:Claw Barrage!
Momo:Sky Missile!
Koneko's Yokai Zord leaped into action, clawing fiercely at Drillicon while Momo's Zord launched missiles at their opponent, striking hard.
Naegi:This Is pretty Cool.
Arthur:Charger Strike!
His Zord, powered by its horse-like strength, charged aggressively at Drillicon's chest.
Mondo:Lunar Slash!
Mondo yelled, his Alpha Zord spinning and delivering a cutting blow illuminated by moonlight.
Leon:Okay,Is There Anything Else?
With Drillicon momentarily staggered, (Y/n) shouted that all that was needed was One last attack to do it!
The five Zords united, channeling their combined energy.
Five:Ultimate Unity Strike!
A brilliant beam of light erupted from their Zords, colliding with Drillicon before His cries echoed as the energy engulfed him, and the earth trembled.
Drillicon:Looks like this drill couldn't get the job DONE!!!!!
Drillicon muttered before the explosion consumed him.
As the dust settled, (Y/n) glanced at his teammates, smiles lighting his face.
(Y/n):Rangers, that's a win for the Guardians!
Unbeknownst to them, Saiku seethed as he watched the footage.
Saiku:So, they have Zords now? Well, I don't care. The multiverse will belong to me anyway.
As the Rangers celebrated yet another hard-fought victory, they were acutely aware of the looming threat. But with the power of friendship, unity, and their newfound Zords, they stood ready to protect their world, come what may.
Will:So....How Was It?
(Y/n):It Was Awesome!
Future Rem:I Thought I Was Gonna Pass Out,Nephew.
(M/n):You'll Get Used To It.
Natsu:Uh,I Still Wanna Who The Other Rangers Are.
Will:There's A Lot of Episodes Before We Get Those,Natsu but We Got Other Stuff To Watch.
(Y/n):*Sigh*Well,What's Next?
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