The Thanksgiving Special
[Authors Mentioned Or Appearing In Chapter]:
(and For the Author,Themselves?if You guys are Reading this.....You And I Both That You Wouldn't Come Alone)
Everyone Was at Will's House and Those of the Theater That Saw It felt Déjà vu and those that didn't.
Ruby:So Cool!
Will opened His house's Door and Gestured them in as they Saw The Food.
(T/n):It Looks.....Amazing!
??:Thank you,We do Try.
They turn to see Echo Coming out of the kitchen with A dish of Sweet Potatoes in her hand and Somehow holding Wyatt in her Other.
She Places Wyatt in his seat and Puts the Sweet Potatoes down as The door bell rings.
Will:I'll get it.
He Goes To the door and Sees the other People that he invited.
Will:Hey!You Guys Made-WOAH!
Theater Crew:'Uncle Will?'
The theater Crew Turn to see That Will had been Tackled By.....
(Y/n):Is that another Nezuko,Along with another Daki as well as the butterfly triplets And....Eri?
Wil Greeted His Honorary Nieces As They Smiled at him and He Gestures his Guests in as The Theater Crew saw Who it was.
Evo:FINALLY!It May Not Be Your Theater But It's Something!
Lappland appears and Agrees with him as More Faces that Will has Met Or Seen.
The Deities That Will works With appears as They thank will for the Invite and A Familiar face appeared to them as well,One that Only That Teams STRQ & RWBY As The (L/n) Family Met.
Will Got Up and after...he Thanked them for Coming To His Thanksgiving Party,Despite the fact Some of them have The Busiest Schedule.
Bino Chuckles since he only Decided to Come just for Some R&R And Maybe Get Some Training Into Will.
Bino:'I Also Did Bring some Deserts Of my own'
Ninjacomix,Who the theater Crew Remembered was The Leader Of The Guardians simply Thanked will and they all Went To the table and Artemis Came Alongside him but first,Had to get their Daughters Off of Will.
As Comix Passed Them,the Theater Crew didn't know why but They Could feel a Peaceful Calmimg Yet Powerful Terrifying Aura Surrounding Him,The same Applied to Bino & William(WAMred).
But than Again......They Got a Glimpse into the Power of The New Arrivals That Will and Echo Know......They ALL Overpowered Them,Even the Deities that they know were probably that strong.....So the Question is...?
They All sweated at the Thought before shaking it away and heading to eat.
Though for some of them,It felt Weird to see Alternate Versions Of Themselves or People That They Knew.
In Remnant's Case,They Remained staring at Cinder Creed who Reminded them that she's not Their Cinder and They said that they know but....
Ruby:still not used to this.
Mira remained staring at how another Her was Married to a LITERAL DEITY.
Theater Crew[Minus (L/n) Family]:'Is this What it Feels like for (Y/n) on a Daily Basis?'
Given that Most Of the Time,They saw alternate Selves of (Y/n)....They did Wonder How he felt but......Now,They don't with This.
And With (Y/n),Himself?
He had Just Slammed Issei's Head with A Bat after hearing the Grabbin Dragon whine on How it wasn't fair how Author Gods already Have Harems and He doesn't.
He saw The DoomSlayer staring At Him and He just Stared back until they Just Walked away from one another.
Throughout The Entire Thanksgiving Party hosted at Will's,All that they did was Talk And Eat as Everyone Explained Their Respective Past or Said things to each other.
The theater Crew Learned That Eri Creed is the adopted daughter of Tempest as he saved her from her universe being destroyed by an invasion of slythers and sadly no one but her escaped alive,once again feeling alone,Tempest took it upon himself to raise the girl to be a hero just like the ones who gave there lives for her future and after a little power boost from comix she's been training ever since to become a guardian when she's older.
The theater Crew Felt Touched by her Background as Bailey wasn't sure if it was because they're both Technically Eri or Because They Both Want To be Guardians,Though in Bailey's Case....She Hasn't told anyone ESPECIALLY,Her Big Brother.
Ryan Asks Will,If he's Okay and How He's Been doing with Will asking what he means.
Ryan:I Mean normally and as a Rider.
Will sighs and speaks.
Will:Normally,Yeah but As a Rider....?Getting Stressful But Hey!I Literally Asked for it.
Bino Appeared but Will Ran And Hid but.....
KingBen:Yo,He's Over Here!
Will Got Ratted Out.
Bino tried to Get him for 'Training' but he dodged and Decided to End things With his Speech.
Will:Everyone,Can I Have Your Attention?
He Immediately Had Everyone's Attention as He Began To Sweat And shake,Which they notice.
Drake:You Okay,Man?
Ink:Yeah,You're Not Usually This Nervous......Unless Echo is Hurt Or Bino And/Or zero Threaten You.
Zero Says He Only Threatens people,When he has To and The same Applies for when he goes through with the threats.
Bino simply says that he Just does it to get Will To become Stronger....And It's Something That he Does,If he gets pissed off.
Bino:Plus,Who says I just 'Threaten' Someone?
They Sigh as Zeno tells Will to just take a deep breathe and Calm down.
He did just that and begun His speech.
Will:I-i would like to make a toast.
This intrigued them as Will tried to think of something but got nothing until he felt a Hand on his own and saw echo who gave him,a Reassuring smile.
He understood and Smiled Back as He took another deep breathe and Begun to wing it.
Will:Look.......I-i'm that great with speeches Or Poems or Anything like that.
Jair says that he Knows and Reminds that None of Them Are Good At Speeches,His Wives Smack him.
Comix gestures Will to continue his Speech As He Does that Exactly and Speaks.
Will:Thanksgiving is Supposed to be about what we're Thankful For,And What I'm Thankful For is....Well,.....As You Know That All My life......If i ever got To a place or Just be happy,I Only received Disaster And I couldn't Ever Get away from it!So much that they Labeled me a Criminal and Called me "William The disaster"
Tempest Was Reminded of his "Red Devil" Past But shook it off as Little Luke Shook in his arms.
Will:and After I Met Echo,I thought I could be Happy But she was Killed,So i was Back to being alone forever!Until I was the day,I became a Author God and a Guardian...
Will's Memories Flashed Over the Screen showing his first meeting With Everyone.
Will:After I Became An Author God,I Finally Had to Not be Alone And After Becoming a Guardian....I Managed to Meet All Of you!I managed to help So Many People and turn my Life around from being a Worthless nobody to a Somebody that is Worth it with Zeta Prime & The Omniverse being The Home that I and Everyone else Protect.
Everyone Felt Their Heart warm From hearing this as Will Finishes His speech by Revealing what he Is grateful for.
Will:So What am I Grateful for?I'm Grateful For Getting To Know Each And Everyone of you all as well as Being able To Protect The Omniverse and grow Stronger In Our Own Ways with all of you,Just So one day.....We All Can Finally Have a way to Live Normally.
Everyone Smiles as Will Also Smiles and Says.
Will:What I'm Grateful For is The People That I Know And Love As Well As The never-Ending Omniverse,We Live in.
They All have tears in their Eyes and Smile and Some actually Cry.
Jair:Damn,That was Deep.
They All Say what They're Also Grateful for And Soon,The Party Ends with The guests Going Back to their Respective Domains And The Theater Crew Being Sent Back To Will's Theater as Will Looked at his Hand until echo brought him out of His thought.
Echo:You okay?
Will Sighs and Smiled as he said he's Never been Better,he turns to his Wife and says...
Will:How about We Put Wyatt in his Crib and head to bed?
Echo Agreed and they did exactly that as Wyatt was Put to bed and They Went to bed,Themselves with Echo Staring at Her sleeping Husband.
She stares at her Husband and Says one thing with a smile and Her eyes Watering.
Echo:I'm also Grateful......To Have Met You,Will.
She Proceeds to Cuddle Into her Sleeping Husband Who remained Blissfully Asleep as He Holds His Vampiric Wife Who was Grateful in Having him in her Life.
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