The Secondary Riders! Part 1
Will:Hey,Guys!We're Going Back To the heisei Era!
Everyone(who knows):Alright!
Will:ButThis Time,we're Looking At The Secondary Riders and Once we're Done,I'll Show Some Riders That The Doesn't exist In the Real World.
We begin with Showing Someone Standing As They Put Armor On themself with the help of two people and The person is Revealed to be None Other than Shinra.
Shinra:Is that Me?
He Clamps the Belt as It looked like it was Loading energy and someone gave him a helmet,that he grabbed and placed on his Face as it covered the rest of His Head and His Armor up is Complete,he was Now...
Rider of the law,Kamen Rider G3
Will:Meet Kamen Rider G3,The First Of The Secondary Riders And the First in The heisei Era To use Technology To become a Rider.
Shinra:So,I'm a Rider?
Will:Yup except G3 is Pretty weak at first But he Gets Stronger over time and He Eventually is Able to Fight on Equal footing with his Opponents.
Shinra:So,Basically I suck.
The next Secondary Rider Shown was Actually SETH Of All People.
He holds a deck similar to Ryuki and shouts the Phrase.
He puts the deck into his buckle as a Reflective like armor Merged with him while Spinning Until it Turned Him Into....
The Mirror Bat,Kamen Rider Knight
Seth:I like the Color Scheme,It suits my Own.
Will:Anyway,This Rider Is More of A Loner as Knight prefers to Work Alone and Wants To get his Monster Partner Stronger but the reason is.....Spoiler!I Can't Say it!
Everyone does an anime fall from hearing that but already knew will would pull that.
Bulat Was shown facing A Monster as He Pressed three Number buttons like what happened to faiz and He Shouted....
Belt:Standing By.
He Locked the Phone thing into his Belt And The belt spoke Again as Yellow lines cover him...
He Is Now Donned in a New Armor Making Him...
Limited life Fighter,Kamen Rider Kaixa
Will:This one is Kamen Rider Kaixa and the Way he Can Henshin is Dangerous.
Akko:How so?
Will:Well,the belt is meant as A One shot type and once,you use it than it's game over,You Die but he defies the odds and uses it more than once despite the risk
Everyone Was Surprised at that but the Fighters smile at the sound of a True Warrior.
Ren was Shown Standing Still as He did what jaune Did and That's put a Card in a Buckle as It Became A Belt that Wrapped Around Him as well as Have A Diamond Logo on it and like The primary.
A blue energy wall with the ornate of Diamond and Like Blade,He walked through through the wall and He was in his Armor.
Diamond of the deck,Kamen rider Garren.
Ren:I'm a Rider?
Will:Yep and For you,It's a little complicated but long story short,you found something About Where you work and Wanted Answers As Well as Something happening to you.
The Next Rider was Someone.....No One has seen before.
Natsu:Who the hell is that?
Akko:Don't Know.
Todoroki:Why is he on screen,than?
Everyone turns To (S/n) as she blushes while rubbing her head.
(S/n):I know who that is.
Every anime Character:WHO?!
(S/n):My boyfriend,Jack.
Everyone(Except Real World):....SAY WHAT?!
Jack Whips something out as it makes a Mechanical noise Until he Blows On It causing It Glow and He Brings it to his Forehead and a Horn appears,he takes it to the side and Whips it back with enough pressure to cause Wind and when it died,he is in a new form.
Oni of the Wind,Kamen Rider Ibuki
Will:I'm Not gonna explain this or the next one
Will:You'll see.
Kaminari Was Holding a blue bionic Insect Similar to the One that Todoroki had when became Kabuto.
He Locks it into the belt as It said while Echoing.
He Appeared in a Blue Bulky Armor but that Didn't Last long as he Grabbed the Insect and said...
Kaminari:Cast Off!
He flips the Mouth As The belt spoke Again.
Belt:Cast Off,Change Stag Beetle!
The Armor became less bulky and Our Rider Is Revealed.
The Blue Stag beetle,Kamen rider Gatack.
Will:Like i said,I ain't Explaining This Because it's Too Confusing.
Kaminari:Well,I'm A Kamen rider?Awesome!
It Showed A Younger Arthur as He Had a Card in his hand as Well as Open A Slot in his Buckle.
He slides the Card into the belt as it made an Announcement.
Belt:Altair Form
He Was Covered in Armor That Resembled Den-O's Blank Form until it turned green and Gold bringing us a New Rider.
Disappearing Anomaly of Time,Kamen rider Zeronos
Will:Now,This Rider Doesn't Exactly Fight In his Rider Form A Lot.
Bakugou:Probably Because he's Weak.
Will snaps His fingers and Bakugou's mouth is Gone Causing Echo and Wyatt to Laugh and Him to say.
Will:Quite the Opposite,Zeronos Doesn't use his Rider Form because the More He Uses The Cards to Transform,the More he is Erased From Time As well as Everyone's Memory but Only A Singularity Point can Remember him.
Everyone realized Why will said zeronos Doesn't go to his Rider Form a Lot....because if he did,he Would be Forgotten by his Friends And Family and Everyone he Cares about.
The Next rider Appeared to be Yuno as He took A Gauntlet Like Item and Slammed it into his hand but it spoke.
He Locks it into the Belt as it speaks Again while,an X Spun from the Belt into A Cross And Into See Through Armor that Went on to him and Became Clear What the Armor Is.
Ultimate Holy Warrior,Kamen Rider IXA
Will:This one is Basically A way For Humans To easily Fight against Fangire Without Kiva's help but.....Anybody Can Use the Thing and This user Doesn't Like Kiva at first,Due to......Dark Kiva.
Everyone except those of the Real world Was Wondering What A Dark Kiva Is but shrugged it off.
The Last Rider for this Chapter showed Gilbert as he held a Card And Locked It into a Gun and Pushed It Foward causing It To Say...
Gun:Kamen Ride.
He Points the Gun to sky and Says one Word before Firing.
He fires causing Red,Green and Blue To Appear as Well As a Line of Cards until it Merged to appear in a New Form.
Dimensional Thief,Kamen Rider DiEnd
Will:This Rider is More of a hero but he's Also an Anti-Hero,he's One of The Secondary Riders that Acts As A Rival towards The Primary Rider.
Gilbert:Wow......I look good In Blue.
Chaos Class:GILBERT!
Chaos Class:Too Soon.
Will Sighs As he watched everyone and Saw Gilbert Apologize to his classmates who are also his friends but he speaks and says..
Will:We'll look at The rest at another time.
Echo:In the Mean Time,Break!
Will looked down for what echo did and the Reason is...
Will:I was Gonna say that,Echo.
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