The good old days with SMG4
Will came and decided to play something that actually happened but didn't tell anyone,so they're left wondering.
We open up to see Tari,Mario and Luigi are seen with their military soldier hats as Meggy is shown In front of them talking like a general.
Meggy Remembered what this was and...Didn't Like how events Turned as Our Half-Oni said...
(Y/n):Isn't this Smg4 episode,"Meggy's Bootcamp"?
Meggy:Okay you lazy Salmonids. Splatfest is in two weeks...
Meggy:And during that time...
She turns and Pointed at them as she said...
Meggy:I'm going to train all of you like your lives depended on it!
Mario Whined but Remembered this Already happened....He still Whined,Though.
Luigi:Why did I get dragged into this?
Tari turned To Luigi and Answered his Question.
Tari:We needed a fourth member... and Meggy's old teammates left.
(Y/n):Why Did they leave?
Meggy turns away and said she doesn't wanna talk about it.
Meggy:And with them gone... you're our next best option.
Everyone minus those that knew:Awww...
Meggy:After Saiko and the others... but I think they're on holidays...
Everyone minus those that knew:Oooh....
Mario:Don't worry Meggy, my bro's really good at dodging. Check this out!
(Y/n):True,I remember those "Luigi Wins by Doing Absolutely Nothing" Videos.....So yeah.
Mario sprouts a mini-splatling out of his crotch and fires it at Luigi,who Screams and runs away in a panic as two inklings get hit, and eventually uses Sheldon as a shield.
(Y/n) laughed his Ass Off as Everyone else tries to Contemplate What they just saw.
Smg4 turns to them and gives an Answer as he says...
Smg4:Meme Logic.
Meggy Smacked the Mini-Splatling away Turned attention to Mario to scold him
Meggy:Mario! This is serious! I need you to focus!
She got close to his face as His Head backs up and she says...
(Bf/n):What a Bitch.
He said this to himself but Unfortunately for him,Meggy heard him.
(Bf/n):Uh Oh.
The gang is now standing at a shooting range as Meggy shows the Target.
Meggy:Alright, let's start with the most basic of skills: Aiming!
(Y/n):I Can't wait to see this!
Ruby turned to her Cousin,That was Weird to say but anyways,She turned to him and said...
Ruby:This is Easy,How Can they Possibly screw this Up?
(Y/n) didn't say a word as (T/n) said...
(T/n):Just watch.
Mario:Oooh! Me first!
Mario sprouts another mini-splatling out of his crotch, and starts firing wildly, but manages to miss every shot except for the last couple he fires.
Everyone except those that know about Smg4 logic remained silent until...
Iida:Two questions.....How did He Manage To make a Gatling Appear from his Groin?And How did he miss The target?
Mario(Leaning against splatling):Mmmm-hmmm!
Meggy facepalms in frustration as she gets the next person.
Meggy:Your turn, Luigi!
Luigi imagines his splat gun as a pistol and panics after a single drop of ink comes out it.
Meggy looks dumbfounded By what she just saw and turned to the final of the trio.
Meggy:Tari, I've seen you shoot really well before, please show us how it's done.
Tari's shot bounces off the target and causing the Inkopolis tower to fall and explode
Tari looks shocked as Mario goes to her and says.
A flashback shows Tari Shooting Every single Target without Miss,Despite them going at an Insane Speed.
Jaune:OH MY GOD!
Ruby whines and says that speed is supposed to be Her Shtick.
Meggy:I saw you shoot really well at the carnival!
Tari:Uhh, well I'm only good at games and this is more of a sport...
Tari:I'm really bad at sports...
Meggy:Ugh...let's just move on...
(Cuts to a massive, deadly obstacle course Meggy has set up, all three of the others looking terrified)
Ryuko:Isn't that a bit extreme?
She said as it Reminds her of the No-late day Obstacle Course,Which was More of a deathtrap.
Meggy:Alright, Luigi, you're up first!
Luigi starts crawling beneath the barbed wire and is doing good.
Meggy holds up a remote and pressed it, activating "WOOMY MODE", which spawns a pair of splatling sentries that unleash a volley of ink at Luigi, sending him flying back the the start and into a wall.
Bob:Bitch,That's nothing!I can do Way more damage than that!
Meggy:Expect to be shot at the battlefield!
Meggy: You're up Tari!
Tari looks over nervously at the sentry......Which Speaks for Some reason.
Splatling Sentry:
Tari falls over crying and covering her eyes and starts rolling, surprisingly making it through and dodging the ink successfully.
Walker:She's screwed...Not Right now but she's DEFINITELY Screwed.
Akko turns to the Real world dude and asks how but...
Walker:You'll see.
Tari:Oh my gosh I did it!
Meggy:GOOD! Now next obstacle!
Tari sees a rope going across a large body of water.
Boopkins:That doesn't seem,Too bad.
She starts climbing along it, but then notices a Cheep Chomp below looking at her.
Cheep Chomp:
Tari freezes in place as a large group of the chomps appear, and start jumping up to try and bite her.
Meggy:Well... doesn't look like She's going anywhere.
Meggy rubs the back of her head and admits that she probably should have helped her.
Mario turns his head at the call of His name as Meggy speaks.
Meggy:You're up!
However.....Mario being the Lazy Fatass,he is.....Refuses.
Mario:Aweee I don't wanna...
Meggy: Finish the course and...
Meggy pulls out a plate of spaghetti as she continues.
Meggy:We'll have a lunch break
Ainz:Bribery with Food?There's no way that Is going to-
Overjoyed, Mario effortlessly completes the course, getting barbed wire and Cheep Chomps stuck on him in the process, and crashes into the wall Meggy's standing on, sending her falling to the ground.
Ainz:.........I stand Corrected.
Meggy:Ignoring him...It Hurt a Lot,When i fell.
Mario(Celebrating with his plate of spaghetti):Yipeeee
Mario Looked and reminded her of what she said.
Mario:But you said we get a lunch break.
Meggy smacks herself in the face as she Revealed the truth.
Meggy:I just said that just so you'd do the stupid obstacle course.
She crosses her Arms with An Annoyed look.
Meggy:We have a lot more training to do!
Smg4:Good Luck with Getting Mario to Work out.
Mario:But i Was Tired!
Mario is shown sitting on his ass and says.
Mario:But I am le tired.
Meggy:Come on! We need to train, you guys aren't even trying!
Tari:Meggy...We are trying...
Meggy: Well you aren't trying hard enough!
Meggy yelled until she has a sudden realization, and walks off sadly.
Lotte:Why did you walk away?
The former inkling sighed and said that she Realized how she was Acting,Due to her desire to win splatfest and how she felt like she was losing sight of who she was.
He turns and Sees Meggy walking away
Mario:Oh no!
Mario runs after Meggy, while Luigi and Tari share a worried look.
On a rooftop,Mario finds Meggy sitting by herself, looking down sadly.
Mario:Hey Meggy...
Without even Looking at him,She points her splattershot at him and tells him...
Meggy:Go away, Mario...
Mario:Come on Meggy...
Mario(With a pencil, notepad, glasses and beard):Why don't you tell Mario what's wrong?
Kirishima laughed a bit and asked...
Kirishima:is he trying to be a therapist?
Meggy:You remember when we first trained all those years ago,Red?
(Y/n):Jeeze,You're acting like it was A LONG Time ago...It was just 2 Years Ago at the time.
Meggy:We sat right here on this rooftop that very day...
Meggy:I told you I was an "upcoming star" and we were going to own the Splatfest...
Meggy:But it's been two years since then and I still haven't won a single Splatfest.
Desti:You did Win the Final Splatfest.
Meggy rubbed her arm with a smile and said while,she did Do that....That hasn't happened yet in the timeframe that they're watching.
Meggy:I'm...I'm just a big disappointment.
Meggy starts crying a bit,while Mario looks over at her sadly.
Mario:You can't disappoint Mario, I have no expectations of anything!
Meggy:The worst thing is...
Meggy: I've been so mean to you and the others...
Luigi and tari go and give Meggy a hug as they said that they knew How she wanted to win,back then.
Meggy: I feel like I'm losing sight of who I am.
Meggy then bursts into tears, Mario tabs her shoulder to get her attention, and holding out the spaghetti plate from earlier.
Smg3:What is he-
Will shushed him and said they're about to see something that No one Has Ever imagined Smg4 mario do.
Mario:This is the lunch from the obstacle course...
(S/n):We know.
Saiko:So What?He just wanted to tell her,that?
The rest of the Smg4 crew minus Meggy and Mario Agreed but what they saw and heard Mario say Next Shocked them
Mario:I want you to have it!
Smg4 Crew:WHAT?!
Mario was Willingly Giving Away SPAGHETTI?!
Meggy Deadpanned them and Said that Just Because Mario was willing to give his spaghetti to her,Does NOT mean it's the apocalypse.
Meggy giggles at Mario and the two sat there until..
Tari:We're going to win!
Meggy looks over, and Sees Luigi and Tari have arrived.
Meggy:Guys! I'm sorry for-
Tari:Its okay, we heard what you said. You don't need to apologize for anything!
Luigi:Yeah, its normal to get emotional over everything you care about.
Luigi:It's like when anyone around Mario mentions spaghetti.
Everyone minus those of The real World Wonder If that's how Much he enjoys Spaghetti....Why would he let meggy have it?
Meggy:But I still yelled at you, and that's not okay.
She looked at the two and said...
Meggy:Winning Splatfest isn't worth it,If I lose my friends along the way.
They both "Aww"ed at her words as Tari said...
Tari:Aww, you'll never lose us, Meggy!
Mario(Wearing a beanie, headphones and goggles like Meggy's):Yeah! Mario's got your back!
Luigi:I fight for my friends.
Class 1a Girls:Awwwww
Meggy looks around happily as her friends cheer her On as she wipes the tears away and thanked them.
Meggy:Thanks guys!
She stands up and Points at them.
Meggy:Who's ready to train?
Mario, Luigi & Tari:YEEEEESSSS!!!
The team sits in a classroom, with Meggy going over the main tactics for winning a turf war.
Tari(typing on a computer):Okie dokie!
Luigi(writing it down on paper): Okie-dokie!
Mario(Reading notes he wrote down on his hand):OKie DOKie!
Everyone did an anime fall after seeing Mario's Notes but Meggy...
Meggy:Why am I Not Surprised?
Cuts to shooting range, Luigi is setting up some targets
Meggy:The big ones are worth 50 points, the little ones are worth 100 points. It's a game now.
Naegi:I don't think that's how it works.
Tari:I don't think it works like that Meggy...
Meggy:Just try!
Tari fires her gun at the targets, hitting all of them easily.
Naegi:Stand Corrected.
Luigi:Wow good job Tari!
Tari spins her gun around, but drop and accidently sends it flying into Luigi.
Luigi:That hurt.
Cuts to a football field, where Luigi is standing in front of a wall of splatling sentries, shaking in fear
Meggy:Dodge practice!
Mario: Don't worry,bro! Maybe this will help!
Mario turns on a radio, playing a song with a lot of "Go Weegee!"'s in it, giving him a confidence boost and letting him dodge their shots with ease.
Cuts again to an abandoned industrial area, with Mario and Meggy on the rooftops, ready for a duel.
Meggy:Time to fight...
The two engage in a duel, jumping around the rooftops trying to hit each other with ink, until Mario leaps over Meggy and manages to shoot her, with Meggy being overjoyed at how much the three have improved.
Meggy:That was awesome Red!
(Y/n):I can do that,Blindfolded.
Mario dances in victory, but is sent flying into the water thanks to Meggy
Meggy:You got to remember to never drop your guard though!
Coral:I doubt he Could.
Mario gives a thumbs up as he sinks down as the Scene cuts to a back alley, where the four are relaxing after training
Meggy:Thanks for today,guys...You all did really well.
They dance around happily, until Mario is suddenly shot by a volley of ink, to the others shock.
The shooter, Desti, is revealed standing at the other end of the alley.
Desti:Don't make me laugh.
Desti:Oh Yeah.....Right.
Desti:Hello Meggy, it's been a while.
Mario(While flipping her off):It's Mario! this an angsty friend of yours?
Desti:I'm DESTI!!! Leader of th-
Meggy:-leader of the Octoposse. Yeah, yeah...No one cares about your dumb group!
Desti was annoyed and put a hand on her shoulder as she said...
Desti:You should pull out of splatfest. There's no point in competing.
Meggy: Don't listen to her...
Meggy: Shes only taunting us because she knows we can beat her.
Desti: I'd like to see you try.
Desti claps her hands, and a large suddenly appears above Mario
Mario: Hmm?
The shadow is revealed to be a helicopter, with the rest of the Octoposse on board, with spatlings aimed at the Splat Squad.
Desti:I remember this.
Meggy:i remember what you did.
Octoposse Member:KIDS GON' DIE TONIGHT!
Meggy: TAKE COVER!!!
The Octoposse unleashes a torrent of ink at the heroes, forcing them to take cover (Or use Sheldon as a shield, in Luigi's case), until Meggy notices that Desti is stealing all their weapons
Desti jumps aboard the helicopter, which starts taking flight again
Desti:Nice seeing you again Meggy!
Mario:Urgh, No! Imma gonna get you!
Mario runs up to the roofs climbing up to try and catch the copper.
Mario:Watch out! Come here bitches!
Mario jumps to helicopter, but Desti pulls out her gun on front of him, stopping him in his tracks.
Vegeta:how the hell is he just Floating there?
Desti:Nice try~!
She fires the gun, sending Mario crashing back down the alley below with the others.
Mario:Sorry Meggy...
Meggy:It's not your fault.
Tari:What are we going to do now?
Meggy:Looks like we'll have to kick some Octoling ass...
Mondo:Aw hell yeah!Fight time!
Mario:YEAH! Mario love big ol' ass!
With that,the episode Ended as Everyone remained silent until...
Mario:Mario Still loves big ol' ass!
They all sigh and Will appears again as he says....
Will:Let's move on.
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