The Fanon Death battle
Will Relaxes and Tells everyone that they're Gonna Watch A Death Battle.
(Y/n):Which One?Kirby vs. Majin Buu?Sonic Vs Mario?Chuck Norris Vs Segata Sanshiro?Another deadpool episode?
Goku:That One with Me in it?
Will:Nope....A Fanon Episode.
Some of the Audience Was Confused but the real World Came and Explained that if Something Was Fanon,It meant That it wasn't Continuity Of It's Canon.
Tanjiro:that makes sense.
Mondo:So,What's the Fanon episode?
Will smiles before saying the description.
Will:"R.W.B.Y",When all four members of the team are thrust into mortal combat, which one will stand above the rest?
Hearing That,Especially Team RWBY Themselves....They Automatically Knew It was a Battle Royale.....Between Team RWBY.
Weiss:I tolerate My teammates and leader,I don't Want them Dead.
Will says the death battles are just simulated Fights......Unless Otherwise.
(Y/n):You Mean with The whole Bill Cypher vs Discord Fight?
Will:Yep!Now,It's Time To watch a Death Battle!
Will also Warned them that The Team RWBY that They'll see Fight Will be the ones from after the Fall of beacon
Ruby:Wow!We Look Good,We should Make Those Our outfits.
Weiss:For Once..I actually Agree with you,Ruby.
Yang:Minus the Robot,I look Good and I think That's The First Time that Blake smiled,Same with Weiss.
Blake was surprised that she got rid of her bow,She got used to it and grown to like it and The Haircut,When did that Happen?It's Not bad but still and wait,What did yang say...
Blake:I Smile!
(Y/n) & WBY:😆
Wiz:Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long. Together, they make up the huntress team of RWBY and together they are nigh-unstoppable.
Ruby:Yeah,We Are!
Weiss:Don't Get Cocky.
Boomstick:But in a fight to the death, there can be only one huntress left. Man, the RWBY fan base is not going to be happy with us. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
(Y/n):I Can Hear the Screams,Now.
(Bf/n):Oh Please,If Anything....They'll Just Want Jaune On Death battle...So People Can Stop It with the Jaune Fics.
Wiz:And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.
Wiz:Ruby Rose was born to Taiyang Xiao Long and Summer Rose, two well renown huntsmen in the world of Remnant.
Summer:Well,I Was & Still Am Leader Of Team STRQ and Kick Their Asses.
(S)TRQ Groaned At that because After,They Left From Their First Theater Experience.....Summer Showed she Hasn't Gotten Rusty but They Have,Even Raven!
Ozpin watched them with a Smug look,They didn't even Know He Could be Smug.
Leader of Team RWBY/RNJR
Yang:RNJR?No,Ruby is Only The Leader of Team RWBY.
(Y/n):Ignoring How Confusing Your Team Name Can Be,Team RNJR is A Self Made Team Consisting Of The Remaining Members of Team JNPR Aka Jaune,Nora And Ren as They Tag Along With Ruby and before You ask,Why just Them?
They nod as (Y/n) Explains.
(Y/n):Because You Know that Pyrrha is Dead but for the rest Of team RWBY...Blake Ran away,Yang was Wallowing At Home in self-Despair after Losing her Arm And Weiss Was Trapped At Home By Jackass Schnee.
Ironwood:You Mean Jacques,Right?
(Y/n):I know what i said.
Half-Sister of Yang Xiao Long
Anime version of Red Riding Hood
Boomstick:But like any young hero of destiny, Ruby's journey to be the very best started with the death of one of her parents; in this case, it was the passing of her mother Summer.
(Y/n) Got Annoyed at That and Yelled at the Screen saying
(Y/n):Rooster Teeth Never Confirmed That!All They Said was "She Left On A Mission,One Day and Never Came Back!"
He turns and Said Before V9,Summer Was Basically A Mystery....Other Than a Few Clues And Minor Appearances,No One Knew ANYTHING About her!Not what She was Like,Not how she acted,HELL!Not even How she Talked because before V9,Summer didn't Have a VA!
Summer:'So In (Y/n)'s World,People Apparently Had To Wait NINE Volumes To Know My Voice but Only Got One Episode,Where I Actually Speak and Don't Know if I'm Actually Dead Or Alive?'
Wiz:despite this loss, Ruby trained under her Uncle Qrow to learn to be a Bona Fide scythe swinger. In fact, she grew so skilled that she was accepted into Beacon Academy two years early. There, she fell into the ranks of the one and only Team RWBY; more on them later.
Crescent Rose:
Ruby:My Sweetheart!
Large mechanical scythe
Blade can change angle
Turns into a high-caliber rifle
Blade tilts at different axis
Can use recoil to advantage
Different Dust shots
Fire-Spews flame
Ice-Shard projectiles
Gravity-Levitates small amounts of ground
Boomstick:But back to those scythe skills of her, because she has the perfect weapon to use it with them. This is the one and only Crescent Rose, a combination of a sniper rifle and a scythe. So I guess you could call it a Scyther Rifle!
Issei:That's Kind of stupid.
Jaune:Is that a Scythe?!
Ruby:It's Also A Customizable High-Impact Sniper Rifle.
Jaune:A Wha-?
Mukuro:It's A gun.
Ruby Cocks it and Dumbs it down for him.
Ruby:It's Also a gun.
Wiz:...Anyway, it's safe to say the Crescent Rose is much more deadly than Boomstick's jokes, especially considering that it can mow through entire hordes of Grimm.
Ruby Smiles In Pride to Herself for Being Awesome until She was Given a Noogie by Her Sister.
Boomstick:Aside from it's regular sniper round ammunition, Ruby can also use different kinds of Dust shots; with fire she can spew flames from the barrel, use ice to shoot icicles, zap enemies with lighting, and even levitate small patches of land with Gravity dust.
(Y/n):I just Realized An Op Ability To Have In Remnant that A Lot Of Fanfics Just Use as Gags.
Everyone Turns to Him as he explains what the ability is.
(Y/n):Dust Consumption,Gaining The Elemental Properties Of The Dust You Consumed and Since,Mixing Dust can Make a Completely New One....It's Basically Endless Or a Safer Way,An Armor That Let's you Do the Exact Same thing.
Those From Remnant Didn't Take That Into Account as Ruby had A Paper and Pencil Out as she seemed to be already working On some ideas on the Armor thing.
Semblance:Super Speed
Bursts of intense speed
Running in a circle generates a hurricane
Appearance of teleportation
Wiz: This last Dust is especially useful considering Ruby's Semblance, Super Speed, enables her to move vast distances at blinding speeds across the terrain.
Boomstick:You sure that's not teleportation there Wizard?
Yang:If Ruby Could Teleport,She wouldn't Have been Grounded
Wiz:Pretty sure.
Boomstick:Well, Super Speed isn't the only power Ruby has up her Red Hood, because she possesses a power that came from the God of Light himself; the Silver Eyes.
Ruby:Time to see what they Can do.
Will:Also,Those God Brothers are Actually Wanted For Deities who Are to have their Divinity Stripped Away frome them By Their Creator.
Silver Eyes
Inherited from her mother
Emits petrifying light
Activated by thinking of her loved ones
Wiz:Inherited from her mother, the Silver Eyes emit an aura of blinding light that can petrify Grimm with a single flash, and can even harm Maidens, warrior women who can use magic, giving them a huge leg up over about 99.9% the rest of Remnant, although the exact circumstances are unknown.
RWBY Cast(Those that didn't Know):HOLY SHIT!
Boomstick:Didn't stop her from nearly frying Cinder Fall alive, but it didn't keep her down for long. Speaking of which, it's not Ruby's only weakness; her hand-to-hand combat abilities aren't top notch compared to her Scythe Swinging Skillset and since she constantly uses her Semblance, her Aura can decay pretty quickly.
Ruby Deflates Like A Ballon and Complains that She's been Working on Her Hand-To-hand Combat.
Wiz:But with a powerful scythe and deadly Silver Eyes ability, the Creatures of Grimm won't rest easy with this aspiring Huntress on the hunt.
Ruby Smiles as she Says
Ruby:Don't Mess with Team RWBY.
It Closes on her and reopens with the Next Member.
Weiss:here we go.
Wiz:Weiss Schnee was born into the incredibly wealthy Schnee Family, which made its money from the distribution of Dust across the world.
Height: 5'4 (in heels)
Nickname: Ice Queen
Former heiress of Schnee Dust Company
(Y/n):Remember How I said,Jackass Kept you in Atlas?He Also took away the Title of "Heiress" from You and Gave it To Whitley Making Him "Heir",Jackass Thought he Could Keep you in Atlas Since......Well,He's Jackass.
(Bf/n) Butted In and Explained that Jacques decided to keep her Atlas as a Way to Make Sure she Won't "Rebel" Again and That's Why he took the Chance to take her back as soon as Beacon Fell,Not because he Cared but because He thought she was Weak.
Rich kid version of Snow White
Boomstick:But the comfortable life of a rich kid wasn't for Weiss, so she decided to train to become a Huntress, and kind of in a move that screams 'Screw you Dad,you don't understand me,' she decided to instead go to Beacon Academy rather than the Huntress academy within her Home country of Atlas.
Wiz:There,despite her cold attitude, no pun attended Boomstick, she Became a Member of Team RWBY and began their training to become Huntresses,defending Remnant from the Grimm.
It shows a Clip of Weiss Being Woken by Ruby As she used A Whistle.
Weiss:Sometimes,I think i still hear the ringing.
Ruby Apologized but Weiss said It's okay as Her Sister said this About Ruby.
Winter:Your Leader Certainly is.......Interesting,Weiss.
Boomstick:And coming from a family rich in Dust selling, Weiss is certainly the Team's resident Dust expert.
Rapier flintlock pistol
Revolving dust chamber
Blade channels dust blasts
Fire dust
Wind dust
Lightning dust
Barrier dust
Gravity dust
Wiz:Weiss can harness the effects of Dust through her weapon, the Myrtenaster, a combination between a rapier and a flintlock pistol.
Boomstick:A sword-gun may sound like the most generic weapon combination but with the right kind of Dust,it is a deadly weapon. She can command shots or waves of fire, ice, lighting or wind. Plus, she can create hard light constructs to act as barriers and use gravity Dust to levitate small patches of land-wait that sounds familiar.
Weiss Groans And Says That She's Not the Only One who Uses Gravity Dust and Those That do.....Mostly use it for that.
Wiz:Well, Dust can be brought like candy in a candy shop. But Dust isn't the only thing Weiss' family connections gives her; her Semblance is a rare example, passed down from her Huntsmen ancestors.
Weiss:Yes,My Glyphs.
Semblance: Glyphs
Hereditary semblance
Maximizes elemental effects
Can manipulate motion
Allows wall climbing
Time dilation
Summoning of defeated foes
Queen Lancer
Arma Gigas
Boomstick:The Glyphs can do a lot of things; they can manipulate a person's motion, enabling them to run up walls or increase their speeds, slow down them down with time dilation, and can use it in conjunction with her Dust, enabling them to perform large scale elemental affects.
Seth:It's basically bullshit.
Wiz:But the most legendary ability of the Glyphs is the ability to summon defeated enemies to help her in battle. There's the standard giant boar and wasp, but Weiss' greatest ally in this regard is the Arma Gigas.
(Y/n):'Oh Yeah,The Reason Behind Weiss's Scar is Him'
Arma Gigas
Giant suit of white armor with gigantic broadsword
Summoned through Glyphs
Obtained it after defeating a Grimm Possessed Armor
Can control its size and enhance with other Glyphs
Boomstick:That's what I'm talking about. With a broadsword that big, you know anyone picking a fight with Weiss is going to get cut in half every quickly.
Wiz:Indeed; the Glyphs are one of the most versatile Semblances in the world, and Weiss has more than enough time to test the capabilities of the Glyphs. But that brings up a drawback of the Glyphs; they take time to prepare for their fullest extent, and are more often used to help her teammates out.
Boomstick:But with her arsenal of Dust and a powerful White Knight at her back and call, Weiss certainly sets her place apart from the rest of her family.
Weiss is shown getting ready for A fight as She simply says one thing.
Weiss:I am Weiss Schnee & My Name does Not Define Who i am.
Weiss:Indeed,It doesn't.
Wiz:When Blake Belladonna claimed she was born into the White Fang, it was no exaggeration. Her father,Ghira Belladonna,Was one of the founding members of the group, and Blake was a spirited supporter of their mission to create equality between Faunus and Humans.
Everyone who didn't know that Was Surprised That Blake was The Daughter of Someone Like That,Especially given they all Remember that When he was Running the Fang,It was Peaceful and That he is the Current chieftain of Menagerie.
Age: 19
Height: 5'6
Race:Cat Faunus
Once a White Fang member
Loner version of Beauty and the Beast
Boomstick:Only problem was that there were some within the White Fang who felt like the Faunus should actually be above humans, one of whom was Blake's mentor,Adam Taurus.
(Y/n):So Basically,he wants To Cause a Repeat Of What was it Called....?Oh Yeah,I Remember Now!Great War...Or At least,he wants To Cause A Race Riot.
Wiz:As Blake watched her teacher fall further down the path of self-righteousness and revenge, Blake left the White Fang behind and instead found a new path; she would become a Huntress, and help prevent the cycle of violence from continuing.
Boomstick:And she joined Team RWBY, which we all know is the theme of this episode.
Wiz:Amongst her teammates, it wouldn't be a longshot to call Blake the most experienced member; after all, she's already fought against military grade robots, and has been an active member of the White Fang long before enrolling in Beacon.
Blake Simply Nodded at what Wiz said.
Gambol Shroud
Sheath is bladed and can be dual-wielded with inner blade
Katana folds to fit over grip, forming pistol
Pistol grip is tied to sheath with long rope, forming a kusaragami
Boomstick:And all that experience certainly shows when she whips out the Gambol Shroud, one of the most combination weapon-est combination weapons on the series. It's a gun, a katana, a cleaver and even a kusaragami, all with different combinations of a sword and a sheath.
Wiz:Like the other members of her team,Blake is able to use Dust but rather than channeling it through her weapon, she instead uses it to enhance her Semblance, which enables her to create Shadow Doubles that can be used to increase her own momentum or used to take a hit from an enemy in her place.
Mineta:An Attack Dummy?
Semblance: Shadow Doubles
Produces body double
Gives double-jump
Goes down in one hit
Dust variations
Earth-Stone statue
Fire-Fire bomb
Ice-Traps weapon
Violet-Blinding haze
Boomstick:She can use ice dust to turn the double into an ice sculpture, earth to make a statue,Violet Dust to produce a longer lasting clone, and my personal favorite, fire to create a Blake-shaped bomb.
Blake Gives an annoyed face and if She wasn't wearing
Faunus Senses
Part of Faunus biology
Possesses cat ears
Night vision and enhanced hearing
Hides her cat ears under a bow most of the time
Wiz:And as a Cat Faunus, Blake is capable of seeing in the dark, a useful feature for getting the drop on enemies or blending into the darkness.
Boomstick:Wait, does that mean she can also be distracted by red lights.
She's a Red Dot and is Immediately Annoyed and tries to stomp it but it keeps going away.
We Zoom in at the Source of the Red dot to see Aizawa And (Y/n) with Shit eating Grins.
Aizawa:You're Right,This Is Fun.
(Y/n):Told You.
Wiz:Well, yes, to comedic effect. Also, her shadow doubles only take one hit before they disappear, and she has a lot of issues she has to work through. However, Blake Belladonna proves her place amongst both the Faunus and within Team RWBY.
Blake,After the Red Dot disappeared,Smiled and said...
Blake:I Have....I Really have.
We see a Clip of Blake at Beacon as she speaks.
Blake:That's very Ambitious For a Child.....Unfortunately,The Real World isn't like that.
iz:Before Ruby Rose was born to Taiyang and Summer Rose,Taiyang had an intimate relationship with another member of their team, Raven Branwen And from their relationship,Yang Xiao Long was born.
Height: 5'8
Trained by Qrow Branwen
Half-sister of Ruby Rose
Brawler version of Goldilocks
Boomstick:As a man whose grown up without, well, a 100% stable father figure in my life, Yang growing up without knowing about her mother was tough on her, but luckily, Yang was also plenty tough herself.
Wiz:After receiving training from both her father and her uncle Qrow, Yang enrolled in Beacon Academy, determined to become one of best Huntresses around.
Yang:You're Damn Right,I Am.
Will:'Well,You usually End up having the Red pill or The pill Choice For an Ending'
Boomstick:And she became a part of Team RWBY, yada-yada-yada. We know this part, so let's get to the good bit; Yang's weapons, the Ember Celica.
Yang:Well,Fuck You too!
(An:Best,I could do)
Ember Celica
Shotgun Gaunlets
Fires kinetic pulses
12 shots
Uses momentum to advantage
Has lost one
Orange-Long range
Wiz:Combining the close quarter usage of knuckle-dusters with the blasting damage of a shotgun, Yang can use them to tear her way through her foes, or tear her foes apart if she's feeling especially brutal.
Boomstick:Unfortunately, she ended up losing one of them, but we'll get to that later. Being a close ranged fighter also works well with her Semblance; by taking enough damage, Yang can unleash it back on the inflictor with a super-mode.
Yang:My Semblance!
Semblance: Rage
Draws strength from damage taken
No defined limit
Must remain conscious to absorb power
Not limited to physical attacks
Wiz:With the Semblance, Yang can essentially overwhelm an enemy with their own attack power, effectively negating their advantages. But this didn't save her when she charged straight at Adam Taurus, resulting the loss of her arm, and one of her Ember Celica.
Yang:So,The Bull eared Fuckhead Is The Reason,I was Gonna lose one of my Arms?!
Made to replace her missing arm
Extremely powerful blows
Contains a shotgun to replace missing Ember Celica
Can be detached at will
Boomstick:So she got it replaced with a state of the art robotic limb. Packing one hell of a punch and a shotgun to replace the missing Ember Celica, Yang certainly knew how to lemonade out of the lemons life gave her.
Wiz:As Team RWBY's resident brawler,Yang was often responsible to completing their progress to victory, especially with her Semblance serving as their trump card. But if the incident with Adam proved anything,it's that Yang is far from invincible, and by using her Semblance, it essentially drains her of her Aura, leaving her tired and vulnerable to attack. Plus, her straight forward style of fighting doesn't work so well against those who are fast enough to dodge.
Boomstick:But when Team RWBY enters the fray, you can bet your right hand that Yang will be there at the front to smash away any opposition.
We See a Clip Of Team RWBY At School as Ruby says...
Ruby:I'm Talking About Kicking Off the Semester with a Bang.
Yang:I Always Kick My Semesters With a Yang!
Everyone(Except Yang):*Groan*
Wiz:Alright, the combatants are set, lets end this debate once and for all.
Boomstick:Wait,Wiz!how are you going to get them to fight?
They All did their Own Victory With Ruby Doing Thumps up But....
Wiz:With an original Grimm I've created called the Frenzy.
Team RWBY:
Boomstick:Are we allowed to do that?
Wiz:Officially, no but on this site, we can do whatever we want.
Boomstick:Well then, without further ado, it's time for a Death Battle!
(Y/n) Stared at the Screen as The Battle between Team RWBY Would Soon Begin.
(Y/n):'One is a Silver eyed Reaper,Another is a Summoner,The third is Powerful And Strong Brawler with the last being A Disgraced warrior with Their Training And Higher Fighting Experience'........
He Remained Silent At his own Thoughts before...
Cue,Team Rwby Getting Shocked Again.
Other than (Y/n) asking To Bet On Them Fighting To the death,He was Literally Being Ignorant Of their Own Feelings.
Everyone Minus Will,Echo and Team RWBY Participated in the Betting Pool and Here's How Much They Betted On Who Won,When it was Added All Together.
The One that (Y/n) was Betting on was Blake....Call it,A gut feeling.
Above the clearing within a forest, a black mist with red energy cackling within it hovered many feet above the ground. It was the Frenzy Grimm, and it had just detected four different life forms for it to possess. Splitting it's body into four parts, they flew in four different directions.
A moment passed before Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long came into the clearing from the North, East, South and West areas respectively. Having been infected by the Frenzy Grimm, the moment they saw each other, although they recognized and knew each other, a single thought passed through their minds;KILL.
Team RWBY:No!
They drew out their weaponry and charged forward.
Their weaponry collided all together at the same time, sending them all skidding back several steps before Ruby lunged at Yang and Blake blocked an attack from Weiss, separating the battle into two groups.
Ruby swung her Crescent Rose in two wide arcs, knocking aside Yang's arms as they fired off two shots, before running forward and performing a leaping kick into Yang's chest, pushing her back a few steps. As Ruby landed from performing the attack, she swung her scythe around to cut at Yang, who leapt over swing and lunged at Ruby, grabbing ahold of the handle of Crescent Rose and forcing her to the ground, only for Ruby to use her super speed to dash away from Yang's hold on her and appear behind her, slashing her in the back. As Yang turned around to fire a shot at Ruby, she sped around to her side, this time spewing Yang with flames from Crescent Rose, forcing Yang to bring up her arm and use her Aura to block the attack. Yang then took this opportunity to grab a hold of Crescent Rose and pull Ruby forward into striking distance, kicking her in the midriff and sending her flying back. Ruby rolled from the impact, but got back to her feet in an instant, lunging towards Yang.
Ruby:Being Strategic with Yang,That's Me.
Yang:I got a Bad Match up.
Weiss:Makes me Wonder about Me and Blake.
Weiss and Blake were trading blows with their respective bladed weapons, the clashes ending with Blake spinning around, applying the sheath to her blade and delivering a powerful strike to Weiss, to blocked it with Barrier dust. Although the attack still sent her back several feet, she recovered immediately and summoned a Glyph, sending a bolt of lightning at Blake, who used her Shadow Copy to launch herself into the air to avoid the attack before bearing downwards at Weiss, who used another Glyph to propel herself backwards from the slash Blake delivered, before using another Semblance to launch herself forwards at Blake, their blades clashing together, causing them to enter a blade lock.
(Y/n):C'mon!I Want My Money!
Yasuhiro:Same Here,I'm in Debt!
Yasuhiro Also Bet On Blake but That was Because he Used His Crystal Ball to tell him,the Winner as he is Dead-On 30% of the time.
They were forced to separate as Yang was pushed between them by Ruby's onslaught. With all four of them in the same place again, their target's respectively changed; Weiss summoned a Glyph that produced a powerful gust of wind, sending Ruby flying far away and over the clearing. As Ruby freefell, she spotted a rocky outcrop that overlooked the forest clearing; equipping her gravity dust, she fired bullets at the formation, levitating parts of rocks for her to leap from and to with her Super Speed, landing on the outcrop.
Celeste:You're doomed.
Celeste Betted on Weiss and Since,She never Loses A Bet....She's Going to Win.
Meanwhile,back in the clear, Yang fired a powerful shot at Blake, which ended up propelling her into the surrounding forest, where she almost instantly vanished. In the clearing, only Yang and Weiss were left. Yang turned around to face her remaining target, only to realize that Weiss had taken advantage of her concentration of Blake to summon her Arma Gigas. Now,it was swinging its gigantic sword downwards, yet Yang crossed her arms to block the attack with her Aura, pushing away the sword with her own strength before using the propulsion of her shotgun blasts to launch herself at the Arma Gigas, delivering a two fisted strike to its head, blasting it apart and causing it to vanish. Yang landed in front a Weiss, who thrust out with her rapier, only for it to be caught by Yang; Yang then swung her fist, catching Weiss in the stomach, at the same time firing a long ranged shot that launched Weiss towards the same rocky outcrop that Ruby had landed on. The impact smashed a large crater into the cliff, which, in addition the hole in Weiss' stomach from Weiss' shot, killed Weiss instantly, her corpse falling into the forest below.
Everyone Is Shocked at the Painful Way to Go out as Celeste Remains Shocked that she Lost a bet.
Weiss Just Cries at how she was the first to die in the fight.
Ruby, who was still standing on the rocky outcrop, looked downwards at Weiss' fate, before seeing that Yang was still in the clearing. Anchoring her scythe into the ground, Ruby fired numerous sniper shots of ice bullets at Yang, the shots striking Yang numerous times, forcing her to her knees due to the onslaught. Seeing where the shots were coming from, Yang fired a long ranged blast at Ruby's position, forcing her to leap away at the shot devastated the rocky outcrop, landing in the forest as she used her super speed to lessen the impact.
Ruby:I'll Avenge You,Bestie!
Back in the clearing,Yang was about to step off after Ruby, when Gambol Shroud's whip snagged around her ankle, pulling her backwards into the forest. Yang was slammed against a tree, stunning her, before Blake leapt out of nowhere from the darkness, smashing into Yang with both feet and cracking the tree in half as Yang was sent flying backwards. Yang got back to her feet, but was unable to see Blake as she fired shots at her from out the darkness. Yang fired off numerous shots into the darkness in frustration as more bullets thudded into her Aura, sending her stumbling to the ground. But that last attack had been what Yang had needed to finish charging her Semblance. So when Blake bore down on her with her katana, Yang instantly grabbed a hold of it and stared Blake in the eye as hers turned red. Blake immediately recognized the sigh and used her Semblance to escape Yang's grasp as Yang's Semblance was unleashed, blowing away numerous trees with a blast of fire. The brightness of the Semblance illuminated the forest, revealing Blake to Yang, who set off in hot pursuit of her, blasting away trees with her punches. Eventually, she used her shotgun propulsion to lunge forward, intending to smash Blake under her next strike. However, Blake left behind her Shadow Double in its fire form, resulting in an explosion that sent Yang flying backwards. As Yang got back to her feet, Blake launched herself at her; Yang swung a punch at her, and Blake summoned an icy shadow double to trap her fist. In order to escape, Yang detached her robotic arm, the one caught in the ice sculptor and spun around as she did to launch another punch.
Yang:I.....I'm Not Gonna Make It,Am I?
But at that moment, Yang's Semblance finally wore off, and this caused her fist to break at it hit the stone shadow double Blake had left behind to enable her to leap into the air; now she was flying downwards towards Yang with her sheath around her sword, and as she landed, she sliced Yang in half right down the middle.
Those that betted Yang:DAMN IT!!!
Yang Was Horrified By What Blake did and tried to Lighten The Mood.
Yang:A-at least,It was Quick and Painless?
Yang's two halves fell backwards and smashed to the ground as Blake stood above them. A snap drew Blake's attention to Ruby, who had stepped out of the shadows in the trees. She saw Yang's corpse and the hold of the Frenzy Grimm was temporally lifted and Was Horrified At the Sight of her sister's Corpse.
At her scream of horror, her Silver Eyes unleashed a blinding aura that illuminated the area. As it died away, it was revealed that neither combatant had been affected. Realizing this, and as the Frenzy Grimm took affect once again, Ruby started running around and around Blake, generating a tornado that lifted Blake into the air. When she was sufficiently suspended, Ruby leapt upwards, above Blake, then dived downwards, changing the angel of her scythe's blade so that it was pointing downwards, intending to run Blake through, who was narrowly able to use her sheath to block the point as the two of them smashed down into the ground, the impact severely depleting their auras. Battered and weary, Ruby and Blake got back to their feat as fast as they could. They clashed their weapons together, entering a blade lock as they tried to overpower the other.
Those That Betted Ruby:C'mon,C'mon,C'Mon!
Those That Betted Blake:WIN!WIN!WIN!WIN!WIN!WIN!WIN!
It ended with Blake leaving a purple haze Shadow Clone in her place, engulfing Ruby in a blinding haze. As she stumbled forward, half blinded, Blake slashed out with her katana, slicing into Ruby's chest and sending her flying backwards with a spray of blood. Her corpse landed on the ground.
Everyone Saw That Blake Won and Those That Betted on Her to Win,Just Got Rich.
(Y/n)[Daffy Voice]:I'm Rich!I'm Filthy Rich!
Yasuhiro(Overjoyed):I'M NO LONGER IN DEBT!
Everyone else,However Wasn't Happy or Just keeping to themselves As With team RWBY.
Ruby:I Failed To Avenge You.
She said As She hugged her Sister & "Bestie"
Yang:It's Okay,Ruby.
Weiss:And as Will Said,It's a Simulated Fight.
Blake Than Said It's One of The Reasons Why she Would Never Do Something Like that.
Boomstick: Hang on a moment Wiz, couldn't Ruby's Silver Eyes destroy the Frenzy Grimm.
Wiz:Boomstick,This is Fanon,We just needed an excuse for them to fight.
Boomstick:Ah, good point.
Wiz:Now, in terms of actual facts, it was fairly easy enough to determine who possessed the strongest attributes amongst the team. Blake, our winner, having taken on military grade personal and weaponry, appeared to have the greater experience. Yang seemed the physically strongest, Ruby seemed the fastest thanks to her Semblance and Weiss' Glyphs let her hold the edge in versatility.
Ruby:So,it came down to Our Abilities?
Boomstick: So we'd have to compare their abilities to see if they could handle the others.
Wiz: Firstly, Weiss' Glyphs. It's been shown numerous times that Weiss is more used to using them to help her allies and often needs time to prepare their greater uses like the summoning of Arma Gigas.
Boomstick:Time that is often brought for her by her teammates, so she'd be hard pressed for delivering powerful attacks if they were all trying to kill her.
Weiss:So,I just need to lessen The time on my Summons......That's Going to be hard.
Wiz:Ruby next; she is a constant user of her Semblance, super speed, but like we all know, the more a Huntress uses her Semblance, the faster their Aura decays, and whilst her Silver Eyes are a unique power, they don't actually work against non-Grimm. Even against Cinder Fall it was clarified that her Maiden powers, or her Grimm Parasite, had something to with her being damaged.
Ruby:Control My Eye Power and Use My Semblance,Less frequently....Okay!
Boomstick:Onto Yang, and we can kind of explain Blake as well here; its been shown that those with good dodging techniques can avoid Yang until her Semblance wears off, and Blake's Shadow Doubles do this better than anyone. In fact, her Shadow Doubles could let her essentially dodge around any of the other's attacks and keep up with the fastest of them, and she has shown much more consistence with using her Semblance at vital moments.
Yang:So.....Basically Have Blake Teach Some New Fighting Techniques.
Blake Looked at Her and deadpanned and said.
Blake:Those Techniques Require A Person to Be Quiet...You're the Opposite of Quiet.
Wiz: Every member of Team RWBY brought something to the table, but Blake's techniques and experiences gave her the vital leg up she needed.
Blake gave A small smile at that but wished it was for something completely different,Preferably Not one where she and her Teammates Murder Each other.
Boomstick:Looks like all that's left to do is bury them, ashes to ashes, Dust to Dust.
Wiz:The winner is Blake Belladonna.
Will sighs and Says that It was something and wonders How they all Felt until he just sees Everyone doing their Own thing.
Will Just Shrugs and Leaves them To It but wonders Something.
Will:'I Wonder how Other Author Gods Would React to that death battle?'
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