the Dark future and a New Organization
The screen Lights Up by itself As It shows An Event happening as Three Words Said When this was Taking Place.
"25 Years Later"
Everyone Who knows:AGAIN?!
Thankfully Baby Wyatt already has Earmuffs On,So They're okay.
It Showed Zeta Prime but It was Different as All the Buildings were Destroyed and on fire,People were hurt or Killed and There's an Army Attacking Everyone.
Will was Shocked at this,How could such an Army Manage To Sneak Pass All The Defense and Weapons?!
(Y/n):Where's All The Guardians?!
Akko:Y-yeah,there's no way that you guys would Just let innocent people Die!
Will grits his hands into a fist as echo tried to Calm him since he Would Never endanger a Civilian,let alone get them Killed!
A Voice Began To Narrate what's Happening as the Voice is Will's And he says...
Will(Narrator):It's been 25 Years since Day Zero or the day people Call "Zeta's Fall" and It's Been 25 Years that we've Been Battling these Bastards.
The Army is Shown with a Symbol on them and that symbol is A Shattered Omniverse Core with It's Color being Black and Blue.
Will(Narrator):The organization...Known as...The "Fuhai no seirei"
(Bf/n):Spirits of Corruption...
Asta:Oh man.....
Will(Narrator):And It was 25 Years Ago on Day Zero that Their Leader Took EVERYTHING From Us!
Will:'Do i even Wanna Know?'
It showed Day zero as The leader of Fuhai no seirei was shown to be a Very powerful being.
Will(Narrator):Their Master,A Former Mortal disgusted by his Original name and Is now refered to as Lord Daraku Stole and Drained The Author God Powers and Chrono Crystal Energy Of binomartinez_456,WAMred,Waldron,Holstice as Well as Solstice and The Entire Malicious Regime but He wasn't Done......he wanted the chief's Power.
Will:That Power hungry Bastard!
It Showed Ninjacomix2 and Daraku Locked into a intense Fight but Daraku played Dirty and ripped Ninja's Chrono Crystal Out and Drained of it of All it's energy causing The leader of the Guardians to Turn To dust.
Will:Holy shit......
(Bf/n):We Are so fucked.
Everyone turned to (Bf/n) and Bakugou was the first to say...
Bakugou:What was your First Clue?
Will(Narrator):All The Guardians,Including Myself Fought Bravely to Defeat Daraku But No Matter how Hard We Tried,we Couldn't beat him......and we payed the price.
Meggy:than that means....
All The Guardians,Author gods and Civilians,EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM was destroyed..No one Survived....Except for Three.
Will,Tempest68 and Artemis.
Will(Narrator):Tempest ,Artemis and I Managed to Survive but Sadly,The others weren't so lucky and Even worse,I saw Daraku Do Something that Would Make me Vow to Stop him at all Costs.
Will sees Daraku Holding Echo By her Mouth as Daraku smirks,Will Tries To Run and save her but Artemis Stops him.
Will:'No.....NO!NO,HE WOULDN'T!'
Tempest(Memory):Will,You Can't!It's A Trap!
Will(Memory):I DON'T CARE!LET ME GO!
The two began dragging him as Will saw his own Wife being stabbed and turned to dust.
Everyone except Echo And Baby Wyatt Immediately Got Away From seeing Will In such A Pissed off State.
It switches To Show Will in front of a Camera But He's different as he now has a Beard,has his eye patch again and is wearing an Army Outfit.
Will:For Any Survivors that's Watching This,My Name Is Willotas Kybete,A Guardian and just know that at The Remains of Zeta Prime...We have Food,Water,Shelter and Medicine,Just If there's Any Survivors,Out there.......Let Us know.
The Camera Feed Turns Off as the screen turns off as well.
After Seeing that,everyone was Silent and Didn't know what to say especially Will.
Will:I'm Gonna See if this Real and If It Is!I'm Gonna Prevent this "Fuhai no seirei" From Ever existing!
Before anyone could say anything,Will left the theater.
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