Suction Cup Man 3:One Hell of a Climb
Will sees everyone in an awkward time,So he decides to fix it.
Will:WELL!I think we best get going Onto the next Viewing.
He pressed a button On his Remote playing the next viewing.
We open to see (Y/n) as Suction Cup man climbing up the tower singing happily as he's thinking nothing can go wrong.
(Y/n):Oh,I've been climbing up your penthouse, you can kiss my ass. I've been climbing up your penthouse, and I'm smugging up your glass, ay.
His singing is interrupted by Togami elder as he opens the window and yells.
Mr.Togami:HEY!don't you dare take another suck,Suction Cup man.
(Y/n):Yeah....We know how this is gonna end.
The Gear wearing simply smiles and said...
(Y/n):Ah!top of the Tower to ya, Business dummy.
Mr.Togami:This is the last time you're Gonna Suction Cup MY Tower,fuckhead!
He says as he Pulls out his Secret Weapon.....A Water Gun.
Vegeta:.........You're Kidding,Right?
(Y/n):Holy Shit!Is that a water gun?!My God,Man,You're Insane!
Mr.Togami:There's more to it!
Senku(Sarcastically):What?Did he fill it with Urine?
Everyone silently laughed at the idea until what they saw on screen.
(Y/n)[Jokingly]:Let me Guess,Ya filled it with Piss?
The business man remained silent and only stared as (Y/n) Goes wide eye and Says..
He was slapped by SMG4 and quickly shut up.
It's fill with a new product that I wiped up,so I Can put an end to this shit show,forever!
He pulls out said product and goes bam as he Reveals....
Mr.Togami:"Anti-Suction Cup Window Cleaner!"
Senku:that's it?
Will spoke up and said Great and powerful things come in all Sizes.
The two remained in silence until Our Half-Oni teen asked...
(Y/n):What does your Company do?
The older male answered his Annoying Intruder with...
Mr.Togami:Multiple things like Making cleaning Products.
Togami simply goes 'Hmph' and says he's not surprised.
(Y/n) Scoffs and says That it was lame,Infuriating the Business Man.
he then pump the water gun to shoot the liquid at him, but it only went a few inches with the two staring until the on screen (Y/n) and everyone in the theater said...
(Y/n)/Theater crew:Dumbass/Dumbass.
The business man groans and simply says with an annoyed face.
Mr.Togami:Jesus Christ.
he closes his window to move closer to him and spray him making him slip.
He falls as his parachute Opens as the business man laughs.
Lubbock:Sneaky Move.
The teenage Suction Cup Man floats away and madly Exclaims.
(Y/n):Fuck you,I'll be back!
Mr.Togami:I'll be ready for you-Uh....
Mr.Togami:you're heading toward the highway.
(Y/n):Fuck the highway, you can't kill Suction Cup Man! Look at me g-
As he says that, he gets hit by one car, then ran over by another car, and finally the both caught on fire as Mr.Togami looked at it with shock before slamming his window shut.
(M/n):MY BABY!
Togami,himself, immediately felt like he should run for his life as he felt the aura of Many pissed off Females.
Meanwhile, Suction Cup Man then ending up in hell. He look around to see where he was, then Sirzechs appears behind him.
The suction Cup user Immediately interrupted him by asking..
(Y/n):Where am I?
Sirzechs Raised a finger and resumed his speech
Sirzechs:GREETINGS,SINFUL ONE!Welcome to your eternal damnation.
Sirzechs Laughs a bit and said It would be interesting to have (Y/n) or Any of his family in the underworld.
(Y/n):Oh lord!
Sirzechs:For your many misdeeds,you shall suffer everlasting pain throughout a thousand lives.
(Y/n):Oh God!
Sirzechs:We shall begin with a hundred years in the pit of fire!
Having enough of the God stuff,he speaks and says..
Sirzechs:Okay, can you stop with all the "God-Talk." W-We don't do that,here.
Hearing this made (Y/n) groan and Exclaim back at him.
(Y/n):Oh well excuuuuse me,Big Man! It's not like I wanna be here!
Akko:No one would.
Sirzechs said Enough and told him to Bow and face his punishment but couldn't finish as he was interrupted by the teen.
(Y/n):Hey, what's that?
Sirzechs looks up to see what he was talking about and it was a red portal.
Sirzechs:That is the gateway from which the sinful arrive,You died and came through... that thing.
Seth:So,he just needs to go back through to come back to life?
A Man falls though the portal screaming before falling on the ground with sirzechs just greeting them like a hotel receptionist.
Sirzechs:Hi,Welcome to hell,Enjoy your punishment.
The Man runs away Crying as Our half-Oni asked What happens if he went back through it making sirzechs laugh.
Sirzechs:No one can return to the world of the living.
(Y/n):Not even if I go back through it?
Sirzechs:Well, you can't do that.
(Y/n):Why not?
(Y/n):Why not?
Sirzechs remains silent before saying.
Sirzechs:You're not supposed to...
This gets our favorite Suction Cup Man confused as he yells.
(Y/n):The fuck is that supposed to mean?!
Sirzechs:you have no choice in this matter! You will face your punishment accordingly to pay for your-
He stops and stares before he asks.
Sirzechs:What are you doing?
It shows (Y/n) climbing the wall as he answers.
Kirishima:Looks like he's escaping Hell...... Literally!
(Y/n):Got bored,fuck you,I'm leaving!
Sirzechs reminds that he's not supposed to but....
(Y/n):Fuck your shit and fuck hell. I'm Suction Cup Man!
Sirzechs:You can't just leave,You died.
Sirzechs Groans at the Exchange and notices his family Holding up In laughs.
(Y/n):Death can suck my ass, you can't kill me!
Sirzechs:But you died!
(Y/n):But I'll get out!
Sirzechs:Still died.
Suction Cup Man:W-well,At least I don't look like a giant ketchup bottle!
Sirzechs looks at a mirror as his reflection became a ketchup bottle making him gasp.
Sirzechs:How dare you speak to me in this manner! I am the Prince of Darkness, the harbinger of all that is evil! You are in MY realm. You will bow to me, or face the consequences.
We turn back to (Y/n) to see he's already farther up and closer to the portal.
Yuno:that was quick.
Sirzechs:Fuck you.
(Y/n):Fuck you.
Sirzechs:Fuck you!
(Y/n):Fuck you,too.
Trigon:Fuck you,Three.
(Y/n):I Said it first!so you're the most fucked.
(Y/n):Boom! Me one, Satan zero.
Sirzechs:Well,You're stuck in Hell so let's call it even between is.
(Y/n) Smiles at that and said...
Suction Cup Man: Cool, I'm as evil as Satan! Can we team up?
Sirzechs suddenly remembered why this was happening and said..
(Y/n):Fine!then I'm leaving.
(Y/n):Then we're teaming up! Hey, I wrote us a friendship song!
This annoys sirzechs as he begins to release his power and yells.
Sirzechs groans and feels like maybe one of the (L/n) family members wouldn't be a good idea.
He Powers up as (Y/n) speaks.
(Y/n):It goes a little something like this.
He starts to play but Sirzechs blasts the guitar with his power and destroys it.
They stare at each other for a bit, the Suction Cup Man pulls out another guitar.
Ainz:'how does he have another one?'
(Y/n):Go eat a dick. That's right, go eat a dick. Go eat a dick, dick, dick. Go eat a big ol' dick! Go eat a dick.
Thankfully,all the children were sparred from hearing that little "Song"
As he was climbing,Sirzechs was trying to blast him, but was missing. He keeps on missing until the Suction Cup Teen reach the portal.
(Y/n) plays harmonica and jumps through portal leaving sirzechs.
Sirzechs:You eat a dick, you...
He walks away grumbling to himself,while,up in the overworld as Suction Cup Man's body was cover with a cloth by the police with Mr.Togami explaining what happened.
Mr.Togami:tried to warn him that he was drifting towards the highway, but he passed it off saying something like..."Fuck the highway you can't kill Suction Cup Man"
As He said that, Suction Cup Man came back from the dead scaring the cops who were closest to his body.
(Y/n):And also "Look at me go!" at the end there.
Mr.Togami:Right!he also said "Look at me g-"SHIT!
Hina:Just keeps getting better and better.
He Exclaims as he realizes who said that with the teenage Suction Cup Man approaching one of the cops and Saying.
(Y/n):Officer,Arrest this Man for attempted murder.
Cop:We know who you are, and we're not doing that.
(Y/n):Fair enough. Same time next week,Business dummy?
The business man glares and says...
Mr.Togami:Go to hell!
Suction Cup Man:Trust me, I'm way ahead of you.
Jazzy music plays as He posed for a second, then Mr.Togami sprays him in the face.
Suction Cup Man:Agh...You dick...
Everyone laughed at the end as Will looked at the fourth wall and winked.
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