Gone too soon!Goodbye everyone,Until we meet again.
Will was Relaxing in his theater until he looked around and remembered how he started this whole thing,each time.
Everyone was wondering who or What the hell,that guy was until.....he spoke.
Will:Hello Everybody,I Am @Williamjwb87 but Please,Address Me as "Will" And Im A Type Of God Called 'Author' And Im The One That Brought You Here And-Huh?
For some reason,Will Stopped Talking As Soon as He Saw (Y/n) And Brought the teen To Him By Snapping His Fingers And As Soon As He Did,He Began To Inspect him and When He Was done...He Was Surprised.
Will:Well I'll Be a Monkey's Uncle,Apparently This Young Man Is From the same World As my Counterpart where Us Gods all have a Cosmic link to said Counterpart with them being Ordinary People With NO Magic,Demons Except Satan's and Emotional,Quirks Or Grimm And Semblances......................Oh And You're Fictional Characters Aka None Of You Are Real And are Only Made-Up.
Hearing that made them freeze as they slowly processed what they just heard.
Mha Cast:.................
Lwa Cast:.................
Black Clover Cast:.............
Demon-Slayer Cast:................
RWBY Cast:...........
And once,They did process it.....
Everyone[Except (Y/n) And Will]:WHAT!?
Will came Into The Theater And Saw Everyone Chatting And he Decided to Bring Something Up
Will:Hey Guys,Guess What?
Will:Rude!......Anyways,I Was Gonna Say It's Time To Leave the Theater.
Serafall and Eri:Nooooooooooo
Izuku:Well,It Was Fun.
Ochako:Yeah And We Got A New friend.
Iida:I Even Remember Will Said That Once We left He Can Make Sure That Tatsumi And Eri Return To Their Original Bodies or stay in the Ones They Have but either Way,They Can Go Home with their Family.
Izuku Nodded As He Looked at Eri and Saw her Smiling And He Felt Like A Dad And A Brother As He knew the Hardest Part is Letting Go.
You and your Family Were Talking Until You Felt As if Someone Wants To Take your Place As Bailey's Big Brother.
Izuku Curled Up In A Corner As He Was Heard Crying And he had a Deppressed Aura Around him.
Mondo:Hey,What About The Power Ranger Dimension That You Showed Us?
Being Reminded Of that,You glared At that And Spoke As You Say....
(Y/n):Yeah!Where's the zords?Where the Megazord?Where's The Additional Rangers?What Happens Next!?
(F/n):Calm Down (Y/n) And Besides,We're Going Home.
Will:Not You're not.
Will:Yeah,We Ain't Done Watching the Multiverse.
Leon:B-but You Said That We were.....?
Will:Leaving The Theater But What I Meant Was "Leaving it to A New One Where My Powers Can Affect The Theater Itself And It Can Repair itself"
Hifumi:Why Would it Need to Repair Itself?
Thankfully,Eri Swoops In and Saves The Day By Doing This.
Eri:I'm Sorry.
Eri Looked Like She Was About to Cry,Which Got Will To Calm and Apologize To Stop Her And Thankfully,She Didn't Cry.
Will:Now,Let's Get to That new theater.
Aizawa:How Long will it take?
Will:At Most?24 Minutes.
Will was relaxing in his Theater with his Wives Doing their Own Things back at the house While,Chiyo and His Parents Were Gonna Get Something first but Him?He wanted to be here and Besides,He likes to think of his theater as his own little Man Cave and his Guests Should be Arriving in 3...2.....1.
Everyone from Last Time Suddenly Fell Down and Found themselves Back In The Theater And Even Saw some familiar Faces......Each other and Most Of All,(Y/N)!
Goku:Aw sweet!It's the Theater and It's That (Y/n) Guy!
Ruby:Guys,Look!It's (Y/n)!
Ochako:Hey,Deku!Check it out,We're back in The theater.
Izuku:I see that Uraraka but The question is.....When And How?
Akko:Amazing,We're back at The Theater.
Yami grabs Asta's Head and Like many times,Simply does this.
Yami:You really Must wanna lose this Thing,Huh,Asta?
Momonga:I see We've Returned to the Theater.
Naegi:Here again?
Togami:You cannot Be serious.
Tanjiro:It looks like We're back!
Zenitsu:AW,COME ON!
Issei:We're Back,Already?!
Kiba:Well,that's certainly Surprisingly.
Koneko:Let's See These Morons Have In Store.
Shinra:Will's Theater Again?This Might be....Interesting.
Natsu:The Theater?Oh Yeah!
Lucy:Not Again.
Mine:Here Again?
Leone:Looks like We'll be Doing reactions again
Akame:On the Bright Side,We'll see Tatsumi Again.
Smg4:Aw sweet,We're Back!
Smg4 Mario(Peter):Yeah....
Subaru:Seriously....?But Than Again,it's Been awhile.
And For those of the Real World.....Let's Just how They Responded was....
(Y/n):We're back......
(M/n):this Will be interesting.
N.G:Why did we fall on our Backs?
Uni:Well,What do you think is Happening this time?
Suddenly,Music Started Playing As Smoke appeared and Someone Started Rising From the Ground.
??:We're leavin' together
But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back
To Earth, who can tell?
I guess there is no one to blame
We're leaving ground (leaving ground)
Will things ever be the same again?
It's the final countdown
The final countdown
We're headin' for Venus (Venus)
And still we stand tall
'Cause maybe they've seen us
And welcome us all, yeah
With so many light years to go
And things to be found (to be found)
I'm sure that we all miss her so
It's the final countdown
The final countdown
The final countdown (final countdown)
The final countdown, oh
It's the final countdown
The final countdown
The final countdown (final countdown)
It's the final countdown
We're leavin' together
(The final countdown)
We'll all miss her so
It's the final countdown (final countdown)
It's the final countdown
The person singing Revealed themself to Be Will as He Smiled and Greeted Them.
Will:Hey,Everybody!Did ya Miss Me?
MHA Cast:.........
LWA Cast:...........
RWBY Cast:.............
Black Clover Cast:.............
Demon Slayer Cast:.............
Danganronpa Cast:.........
Overlord Cast:.........
Dragon ball Super Cast:.......
Fire force Cast:.............
Fairy tail Cast:.........
Dxd Cast:.........
Akame Ga Kill Cast:.....
Re:Zero Cast:......
Smg4 Cast:.......
Real World:.............
Everyone:No,We didn't,Will.
Will gains A Depressed Aura and Looks Down but Shakes his head and Simply Says this..
Will:You guys are Jerks.
Will smiled at the memories and looked at the theater crew as he sighed before saying...
Will:Hey,Everyone....Can I have your Attention?
Cue,Everyone looking at him as Will sighs and says...
Will:I've come to a decision and.....I'm sending you all back to your Homes,a bit earlier than i planned...
This shocked everyone and they all wondered what would that mean without the theater reaction,anymore as they look at will as he sighs and says....
Will:I'm doing this to protect you all and Because I want to focus On My family.
(Y/n):But what About everything,we've been through?
Will says he'll always cherish the memories and he'll miss them all as Ryuko yelled that will shouldn't do things like this as Her father said....
Isshin:he's a god,Ryuko..... It's his Choice and our Opinions don't matter to him....always been that way.
Cue the Kill La Kill being confused on what he meant as Isshin asked will to make him a teen for a few seconds and will complied.
Isshin was covered in a white light and when it died,It showed.....(Y/N)'S OLDER BROTHER AKA (B/N) (L/N)?!
He quickly changed back to Isshin as everyone had to Contemplate what they just saw,Especially the (L/n) Family and Ryuko.
Will remained silent until he said...
Will:Well......That was shocking but....It's Time to go.
He preps the energy to send them all back and he glances at them,one last time as he says...
Will:I may not be with you but....
He placed a hand on his heart as he says...
Will:I'll always be right here.....
They all tear up as they shout how they'll miss him before they were All enveloped in a bright light and when it died....they were gone.
Will shedded a single tear but he wiped it away as Echo came and said....
Will looked at her and their son who was in her arms and said...
Will:Y-yeah....Yeah,I'll be fine.
He smiled and grabbed his son as he smiled at the baby and his wife before saying...
Will:I Miss them but we still have each other and like I said.....I'll always be in them.
Echo said that he was right and as long as they remember,They will always be with them.
Echo:For the moment we forget them,That is the moment they are truly gone.
Will smiled at her and said....
Will:Let's go home....
The two teleport away as the theater vanishes into thin air leaving behind nothing but light particles.
The End....
.......Or is It?
Oh!You're still here....Well,Other than the ending...There's nothing left to say but i will end with a speech.
Thank You,so Much for Spending your time and standing beside Me throughout this whole journey.
It's been an Inspirational,fun and overall amazing series.
Sure,I made the ending over a bit off the top but it's simple and a better ending than what was originally gonna happen.
Thank you all for Standing Beside me throughout the Real World Reader Series for all these years.
And while this may be the end of The Real World Reader series As a whole,It's not the last time that we'll see Will and the theater crew.
After all,There's still a Lot More to Come and We Can't just leave that hanging,Can we?
So until than....I Thank You for sticking with me til the very End and so...
Until we meet again.
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