Death Battle Returns
We see Our Viewers and echo with Baby Wyatt who's older is back in the theater.
Will:Alright,we're Gonna View Another death Battle!
(Y/n):Who is it,This time?
Echo speaks And simply says this.
Echo:A Surprise.
We Begin Today's Viewing as it showed the Contestants of this Death Battle.
Wiz:SpongeBob SquarePants,Nickelodeon's #1 nautical nincompoop.
Everyone Who knows him:SPONGEBOB!
Boomstick:Aquaman,The thalassic third wheel of the Super Friends. "Thalassic" means "ocean". I looked it up.
Wiz:The infinite ink black depths of the seven seas are home to any number of terrifying awe-inspiring creatures.
Boomstick:They're also home to these two losers. Though, when it comes to cartoon characters,There's always more hidden beneath the waves. That's right, we're prioritizing the cartoons for maximum Toon Force shenanigans!
(Y/n):Uh oh.
We cut to Wiz and Boomstick as they continue to speak.
Boomstick:He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz:And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would Win.....A DEATH BATTLE!
It shows The Death battle logo as it explains one of the Combatants.
Wiz:The year was 1946. The former allies of World War 2 were engaged in a Cold war between Capitalist West and Communist East.
Boomstick:The United States changed history forever with the introduction of the Atomic Bomb, a weapon of unparalleled nuclear devastation.
Wiz:One of their most popular test spots, the site of 23 separate detonations over the course of 12 years for a total fission yield of 42.2 megatons Was Bikini Atoll in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
All adults:OH GOD!
Boomstick:The results were ecological devastation and...perhaps something more. Deep beneath the atoll, the fauna began to change. They evolved, becoming sentient, forming language, technology, and society. This Bikini Bottom organized into a monarchy under the god,King Neptune. It developed a free market economy and a thriving artistic culture.
Bailey:that's not true At all!
[Popup:This origin is just one theory, perhaps contradicted by the fact that Bikini Bottom history had its own Wild West,Medieval, and Paleolithic cultures]
Wiz:Even the simplest underwater creatures became capable of complex thought, including the very first multicellular organism to be categorized as part of the animal kingdom,The Sea sponge.
Boomstick:And one sponge in particular,the greatest among them, lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea.
The screen Shows the beginning of the theme song as Boomstick started to sing
Boomstick & Everyone:OOOHHHH~-
Wiz:SpongeBob SquarePants.
(Y/n):A Cartoon Legend!
Boomstick:Aw,I wanted to sing The Song
Wiz:I don't know about "greatest". SpongeBob may headline one of the most popular children's cartoons of all time, but he's a total dork. He's a painfully naïve man-child whose only ambition in life is to continue his minimum wage job as a fry cook at the Krusty Krab.
-Full Name:Robert Squarepants
(Y/n):Spongebob's name is Robert?
(Bf/n):Finally!We Got His Age And Wait.....THE DUDE'S MIDDLE AGE?!
(F/n):I Always Thought he was in his 20s.
-height:0'4"/10.16 cm
-Weight:1 oz/28.34 g
-Krusty Krab Employee of the Month
-Honorary Town Rookie of the day.
-Lives in a Pineapple under the sea
-Outlived the Bikini Bottom Apocalypse
Boomstick:Really soundin' like a Squidward there,Wiz. And no one wants to be a Squidward. SpongeRobert might not have the flashiest life, but he's happy. And that's what matters, ain't it?
Wiz:Not in Death Battle, it doesn't. SpongeBob is routinely physically incapable of even the most basic tasks, almost like... anti-Toon Force. He's the biggest wimp in town.
It shows Spongebob Struggling To lift a weight using a teddy bear and a Stuffed Bunny as the weights.
Anime Characters:You're Joking,Right?
Wiz:Like The time he failed to lift a glass of lemonade, or the time A School Bully gave him diarrhea, or the time he effortlessly... rotated the entire planet. Huh...
Beerus:HE WHAT?!
Will:Spongebob Can Use Toon force,the Good And bad One.
[Popup:In Battle for Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob replenishes health by finding clean underwear. This implies that he shits himself every time he takes damage]
Boomstick:Oh-ho-ho, we're in for some shit now, aren't we? Despite being a real sea creature,SpongeBob is more like a Kitchen Sponge. Absorbent and yellow and porous is he, after all. He can stretch and shapeshift his body any way he likes, duplicate himself through asexual reproduction, and absorb immense amounts of liquid. Wouldn't he always be full, though?
Iida:True,He would Always Be Full......unless He Somehow drains himself.
Wiz:From an Entire Lagoon to... oh God... enough water to replace the moon?
It showed Spongebob Being so Full of Water That He Took on the Appearance Of The Goddamn Moon.
Anime Characters:HOLY SHIT!
Boomstick:Oh and for some reason, he has an insane healing factor. He's survived being torn in half, vaporized,having his soul removed from his body and literally being unraveled out of existence..Oooookay,I think we're good, we can just, uh, end the rundown here.
(B/n):Actually The Soul Thing revealed that they never lost them in that episode.....But Yeah,he's got one INSANE Healing factor.
[Popup:Though he looks as though he's disappeared, his disembodied laughter can be heard as The Episode ends, proving he's still alive in some fashion even after being unraveled]
Wiz:NO! I need to see how deep this rabbit hole goes. Perhaps his most mind-bending ability is His Control Over.....Bubbles. No, stay with me. This is unbelievable. Like a soapy Green lantern Ring,his bubbles can become anything he wishes. From guided cruise missiles to Sentient life and Entire Bubble Societies.
We cut to Wiz and Boomstick, the latter of whom using the Magic Pencil to draw something on the ground as ground as Wiz talks.
Wiz:That's a pretty similar effect to his Magic Pencil,Which can draw anything he wants into existence and erase it from reality just as easily! The pencil was so powerful, SpongeBob sent it back to the surface where it belonged But in later seasons,he still just...has it, for some reason.
Tanjiro:how?I don't understand!
Tanjiro looks at (Y/n) as he said....
(Y/n):It's Impossible to understand spongebob.
Boomstick:And... finished!
What comes to life is a Doodlebob-esque version of Wiz.
Boomstick:i call him... Doodle Wiz, Wiz!He's just like you! But I made him with a pencil!
Doodle Wiz:Mee hoy minoy.....
Wiz:I'm calling the police.
After hearing that, Doodle Wiz goes and attacks his counterpart, with visible blood splattering and Wiz frantically screaming.
Boomstick:Even the mundane becomes godlike in SpongeBob's yellow hands. Like his Reef Blower, which Hoover-ed up the entirety of Earth's oceans in seconds, and then exploded on top of SpongeBob all at once!
Anime Characters:HOW?!
Wiz:It's estimated the entire mass of Earth's oceans is about 1.5 quintillion tons. Considering all the water refilled the planet in about one second, that'd be a kinetic energy of over 6,000 yottatons.
Goku:I have No idea What that means but That sounds Awesome.
Boomstick:That's enough energy to nuke Jupiter thirteen times over And SpongeBob was Completely
Ruby:i think it's cause......Cartoon Logic?
Wiz:His Hydro-Dynamic Spatula isn't just an impromptu bladed weapon. It's also his primary instrument to create the greatest food stuff Bikini Bottom has ever seen: the Krabby Patty
Boomstick:A burger so delicious, it's basically magic. Not only is it totally addictive,Spongebob Was Romantically Attracted to one, it can nullify mind control, heal wounds, and even detonate.
Izuku:How?!It's A Burger!
Yang:did he say Romantically attracted to one?
Wiz:SpongeBob has survived nukes point blank, hugged his best friend Patrick so hard their DNA fused, can ride on The Scene Transitions, and once cried so hard he flooded Bikini Bottom! Even though it's... already underwater. Shit, he once grabbed a hold of This Mysterious String and unraveled the entire universe! He literally undid the fabric of reality... in seconds... What the f**k...???
Everyone who doesn't know Spongebob:WHAT THE F*CK?!
Boomstick:What was that you were saying about anti-Toon Force?
Wiz:I'm-I'm sorry. I'm not sure I've ever misjudged a character as severely as...SpongeBob SquarePants.
Boomstick:Nice character arc there, Wiz. Unfortunately for Roberto, the rest of the town only saw the Goofy Goober on the outside. It took more than one adventure to prove himself to be a real hero....You think he ever banged That Squirrel?
Wiz:He's crushed Plankton's Plan Z won the Battle of Bikini Bottom against an army of killer robots, and even teamed up with fellow Nickelodeon stars Timmy Turner,Jimmy Neutron and Danny Phantom to Save The Nicktoons Multiverse.
Boomstick:His biggest weakness is that he's a giant, suicidally naïve idiot.
Wiz:And depending on the humidity of the atmosphere around him,being out of the water can dehydrate and permanently incapacitate him.
Boomstick:Oh, also Seasonal Rot. Those First three seasons are pure gold, but after that, hoh-oh boy. There's this one episode called "Squid Baby" where Squidward gets brain damaged into a giant baby and shits himself onscreen.
Wiz:...What are you talking about??
Boomstick:Oh, right, ahem. Trials and tribulations and Hasselhoffs aside,it wasn't until SpongeBob accepted himself for who he was that he was rewarded with the greatest boon of all:Middle Management!
Wiz:So if nautical nonsense be something you wish, then pray to your yellow porous god for mercy, because his whimsical laughter is the last thing you'll ever hear.
Noelle:If i ever see that sponge,I am Running for My Life.
The Screen showed the logo again as the two began their Research on the Next combatant.
Wiz:Aquaman, king of the seven seas.
Boomstick:We've covered Arthur Curry On The Show Before and he's actually secretly awesome!
Wiz:That's right, Boomstick but the version we're dealing with today is from the bargain bin cartoons from the 60's and 70's.
Boomstick:Now, you might assume that means this Aquaman is a total loser, but really, have you watched all those cartoons?
Wiz:Remember, this is from the era when Superman was sneezing solar systems apart. So, get ready.
Boomstick:Art's origin is basically the same as the Silver age comics.Tom Curry was a humble lighthouse keeper who decided one day to... f**k a fish.
Everyone who didn't know:WHAT?!
Mineta:I'm into Kinky Stuff But WHAT THE FUCK?!
Wiz:He did not... do... that! He (ahem) procreated with Atlanna, an Atlantean from the underwater city of Poseidonis, and from their union, Arthur Curry was born with magnificent aquatic abilities.
Everyone who didn't know:Oh.
Boomstick:And he's the king of Atlantis too!
Wiz:Uh,wait, no. Says here that it was introduced in the comics later. Here, he's just... some guy... with magnificent aquatic abilities! And a giant mutant seahorse that neighs just like a land horse.
Boomstick:This Aquaman comes from a time when everybody who's anybody had their own secret cave with assorted gadgets. He's got an underwater jet ski, a net, octopus ink, a water pistol, and a portable heat ray to blast right through solid ice! Not exactly mind-blowing but, y'know, I'm sure we're rampin' up.
Wiz:We sure are! Aquaman's hybrid-human-Atlantean biology grants him superhuman strength and the ability to breathe underwater indefinitely and withstand the crushing depths of the ocean floor.
Boomstick:The pressure at the bottom of the Mariana Trench is 16,000 pounds per square inch. That's like... bein' stepped on by a... hundred elephants! Whi-which is a lot, I-I guess.
All Might:I could lift twice as Much back in my Prime.
Wiz:Aquaman is also an incredible swimmer, able to travel from Florida to Maine in under an hour. That's almost twice the speed of sound. He can create water balls and whirlpools out of thin... water, and fittingly, water-based attacks are completely ineffective against him. And of course,you can't forget his aquatic telepathy.
Izuku:Aquatic telepathy?
(F/n):I feel we should prep you for disappointment.
Boomstick:He can talk to fish, and he can even control people's minds and give them seizures, right?
Wiz:Oh, actually, that second part is also just from the comics. Cartoon Aquaman can... talk to fish, which is awesome! His telepathy can reach several miles, summon hundreds of sea creatures at once, and works on anything from microscopic organisms to alien life, as long as it's aquatic alien life, of course.
We cut to Wiz and Boomstick as they continue talking About this Sea-Man.
Boomstick:But he can still mind control them, right?
Wiz:Kiiind of...? He can free them from mind control and even influence their emotional state to some degree, but, besides that, there have been times when sea creatures have just... ignored his commands outright.
Togami:So basically,he sucks.
Boomstick:Wiz,I'm gonna be straight with you. You haven't said anything remotely mind-blowing yet. Does this Aquaman actually suck?
Wiz:Hold your seahorses! Aquaman's exploits were so world-renowned he banded together with Earth's mightiest heroes to form a team capable of defending the planet, nay, the universe from any threat: the Super Friends!
Bakugou:LAME NAME!
Boomstick:The Super Friends? They're like the dime store knock-off version of the Justice League.
Wiz:What? Nooo, nooo, you've got heavy hitters like Superman,Wonder Woman, and Batman...
(S/n):Yeah,They are good.
Boomstick:Mhmm, keep goin'...
Wiz:Flash,Green Lantern...
(Bf/n):Great Members!
Wiz:Apache chief...Samurai...Black Vulcan, the- the Wonder Twins!... and their pet monkey,Gleek.
Real world People:..........Who?
Boomstick:Wiz... Stop... You're embarrassing yourself.
Wiz:No, wait!His best direct strength feat was when he, uhhh... moved some trash! About... 50 metric tons of it... F**k.
Boomstick:Ah, the jokes write themselves, huh? Fun fact: Aquaman once enrolled in an American college under the name... "Mr. Waterman". So we're workin' with a pretty hefty IQ here, huh?
Wiz:Okay, so he's lame!Inarguably, completely lame! I was convinced I'd find some crazy insane Popeye punching out the animator feat somewhere but... no! He sucks! He actually, actually sucks. His best feat is literally. Garbage.
No one Paid Attention to the Popeye thing and Heard about his best feat of Strength......Was Literal Garbage.
Kaminari:I feel sorry for the Dude.
Boomstick:I'll, uh, take over from here, Wiz. Aquaman is a bit of a joke, sure but he's not completely useless. He's dodged laser beams, defeated A Living Titanic by luring it into an iceberg... seriously, and beaten this water elemental Undine, who looks like a gorilla for some reason, uh, by summoning seagulls to pelt her with clam shells. He once even outswam this Kryptonian pterodactyl monster,Rokan who flew from the edge of the galaxy to Earth in about 15 seconds.
[Popup: Another elemental, Sylph, summoned a blizzard to completely freeze an oil refinery. Based on its size and the volume of ice, this would be an energy of 2.9 kilotons of TNT]
Wiz:Wait, wait, really? O-Okay, okay, now we're talking. That'd be over 55 billion times the speed of light! And Aquaman's swimming clearly outmatched that. It doesn't matter if it looks lame!
Gray:he gets one.
Boomstick:Ya get one, buddy.
Wiz:And, hey, he could probably kick your ass, person that's watching at home, so... That's something.
(Y/n) & Every anime Badass:Not Mine!
Boomstick:Well, not if he's on dry land. Uh, if he's out of the water for even one hour, he dies. Never mind, person watching at home, just uh, hide for a bit, grab some lunch, and then uh, stomp on his corpse.
Todoroki:So......Use My Fire on Him?
Wiz:But is raw power really what makes someone a hero? Or is it the drive to help others, to be of service, to sacrifice? That's what a hero is to me, and I'd say Aquaman's got as much of that as there are drops of water in the ocean.
Brief silence between the Two until Boomstick Simply says....
Boomstick:He's about to die.
Wiz:Yeah... Yeah.....
The two are shown as the hosts speak.
Wiz:the combatants are set and we run the data through all possibilities.....One....One Possibility.
Boomstick:It's time for Aquaman's funeral!
Deep in the ocean depths of Bikini Bottom, a green portal appears, from which the aquatic member of the Super Friends, Aquaman, drops in through as He looks up to see a familiar looking Robotic Starfish and Squirrel,which are quickly destroyed by a spatula.
(L/n) Kids:Spongebob!
A yellow arm and hand from the one and only SpongeBob SquarePants retrieves his chef's tool. He notices the humanoid DC hero in front of him and responds with joy in thinking it's his idol.
SpongeBob:*gasp*Mermaid Ma- Wait a second.
But stops,only to realize it wasn't his personal hero.
Spongebob:You're Not Mermaid Man.
Aquaman:The name's Aquaman, evildoer!
SpongeBob: Evildoer?*Laugh*I'm a hero
He speaks In a Heroic Voice as he says his next line.
Spongebob:(heroic voice)I saved this city!
Fred(offscreen):My leg!
The camera however zooms out to show a devastated and ironically on-fire underwater city. The Krusty Krab's fry cook can only chuckle nervously at this sight before turning back to Aquaman, who, misunderstanding the innocent citizen, prepares for battle.
Aquaman: There's only one real hero here, fiend. And he's... a Super Friend!
He jumps forward and hits SquarePants dead-on, but his punch just cartoonishly pushes his target's spongy face inwards without him budging. A polite and uninjured SpongeBob then attempts to clear up the situation...
SpongeBob: You see, sir-
Only to get punched again...
Annabelle:is he gonna stop?
Danny:Probably Not.
SpongeBob: I'm a sea sponge-
And again to no avail...
SpongeBob: Phylum porifera-
And again... Still no dice.
SpongeBob: And you can't just-
Having charged up his next attack with water, Arthur finally knocks the happy-go-lucky sponge back into a building with a powerful blow. However, the Nickelodeon toon is quick to recover and is now ready for battle, having suddenly donned his karate gear.
SpongeBob:How 'bout a little Kah-Rah-Tae, Waterman?
The sentient invertebrate jumps towards the Atlantean and attacks with a chop, but an annoyed Aquaman who has blocked it repeats his name to him.
Aquaman: It's AQUA-man!
Both aquatic fighters trade blows momentarily and try to strike each other...
SpongeBob strikes Aquaman's cheek with a chop while victory screeching.
The Atlantean kicks hard enough to push the sponge's body backwards.
Both goofster heroes kicked each other painfully in the groin before comedically being sent flying backwards.
Every male covered their Groin from the phantom pain and Knowing that pain themselves.....Especially Izuku.
As he stops himself, another green portal appears next to Arthur, showcasing another Aquaman through the multiverse and his abilities.
Aquaman: What? Of course!
He uses his telepathy in an attempt to control the invertebrate.
Aquaman:'He's a sea creature. And as the king of the seas, he's mine to command!'
but the laughing citizen of Bikini Bottom however is unaffected and forms a cruise missile from a bubble, which rams into the Atlantean hero's stomach and making him lose his breath before doing so again to knock him into a building.
As SquarePants gets ready to blow another bubble, he is bitten by three electric eels with little to no pain felt, only leaving him confused as the Poiseidonis hero commands the eels their next move.
Uni:Uh Oh.
Aquaman:I wasn't...just reaching out to you, sponge. Let him have it, chums!
The eels zap the sponge to the point of forming a cloud of smoke from where he was. Aquaman gets up and looks to the cloud with shock, seeing that his sponge-y foe has duplicated with all the copies laughing childishly.
The camera cuts to a hand-drawn bit of a comedically stunned Aquaman, only his mouth is replaced by a live-action mouth sync.
The duplicated sponges all merge back to the original Nicktoon.
SpongeBob: Get a load of this,SeaMan!
Everyone had to hold in their laughter from that unintended Innuendo as Echo Looks at Will For You know What.
He begins absorbing the water from his surroundings. Arthur is annoyed that the sponge got his name wrong again and tries to correct him...
Aquaman: God damnit, it's Aqu-whoah-ohhh-ohhh-ohhhh!
... only for the DC Super Friend to get pulled into the watery vortex as all of the water on Earth is absorbed into SquarePants, turning him into a kaiju towering over Bikini Bottom. Arthur remains nearby, quickly dehydrating from his lack of water.
Walker:and that's why ya suck.
Aquaman: Need... water... Powers... fading... Is there nothing I can do?
A green portal once more appears to show him the other Kings of Atlantis in other universes.
DCEU Aquaman:My man!
Aquaman:I see it now...A Multiverse Of Aquamen.
Tears begin to drop from where he is kneeling, inadvertently rehydrating himself as he realizes his major downside.
Aquaman:And out of all of them... I'm the LAMEST F-(dolphin noise)-ING ONE!!
He starts Crying realizing that He doesn't deserve to call himself A Hero.
Aquaman:I'm a ripoff...a joke... I'm no superhero...
Henry:It's Better To rip that Band-aid off and than,show them they're wrong.
Looking at the sobbing hero of the seas with pity,SpongeBob gives some encouraging words.
SpongeBob:People used to say the same kind of things about me. Goofball,Wingnut,Knucklehead McSpazatron. But every day, I get back up and say two words:"I'm... ready".
Everyone felt Moved By Spongebob's Speech and Some Smiled at it.
Motivated by his yellow adversary's words,Arthur reaches into the portal and pulls out the Trident of Neptune. He charges headstrong and stabs his yellow foe's body, releasing all of the water he had stored up back onto the planet. Returning to normal size, SquarePants' Magic Pencil comes out of him and he arms himself with it. Arthur, now having full confidence in himself, respectfully states to his foe.
Aquaman: May the best hero win.
The two return to battle with weapons at hand, with the Super Friends member managing to push the sponge back. SquarePants doodles on mid-air to summon DoodleBobs to swarm the Atlantean hero. While at first overwhelmed, Arthur jumps through them and slices the Magic Pencil in half. Quickly taking up the pencil, he scribbles something in the sand himself, but just as he finishes, the Krabby Patty fry cook throws the pink eraser, which removes his arm from existence.
Despite the painless loss of a limb, he quickly goes to stab Mr. Krabs' chef and throws him through a door he made with his trident that leads to the other side of the universe before closing it and sighing in relief. The camera zooms into the door sign before cutting to a time-card, with the French Narrator stating...
French Narrator: The Other Side of the Universe...
Kirishima:That Far?!
The scene cuts to show SpongeBob floating in a void of space, with Arthur's trident beside him. Disregarding this, he morphs his feet into rocket boosters.
He blasts off and quickly makes way back to Earth, with Arthur hearing and noticing his opponent coming right back for him. Smiling and undeterred, he begins to channel all of the water on Earth into his hands and turns it into a massive whirling hurricane. Both prepare to clash one more time.
SpongeBob and Aquaman: I'll prove it to you. I'll be a real...
SpongeBob & Aquaman:Goofy Goober/Super Hero.
Everyone:HANG ON!
Will just sits in his Chair already as he already seen the Outcome.
As SpongeBob gains more speed, Aquaman screams with all his might before sending the entirety of Earth's marine population and all of its water at the invertebrate, who crashes into the planetoid with all his speed, the result of both attacks being a gargantuan explosion.
After a bubble screen transition, Bikini Bottom in its entirety has been destroyed. What's left in the crater is an unharmed SpongeBob crying over a charred but still-alive Aquaman, who, having been happy for the battle, cheers him up as he begins to fade away.
Aquaman:Don't cry, sponge... Let's be... Super... Friends...
DC's cartoon hero then completely disintegrates, leaving the sniffling and dismayed SpongeBob alone. Taking what remains of his broken magic pencil, he sadly scribbles something in the ground and backs away before smiling at what he had made: a #1 memorial grave for the Atlantean hero with flowers on the side, titled "Here Lies Ocean Man".
Koneko:And He STILL Couldn't get that Guy's Name,Right.
Lisanna:C'mon,it was.........Hydro-Man?
Will:wow,even You can't remember.....his Name is Aqua-man.
Boomstick:What is it with Ridiculously OP Nautical-themed Cartoon Characters on this Show,Wiz?
Wiz: This was an incredibly close fight...
Seth:It was?
The music stops abruptly.
Wiz:Gotcha!Obviously,Aquaman didn't have a snowball's chance in Hell in defeating this little spongey bastich.
Boomstick:Where do we even start? With his bubbles and Magic Pencil, SpongeBob could basically do anything he wanted. There was no way Aquaman wouldn't get totally overwhelmed, especially with his much more limited arsenal. I can't think of a more lopsided matchup than someone whose main attack is throwing water against a sentient sea sponge!
(F/n):Unless he got spongebob out of the Water and Managed to Keep himself Hydrated as well as prevent spongebob from getting Water......
Will:He was F*cked from the beginning.
[Popup:SpongeBob is an obsessive fan of the superhero Mermaid Man, an in-universe parody of Aquaman with the same powers; he'd be familiar with anything Aquaman could throw at him]
Wiz:Aquaman's only potential option was his telepathy, but as we've covered, it's far less powerful than his comic counterpart. There's no reason to believe SpongeBob wouldn't just ignore Arthur's commands.
Akko:So,it would've been pointless.
Boomstick: Even if it was straight-up mind control, SpongeBob's Krabby Patties straight-up cancel mind control!
Wiz: And really, nothing Aquaman had could overcome Bob's utterly broken regeneration.
Everyone:'Wish i had that level of Regeneration'
Boomstick:The little yellow dude has survived being completely disintegrated into dust, and even erased from reality! All Aquaman can do is... punch kind of hard and... even that's basically useless against Bob's squishy body.
Wiz:Maaaybe Aquaman could have found a way to dehydrate SpongeBob enough to keep him permanently incapacitated, like when he and Patrick were trapped in Shell City.
(Bf/n):Oh,yeah In the movies!
(Y/n):And it also Showed that Spongebob doesn't Need Sea Water to be alright,Any Water will Do.
Boomstick:But that would require the fight to take place out of the water, which messes Aquaman up way harder than it does SpongeBob. And it'd also require the fight doesn't instantly end up with SpongeBob karate chopping Aquaman at ten shit-zillion times the speed of light, splattering his atoms against Saturn. 'Cause yeah, remember when SpongeBob unraveled the universe? Considering the-
Celeste:Aw yes,How is that even possible?
Wiz:No, I'm sorry, I need to do this one. This is...this is fucking insane. Compared to SpongeBob's size, the string's width is about 192 micrometers. We can use that to find the volume of, say, one meter of string, and compare that to the volume of the entire observable universe! Considering it took SpongeBob about five seconds, he would have to be pulling at 8.2 times 10 to the seventy-eighth power times faster than light!! (breathes in)
Goku:Awesome.....Can i fight him?
Everyone who knows goku:'Of course,You'd Say that'
Boomstick:That's as many times faster than light as there are atoms in the universe!
Wiz:This... is the fastest calculable speed feat... in our show's history... And it belongs to SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!
Iida:A Cartoon Character......Is Faster Than Me.
(Y/n):Well,that's because he Has Toon Force and like Most users,he doesn't just use,He Owns it.
Will:(Y/n) is right,Spongebob Can Manipulate his Toon Force To do Whatever He wants it to do.
Echo steps in and Continued where her husband left off.
Echo:And while The effects will sometimes lead to Anti-Toon Force,Yes it's Real......Spongebob's Mastery and Control over Toon Force is Maybe Even Bigger than The Mask's.
Boomstick:But do you think he could take on comic book Aquaman?
Wiz: Ha-ha-have you been listening to ANYTHING I've been saying?!!
Boomstick:Good point. 'Cause let's not forget-
Boomstick:That string feat also destroyed the entire universe! And stuff like that is actually consistent!
Wiz: SpongeBob is literally aware of the fourth wall and has rewritten the plot of his own story as he's living it! Screw the pencil or the bubbles, he can just will whatever he wants into existence from his imagination! He's... a god! A yellow... spongey... god... of death!!
Boomstick: And that's why he beats Goku.
Goku:wait,he beat me?.....But we never Met or Fought.....So how?
We cut to Wiz and Boomstick as they continue to talk.
Wiz:At least Arthur finally got to be a real hero, and at the end of the day, that's what matters.
Boomstick:Yeah, sure, whatever, pal. He's dead. Too bad for the king of the seas, that sure was one Sweet Victory.
Ruby:I don't get it.
Circuit:I do,that was the Song played in The Episode Called "Band Geeks"
Wiz: The winner is SpongeBob SquarePants. Our God.
Will Smiles at his Audience as the Episode Ends and Simply asked what they thought but before He could speak,they all Shouted..
That Caused Baby Wyatt To Wake Up Crying which caused Will to Go Dark Will and Echo To unleash Her Motherly rage and Vampire Rage as Everyone decided to Run away from the Pissed Off Parents.
But On The screen?
Boomstick:Next Time On death Battle!
A Crowd are heard Cheers as in two areas are the Combatants who are sitting until they clench their Fists and give a look that says they're ready and They go out to the Arena to face each other as It reveals the battle.
Williamjwb87 Versus Tempest68
Coming on Christmas Eve
(An:Told ya that I'll let everyone know,Tempest68)
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