Calming Summer down & Kybete's new form
*update early*
Picking up from where we left after Some of the other Audience members Approached Her wondering if she's fine as Ozpin said.
Ozpin:Ms.Rose or Ms.(L/n)?Which do you prefer,Now?
That was The trigger as her Cloak fell and she Ran out of the Theater with tears In her eyes.
Summer:WHO AM I?!
Right now...After that happened,The rest of team STRQ Go and check on their leader/Friend and in tai's Case,Wife to see if they can calm her down.
Surprisingly,It didn't take long to find her as she was in the cafeteria on the Ground Holding Her Knees On her Side Having been Crying.
Summer doesn't Respond.
Summer doesn't Respond.
Summer still doesn't Respond.
Summer finally Speaks up and Looks at her teammates Saying.
Summer:No.....Don't call me,that.
Summer says as they Ask what she meant and explains that since it was Revealed that she's actually A (L/n) that was just a Miscarriage and suffered an isekai.....She doesn't know if she Deserves to be called "Rose" and Doesn't know if Deserves to be Called by the name "(L/n)"
Hearing this Made Tai sigh as he looked at her and said.....
Tai:Are You Summer,Though?
Confused by his Question,Summer Gives him an Answers.
Summer:Wha?Tai,You know I'm Summer?We learned it was Gonna Be my name either way.
Qrow and Raven saw what tai was doing and joined in.
Qrow:You're Ruby & Yang's Mom?
Summer Immediately had An Answer for that.
Summer:Of Course,I'm Their Mother!I was In Labor with and Gave birth to Ruby For Hours and I May not have Gave birth to her but Yang Is My Daughter,I was There for her for Everything and Every little step that she did,a Better Mother than Raven.
Raven:I'm Right here.
Ignoring Raven,They Continued with The Questions as Summer Answered them but Remained Confused until...
TRQ:And......Are You Our Leader of Our Team?
Summer was Surprised but already knew the Answer for the Question.
Summer:Of Course,I'm the leader of Team STRQ despite the problems we all had at first,We Are a Team.
Tai smiles and Explained why he said it all.
Tai:It's Good to see you back to your old self because we're Trying to tell you that......No matter who you are or What You are,Whether you're a human,a Faunas,a Grimm or Something else!Or Your last name is Rose,(L/n),Etc.
Raven Smacked her Former Husband on the head and spoke.
Raven:The point is That Whatever Happens.....You're Always Still be Summer And Nothing will Change that.
Qrow came and gave her something as he said...
Qrow:And We'll always be Team STRQ.
Summer Looked at the item that she was given and smiled.
She smiles at the memory until an Explosion Occurs and the four Go Check it as they saw a Shirushi!
This shirushi Looked to be female and it Resembled An Assassin but For some reason,It Also had a Resemblance to.....
The shirushi grabs (Y/n) and Throws him as he yells....
(Y/n) lands on issei as the perv shouts in Pain.
Will Comes in and sees the Shirushi as sighs.
Will:Goddamit,This is the 3rd time!Why is it always in My Theater?!
He Brings out the belt buckle and places it on his waist as it says....
He Brings out the Gold belt buckle and places it on his waist as it says....
Belt:Baransu doraibā
Will summoned Copy Phone and Said The Line of Every Rider Before Gaining the Armor...
He slots the phone in as The YinYang Armor Manifests In Front of him before Attaching to his Body,he leans his Head Down causing The Helmet to Materialize Around his head And once,it Did the Visors shined Bright With a Shade of Blue.
Will pulled out his Baransusutoraikā and Changed it into Blade Form
Baransusutoraikā:Blade Mode!
As Will charged at the Shirushi,Summer Yelled Out to him...
Will:I know!
Summer Felt stupid but she was Only trying to help.
Will grabbed the Shirushi and sent them to the Rider world to battle.
Will:Let's Do this.
Shirushi:roirraW,liaF ot eraperP
The two disappear in a Bright light as Echo used the Screen and Focused on Will's Chrono Energy to pinpoint where he was until the screen showed this.
Will as Kamen Rider Kybete fighting The Huntress Shirushi and Slashing it with the Baransusutoraikā but it Blocked it with an Axe And sent Kybete back with powerful punch.
Baby Wyatt:*Crying*
Wyatt May be a Baby but he's smart enough to understand his Daddy Might be in danger.
(Y/n):C'mon,This is his third fight....if he's A Kamen Rider than he's not going down!Name a Primary rider who died in their Third fight.
No one who watched Kamen Rider Could think of one.
Kybete(Will):I ain't Done,yet!
He rushed at the shirushi and did a front flip over it as he changed the Baransusutoraikā into it's Gun form.
Gun Mode!
Unfortunately,that's what the Shirushi was Hoping for as it turned Around and Striked him as well as made suffer his Own attack causing him to roll on the ground.
Ainz:Oh No!
Amanda:That's Just Bullshit!
Kirishima:C'mon,Will!Get Up,Get up!
Despite the Pain,Will got up and Knew his Base form wouldn't cut it despite being his third fight.
Will:'but than Again,Some Riders Did this In Their SECOND Fight'
Soon,Kybete/Will took A pose and just stood.
(Y/n):The fuck?What's that supposed to do?
Shirushi:kcab thgif ot lliw eht tsoL yllaniF uoY ees I?mH
He remains silent as he stays posing and staying still.
(Bf/n):What's he doing?
Noelle:You're Not wrong,asta and yet,WHY is he standing there?He's leaving himself wide open?
Obi:He's Bound to have a Reason.
The Shirushi fed up finally Charges and Attacks Our Rider but Before it Could,the heat around Him Got hotter and Hotter as Will finally Made a Noise...
Shinra:What's he doing?
Izuku:Saying Oh?
(Y/n):Why does that look familiar?
(Bf/n):I agree.
Will's Kybete Armor Suddenly Burst into Flames worrying Everyone that He was Burned but he swiped them away to show the Flames transformed into A New Form.
This Form has his Armor being Completely Red with Hints of Orange on it and His Visors Have become a Yellow Gold as the symbol on his Chest has Changed from the Yin-Yang Symbol to that of the Symbol of Fire.
Belt:🔥Bureizu🔥 Shin
Mina(Excited):IT'S FIRE FORM!
Akko:That's Awesome.
Will,Now in his Bureizu form,he charges The Shirushi who charges at him as they punch one another but The Shirushi was the one that was sent back as he began punching it repeatedly until he charged a fire ball in his hand and shot at it and began his Finisher.
Will readied his finisher by Pressing A Button on the Phone part of His Driver causing it to say...
Antei finisshā
For the Finisher,Will's Entire Body Was Set Ablaze and He Charged it all into the Baransusutoraikā Blade and slashed as a Fire Wave Went towards the Shirushi and destroyed it.
As soon as will came Back to the theater,he de henshins and as he Expected,everyone wants to know About his Blaze form until....
They all go back to their Seats as Will sighs.
Will:Now,get ready for this Is gonna be a Long Story.
Yang interupts will and says....
Yang:Can it Maybe.....NOT So Long?
Will deadpans the Blonde as he says...
Will:You wanna know or Not?
Yang sits back down understanding and motions him to Continue.
Will:Alright,It's Gonna Be a Long LONG!
He Looks at Yang as He Says emphasized this part.
(An:Basically,Comment Trend but with me adding some more Things,No!I'm Not Changing Anything!I'm Just Making seem like part of the story)
Will(Narrator):It happened,when i met a fellow author God known as PowerDragon05.
Shows PowerDragon05 Translating What the Shirushi Said.
Power:"The Shirushi Will not be stopped"
He said holding up a familiar Magenta Camera and takes A picture.
Power:If this gets bad,those creatures will put the dai shocker a Run for their Money.
Will appeared By his side and simply said One thing to Him.
Will:Don't Worry,i got this.
Power turns to will and Pulls out the Neo decade Driver and Give the picture to Will of the future plus Aurora Curtain walk through it leaving the place.
Will:Y-You SON OF-
Power appears But this time in Rider Form,Which is a familiar Magenta Rider As He said...
Power:Say it again,I dare you.
He said as he Glared at The White Haired Guardian but Will didn't back and henshins into Kybete.
Will(Rider Form):Let's go,Bro.
He rushes at Will and Punches him in the Chest sending him back a Couple of feet.
Will felt the pressure but got back and looked at his Opponent.
Will:Not bad But It's MY turn.
He Rushes PowerDragon05 and Punches him at High speeds,Kinda like What Drive Did To Roidmudes.
He takes the hits and pulls out the Kabuto Ride Card.
Soon,he was transformed into Kamen Rider Kabuto.....Minus The Belt as he Pulled out another Card and slotted it into his belt.
Time Froze and he swipes Will's leg from under him and Kicked him 10 times and Time resumes.
Will is Sent flying but he brings his weapon out in gun mode and fires at Power.
He gets Fired and Forced back to base Form.
Power:That's a good move but Mine's better.
He pulls out a Gaia Memory and presses it.
He tries to Kick Will at Higher Speed like Accel does to the Weather Dopant but Will Narrowly managed to dodge it,he even saw the damage it did and Decided to end this Fight with A Rider Kick as he Jumped high in the sky and gave His Rider Kick to his Opponent as it hit him and he exploded and fell down No longer in his rider Armor.
He Falls and Coughs Blood but it looked like he wasn't giving up.
Power:I'm not Done,yet!
He yells as he transforms into Violent emotion and Infuse a punch with Dark flames and Breaks Will's Helmet and than,takes out the final attack Ride Decade.
He rider Kicks Will and he,Himself Nearly Died in the Process.
Will Gets up still as Kybete but part of His Helmet was Destroyed revealing His Face.
Power walks up to Will back in his Human form.
Power:Not bad,Will,Not bad at all.
Will smiles and takes his Hand.
Will:Thank you as i could've say the same thing to you.
After the handshake,Power and Will Stare at one another as Power gave him some advice.
Power:You're welcome and i'll say this...Get stronger,Will And Maybe i Can beat you in my Complete Form,I'm Looking For a Rematch....Here.
He Hands Will the Decade RideWatch and Opens an Aurora Curtain for the theater and sees the picture of the Future change into a Better ending where Will wins in the end.
Back with Will,he stares at the Ridewatch and says.....
Will:hm,I think i'll save you for when i use Zi-O Powers but.....You're a Symbol that Earned these Powers.
Suddenly,appearing Out of nowhere was Bino who Bonked him on the head and Snatched the Ridewatch.
Bino(💢):Will,Stop stealing My Ridewatches!
Suddenly,Power Came back and Grabbed bino from Behind by grabbing his Shoulder.
Power:Oi,pal!He won that Ridewatch,Fair and square after Fighting Me...So return the watch to Will Or else.
He says with a glare and dark Aura but....
Bino simply just turned and gave a Colder More Dull Glare.
Bino:He's Not Nearly 2000 Years Yet.
Bino Gave will a look that said "Either Shut up or I'll Make you Shut up" as Will raised his Hands and Bino Continued.
Bino:I Trained that Shrimp to hell and He's doing WRONG and I'm Older than You and I Also Know that Will has a Perverted Pirate Vtuber stalking him....Poor will.
Power:First,I fought Will In Violent Emotion,So Trust me when i say he's getting stronger.
That is A good Reason To NOT Be a dick.
Power:2nd,I'm Sorry Someone is Stalking Will,is that even True?
Will shivered As He Has Never the best luck with trying to meet.......NORMAL Women But Women that Abnormal Meet Him,ALL THROUGHOUT his Life.
Power:And Third,You're NOT Ohma Zi-O.
He grabs The Decade Ride Watch from Bino.
Power:He Earned This Watch,So Stand Down or do we have to fight?
His eyes turn into dragon eyes and red but....
Bino:The kings of Unity have Been around since the beginning of the Omniverse and I destroyed it and Reversed it Since it was Unstable and the reason with You,Dragon blood does wrong on me cause i was created from the Blood of both..dragon have the Power to create & Oni blood has the power to destroy and even,My Younger brother,The first Spinjistzu Master who created his Ninjago and I Reset the Entire Multiverse and Universe and have been it's Grim Reaper over a Millennia and Train Will To Surpass His Father who on of the ranks of the Kings.
Will:But I don't care about that stuff.
Bino:And Will needs to Surpass and Beyond Powerful.
Bino Turned Into a Dragon god who's bigger than the Universe....let me repeat that.....HE TURNED INTO A F*CKING DRAGON!
Bino(Dragon voice):Don't Cross me.
Seeing the dangerous Opponent surprisingly didn't scare Power but it was Time to ride........The Wind!
Power Pulled out something and began pressing it.⤵️
Power puts it his belt,Now in Complete form and speaks.
Power:Any Can use the Power including Myself...So,I'll say this One More Time.
He says Releasing Scarlet king Aura froScScp0001.
Power:You are No Ohma Zi-O and He is worthy to have the Ride watch.
Bino says nothing but simply uses his Author god Powers to create a Wonder Ride book and open it.
Bino:You need to be taught a Lesson....HENSHIN
Gurimoa o aite kudasai! Monogatari wa owarida! Kamen raidāsutōrī! Fu wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa!
Bino:With a Mixture Of this....
Bino has his Own Ohma Zi-O Powers Mix With Storious,Ultra Instinct And Ark-One.......He is So Screwed.
Will:I Got this!HENSHIN!
He slots the phone in as The YinYang Armor Manifests In Front of him before Attaching to his Body,he leans his Head Down causing The Helmet to Materialize Around his head And once,it Did the Visors shined Bright With a Shade of Blue.
Will becomes Kybete and Gets Ready to Fight against Bino,Even with The Extremely Low of Winning.
Power(Decade Complete):What a waste,Do you know who scarlet king is?
He transfers all three of them to a Blank Void where Nothing Can be Destroyed and uses OFA Infinite Percent,Zero-two's(Kamen Rider Zero-One) Power and Super Saiyan God plus Baryon Mode From Naruto.
Will:.........Thank God,I'm the Void's Son.
He transfers the power of Zero-Two And Baryon Mode into Will but Bino appears from thin air.
Bino:Will,Will......Not even Close.
He smacks Will and manages to shoot him Skyrocketing in the.....Well,Sky.
As Will flies through the Air,he can Feel the gift From PowerDragon05 working it's Magic as His Driver Glowed and Armor Cracked until he...
Will lands in front of the two Still As Kamen Rider Kybete but he's different now as his armor is Completely Red with Hints of Orange on it and His Visors Have Changed From Aqua Blue to a Yellow Gold as a the symbol of Fire is Seen on his chest.
Will:Kamen raidā Kybete,Bureizu Shin....Junbi!
Translation:Kamen Rider Kybete,Blaze Core....Ready!
We Cut back to Will and the Rest of the theater crew as He finished telling the story on how he Gained his Bureizu Shin form but they wanted to hear More knowing that wasn't how the story ended.
Will:No,That's all i'm Gonna tell for now and besides,We should ask how summer is.
Everyone realized Will was Right and Remembered Summer and asked her if she was Okay.
Summer:I'm alright because My Team told me that...No matter who i am or What i am,Whether i'm a human,a Faunas,a Grimm or Something else!Or My last name is Rose,(L/n),Etc.....I'll Always Still be Summer And Nothing will Change that.
The rest Of team STRQ Smile But in raven's Case,she hides it and are happy they brought the Old summer back.
Summer:But I will say that i don't mind being a part of the (L/n) Family.
Ruby:Does that Make (Y/n) and his Siblings My Cousins Since You're Their Dad's sister.
Summer Smiled at her daughter and rubbed her head while,The (L/n) Family Smile Mischievously as It would be Fun Making Ruby and Summer Like Them and they already Have it in their Body and soul....No denying it....Hehehe.
Will smiles at the Schtick and goes to join But....
Will:OW!My Back.
That Shirushi Must've gotten Hard or He might have landed Harder on something because he Broke a Bone or two in his Back....It's gonna take a while to heal.
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