Boredom and Fall to the future
Everyone was Relaxing in the Theater as Will,Echo and Even (Y/n) wasn't Here,Right Now.
So,They're just Sitting in the Theater Doing nothing but They All Try to Do fun activities like Board Games and Charades But Smg4 Mario Says...
Smg4 Mario:
(Bf/n) sighs and Says that Mario is Right....
(Bf/n):It Is Boring in here without Will,Echo And Especially,(Y/n)!
Akko:There's Gotta Be something to do.
Mario just goes and Gets Some Food and Eats It while,Asta Decides to train but everyone else are Still Wondering what they should Do.
Momonga:Wow.........I never Realized How BORING This Place is Without Will.
Izuku:And Without (Y/n),It's Definitely Not as Exciting since He always Makes Almost Everyone Feel special.
(Y/n)'s Family,Friends and Lovers Are All Just Want him Back with them but Will & Echo.....They could Care less.
Basically,They all Want To be With Wherever they Are.
Suddenly,A Ginormous Hole Appeared Below them And They All fell as they all screamed.
The Guardians and Their Future Selves and Others Were Ready To Finally Stop Daraku and the Fuhai no seirei.
Will:Let's do this.
But as they were About to Charge into battle,they all heard a Scream and Wondered what it was as they Looked Up and saw......
Will's Multiverse Theater Crew.
Mario(Smg4):Oh,Where is-a Mario?
Naegi:I think i broke my ribs.
Senku:I Broke My Arm.
Issei:I broke My Everything.
Akko:Who's On my back?
They all got up as they Saw Everyone even,Will and his future self as well as Echo and Her Future self who was Alive somehow and Most Importantly,Omni Aka (Y/N)!
(Y/n):MOM?!DAD?!(S/N)?!(B/N)?!(T/N)?! AND BAILEY?!EVERYONE?!
Will:Why?And More Importantly,How Are You here?
They explained What happened to them as the Heroes Deadpan But Aren't really that surprised as Daraku is Heard Laughing as Everyone Faces him.
Daraku:This Is A Good Sight!Now,I Can Kill You!
F.Will:In case that you Forgotten,we can Defeat your Elites of Konagona.
Daraku laughs even Harder as He looks At the Gods and Says that While the Konagona are Elites,They are Actually The WEAKEST Of his Soldiers.
Daraku:Yes and Time For Me to release 25% of My Power.
He Does Exactly that and the Power is Insane causing the Guardians to feel Tense making them Realize that even if they Can't kill him,They'll have to find Another Option as He Shows His Other soldiers.
Daraku:and Now,few of My High Ranked Soldiers,The Jaakuna.
The "Jaakuna" Arrive as Will's Theater Group gasp as the Familiar Faces.
F.RWBY:We are The Jaakuna known as Shadouhantā.
The Next stepped foward and It was...
F.Izuku:i am a Jaakuna known as a Ushinatta Hīrō.
The Last One Was An Armor But his Voice Gave Away who he was...
F.Issei:I am a Jaakuna Known as Chi Kuro Ten'nō.
Everyone realized that this Just Got a LOT Harder and it wasn't even ALL of the Jaakuna.
(Y/n) Stepped Foward and demanded to know why he did this And turned the Future selves of Heroic People and Issei.
Into These Horrible or Hideous Monsters but Daraku Laughs As The Jaakuna Simply Chuckle and Say that they Weren't Changed.
Jaakuna:We Joined Of Our Free Will,WE Made Ourselves Like This!
The Past Selves of The Jaakuna Couldn't Believe What They Heard,They Willing Became.....MONSTERS?!B-but Why?!
(Y/n) & Guardians:'This Is Just got a Lot Harder than,It already was'
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