Another Message & Dark Warriors of the Fuhai no seirei
Will Came Back Into the Theater As He didn't say a word But everyone wondered if he was okay until....
Will:lightcero and a few others like Myself are Making Plans To Deal with the Fuhai no seirei and Stop Daraku.
They were All Surprised and worried since whoever Daraku Is.....Didn't he Have The Powers Of oh,they didn't know,OP TYPE GODS!!!
The Screen started Glitching as They Realized it might Be Another Message from Future Will.
Will:'Something Tells Me that this isn't the Good type Of Message'
The Screen Came On As It Showed future Will who was Older with a beard,Army Outfit And his Old eye Patch....still.
F.Will:Daraku's Power is Growing and the Fuhai no seirei's Might is Becoming Stronger as Many People are Forced to join it,Whether it be from Fear,Against their Will Or just because they turn Traitor.....They are Gaining an Advantage over us.
(Y/n):Aw C'mon!
Izuku:But....But Where's the Turn of the tide?
Asta:Y-yeah,Good Guys Wins & Bad guys Lose.
Everyone looked at Will as He simply deadpanned them with a dead eye look and said.
Will:Fucking Rookies.
Future Will Explains That he Even Saw Daraku and Called Him by his Original Name and Code Name But that Got him To Face,Daraku's Elites...The Konagona
Everyone that speaks japanese looks at The MC and Simply pronounces it right as they Say.
Japanese Anime Characters:Konagona.
(Y/n) was still confused But Will sighed and Said...
Will:It means Shattered.
The Konagona are Not Just Daraku's Elites But......Actually,Let the Memory Show you.
Bakugou:Than,We'll Know who this Daraku Bastard is.
(Y/n):Once We know,I'll Give Him A Knuckle Sandwich Deluxe...hehe.
The Memory Began as It Showed Survivors Going Out Scavenging Out For things and Being on the Look out for The Seirei And Strangely,The Coast Was Clear and They Made it back until....
Daraku(Memory):Going somewhere?
Daraku himself was right in front of Them,Will Gulped as Motioned For the others to head back as he'll try to deal with Daraku.
Akko:I Can't Watch!
Sucy:I Can.
Natsu:This Isn't Gonna end,Well!
The Two circled One Another as Daraku spoke to Will.
Daraku(Memory):It's Been Too Long,"Old Friend",25 years to be Exact!
Will glared at the leader of the Fuhai no seirei for Everything he's done and Everyone he's Killed.
Will(Memory):NOT Long Enough!
Echo:Will,Future You Seems to Hate Daraku and It's Not just Cause of what he did to me.
Will:I know....
Daraku(Memory):True but It will be as All The Author Gods Will be gone and The Omniverse shall be reset for a perfect Life,Perfect harmony,A True Utopia.
Will Shouted at The SSSS-Class Villain that a Kind of World Like that Will NEVER Be Possible,there will always Be Something to disrupt Harmony.
Daraku(Memory):Well.....I'll Just....Erase it!
Senku:That Maniac!
Makoto:H-he can't Be Serious!
Everyone was Shocked as That didn't sound like harmony!That sounded like prison turned into a World.
At this,Will Said Daraku's Original Name and Made Many Go Silent After Hearing it.
After Hearing That,Daraku Was Actually The Future self of Omni Who is Also,(Y/n)!They all Began to react in a Appropriate Way.
Anime Characters:................
Chaos Class:.....................
(Y/n)'s Girls:.....................
(L/n) Family:...................
And as for (Y/n),Himself?
Daraku was Angered but smirked and said this to Will.
Daraku(Memory):I believe that The Konagona should Kill you.
Will(Memory):'The Konagona?'
Daraku Snaps His Fingers as an Array Of Cracked or Destroyed Chrono Crystals Appeared in front of Him and Horrifyingly,They All Manifested Bodies as Will Saw His Killed Loved Ones Alive!...But They all Looked Different and even Worse,they start Attacking him as Will tries to Reason with them.
Everyone:WHAT THE HELL?!
Daraku(memory):You Like?Meet The Konagona,My Elite Warriors And Yes!They Don't Just Look like Your Loved Ones,They ARE Your Loved Ones But Don't Bother to Reason With Them because Who they Used To be Is GONE,They Now serve ME As Soldiers in the Fuhai no seirei!
Will was VERY Close To Going Dark Will And Ripping (Y/n)'s Heart Out Of His Chest and Than,Shoving It Down his Entire Throat.
Daraku Began To Laugh Maliciously as Will Couldn't Believe It,All Of his Friends,his Parents and Sister,His OWN WIFE!,He....He just Couldn't since they're still them,even if they Aren't Still them and He Left.
It Cuts Back To Future Will as he sighs looking over Pictures of All His lost Loved Ones Before Stopping At Certain One.
A Picture of Him,Echo,Baby Wyatt,his Parents and His Sister All Together For a Group photo.
He Frowns Sadly as He Teared up.
Will(Crying):I Couldn't Protect you....I Couldn't Protect Any of you.....I'm So Sorry.
Will looks down as The Screen turns Off and He Feels Multiple People hugging him as He turned and Saw his Parents,Sister and Wife.
Kusho:It's Okay,Son.....It's Okay.
Avalyn:You're still our baby boy.
Chiyo:and still my brother.
Echo kissed her husband's Cheek as she said that it was Okay to Cry.
Baby Wyatt also Wanted to help His Daddy out,so he Crawled and made his way to Will's leg as Said Deity saw his Son.
Will smiled and Picked Him up but to his Surprise,Wyatt Spoke.
Wyatt:Daddy Happy!
Will smiled At his Son and hugged him as the baby Laughs While (Y/n) tried to Also Join in but.....
The Deities Quickly Bombarded Him with their Power and were NOT Afraid to hurt him ESPECIALLY After what they heard on the screen,so he backed up.
Is Will gonna Be Okay?
Is (Y/n) Gonna get Murdered By Kusho And Avalyn?
Coral:Like,I'll ever let THAT happen.
And Most Importantly,will Things in The theater Ever go Back To "Normal" Or At least,Their Version of Normal after this Horrifying Revelation?
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