Will Came Back into the Theater After Disappearing and (Y/n) Asked Him Where He Was.
Echo:I wanna Know That as well,You left after we saw that our Fridge was Gone despite me telling you,We Can get a new one,Where did you go?
Jair900:Alright,let's See What's the Next Universe-
Than,A loud Crash was Heard behind them.
Jair900:What The?!
Will,A member of the council came in landing through the ceiling Looking Straight Up Pissed Off!
And he's looking for a Certain somebody and that somebody is.....
Said god looks and Immediately knows He's screwed once he sees Will.
Tempest:Oh shit!
Everyone In the theater:Who's Will?!
Will Charges foward and tackles tempest to the ground And than Began choking Him.
Tempest(Choking):C'mon,Will...It's me!What Did you expect?
Will:That was The LAST of My Stash!
Tempest(Choking):Really?I Guess Stolen So Much,I lost Count.
Tempest Probably Shouldn't have said Because that Made Will Tighten His Grip on His Throat.
Tempest(Choking):C'mon,Man!Can't You Take a Joke!
We Return to the Present where We See Will telling that To everyone and Smg4 Asked A Question.
Smg4:Who's Jair?
(Y/n):I think it was that Guy Who Crashed through the roof of the Theater and Gave will that Letter.
Zoey:I thought he Was Some Delivery Boy Since He Gave Will a Letter.
Sam:Wait,It was That Weirdo?
Will:Yep but Anyway,We're Gonna Watch (Y/n) Take On Izuku's Powers.
(Y/n) & Izuku:'I hope that doesn't Involve Eating Hair'
The Screen lit up to show a rainy day and Show Multiple forms Of rescue or Aid Helping As a Narration Began....
???:Heroes,The World Knew The Term but All We did was Stare at Books with Appreciating Real Heroes That Help Us And Our Community Out in this World.
Boopkins:This Is it?This Isn't So bad.
(Y/n):This Seems Like an rather a kamen rider episode.
Will:Keep Watching.
The Screen Showed People Walking At Night Until They're Attacked By Strange Monsters but they Were Stopped by a blaster Attack And Looks Behind Him To see he None Other than Kamen Riders.
???:Unaware Of The Real Battle Happening Right Under Our Noses.
The Light Shows The Riders To show They Resemble Some Of Class 1a's Hero Costumes.
Deku:Uh,Will....Why do they Kind Of Resemble Us?
Will:You'll See.
Episode 1:Hīrō No Michi(A hero's Path)
The Episode begins To show (Y/n)'s Face And it looked Like He Was Punching Something.....only To Pull Away to reveal That He Was Just Trying to get His Manga Back from Uni.
Uni:This Actually Happened.
N.G:More than I can count,too.
(Y/n):Well,Excuse Me For READING!
Uni Sighed and Simply Told Him that She Just Wanted to see what The Fuss Of this Chapter Was About and Depressingly,It was Only Filler but Our Mc Says This.
(Y/n):Filler or Not,My Hero Academia Is A learning Opportunity to see What our world would Be like with A World Dominated with Superpowers.
Izuku:Yeah,Our world is Crazy.
N.G:In My Opinion,It Would Make Things Worse.
The two turn to their Other Friend And Look Annoyed but sigh as they Know That's just How He is.
Meanwhile,A Dark Portal opened and Out came A few Villains And Monsters And a Dark Rider,they All Looked Ready To Destroy As the Dark Rider Spoke.
Dark rider:If you wish to destroy this World..........
He finally Stepped Out to Show Who he is and Reveal What he looks Like.
Akko:He just Looks Evil!
Dark Rider:send some Of the Nomus Off to destroy as Well.
The Villains nod and split up as Well as Send A Nomu out To Destory the City and Gather More Power For them.
The Nomu Leaves And Heads to the City while Back with Our Cast,They kept talking about Manga and Anime Until they Tripped Over Something And Saw A Case.
Circuit(Sarcastic):Oh Yeah Like This Isn't Suspicious At all.
(C/n) & Annabelle:Can you shut up,Please?
The Three Friends looked at One Another before Grabbing The Case And Heading Back to the Classroom and Open It Only to find a Video.
Izuku(Video):My Name Is Izuku Midoriya,If you're Watching This Than that Means We failed and Have Sent this to you as A Failsafe as A way For Someone To do what We Failed to do And that's protect Those who can't protect themselves,In this Case are Two types of Devices Called "Quirk Changers" And The "Hero Drivers",I Know This May Seem Unbelievable But The Villains Have Taken Over Our World And Their Coming For Yours,You are the Your World's Last Hope,You Are The New Deku,You Are The Kamen Rider Who will bring a bright Future.
The Video Cut out as It Went To Static As the three Watched with shocked Faces.
Izuku:T-the villains Won?We Failed?
Kirishima:Still......Do you think it's like that Nine Guy or Something?
Kaminari:Probably Worse,If it's The end of the World.
All Might:'Please Let me be wrong but It's You Isn't.........All For One?'
The Three Didn't know What To Say But N.G just Said this.....
N.G:Well,That Must Have Been A prank because C'mon,We All Seen The My Hero Academia Anime And It Doesn't Talk About ANYTHING Like that and Seriously,This Really Sounds Like Some Anime Cliche.
(Y/n):you said Those Were Funny.
N.G:Not All Of Them Are,Though.
N.G:I did but i didn't Mean All of them.
Uni:Fair point And Also,What do We do About The Case?
(Y/n) Opened the Box And Saw exactly what The Video Was Talking About Except it was a......
(Y/n):A belt?
(Y/n):Other Me,You should know from Watching Kamen rider as That isn't an Ordinary Belt.
He took The Belt and Looked at the Gaia memory looking thing And Wondered What he Had To do but seeing A slot He Realized That Had Something but A scream Got him to Lose focus as He ran to the Source and See a Bat Like Monster Aka The Nomu.
Class 1a:Nomu!
Will:'This Is Gonna Be Good'
He Rushed At The Monster as Uni And N.G told Him To Stop but he just Couldn't like his Mind Can hear Them but His Body Just Wouldn't Listen.
All Might:'He Ran On Instinct before He had a chance to think!'
Izuku:'Like When I Tried To Save Kacchan'
He Didn't Know Came Over him but He Knew What he Had to do and He Grabbed the Driver and Slapped It on his Waist as a belt wrapped itself on him and an Announcement Played.
Hero Driver!
Bailey:Let me Try!
With that,he took The Quirk Changer and Pressed it like A Gaia Memory And Than,Inserted it Into The Driver as it Announced the Quirk's Name.
One For All!
1A(Except Izuku & Bakugou):'One for all?'
Everyone Who knows:'Uh Oh'
What Time Is It?Hero Time!What Time Is It?Hero Time!
The Nomu Turns Around And Asks Our Hero A Question,A Simple Question in fact.
Bat Nomu:Who the hell do you think you are?!
With A Smile On his Face,He answers His Opponent with A Catchphrase.
(Y/n):Deku......Kamen Rider Deku. I have arrived to protect the world, Why?Because I am here!Henshin!
(Y/n):'So I'm A Kamen Rider.....'
Izuku:'Who's Basically Me?'
he pumps the right wing-like lever only once starting the henshin sequence And In his transformation process, the user is surrounded by two rings of light As He suddenly has Izuku's Hero Costume On And after this,The armor and helmet appears With (Y/n) Jumping To Each Of Them to attache them to the Hero Costume until the transformation Is Complete.
Coral & stella:Nope,Green Doesn't Look Good On Him.
Viven:What's Wrong with Green?
Daisy:Nothing!It's Just......He's Always Been More Attractive in Red.
(Y/n)[Off-Screen]:Cause,I Like Red
He puts His Arms In a Battle Ready pose to show He's Ready To fight Despite never Actually Fighting Monsters And He Tells his Classmates to get to safety.
N.G:Good Idea.
Uni:Be Safe,(I/n)
He charges At The Bat And punches it And It Sent it and Himself Flying In Opposite Directions but he Brushes it Off And thinks about how his Opponent is a bat meaning Fisticuffs probably Aren't that Effective But Will Work but Aerial Attacks Would Work More Effectively Against him.
Ochako:Huh?I guess He Got deku's intelligence.
Izuku:Yeah,Yeah and I could See that But He would Have to Worry if The Nomu Can Attack with his Wings Or If He Secrete Pois-
(Y/n) Covered Izuku's Mouth Before He could Go further and Mumble.
(Y/n):If There was a Country dedicated to Mumbling Than You Would be It's President.
(Y/n) Tried to Attack But He Was Right,The Nomu Is Faster in the Air and A Problem,he has nothing to use that Can create An Aerial Attack but His Driver Solves That by Giving him the Deku JuuKen And His Instincts Tell him It's Also A gun,so He trusts His instincts and Wouldn't you know it?It was Also A gun!
Ruby:Look,It's Also a Gun!
(Y/n):Oh?You Mean Like Literally Everything Else In your World.
(T/n):he Gotcha,There!
With his blaster,He Strikes The Bat Nomu 5 Times Until he Falls And he puts his Weapon Away,So he Can Finish The Monster,the True Rider Way.
(Y/n):Rider Kick!
He uses his One For All Quirk in Full Cowling mode,He jumps In The Air and performs a Rider Kick Hitting The Bat Nomu Straight In The Chest Causing It To Explode In Normal Kamen rider Fashion.
Shinra:That was Awesome.
Maki(Fire Force):And He says he hasn't Been In a Fight before.
(Y/n):Technically,I haven't Fought a monster,There's a difference.
We see (Y/n) Back In His regular Form Talking To his Friends About The Experience And They Say He Was Amazing and They Should Keep it a secret and help people but They're unaware of Two Things,One of them Is That A Villain was Watching them but disappeared and Another was Walker Knew Already despite Not Being Near Him And It Zoomed down To reveal he Had the Explosion Quirk Changer and A Hero Driver of his own.
(Y/n):Walker is A 2nd Rider?!
Will:HA!Like that'll Ever Happen!
Asta:Since,Izuku's Power Became Those For a Kamen Riders,Am I A kamen Rider Or At least,Are Mine...for A Kamen Rider that looks like Me?
Will:I have No idea.
Asta Proceeds to anime Drop as his Squad mates just laugh and Tell him to think of something else.
Kaminari:that Was Kind of Awesome.
Circuit:Yeah,I Wonder Who Else Will Get to be a kamen rider.
Kaminari:Yeah and maybe They'll have The Powers Of A Pro hero!
Jiro:Hey,Kaminari And Circuit,Right?I think You Two Might Go together In that Timeline.
Circuit Misunderstood what jiro Meant and Said This....
Circuit:Oh,Since Kaminari Has an Electric Type Power And I have an Electric personality,We Would Be a Kamen Rider!I agree.
Melody Decides to reveal what jiro Meant to the Class Dumbass.
Melody:No,What she Means Is that despite the fact one of Is Strong And The Other Can Hold their Own Against Strong people,You both are.........Complete Idiots.
(Y/n):*Sigh*Next One before they Get killed.
(S/n):Let's Hope It's won't Be Bad.
(B/n):It Won't Be,right?and Besides It's The Next Episode....Right?
Will:Actually,It's A theme Song and Let's Just Say Two Brothers Are gonna drive You Insane.
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