Side Chapter 1 - (Y/N)'s first Christmas
(This is a chapter about the adventures Izuku and (Y/N) had growing up together. This one is about (Y/N)'s first Christmas with Izuku. Since this takes place in the past Izuku is a child and (Y/N) is tiny again. Enjoy!)
(Y/N) pov:
I was sitting on my king's bed watching as he frantically ran around his room changing into different clothes. He seemed very full of energy today more than usual.
Izuku: Guess what today is (Y/N)!
He tossed his shirt off making it fly in the air before landing on me and since it was bigger than me I was completely covered.
What is this?! I can't get out of this prison!
(Y/N): *hiss*
I was struggling to get his shirt off me and I guess he found it amusing since he giggled before freeing me from the shirt's hold. He then picked me up and proceeded to jump up and down with a huge smile on his face.
Izuku: That's right it's Christmas!
I just tilted my head to the side confused about why he's excited over one word. My confusion seemed to be noticed by him as he stopped jumping to look at me.
Izuku: Oh, I guess you wouldn't know what Christmas is.
My king then held me in one arm using his other to strike a heroic pose. The fire of determination buring bright in his big eyes as a big smile formed on his face.
Izuku: But don't worry I'll teach you all about this great holiday!
He wrapped his arms around me before running out of the room all the while I just dangled in Izuku's arms. As he was running I noticed a tree in the living room with boxes beneath it.
How did a tree grow in here and why are boxes beneath it? Are they offerings to the tree?
Before I could question the appearance of the tree further we made it into the kitchen.
Inko: Merry Christmas you two.
Izuku: Merry Christmas mom!
(Y/N): *hiss*
Izuku placed me on the table before running out the kitchen. I was going to follow him, but he yelled for me to stay where I was and that he'll be back. I just sat on the table anxiously waiting for his return. While I was busy waiting I didn't notice Inko place a plate of cookies in front of me along with a bowl of milk. I looked up at her allowing me to see a gentle smile that reminded me of my own mother.
Inko: They're fresh from the oven enjoy, but save some for Izuku as well.
She rubbed my head before leaving the kitchen. I nibbled on one of the warm cookies tasting the amazing flavor contained within. I quickly finished off the cookie before drinking a bit of the milk. The silence has given me a moment alone with my thoughts.
Inko and Izuku are the last remaining things in my life and I fully intend to protect them. My siblings were slaughtered and I don't even know if my mother is still alive. It's possible at least one of my siblings managed to escape the yautja attack like me, but the chances of finding them are slim to none. My life is a complete mess and if my mother calls me to return then I'll--
Izuku: (Y/N), I'm back with everything I need to teach you about Christmas!
My train of thought was cut off by Izuku returning to the kitchen with a box in his arms. He placed the box on the table before climbing onto the seat next to me.
Izuku: Now on Christmas a man called Santa will deliver presents to every kid in the world in one night. And if you behaved nicely you'll get a present, but if you've been bad you'll get coal instead.
A human delivers presents to every child on earth in one night and somehow knows if they've behaved well? This human sounds dangerous I should remain vigilant.
Izuku: You can also get other people gifts if you want to. We also decorate a tree with different things I even brought the box of ornaments over to show you.
As he began to rummage through the box I picked up one of the cookies with my tounge and offered it to him.
Izuku: Did mom make cookies?
My king took the cookie from my tounge taking a bite as a look of bliss appeared on his face from the taste of the snack. Once he finished the cookie he reached into the box and took out a small green glass ball.
Izuku: This is an ornament you put it on the tree that's in the living room. They can come in different colors, sizes and designs.
So these are offerings to the magical tree!
He placed it in front of me allowing me to inspect the glass ball. I rolled it from side to side using my bladed hands before I looked back up at him waiting for the next lesson. He reached into the box once more and pulled out a star.
Izuku: This a star. You place it on the very top of the tree.
How did a star get here?! I always tried to grab one back home, but they were too far away.
My king placed the star next to me before searching through the box for something. He eventually pulled out a small plant that had small red objects connected to it.
Izuku: And finally this is a mistletoe. Mom said that when two people are under this they have to kiss.
He placed it in front of me before taking another cookie.
Does this plant have powers that make the two people kiss?
I picked it up with my tail holding it above my head, but I didn't feel anything.
No mind control and I'm not feeling anything wrong, so this plant doesn't have any power.
I placed the plant back on the table before moving to look into the box, but I unfortunately fell into the box getting covered in ornaments in the process.
Izuku: Hm? (Y/N) where did you go?
(Y/N): *muffled hiss*
He reached into the box and pulled me out revealing me covered in ornaments. Izuku let out a small giggle before removing the various decorations that covered my body.
Izuku: Instead of decorating yourself do you want to go decorate the tree?
I gave him a nod which made him smile before placing me down and picking up the box just as Inko returned.
Inko: There's the box of ornaments I was looking all over for it. What were you two doing with it?
Izuku: I was using them to teach (Y/N) about Christmas.
She walked up to us patting Izuku's head before picking me up.
Inko: That's sweet, but do you two want to help me decorate the tree?
Izuku: Yeah!
(Y/N): *hiss*
We then made our way to the living room with Inko carrying me while Izuku carried the box of ornaments.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
I was sitting on the floor next to the box of ornaments watching Inko and Izuku decorate the tree. I couldn't really help since I didn't have hands, so I just used my tail to hand them ornaments.
Inko: Almost done just a few more and then I need to go get a chair to put the star on.
Izuku said the star is supposed to go at the very top of the tree. And seeing the height of the tree compared to Inko's she won't be able to reach it without some assistance. But luckily for them I am fully capable of assisting in this problem!
I grabbed the star with my tail before moving to climb up the wall to reach the top of the tree. My blades and feet helped me climb up the wall and cling to the roof.
Inko: Hm, hey sweetie where's (Y/N)?
Izuku: Isn't he next to the box?
As they looked around I was finally above the tree using my tail to carefully place the star on the very top of the tree. They both looked at the tree hearing it rustling only to see me attempting to place the star on top.
Izuku/Inko: (Y/N)!
I could sense fear radiating off both of them, but I continued to try to place the star on top of the tree.
Izuku: (Y/N) get down from there you could h-hurt yourself!
I survived the entry of earth's atmosphere at high speed after being hit by missiles from a yautja ship, so I doubt I'll be injured if I fall from this height. But I appreciate your concern for my well-being nonetheless.
After a few more seconds I managed to place the star on top of the tree filling me with pride for accomplishing this task. I was so happy that I did a small dance forgetting I was on the ceiling.
Izuku: (Y/N)!
He quickly ran forward and caught my small body before cradling me into his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around me. Inko was soon by his side as well looking down at me with concern.
Inko: Are you okay, do I need to take you to the hospital?!
I shook my head "no" before I was brought into a tight hug from Izuku. His doe eyes held small tears threatening to spill, but he remained strong.
Izuku: I'm glad you're okay. I don't ever want to see you hurt or w-worse.
If this is your reaction to me almost hurt I can't imagine how you'll feel if I perish in battle. But if I could give my life to save yours I'd do it. Kill, fight, die that's what a good soldier does and I'm your loyal soldier.
I wrapped my tail around his hand and returned the embrace making sure my blade hands didn't hurt him. In an attempt to lift the mood Inko held out my king's All Might coat to him.
Inko: Why don't you and (Y/N) go play outside in the snow and when you come back I'll have a few treats ready.
His happiness quickly returned as his joy made a smile appear on Inko's face.
Izuku: Thanks mom! C'mon (Y/N)!
He hugged his mother before grabbing the coat and running back to his room with me once again dangling in his arms.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
The snow wasn't too deep it went up to Izuku's ankles, but it covered the lower half of my body. That's why I'm sitting in the hood of Izuku's coat with a green scarf covering my collar. We would've left sooner, but Izuku attempted to wrap my body in a constricting dog coat.
I was backed into a corner hissing at the item in Izuku's hands. He slowly advanced towards me before lounging with the coat, but I swiftly dodged and ran to the other side of his room. He quickly got up and ran towards me once more only for me to dodge between his legs.
Izuku: (Y/N), stay still!
(Y/N): *hiss*
I tried to go under his bed, but Izuku moved quickly and got in front of me making me crash into his legs dazed.
Izuku: I got you now!
Before the coat could touch me I quickly cut it to shreds with my claws. Izuku looked at the remnants of the coat as the pieces of it snowed down on us. He looked at me with an annoyed expression as I sat there innocently swinging my tail side to side. He sighed before removing his green scarf.
Izuku: At least wear this.
Flashback end~
Izuku: Let's go see Kacchan, (Y/N).
(Y/N): *annoyed hiss*
I don't know why you still consider that human your friend, Izuku. After the way he's treated you I wouldn't blame you if you decided to let me kill him.
Izuku: Cheer up (Y/N) I'm sure he's in a great mood because it's Christmas. Here maybe this will lift your spirits.
He took out one of the cookies Inko made and held it behind his head for me to eat. As I ate the treat I reluctantly let it cheer me up as we continued our walk through the neighborhood looking for the explosive blond. After a few minutes of searching we arrived at the park. It was covered in so much snow that if I walked in it my entire body will be covered leaving only my head visible.
Izuku: Wow, there's so much snow.
While my king was busy admiring the scenery I noticed something small and white rapidly approaching aimed at Izuku.
I spat acid at the projectile melting it instantly before it could hit Izuku who turned in the direction it came from. It came from several kids who were behind a snow wall with matching coats.
???: What was that?!
???: Did he use his Quirk?
???: Focus fire on that kid!
They soon unleashed a barrage of projectiles at my king which I swiftly shot more acid at, but more quickly followed making Izuku run around looking for cover. He stopped however when a familiar voice yelled out to him.
Katsuki: Deku, get over here and make yourself useful!
His head was the only thing visible before he ducked as some projectiles were shot at him. Their change of targets bought us enough time to run toward Katsuki. As we got close it turned out he made a foxhole with enough space for multiple humans, but he was the only one in it. When we were in the foxhole he glared at both of us before crouching down.
Izuku: Kacchan what's going on, why are they--
Katsuki: Shut it and let me explain! Those bastards are from a private school a town or two away. They finally decided to bite after I challenged one of them to snowball fight. I just didn't expect the coward to get his friends.
Izuku: What do we do?! We're pinned down!
Katsuki: Shut up and throw some back!
He threw some snowballs before getting behind cover as enemy projectiles flew past his head. Izuku tried as well, but a snowball would've hit him if I hadn't melted it. This plan wasn't working and as my king's protector it was my duty to come up with a battle strategy.
Normally my plans involve me rushing the enemy, but due to my small form and deepness of the snow I won't be able to do that. For once in my life I must use my brain.
Izuku tried to occasionally return fire, but the projectiles kept flying overhead making him return behind cover quickly. After a few seconds my brain somehow came up with a plan so stupid it just might work. To convey my genius strategy to Izuku and Katsuki I drew pictures in the snow using my tail.
Katsuki: What the hell is that?
Izuku: Hm, what are you drawing
By the time they noticed me drawing the plan was complete. It showed two stick figures one with spikey hair carrying me while the one wearing a crown placed snowballs on my tail. It then showed them being fired over the wall and onto the enemy's heads. The images were crudely made, but my king seemed to be able to understand it clearly. Katsuki on the other hand squinted his eyes as he stared at my plan.
Izuku: So Kacchan carries you while I place snowballs on your tail where you proceed to launch them?
I enthusiastically nodded excited to rain death from above on our enemies with my king. A snowball landed behind us making Izuku jump in fright.
Katsuki: You got all that from a bunch of squiggly lines?
Izuku: Kacchan, we need your help if we want to win this fight.
We really don't this is a two person operation I only included the explosive blond because I wanted to step on him.
Katsuki: Fine, but make sure those snowballs are well made pack some rocks in them to make it really hurt.
So began our counter-attack as Izuku was making snowballs I got on the blond human's back trying to find a nice position.
Katsuki: Watch where your claws are you little bastard! You better not rip my coat or I'll kill you!
I hissed in his face before finding a nice position to set up. Using my blades I hooked them under his arms while my feet grabbed his coat to hold me in place. I looked like a backpack that could launch projectiles. By this point my king finished making a hefty sum of snowballs and approached us with a handful.
Izuku: Okay ready!
Katsuki: Well hurry up and load some snowballs!
He nodded before placing one on my tail.
Izuku: Your set, fire!
Directing power to my tail I launched the snowball high into the air as Izuku peeked out the foxhole to see where it will land.
Katsuki: Well did we hit anything?
Izuku: We hit a squirrel that was in a tree to the right of them.
It better have been the one that foolishly attacked me.
Izuku: Move a bit to the left Kacchan.
He moved as Izuku ran up and reloaded me before moving back to peek over the foxhole.
Izuku: Fire!
Like before I put power to my tail making the snowball soar through the air towards the enemy. They soon returned fire making Izuku drop down to avoid being hit.
Katsuki: Well?
Izuku: Overshot it move back two feet.
Katsuki: Better be right this time, Deku!
He angrily moved back as Izuku placed three snowballs on my tail this time. Once he was peeking over the foxhole he gave me a thumbs up signaling me to rain death from above. The snowballs kept soaring over us until a few voices yelled "ow" as the barrage lessened showing we hit some of them.
Izuku: Direct hit!
Katsuki: Finally, put more on his tail so we can finish them off!
My king began to place three snowballs at a time as I launched them with more and more power bombarding the enemy force. After thirty seconds we successfully launched all the snowballs before waiting for retaliation, but it never came. We cautiously peeked over only to see the enemy running away with some of them being carried having been injured from the bombardment.
Katsuki: Yes! I guess you two are useful for something.
Even though it was clearly an insult it was a compliment coming from this human. Izuku smiled and took me off his back before placing me in his hood.
Izuku: Do you want to hangout with me and (Y/N) back at our house?
He looked like he was about to refuse but stopped when he saw me brandishing my blades at him before showing my tounge. I was behind Izuku so he couldn't see me threaten Katsuki.
Accept or be my next prey.
Izuku: My mom is making snacks.
Katsuki: Fine, but only because it's free snacks.
Wise choice.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
We finally made it home with the explosive human begrudgingly following us. Once Izuku opened the door he announced our safe return along with the arrival of Katsuki.
Izuku: Mom, we're home and I brought Kacchan!
Inko: We're in the kitchen boys!
Izuku closed the door behind us removing his coat and boots as Katsuki did the same. He placed me on the ground removing the green scarf and putting it next to his coat. The three of us made our way into the kitchen being greeted by Inko who was finishing pouring liquid in two cups and a bowl.
Inko: Hello Katsuki, Merry Christmas.
Katsuki: Merry Christmas.
Inko: I made some hot chocolate for you boys.
She handed over the two cups and placed the bowl of hot chocolate on the floor for me. When my king and the explosive human drank the liquid happiness began radiating off them. Katsuki even had a small smile as he looked at the cup.
Inko: Guess what you and (Y/N) are standing beneath, Katsuki.
Katsuki: Hm?
(Y/N): *confused hiss*
We all looked up and saw that small plant Izuku called a mistletoe. The explosive human immediately yelled in protest as I hissed before continuing to drink my hot chocolate.
Katsuki: No!
Inko: If you do it I'll give you more hot chocolate.
He immediately stopped protesting and looked deep in thought seriously weighing the pros and cons of this deal. In the end he decided he's willing to give up some of his pride for more of Inko's delicious hot chocolate.
Katsuki: Come here you bastard! I'm getting more of that hot chocolate no matter what!
Since I was drinking from my bowl I was taken by surprise when he picked me up and kissed my head. A few clicking sounds followed by Inko giggling made him drop me He then began to furiously wipe his mouth while I furiously wiped my head.
Inko: Okay here you go.
She pored more hot chocolate into his cup while I continued to wipe my head. A few seconds later Izuku picked me up confusing me before he gave me a kiss on my forehead, but unlike with Katsuki I returned the gesture using my head to rub against his. He gave me a cheerful smile while hugging me.
Izuku: Merry Christmas, (Y/N).
I cuddled deeper into his arms with my head buried in his neck as Inko took a picture of us.
Merry Christmas, my king.
Inko: I need to send these to Mitsuki.
(Bonus scene):
I was watching over Izuku as he slept when an unfamiliar scent made me rise on full alert. Izuku and Inko are both sleeping which is a human's most vulnerable state to be in, so I was on edge. I got out of Izuku's bed making sure not to wake him up as I exited his room. I made my way to the origin of the noise which was the living room, but I stopped in my tracks at what I saw when I entered. A human with a gaint bag was there eating our cookies.
Intruder! And he's eating my cookies!
I wasted no time in charging at the mysterious intruder with full intent to slaughter him. And this time no one was here to stop me.
3rd pov:
The mysterious man turned around at the sound of rapid footsteps only to be met with (Y/N)'s sharp blades. All the while Izuku remained asleep unaware of his bestfriend attacking a man dressed in red.
(I'm thinking of making another story. Also let me know if you want more side chapters or if you just want the regular chapters. As an apology for this being late take a penguin.)
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