Chapter 8 - Rage, You Damn Nerd
(Y/N) pov:
As I was going over to congratulate Izuku I sensed anger and malicious intent. The source of this hostility was radiating off the explosion human. His eyes had an emotion that said he was ready to kill, an emotion I'm very familiar with. That immediately put me in defensive mode so I ran in front of Izuku incase the explosion human attacked.
Katsuki: Hey!
I was right he began to run at us while making explosions in his hands.
Katsuki: Tell me what's going on, Deku, you bastard!
Izuku hid behind me terrified as he was getting closer. I was about to skewer his leg with my tail but Aizawa used his scarf to restrain the human bomb.
Katsuki: What the--? These cloths are hard...!
Aizawa: They're weapons for capture made of carbon fiber woven together with metal wire made of a special alloy. Jeez... Don't keep making me use my Quirk over and over. I have dry eye.
He released the explosion human before his scarf wrapped back around his neck.
Aizawa: We're wasting time. Whoever's next, get ready.
That would be me. But first I need to escort Izuku back to the other humans.
I wrapped my tail around Izuku's uninjured hand as I began to lead him over to the other humans. On the way the human bomb glared at me so I kindly returned the gesture. Before we got to far away I spoke to him.
(Y/N): You should thank your teacher, Kacchan. After all, he unfortunately saved your leg from being amputated.
He flinched at that before his glare intensified amusing me. We made it back to the others where I placed Izuku next to the kind human since I trust her the most.
Aizawa: Hurry up, (Y/N). We still have more things to do.
I merely hissed at his order for me to increase my speed, but regardless I went back to the circle where he handed me a ball.
I have enough strength to rival my mother especially when I'm enraged, so this should be nothing.
With that encouraging thought I launched the ball straight into the air causing a slight shockwave to form. The ball kept soaring higher and higher as it looked to be gaining speed. But just like with the kind human's ball it went so high you couldn't see it anymore. Aizawa walked over to me before handing me another cat shaped snack which I promptly devoured.
Aizawa: You know by this point I wouldn't be surprised if you could speak.
(Y/N): But I can it just really hurts my throat when I do.
Aizawa: Like I said not surprised. Anyway you got Infinity as well so come on there's more things to do.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
After that we began to do various tasks which Izuku seemed to struggle with. He collapsed on the ground panting and covered in sweat as the others walked past him. I wiped his sweat away while covering him from the unforgiving rays of the sun. A few minutes later he was alright and just in time to as Aizawa had us all lined up.
Aizawa: Okay, I'll quickly tell you the results. The total is simply the marks you got from each test. It's a waste of time to explain verbally so I'll show you the results all at once.
Izuku was trembling so I tried to comfort him but even I felt dread if he was terminated. He pressed something which showed the results and I was immediately filled with dread.
Izuku was in last place but what made it worse was that I was in first. Not only did I fail to make sure Izuku didn't get last place but I excelled securing his fate.
Before Izuku could look I covered his eyes so he wouldn't see my failure. He gently moved my hands away and I saw as fear filled his eyes as he went down the list. Until he finally landed on his name which was in last and it looked like all the hope in his eyes were gone.
Aizawa: By the way, I was lying about the expulsion.
Everyone froze and stared at him with wide eyes as a smile grew on his face.
Aizawa: It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your Quirks.
All: What?!
A female human to our right then spoke.
???: Of course that was a lie. It should've been obvious if you just thought it through.
I should consume her brain for the knowledge stored within. And I'll get whatever her power is so it's a win-win for me, but maybe not for her.
It seemed Izuku knew my intention as he tugged on my leash before I could move toward her.
Aizawa: With that we're done here. There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom so when you get back, look over them.
My king let out a sigh of relief before Aizawa handed him a piece of paper.
Aizawa: Midoriya-- Have the old lady fix you in the nurse's office. Tomorrow will be packed with even more rigorous tests. Prepare yourself.
I might need to kill someone with a healing power to assist Izuku. But he doesn't want me to kill innocent people or any people for that matter. I'll just have to go out hunting when he's busy slumbering.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
We were walking out of the school with me giving Izuku a piggyback ride since he was exhausted.
Izuku: So tired...
(Y/N): Once we get home I'll make you a nice cold beverage and give you a nice relaxing massage. How does that sound?
Izuku: That sounds nice thanks (Y/N) your the best.
(Y/N): I-
A hand being firmly placed on my shoulder causes me to cut myself off. Not wasting a second I grabbed the arm of the human and flipped them over us so I could deliver the killing blow. But before I could slice their face apart Izuku grabbed my arm.
Izuku: Wait (Y/N) it's just Iida!
I inspected the dazed human and when I saw the glasses and blue hair I recognized him. I picked him up with one hand as the other was holding Izuku up.
(Y/N): Sorry human I thought you were an attacker.
He readjusted his glasses and fixed his hair before speaking.
Tenya: It's alright I should've announced my presence. I approached to see if Midoriya's finger is healed.
Izuku: Yeah, thanks to Recovery Girl.
(Y/N) pov:
We were in the nurse's office as Izuku was screaming while the old human kissed his finger. I was lying down on a nearby bed watching all of this unfold. And just like last time his finger turned back to normal as he finally stopped screaming.
Izuku: Wow, it's healed! But I suddenly feel very tired...
Recovery Girl: My Quirk can only stimulate a person's healing ability. Healing requires stamina. If you keep getting major injuries, you'll use to much stamina and end up dying instead, so be careful.
Dying?! I'll need to increase my surveillance on Izuku to ensure his survival.
Izuku: I'll end up dying instead?!
~Flashback end~
We were now walking with Iida as he had a conversation with Izuku.
Tenya: I was really taken in by Mr. Aizawa. I even thought "This is the best of the best" and such. I didn't even think a teacher would encourage us with a lie.
A voice then yelled out from behind us and I already recognized her just from her voice.
???: Hey! You three! Going to the station? Wait for me!
Are we going to the station? I always just run straight back home while carrying Izuku, but I guess this is a good opportunity for him to make some allies.
Izuku: Uraraka?!
Tenya: You're the infinity girl.
Ochaco: I'm Ochaco Uraraka. Um, you're Tenya Iida, you're (Y/N), and you're Deku Midoriya, right?
On instinct I growled which scared Iida but Izuku was just shocked and Uraraka didn't seem to notice.
Izuku: "Deku"?!
Ochaco: Huh? But during the fitness test, the boy named Bakugo said-- Deku, you bastard! Right?
To calm me down Izuku rubbed my
(h/c) hair which caused me to purr.
Izuku: Um... my real name is Izuku, but D-Deku is what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me...
Tenya: An insult?
Ochaco: Oh, is that right? Sorry! But Deku sounds like the Japanese word for "You can do it!" so I kinda like it.
Izuku: I'm Deku!
Tenya: Midoriya? You're accepting it too easily! Wasn't that an insult?
Izuku just hid his face into my oversized sweater.
(Y/N): You accepted that rather quick Izuku. Or shall I address you as Deku from now on?
He lifted his head up which was still beet red and whispered in my ear.
Izuku: It's fine (Y/N), you can keep calling me Izuku.
I just nodded before continuing our walk to the station instead. All the while Izuku was speaking with the other two now allies while occasionally conversing with me.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
We finally made it home with a still exhausted Izuku on my back. The other two humans were nice so I'll consider them allies... for now at least. I placed Izuku on the couch before taking off his shoes so he can lay on the couch properly. With my king now comfortable I went into the kitchen to prepare the nice cold drink just like how Inko taught me to. Once I had all the ingredients out I quickly ran upstairs and got Izuku some clean comfortable clothes. While I was making the iced tea I would occasionally go and check on Izuku.
He seemed to be relaxing watching TV while wearing his All Might pajamas. The iced tea was now ready so I grabbed some snacks to go along with his drink. When I entered the room Izuku immediately thanked me for everything I was doing.
Izuku: Not that I don't appreciate what you're doing for me (Y/N), but why?
I handed him his iced tea before setting down his snacks on the table.
(Y/N): You seemed more stressed than usual from the day you had. So I decided to alleviate some of that stress to help.
He took a sip of the iced tea and let out a sigh of satisfaction once done.
Izuku: It tastes really good, (Y/N)! You almost replicated it perfectly.
(Y/N): I could never replicate the perfection of that of your mother's. I can't perfect perfection.
He chuckled before he looked like he wanted to say something. I crouched down to look up at his face before questioning him.
(Y/N): What is it, Izuku?
Izuku: Aren't you going to tell me more about your family?
(Y/N): Sure there's my mother and hundreds of my siblings both born and unborn. What do you want to know?
Izuku: Well... what happened to them?
When he said that a quick flashback of the yautja killing my siblings and taking my mother flashed before my eyes. That memory caused me to let out a growl and my pupils to dilate which surprised Izuku. I guess he thought I was angry at him as he began to rapidly apologize while shaking.
Izuku: I-I'm s-so sorry, (Y/N)! I won't pry into your personal life anym-
I cut him off with a hug trying to calm his nerves.
(Y/N): It's fine I just got a quick flashback of something horrible. My home was attacked by predators and they killed every single one of my siblings while taking my mother.
Izuku immediately hugged me while rubbing my (h/c) hair.
Izuku: I'm so sorry that happened to you, (Y/N).
I began to slowly calm down before grabbing one of the snacks I brought for Izuku.
(Y/N): What's done is done all I can do is move on.
I munched on the snack as Izuku looked deep in thought. He then let out a small gasp before struggling to say his sentence.
Izuku: Don't you want to... l-leave and find your mother.
Do I? She is my mother and queen so I'll always remain loyal to her. But I have no way to find or get to her and she has yet to speak with me after all these years. Even if she did order me back I think I want to stay here with Izuku, my new king.
(Y/N): No, I'm loyal to you now. You're my new king and I won't lose you or Inko like I did my old family. I won't abandon you even if my mother orders me too. As long as you want me that is.
Izuku had so much joy on his face I thought he would explode. But instead he hugged me which I gladly returned. I placed his iced tea on the small table before laying us both on the couch while grabbing the remote with my tail. I turned on the TV and handed Izuku the remote while I acted like a blanket for him.
I promise you Izuku I'll protect you no matter what. Even if it costs me my life to ensure yours.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
I opened my eyes to see the room shrouded in darkness and Izuku sleeping while holding my tail. The clock on the wall read 12:00, at least that's what I think it said.
It's hunting time, have sweet dreams Izuku I'll be back later.
I slowly removed my tail from his surprisingly iron grip but he began to immediately shiver and shake. It looked like he was about to wake up so I quickly placed a pillow I was laying on in his hands. He stopped before turning his body to face the couch as he continued his slumber in peace. Wasting no time I quietly ran out the house and onto the roofs in search of any humans with powers for me to take.
After a while of searching I smelled two humans nearby with a trace of smoke coming from an alleyway. I hopped on the roof above the alleyway to observe my potential prey. One human was smoking a cigarette while the other was using something I couldn't see.
???: So what are our orders after this?
???: That's what I'm trying to find out but no one is answering.
The human that answered his ally turned around and showed he was holding a phone so he will be the first to go. I jumped down on top of the human pinning him down as I attempted to take a chunk out of his brain. But his ally reacted immediately and distracted me by breaking a weak wood bat over my head. The human beneath me tried to get up but I held him down with relative ease. As for the other human I began to strangle him with my tail. While the other human tried miserably to remove my tail I went back to the human beneath me.
???: P-Please don't kill us we-
I immediately gave him a head bite not wanting to hear his begging. But I noticed his voice sounded different that time. As his body fell limp I turned to the human being hanged from my tail, whose struggles began to lessen with each passing second. I dropped him in front of me and just stared at him.
???: W-What do you want m-monster?
(Y/N): Your brain human.
He began to tear up as he got on his hands and knees disgusting me.
???: Please spare me! You already killed my partner so just let me go!
Is that desperation? Creatures staring death in the eyes will do anything to survive. Anything...
(Y/N): I could use information on you and your ally's Quirks and the people your working for.
He slowly looked up at me with a small hope in his eyes.
???: A-Anything you want to know I'll tell you! I have a healing Quirk that takes any and all wounds off anyone, no matter how major they are when I place my hand on their heart. But the wounds get inflicted on me instead. My partner had a Quirk called mimic. It allowed him to sound like anyone he heard before. As for my bosses who do you want to know about?
This human has a healing Quirk so my hunting has come to a quick end. But these humans have more than one leader. The memories of the other human didn't kick in yet so I'll just eat his brain and wait.
I grabbed his head as he began to plead for mercy once more. Bringing his head up I shot my tounge through his skull and into his brain, taking a piece into my mouth on the way out. Finally their memories flashed through my brain, and I thought I would see the same human wearing a suit. But I saw several humans two in particular stood out to me. One had hands all over his body while the other seemed to be made of dark smoke.
Strange there must be other villains out there that have minions. But I can't dwell on this now I need to get back to Izuku.
I quickly spewed acid on the bodies before running all the way back to Izuku's home. I opened the door to see Izuku still sleeping on the couch with the pillow I gave him hugged close. I closed the door before walking over to Izuku and laying back down next to him like nothing happened.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
We were all now in English class, I believe. The loud human wrote down four sentences of strange symbols I couldn't read. I was sitting next to Izuku with a pencil and a piece of paper, which had various drawings of me and my siblings, on my desk.
Present Mic: Which of these English sentences is wrong?
Nobody answered and I was busy doodling me and Izuku burning several planets.
Present Mic: Everybody, heads up! Let's get this party started! (Y/N), stop doodling and pay attention!
I merely hissed at him before going back to drawing. While I was drawing the female human behind me raised her hand.
Present Mic: Okay, Yaoyorozu, come on!
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
We were now in the kingdom of food and snacks. I was laying on the floor next to Izuku while he sat with Iida and Ochaco. A creature I believed to be human came up to us, I let out a low hiss while Izuku was in awe.
Lunch Rush: White rice is great comfort food, isn't it?
The kind human gave a slight nod while I continued to stare the human down.
Ochaco: Yeah.
The human then took out a bag that had a delicious smell radiating off it.
Lunch Rush: And this is for your pet. Does he know any tricks?
How dare he assume me as a mindless pet to be ordered around?!
Izuku: (Y/N), can you do a quick trick for Lunch Rush?
As you command.
I used my tail to act as a pogo stick while I began to bounce around. The humans in the area clapped for me as well as the pro hero and Izuku. I stopped bouncing and stared at the pro hero waiting for my snack. He tossed one treat in the air which I promptly devoured once I caught it. The great taste almost made me shed a tear but I remained strong.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
We were now in the final class which was Hero Basic Training. I was laying my head on Izuku's lap while he rubbed my messy (h/c) hair.
All Might: I am...
My king immediately perked up patted my shoulder signaling me the beginning of class.
All Might: ...coming through the door like a normal person!
Such a normal entrance by a normal person.
All the humans were in awe of the legendary #1 pro hero before them. But I had more urgent matters like taking a nap beside Izuku. He was now in front of the whole class still looking powerful.
All Might: I teach Hero Basic Training. It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of becoming a hero. You'll take the most units of this subject! Let's get right into it! This is what we'll do today-- Combat Training!
Katsuki: Combat...
All Might: And to go with that are these! Costumes based on your Quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started.
Izuku: Costumes!
All Might: After you change, gather in Ground Beta!
All: Yes sir!
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
It took a while for Izuku to put on his hero costume so I waited until he was ready. When he finally came out the locker room we were already far behind the other humans. His costume even came with a belt made to hold onto me while we traveled at high speeds. So I could now use my tail in combat whenever I do carry him with his costume on. Like now the belt wrapped nicely around me as I ran into the testing ground carrying Izuku.
Ochaco: Oh, Deku?
Izuku: Uraraka!
I could feel and hear my king's heart quicken when he gazed at Uraraka.
Ochaco: That looks cool! Really down to earth. (Y/N) do you not have a hero costume?
I don't need one it would just hinder my abilities.
Ochaco: I should've written what I wanted... Mind ended up being a skintight bodysuit. It's embarrassing...
How are you meant to avoid attacks in that?
???: The hero course is the best.
The human to my left looked to be in what humans call a diaper.
All Might: Now, it's time for combat training!
Tenya: Sir! This is a battle center form the previous exam, so will we be conducting urban battles again.
All Might: No, we're going to move ahead two steps! Most of the time, fighting villains takes place outside, but if you look at the total numbers, atrocious villains appear indoors at a higher rate. Imprisonment, house arrest, backroom deals-- In this society filled with heroes, truly intelligent villains hide in the shadows!
Any smart creature will know to hide and strike in the shadows.
All Might: For this class, you'll be split into villains and heroes and fight 2-on-2 indoor battles.
???: Without basic training?
The instinct to fight and flee should be natural. Besides it's better to go in blind to get the full experience.
All Might: This is a real battle to understanding those basics! However, the key this time is that there's no robot you can just beat up.
Momo: How will wins and losses be determined?
Katsuki: Can we beat them up anyway?
Ochaco: Will the punishment be expulsion like with Mr. Aizawa?
Tenya: How shall we be split up?
???: Isn't this cape crazy?
(Y/N): Am I allowed to kill the humans since this is a real battle?
All Might: I'll answer all your questions! And no (Y/N) you can't! Now listen here. The situation is that the villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout. The heroes are trying to dispose of that. The heroes need to catch the villains or get the nuclear weapon back in the allotted time. The villains need to protect the nuclear weapon foe the whole time, or catch the heroes.
He then took out a yellow box with the word "Lots" written on.
All Might: Teams and opponents will be determined by drawing lots!
Tenya: They're being decided so haphazardly?
Izuku: Pros often have to create makeshift teams with heroes from other agencies, so maybe that's why?
Tenya: I see. The discernment to look ahead... Please excuse my rudeness!
All Might: It's fine. Let's do this quickly!
Everyone was quickly sorted into teams but I wasn't with Izuku I was by myself. I began to let out a low hiss do to my growing agitation.
Izuku: It's alright (Y/N) I'll only be gone for a little while.
All Might: (Y/N), will it make you feel better if I let you battle against a team of your choosing?
I only gave a slow nod showing my confirmation as my hissing died down.
All Might: The first teams to fight will be... these guys!
The two letters were D and A which was Izuku and Ochaco vs Katsuki and Tenya. My growling came back as I saw the explosion human smirk at me.
All Might: Team A will be the heroes, and Team D will be the villains. Everyone else, head toward the monitor room.
All: Yes sir.
All Might had to pick me up and hold my leash as I wouldn't move from my spot glaring at the explosion maker. Once he was sure I wouldn't rip Katsuki apart he wrapped my leash around his hand before speaking to the teams.
All Might: Villain team, go in first and set up! In five minutes, the hero team will break in, and the battle will start!
Before we left All Might spoke with the villain team as Izuku made sure to calm me down.
If this battle goes to far I'll finish it.
All Might then led me to the observation room where he tied my leash to his waist so I couldn't go far.
All Might: Now, let's start the indoor person-to-person combat training with Team A and Team D! Okay, everyone, you should think as well. Also keep
(Y/N) distracted, he may run in there and interfere with the battle.
A few minutes in and Izuku dodged a surprise attack saving Ochaco as well.
???: A surprise attack from the start?
???: Bakugo, that's cheating! A surprise attack isn't manly at all!
Surprise attacks and ambushes are all strategies in battles that me and my siblings perfected.
As Katsuki was about to launch another explosion Izuku grabbed his arm and flipped him onto his back. I let a smile stretch across my face as Izuku was finally standing up to Katsuki.
This is a fight I hoped and dreaded would come, and now it's finally here. I just hope you come out on top my king. Seeing you hurt is making the rage inside me grow so I might not be able to control myself for too long.
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