Chapter 7 - What I Can Do for Now
(Y/N) pov:
The night after Izuku opened his acceptance letter, that person contacted him. And there was no way I was going to let him go meet him alone at night.
Izuku: All Might!
We seemed to have surprised him as blood began to shoot out his mouth.
All Might: Who's that?!
There were two bystanders not too far away that seemed to have hear Izuku scream.
Random: No way! Where?
All Might: Repeat after me "I had the wrong person."
My king then began to flail his arms around repeating what All Might said as I copied his gestures.
Izuku: Oh. I had the wrong person!
The two humans let out disappointed comments as All Might and Izuku let out sighs of relief. Then All Might looked past Izuku to me before freezing, thinking another human knows his secret identity.
All Might: Young Midoriya! I said don't tell people about my secret identity!
Izuku: Wh-What but I-! Oh, don't worry All Might that's just (Y/N) he transformed into a human a week ago.
This seemed to settle his nerves as he sighed in relief once more, before tossing a granola bar into the air. It was pretty high up so I slightly jumped catching the snack on the way down.
All Might: Another great catch! Anyway congrats on getting accepted.
Izuku: Th-Th-Thank you very much!
They both high fived as All Might tossed me another snack seeing as I was already done with the first.
All Might: Just so you know, I didn't tell the school about my connection to you. You're the type that would think that's cheating, right? I wasn't one of the judges.
Izuku: Th-Thank you for your concern! But I was surprised to find out (Y/N) can come with me and that you were a teacher at U.A. So that's why you came here huh? I mean, your agency is in Roppongi in Minato, Tokyo at--
I was going to stop his rambling but All Might beat me to it.
All Might: Stop that!
He then turned around to watch the water as I layed next to Izuku getting sand on and in my (f/c) pants.
All Might: I couldn't tell anyone before the school announced it. I just happened to be offered a job from U.A. when I was searching for a successor.
My king looked down at his hands deep in thought as I stood on standby to help him if he gets emotional.
Izuku: My body broke with one kick and one punch of One For All. I can't control it at all.
All Might: That can't be helped. It's like if you asked a person who suddenly grew a tail to do a trick, they wouldn't even be able to control it.
My siblings and I were able to transform our bodies into wheels the moment we were born. I wonder if I can still do it?
While they were still speaking I stuck my tail in my mouth and bit down, not enough to hurt just enough to hold on tight. With my tail secure I tucked in my arms and legs as I leaned forward causing me to roll. Izuku and All Might stopped talking to watch me speed around the beach as a makeshift wheel.
This brings back so many memories. I wasn't the fastest out of my siblings, the fastest was Maurice. But he was a runner so of course he would be the fastest. Although the strongest has always been me. I was even surprisingly stronger than our mother!
I rolled up a slanted rock allowing me to fly high in the air. While falling I released my tail and untucked my arms and legs allowing me to land safely next to Izuku. I bowed as All Might and Izuku applauded my performance.
Izuku: That was really cool, (Y/N)!
All Might: Very impressive, here!
He tossed an oddly shaped snack in the form of a cat face. Not wanting the adorable and delicious smelling treat to hit the ground I caught it with my tounge. They once again applauded as I ate the treat. It surprisingly tasted delicious perhaps better than all the other snacks I was given.
All Might: Amazing catch!
Izuku: Hey, All Might? What was that treat you tossed him?
All Might: That was a cat treat. It was surprisingly cheap for a huge bag. Anyway what was I saying? Oh right now, you're either at a hundred percent or zero.
He picked up two cans off the ground as he continued to speak to Izuku.
All Might: But once you can control it,
you'll be able to adjust to what your body can handle.
Izuku: Control?!
All Might: The more you train a vessel, the more you'll be able to move the power freely.
He went into his buff form instantly as he crushed the two cans in his hand.
All Might: Like this.
Random: Wait is that All Might?!
Random 2: No way! When did he get here?!
All Might: Let's go, Young Midoriya. You too (Y/N).
Izuku: Y-Yes, sir!
(Y/N): *hiss*
We began to run with All Might leading Izuku in the middle with me at his side.
Where are we running to anyway? Do I really care? Nope. Just as long as I'm right by Izuku's side all the way.
It was currently April I was sitting next to the door waiting as Izuku was tying his bright red shoes. Izuku attempted to place me inside the same constricting clothing he is wearing but he was unsuccessful. Normally I would abide by Izuku's orders but those clothes greatly reduce my movement. He just settled for letting me wear my (f/c) pants and a baggy sweater with the U.A. logo stitched on both.
Inko: Izuku, do you have a tissue?
Izuku: Yeah.
Inko: And your handkerchief? What about your handkerchief? Your hanky?
Izuku: I have it! I'm going to be late. I have to hurry.
No you won't, I'll get us there in record time. The only way you'll be late is if you want to walk there.
Izuku got up and grabbed my leash while placing his backpack on his shoulders.
Inko: Izuku!
Izuku: What is it?!
She raised her head showing her eyes filled with admiration and small tears with a smile.
Inko: You're really cool.
My king gave his mother a smile before opening the door.
Izuku: I'm off!
Inko: Hold on! I forgot to give this to you. Here, it's a bag of small treats to keep (Y/N) calm throughout the day. Hopefully he won't cause to much trouble for anyone.
I will melt the entire building by the end of the day.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
I ran through the building with Izuku hanging onto my back with my tail acting as a seatbelt.
From what my king said there will be 18 other humans in our class. I just hope they'll be kind to Izuku if not I'm going to have to melt more bodies. Izuku also said don't attack anybody unless they attack first.
Izuku: Class 1A... 1A... This place's too big...
I hissed and gestured to a giant door with 1A on it. I stopped outside the door placing Izuku down as he grabbed my leash.
Izuku: The door's huge! Is it for accessibility...?
(Y/N): I believe it is, unless they needed to make the door huge to write 1A on it. I wonder if my mother could fit through there?
Izuku: Really how tall is your mom?
(Y/N): 4.5 meters I believe.
Izuku: What?!
(Y/N): Don't look so shocked I was taller than her by a meter or two and stronger. But I can tell you about my family later right now focus.
Izuku: You're right the elite chosen from the huge number at the exam...
I could sense his heart rate spike for a second. From all my years of killing various creatures I know this is from fear. So to calm him I rubbed his shoulders purring. He seemed to relax so I spoke encouraging words to him.
(Y/N): You got this, you're powerful. If you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth.
Izuku: What?
I got off him and went back to his side ready to enter the room.
(Y/N): That is what a human said on the TV.
He made his way to the door opening it while speaking. I activated the invisibility Quirk I gained from the human. My body and clothes were now completely invisible allowing me to survey the humans within unseen.
Izuku: Alright, well I hope we're not in the same class as the scary peopl--
???: Don't put your feet on the desk!
Katsuki: Huh?
He was cut off by the blue haired human and the explosion human arguing. I surveyed our new classroom inspecting the other humans.
I say half of these humans have the potential to kill me but the other half won't even be able to touch me.
???: Don't you think that's rude to the U.A. upperclassmen and the people who made the desk?
Katsuki: Nope. What junior high did you go to, you side character?
Tenya: I attended Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida.
He did a strange gesture with his hand while saying that which confused me.
Katsuki: Somei? So you're a damn elite, huh? Looks like I'll have fun crushing you.
The blue one seemed taken aback by the explosion human's threat.
Has no one threatened him with death before?
Tenya: "Crushing"? That's cruel. Do you truly aim to be a hero?
The explosion human looked away in our direction making the blue haired human look as well.
Tenya: You're...
This caused all of the humans to look in our direction. With all of their attention directed to us Izuku got flustered.
Izuku: Oh, um...
Tenya: Good morning!
He began to walk toward us but the way he walked to us looked like he might attack. His fists were clenched and he kept making direct eye contact. Not wanting to reveal my position yet I remained hidden while silencing my hisses and growls.
Tenya: I am from Somei Private Academy. My name is--
Izuku: I heard! I'm Midoriya. Nice to meet you, Iida.
Tenya: Midoriya, you realized there was something more to that practical exam, didn't you? I had no idea... I misjudged you! I hate to admit it, but you are better than me.
He began to get slightly closer which finally caused me to reveal myself.
(Y/N): *hiss*
My hiss made him freeze as well as the rest of the humans. I slowly stood up deactivating my invisibility. As the effect of the Quirk deactivated it slowly revealed my entire 7 feet body. He was getting way too close for my liking so I brandished my tail at him.
Izuku: (Y/N) it's alright nobody here is going to hurt me, except maybe Kacchan.
I slowly sat back at his side as he tossed me one of the cat treats his mother gave him. I swiftly ate it as he began to rub my (h/c) hair to calm me down.
Izuku: I'm sorry about that (Y/N) is just really protective of me.
Tenya: B-But why is-
I heard a familiar voice behind us and when I turned around I saw the kind human.
???: Oh, that curly hair! You're the plain looking one! But where's your pet? I really wanted to met them again.
I hissed which got her attention but when she saw me she had a different response than last time.
???: Hey why do you have another student on a leash? And why isn't he wearing the uniform?
Tenya: That happens to be my same question, Midoriya! Why do you have a fellow classmate on a leash?! And you!
He then pointed at me which caused me to get slightly annoyed.
Tenya: Why aren't you in proper attire?! Have you no respect or care for U.A.'s rules?!
Not really no.
Izuku: Wh-What?! This is (Y/N) my pet, he just somehow gained a quirk that made him partially human!
???: Oh, well it's nice to meet you again,
She began to rub my head which caused me to purr.
Tenya: I see apologies for the misunderstanding. It's a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N).
He reached his hand out to me while the kind human and Izuku began to talk to each other. Right before he could get any closer I hissed at him causing him to back up.
You have yet to give me a treat yet you wish to touch me?
The kind human must've said something to fluster Izuku as his face was as red as the blood of his enemies. The kind human began to imitate smashing something while saying break. I turned to my left to see the explosion human glaring at Izuku. When he noticed me his glare only faltered slightly before becoming more intense. I just smirked at him remembering when he attempted to assault Izuku in a secluded area of their old school.
(Y/N) pov:
Izuku told me to wait outside for him as one of the teachers needed to speak to him and explosion human. While I was surveying the school grounds I saw Izuku be dragged along by the explosion maker.
He'll never learn would he? No matter what I do he keeps targeting my king for what reason I have yet to understand.
I followed after them undetected wanting to see what this altercation was for this time. It seems Izuku unintentionally ruined his plan for his future. Hearing enough I slithered my way behind him before looming over them. He saw my huge shadow but before he could turn I wrapped my tail around his neck hoisting him in the air.
I learned he hates to be called Kacchan and that humans die quick when cut off from a steady supply of oxygen, so I have to make this quick.
(Y/N): Now, now, Kacchan. We wouldn't want you to die so young. Especially before you can attend U.A., so do us both a favor and leave. It's what you humans call a win-win, no? You keep your life and I won't have to dissolve another body.
Seeing he was about to pass out I dropped him as he gasped for air. Once he was okay he glared at me and Izuku before walking away. When he left Izuku began to lecture me about almost killing him.
~Flashback end~
He'll never learn but I'm glad he won't, it keeps things interesting.
I could smell another human approaching but it's scent was strangely similar to a cat's. I looked back up to Izuku just to see him covering his face which was tinted a more intense red.
???: I wonder if today's just the entrance ceremony and orientation? I wonder what our teacher's like?
Izuku: --S-So close!
The scent of cats was now at the door which caught my attention. There was a human inside of a yellow shell, he looks very tired.
???: --Aren't you nervous?
???: Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends.
But having allies are essential especially during war times.
They seemed to have now noticed the human in the yellow shell.
???: This is the hero course.
He then took out a strange pouch that smelled of something nice. I slowly made my way over to him as I wanted some of that snack.
???: Who are you and why aren't you wearing a proper uniform?
Izuku explained to him I acquired a Quirk that made me human. While they were talking I sniffed around the yellow shell smelling more treats. I was about to cut open the shell when the human inside took another pouch out.
???: I'll give this to you if you leave my sleeping bag alone.
Wanting the snack I nodded as he handed it to me. Not knowing how to eat it I just threw the entire thing in my mouth which caused the human to widen his eyes slightly before going back to not caring. The taste wasn't that bad, it was fruity and mushy. Satisfied I went back to Izuku's side as the human got up and shed it's yellow shell.
???: Okay, it took eight seconds before you were quiet. Time is limited. You kids are not rational enough.
All of the humans attention was now on the sad and tired looking human.
Aizawa: I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you.
He looks physically weak, but I know better than to judge my potential opponents before I see them in battle.
He then reached into his yellow shell and took out blue clothes.
Aizawa: It's kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field.
Do I have to wear that too?
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
All: A Quirk assessment test?!
The humans synchronized yelling slightly hurt my ears but the pain quickly went away.
???: What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?
Aizawa: If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events. U.A.'s selling point is how unrestricted it's school traditions are. That's also how the teacher's run their classes. You kids have been doing these since junior high, too, right?
He then pulled out a phone that contained words that I couldn't read.
Aizawa: Physical fitness tests were you weren't allowed to use your Quirks. The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their Quirks. It's not rational. Well, the Ministry of Education is procrastinating. Bakugo, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right? In junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw?
Katsuki: 67 meters.
I remember that, I was on the roof of the school cheering Izuku on. He didn't do so good but he said my cheering helped, so that made me feel nice.
Aizawa: Then, try doing it with your Quirk.
The explosion human moved to into the nearby circle as Aizawa handed him the ball.
Aizawa: You can do whatever you want as long as you stay in the circle. Hurry up. Give it all you've got.
Katsuki: Then, well...
He prepared to throw it as he stretched his arms before rearing back his hand activating his Quirk.
Katsuki: Die...!
Izuku: Die?
Was the object alive? Well if it was before, it sure isn't now.
Aizawa: Know your own maximum first. That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero.
He showed the screen that showed 705.2m. The other humans began to speak about how fun this is.
???: 750 meters? Seriously?
???: What's this? It looks fun!
That human smells strangely of acid, but don't humans die when they come in contact with it? I will have to inspect this further.
???: We can use our Quirks as much as we want! As expected of the hero course!
I have no idea why but I feel like what he said angered Aizawa.
Aizawa: "It looks fun," huh? You have three years to become a hero. Will you have an attitude like that the whole time?
He then had an evil smirk on his face.
Aizawa: All right. Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished by expulsion.
All: Huh?!
Everyone began to radiate fear but most of it came from Izuku. He looked at his hand as he began to shake. Wanting to comfort him I wrapped my tail around him as I hugged him and begin to purr.
(Y/N): Do not fear, Izuku. I'm technically a student here so if I fail all tests you'll be safe from termination.
Izuku: B-
He was cut off by the teacher speaking once more.
Aizawa: We're free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students.
He then moved the hair out of his eyes revealing a smile.
Aizawa: Welcome to U.A.'s hero course.
???: Last place will be expelled? But it's the first day of school! No even if it wasn't the first day of school, this is too unfair!
Unfair? I witnessed my entire family be slaughtered in minutes, while my mother was captured and taken to the yautja's mothership. And all the while I just watched too terrified to save her until it was too late. That is unfair but life still continues on with or without you.
Aizawa: Natural disasters, big accidents, and selfish villains. Calamities whose time or place can't be predicted. Japan is covered in unfairness. Heroes are the ones who reverse those situations. If you wanted to go talk with your friends at Mickey D's after school, too bad. For the next three years, U.A. will do all it can to give you one hardship after another. Go beyond. Plus Ultra. Overcome it with all you've got.
Everyone looked determined to overcome these trials as I stealthy took one of the snacks from Izuku's pockets.
Aizawa: All right, demonstration's over. The real thing starts now.
Test 1: 50-meter dash
The first test was on speed, the blue haired human and the frog human were competing first.
Robot: On your mark... Get set...
With that sound the humans sprinted down to the other side. The blue haired human crossed in 3.04 seconds while the frog human crossed in 5.58 seconds.
The blue haired one might be a problem if we were ever to have a battle of speed. I believe I can go up to 60mph if I really wanted to. But that human seems to almost increase in speed over time, so he may be faster than me.
Next was the kind human and another with a large tail. Before they ran the kind human touched all her clothes making them lighter.
The human with the tail made it in 5.49 seconds while the kind one did it in 7.15 seconds.
That human's tail is nice but mine is better.
Next up was the pink human that smelled of acid and the human with a laser in his stomach.
???: Everyone, your not being creative enough.
Robot: --On your mark.
???: --I'll show you what it's like...
Robot: --Get set...
???: be allowed to use your Quirk!
He jumped up and used his laser to shoot himself backwards towards the finish. Although he fell down after a second of firing it having to get back up and shoot once more. But the pink human already crossed the finish line before he could shoot himself once more. His time ended up being 5.51 seconds.
???: If I shoot for more than a second, I get a stomachache.
My king and the explosion human were next and Izuku seemed nervous. I walked up beside him and gave him another encouraging talk.
(Y/N): Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! You've got this, Izuku!
He seemed to be determined now as I moved to the side to allow him to run.
Robot: On your mark... Get ready...
Katsuki: Explosive speed!
He created huge explosions in his hands propelling him forwards at great speeds. While Izuku used good ol' leg muscles to get to the other side.
Robot: 4.13 seconds.
I cheered on Izuku while he ran wanting to give him moral support. He made it over to the other side three seconds later.
Robot: 7.02 seconds.
Not too bad definitely good for someone that didn't use a Quirk. Izuku was at the end of the track hands on his knees panting. I was going to go back to where the other humans are but before I could the teacher spoke to me.
Aizawa: Oy, you still have to run as well. You may be a pet but you're technically a student so I need you to participate as well.
Does this human think he can order me around?
I just sat down staring at him with defiance clear in my reptile like eyes. He glared at me and looked like he was about to speak again when I smelled a delicious scent and heard my king speak.
Izuku: (Y/N)! Over here! You can have this nice treat, if you run the track as fast as you can!
I perked up when he said treat as I walked over to the start of the track.
Robot: On your mark... Get ready...
The moment I heard the bang I was already at the other side sitting next to Izuku waiting for the treat. All of the humans were shocked as the robot read my speed.
Robot: 0.001 seconds.
All: What?!
Since Izuku was still in shock I just ate the treat out of his hand careful not to bite his hand off. That seemed to snap him out of his shock as he began to rub my (h/c) hair.
Izuku: Wow nice job, (Y/N)!
Keep praising me, it makes me feel more powerful than I already am.
Test 2: Grip strength
I was behind Izuku looking over his head at his device as he closed his eyes concentrating. He then squeezed with all his might and the machine read 56.0.
(Y/N): Not bad Izuku.
Izuku: What do you mean not bad?! That was a terrible score compared to everyone else!
(Y/N): Well at least your grip is stronger than a newborn baby's.
Izuku: Thank you?
???: Wow! 540 kilograms? What are you, a gorilla? Oh, an octopus?
???: Octopuses are sexy.
Is he attracted to octopuses? His scent is weird and for some reason makes me hate him.
Izuku: Well, your turn (Y/N).
I nodded before gripping the machine causing it to break under my power.
Izuku: Wh-What?!
(Y/N): I'm able to tear apart ships with my bear hands, so this is nothing.
Izuku: What species are you?!
(Y/N): The greatest predator in the universe.
He just looked at me confused before shrugging it off thinking I'm just boasting.
Test 3: Standing long jump
While everyone made some great distance Izuku didn't get to far. He got pretty far in my opinion. Regardless he got up and moved to the other end of the sandbox before waving a treat in the air for me. I crouched down used my tail to spring myself high in the air clearing the sandbox and a couple of meters. I ran back over to Izuku quickly to get my treat and some praise.
Test 4: Repeated side steps
The weird smelling grape head used purple balls to bounce himself back and forth to get a nice score. I went next seeing as my king stayed frozen in place. Using my speed and leg muscles I moved so fast I began to blur in their vision.
Test 5: Ball throw
The kind human threw the ball in the air and it kept rising.
Even with my superior vision I could hardly see the ball anymore until I was certain it left the earth. Aizawa showed the score revealing it to be infinity.
All: Infinity?!
???: That's amazing! She got "Infinity"!
Next was Izuku and he looked more nervous than ever. As I was going to cheer him on Iida spoke.
Tenya: It doesn't look good for Midoriya if he continues like this.
Katsuki: Huh? Of course not. He's a Quirkless small fry, you know.
I hissed at him in warning not allowing him to insult Izuku again. Uraraka rubbed my head in an attempt to calm me down which surprisingly worked.
Tenya: Quirkless?! Are you not aware of what he did in the entrance exam?
Katsuki: Huh?
Izuku looked about ready to throw the ball and so he did with a fire in his eyes and probably his stomach too. But before he released it I noticed the teacher's eyes glow red. When he released there was no power behind it and it only went 46 meters.
Izuku: I was definitely trying to use it just now...
Aizawa: I erased your Quirk. That entrance exam was definitely not rational enough. Even a kid like you was accepted.
Those insults to Izuku began to enrage me as I let out a low hiss.
Izuku: You erased my Quirk? Those goggles... I see! You can erase other people's Quirks with your Quirk just by looking at them. The Erasure Hero: Eraser Head!
In my growing rage I didn't notice the rest of the class huddle together.
???: Eraser? I don't know him.
???: I've heard of him. He's an underground hero.
I then smelled a familiar scent one that was similar to All Might.
Aizawa: From what I can tell, you can't control you're Quirk can you? Do you intend to become incapacitated again and have (Y/N) save you?
Izuku: Th-That's not my intention--
He then wrapped Izuku in his scarf and pulled him closer. That was the final straw he attacked first so this is justified, at least in my eyes. I focused on calming myself at least long enough for him to release Izuku. Several agonizing minutes went by as I kept myself from running over there and clawing his eyes out, until he finally released him. Seeing my chance I let out a loud roar before running at Aizawa with blinding speed. He used the scarf to try and grab me but I evaded every single attempt until I got close enough to strike. I grabbed his neck and was about to rip out his throat until Izuku ordered me to stop.
Izuku: (Y/N) no!
I immediately stopped and slowly released the pro hero from my deadly grip as he quickly wrapped the scarf around me. Now this is getting personal so I cut a piece of the scarf off with my razor sharp claws, effectively releasing me. This shocked him as Izuku grabbed my leash ensuring I didn't try and kill Aizawa.
Aizawa: H-How?
His scarf isn't just an ordinary scarf is it? I felt the material and there's something in there. It's not nearly as strong as the human's or yautja's ships, and even then I cut through them like butter.
Izuku: I'm so sorry! I promise it won't happen again!
He just looked between an apologetic Izuku and a glaring pet before sighing.
Aizawa: It's fine. I should've seen that coming from his protectiveness over you. Just throw the ball and remember what I told you.
Izuku nodded as he gave me a treat and told me to apologize to Aizawa which I reluctantly obeyed. While Izuku went back to the circle I went over to Aizawa finishing off the treat while staring at him. I slowly sat near his feet watching Izuku with him.
(Y/N): I'm sorry for almost killing you.
He looked surprised before putting eyedrops in his eyes.
Aizawa: At this point I wouldn't be surprised if you could fly.
I can't fly at least I don't think I can.
Aizawa: Anyway I'm sorry too I shouldn't have acted aggressively towards Midoriya, but he needs to see the reality of his actions.
(Y/N): You're right on that but maybe do it a little more nicely.
Aizawa: Sure. Here, I saw Midoriya give you these to calm down.
He handed me two of the cat shaped snacks which I quickly took and began to devour. I felt him slowly rub my head making me purr. I could hear him let out a low chuckle before whispering.
Aizawa: She was right you really are like a overgrown cat protective of his owner.
I looked up in time to see Izuku throw the ball with his finger glowing getting a great distance. I looked to my right to see his score which was 705.3. His finger was broken badly but he kept a smile on his face as he turned to us.
Izuku: Mr. Aizawa... I can still move!
A smile was now on his face.
Aizawa: This kid...
I then noticed the familiar scent was closer and I saw All Might coming out from behind his hiding place. He looked at Izuku before giving me a thumbs up and throwing me a quick snack. I quickly caught and ate it as All Might went back to his hiding spot as I turned back to Izuku.
You did it Izuku you can control your Quirk slightly more now. We'll grow stronger together just like my siblings became praetorians while I became a ravager. Except this time you will live to see your dream too. Hopefully the yautja don't find this planet before then.
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