Chapter 4 - What It Takes To Be A Hero
(Y/N) pov:
My king! What should I do? That human Izuku held on to jumped a great distance away. But it's not my job to complain it's to follow and protect my king. His scent is still here if I'm quick enough I might be able to catch up with them.
I began to follow the fleeting scent of Izuku and that other human whil running on all fours.
Hang on Izuku I'm on the way! I swear if that human hurt you physically or emotionally I will slaughter him!
Izuku pov:
Izuku: Despite everything I still dream... and I have to know... Is it possible to become a hero even if I don't have a quirk? I'm a normal kid without any powers... Could I ever hope to become someone like you? ...
All Might: Without a quirk? Urgh!!! Oh no, not now, not here.
Izuku: People think I don't have a chance and not having some kind of powers makes me a weakling. My classmate likes to make fun of me, but you know what, that makes me want to prove them wrong. Ever since I was a kid, I thought saving people is the coolest thing you can do. I want people to see my fearless smile and feel safe and be the kind of hero everyone looks up to. Just like you.
3rd pov:
The bottle containing the sludge villain began to shake as he finally awakened.
Sludge Villain: Urgh, where am I? What happened?
Sludge Villain pov:
I threw my body at them while the kid and his pet stayed still.
Did they give up?
Before I could move in time his pet jumped at me stabbing and ripping out my right eye with it's bladed hand.
Sludge Villain: AAAHHH! My eye!
Not long after I was hit by something powerful.
~End of flashback~
Sludge Villain: Oh yeah! Those bastards... If it wasn't for them, I'd be out of town already.
He began to hear several voices coming from behind him. Even though he couldn't see them yet he could tell they were kids.
Goon: That was rough. Are you alright? That thing had a strong grip on your neck.
Goon 2: Yeah! You almost passed out.
Katsuki: Shut it! That thing caught me off gaurd, if I knew it was hiding there I could've taken care of it.
To release some of that anger he kicked the bottle imprisoning the villain.
Sludge Villain: Urgh!
The impact caused the cap to fall off allowing the villain to escape.
Goon 2: You shouldn't waste your time on Midoriya, he's got that dog that follows him everywhere.
Katsuki pov:
I was about to say something when I was pushed with so much force into the wall that it slightly cracked. When I looked up I saw that damn animal Deku found. It raised it's bladed hand intending to kill me, I glared at it but I could tell it could sense my fear. But before it could kill me Deku whispered something to it, and it just looked at me before turning away.
I didn't need him to save me! I didn't need help! Especially from a quirkless bastard like him!
~End of flashback~
Katsuki: Someones' gotta teach that worthless nerd how the world really works. I just got to find a time that damn pet of his isn't around to do that.
As he was talking he exploded the can in his hand before tossing it aside.
Goon 1/Goon 2:hehehehe...
Goon 1: Hey, I got an idea. We should go to the arcade. Get your mind of it you know.
Katsuki: ...Fine.
Goon 2: Or we could sneak into the bar at the station, pick up some ladies?
Goon 1: Now that's a good idea.
Katsuki: IDIOTS!
Goon 1/ Goon 2: Humph.
Katsuki: If we get caught, there is no way U.A would let me in.
They didn't notice the sludge behind them until it rised up.
Goon 1/ Goon 2: Hey, what's that?
Katsuki turned around and saw the sludge villain but its right eye was gone.
Sludge Villain: Perfect. I like skinsuit with some fire. HAHA!
Izuku pov:
Izuku: UAAAAAAAAAaaaa!Ha...I...wait...who...What happened? You deflated. Ha... Where did All Might go? You... you're not him. You're a fake, an imposter.
All Might: I assure you, I am All mi...uaaah!
Blood came out his mouth surprising me.
All Might: You know how guys at the pool are always sucking in and flexing and try to hold their buff? I'm like that.
Izuku: THIS CAN'T BE REAL!!! No... I'm dreaming...All might is of a giant man who saves everyone, he defeats all obstacles and wins the day with a fearless smile.
All Might: Huuu... There's plenty of fear behind that smile. I'm counting on you to keep your mouth shut. Don't go talking about this online or telling your friends.
He lifted up his shirt showing a very terrible looking scar.
All Might: Pretty gross, right? I got this from a big fight five years back. My respiratory system was basically destroyed. I lost my whole stomach. All the surgeries have pretty much worn me out and it can't be fixed. Right now, I can only do hero work for about 3 hours a day. The rest of the time, this is what I look like.
Izuku: *gasp* No way... Five years ago? So does that mean it was the fight with Toxic chainsaw?
All Might: Wow, you know you're stuff, but no. the punk may have landed some hit but he couldn't bring me down. Most of the world has never heard of this fight. I did everything I could to keep it under wraps. I'm supposed to be the guy who always smiles, right? I'm the symbol of peace, people everywhere have to think that I'm never afraid. But honestly, I smile to hide the fear inside. It's just a brave face I put when the pressure is high. This job isn't easy.
As he was about to speak again (Y/N) came from over the railing, when he saw me he tackled and began to nuzzle his head against me.
I guess I really worried him when I pushed him and latched onto All Might.
(Y/N) pov:
I scaled the building and climbed on the roof the scent was coming from. And when I did I saw Izuku with a different human but his scent was the same. Regardless I tackled my king and began to nuzzle him while slightly purring.
Izuku: Hey (Y/N) sorry I left. But look this is All Might!
He pointed over to the human that looked at me in surprise.
All Might: Young man who is this?
My king gently pushed me off and stood up before answering the human. I was sitting next to Izuku as he patted my head.
Izuku: This is (Y/N) I found him when I was 4 years old. He's really changed my life, but I don't know what kind of creature he is.
The human got up and reached a hand out to touch me but before he could I stood up and screamed in his face. This surprised him enough to fall back and look about ready to fight. He was getting too close to me and Izuku. As I was preparing for a battle Izuku grabbed my arm.
Izuku: Stop (Y/N)! I'm sorry All Might, he's just very protective of me.
The human calmed down but started to slowly walk over to a door nearby.
All Might: It's alright that just means he's loyal to you. Anyway back to your question, pro heroes are always having to risk their lives. Some villains just can't be beaten without powers. So no, I honestly don't think you can be a hero without a quirk.
When he said that my king's breathing stopped for a moment. When I looked in his eyes I saw the hope that was once there gone. I let out a low hiss as i raised my bladed hands.
This human made my king sad. He broke his hope so now I shall break him.
It seems Izuku knew my intentions as his grip on my arm tightened.
Izuku: I see.
All Might: If you want to help people, there's plenty of other ways to do it. You can become a police officer. They get crap because the heroes capture most of the villains, but it's a fine profession. It's not bad to have a dream young man, just... make sure your dreams are obtainable, realistic, understand?
When the human left Izuku released my arm and looked deep in thought. I gently lifted his face and pressed my forehead to his and purred. He quietly chuckled and hugged me as I returned the embrace. Not long after an explosion could be seen and heard in the distance. This seemed to get his hope back as he seemed excited.
Izuku: A villain, I wonder which hero will show.
He ran towards the door until he stopped as it seems he had another flashback. He looked dejected as he turned and spoke to me.
Izuku: (Y/N) could you take me home please?
I nodded and gently wrapped my tail around his waist while I made my way to the edge of the roof. I made sure he was ready before I climbed down the building. As I made it to the ground I had a moment to think.
The joy and hope in Izuku's eyes are gone but maybe I can fix that. When he has the most joy in his eyes are when he takes notes on heroes and villains. That explosion was likely the work of a villain or a careless hero.
Instead of going directly to our home I turned in the direction of the explosion. It seems Izuku didn't notice as he was looking through his notebook.
I'm not disobeying his order on going home, I'm merely taking a different route.
With that in mind I quickened my pace to the hopefully ongoing battle.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
We've arrived at the scene of the fight and I've got to say the heroes seem like cowards. But I'm here to make Izuku feel better not to judge the battle. I placed him down which confused him until he looked up ahead.
Izuku: (Y/N) I thought we were going home?
I only hissed and nudged his notebook.
Izuku: Oh did you bring me here to cheer me up?
I nodded and nudged him forward. He had a small smile on his face but it disappeared when he looked forward. Following his gaze I saw the exploding human being suffocated by the villain who's eye I took.
The heroes still haven't defeated the villain? It took quite a while to get here and yet they're just standing there. I can feel their fear along with the exploding human's.
???: Idiot! Stop! Stop!
I was pulled from my thoughts by someone shouting, and when I looked up I was terrified. There my king was running into the battlefield while everyone else watched.
My king! If he gets hit by one of those explosions he will perish!
I charged in after Izuku intending to get him out of the battlefield. The villain sent several explosions at Izuku but surprisingly none of them landed. However one was about to hit him but I got there in time to pull him out of the way.
Izuku: Thanks (Y/N) now- Hey (Y/N)?!
I didn't give him time to finish speaking as I lifted him up and began to run back out the combat zone.
Izuku: (Y/N) stop we have to save Kacchan!
Even when he belittled you almost your entire life you're still willing to save him. You'll make a great hero, at least better than those cowards over there. Well I'll do as you command let's save "Kacchan".
I swiftly turned around and began to charge back into the fray. I dodged the explosions coming our way as Izuku began to analyze the enemy.
The human won't survive much longer if he doesn't breathe.
Izuku seemed to get an idea as he told me to get closer for him to execute his attack. I dodged between the explosions getting closer and closer until Izuku threw his backpack into its eye.
He could've just told me to stab his other eye out, there was no need for him to dirty his backpack with the villain's filth.
Izuku: Kacchan!
Izuku hopped off my back as he began to desperately pull at the villain's body to free the human.
Katsuki: Why are you here?!
Izuku: You looked like you were asking for help...
The villain's eye came back as he glared at Izuku but showed slight fear towards me.
Sludge Villain: Don't get in my way!
As he brought down his hand I quickly covered Izuku with my body.
This explosion will probably kill me but it's my job to protect Izuku at all costs. Even at the cost of my life...
But I didn't feel the pain of the explosion only the heat it produced. When I looked behind me I saw the reason why, All Might protected us.
All Might: I really am pathetic.
Izuku: All Might...
All Might: Even though I admonished you, I wasn't putting what I said into practice!
He grabbed the trapped human as blood came out his mouth.
All Might: Pros are always risking their lives!
The villain lifted his hand ready to attack with another explosion.
Sludge Villain: All Might!
All Might: Detroit Smash!
He pulled the human as he launched his fist successfully defeating the villain while saving the human. The amount of force generated made huge wind pressure causing clouds to form.
This human possesses great power but he's now weakened greatly.
As rain began to fall he raised his fist as the people began to cheer. He looked about ready to fall but he remained standing tall.
He seems like a true hero, he earned my respect as a warrior.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
Izuku told me to wait right here as the heroes wished to speak with him. But when I looked at them they were telling him how idiotic his decision was.
Death Arms: Jeez, there's a limit to how rash you can be! There was absolutely no reason to put yourself in danger!
How dare they speak to him like that. From what I saw they were nothing but cowards. If a child with no powers can run into danger without thinking of himself while they just sat there, what does that make them? I believe it would be better if my king didn't become a hero perhaps a villain would be better. No, his dream is to become a hero and I'll help him achieve that.
Having enough of them speaking to Izuku I got up and made my way over to them.
Izuku pov:
While I was getting lectured I heard a hiss behind me, I already knew it was (Y/N) but what was he doing? (Y/N) got in between me and the pro heroes and screamed at them.
Even though Death Arms is an inch taller than (Y/N) I could see he was slightly intimidated.
Death Arms: Kid is this your pet?
Izuku: Y-Yes.
Kamui Woods: Why isn't it on a leash?
Izuku: T-That's because-
Death Arms: What even is it?
Not taking them interrupting me to well (Y/N) spat acid at their feet causing them to back up. Before anything else could happen (Y/N)'s tail wrapped around me as he began to walk away.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
(Y/N) pov:
We were heading home as I was walking next to Izuku as he rubbed my head once in a while. Everything was calm and quiet until the explosion human ran up to us.
Katsuki: Deku!
Fearing the worst I stood up and got in front of Izuku. But he just held my arm and moved to my side.
Izuku: Kacchan?
Katsuki: I never asked you guys for help! And you didn't help me! Got it?! I was fine by myself. You're a Quirkless failure playing without a full deck! Don't think you can look down on me! Are you trying to make me owe you?! Don't look down on me! You damn nerd!
He began to walk away as I tilted my head in confusion at Izuku.
Izuku: That's probably his way of saying thanks.
Oh he said thank you? I guess I better acknowledge his thanks.
I got on all fours and ran at the exploding human, Izuku yelled for me to come back but I kept running. He turned around and when he saw me he prepared for a fight as he launched an explosion at me. I merely dodged and hugged him as yelled for me to let go and put him down.
Katsuki: Let go of me you damn overgrown... what even are you?!
I'm your mutual friend/enemy.
I purred sending vibrations through his entire body as he slightly vibrated. Once he calmed down I pressed my forehead to his before putting him down and running back to Izuku. As I was running I heard him say:
Katsuki: Damn overgrown cat.
Once I got back Izuku was waiting patiently but I could see a small emotion in his eyes.
They looked like... sadness? Why is he sad did something happened while I was gone?
But just as quickly as it came it was gone as it was replaced by hope and joy.
Izuku: C'mon (Y/N) I've got to come up with a more realistic goal.
I nodded and began to follow him but not a second later All Might arrived.
All Might: I am here!
Izuku: A-All Might?! Why are you here? You were surrounded by reporters until just now...
All Might: Getting away from them was a piece of cake. Why? Because I am All Migh-
He transformed into a boney man as blood came out his mouth, Izuku screamed as I just sat there.
All Might: Young man. I come with thanks, a correction, and a suggestion. If you hadn't been there... If you hadn't told me about your life... I would've turned into a guy in a bodysuit who was all talk. Thank you.
Izuku: That can't be... It was my fault in the first place. I got in the way of your work, and I said all those impertinent things even though I'm Quirkless...
All Might: That's right. It was because of none other than the timid, Quirkless you at the scene that I was able to act. Top heroes have stories about them from their school days. Most of their stories have one thing in common: Their bodies moved before they had a chance to think.
Izuku began to slightly tear up as I wrapped him up in my tail to comfort him.
All Might: That was true for you, too, wasn't it?
He held onto my tail as he answered.
Izuku: Yeah...
He fell to his knees as I sat down and hugged him.
All Might: You can become a hero.
At this point he was bawling his eyes out as I rocked back and forth slightly purring to try to calm him down.
Well Izuku it looks like you'll become the hero you always wanted to be, and I'll be by your side through the entire journey.
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