Chapter 19 - The Tournament
Hear ye, hear ye, the person that has to fight (Y/N) is...
Shoto Todoroki with 20 votes!
(Y/N) pov:
Midnight: This is the bracket based on the results of the drawing!
I stood up and looked at the screen to see who my king's opponent shall be.
Shinso vs Midoriya
The purple haired human? Then who do I have to fight?
My eyes went one space to the right landing on my name and my opponent's. When I saw this human's name I smiled.
(Y/N) vs Todoroki
It was the name of the candy cane. I looked to my right seeing him already glaring at me. My smile only grew larger showing off my very sharp teeth.
I'm going to enjoy ripping you apart--
Izuku: You can't kill him, (Y/N).
I looked at my king only to see him giving me a stern look. I knew he wouldn't allow me to kill, but maybe I can negotiate how much damage I can inflict on the candy cane.
(Y/N): What if I just cut off his arm?
Izuku: No.
(Y/N): A finger?
Izuku: No.
(Y/N): Toe?
Izuku: No.
(Y/N): Acid to the face?
Izuku: Absolutely not!
(Y/N): Why not? Half of his face is already scarred I might as well finish the job.
He reached up and grabbed my face making me look him in the eyes.
Izuku: Listen very carefully (Y/N). You can not kill him, you can not melt him, you can not mutilate him.
He squished my cheeks together and placed his forehead on mine with his stern gaze never leaving me.
Izuku: Got it?
Normally I would use my puppy eyes to get my way, but the sternness in his green eyes made me submit. I let out a small quiet hiss causing Izuku's eyes to soften as he released my face.
Izuku: Good, I'm sorry I had to be stern with you, but I have to get you to stop trying to kill--
Hitoshi: It's you, isn't it? Izuku Midoriya.
The sudden appearance of the purple haired human surprised Izuku causing him to turn around and back into me. I wrapped my arms around my king and glared at the human.
He however didn't seem bothered by my aggressive behavior instead returning his gaze to Izuku.
Hitoshi: Looking forward to the first match.
Izuku: Me--
My senses began screaming danger, so I quickly placed my hand over Izuku's mouth. This caused the purple haired human to smirk at me before turning and walking away.
I slowly removed my hand from Izuku's mouth as my eyes stayed on the human. I wasn't sure what caused my instincts to go crazy, but I had no doubt that the purple haired human was the cause of it.
My king looked up at me causing me to look down at him.
Izuku: (Y/N), what's the matter?
(Y/N): I sensed danger. I don't know what exactly from, but it had something to do with that human. Just be cautious when you battle him.
He gave me a small nod and patted my right arm to get me to release him, which I did.
Present Mic: All right! Let's leave the tournament aside for a momentary interlude! Let's have fun with the recreation!
3rd pov:
While Izuku went to clear his mind for the upcoming event (Y/N) remained to participate in the recreational activities.
Present Mic: First is the scavenger hunt!
Everyone ran to grab one of the many cards scattered across the stadium to see what they're required to find. (Y/N) picked up one of the cards and turned it over revealing his item.
He frantically scanned the area until his eyes landed on a particular student. In only a few seconds Mineta was screaming for someone to help him, as (Y/N) was trying to rip off one of the balls on his head.
However everyone turned a blind eye to his call for help not wanting to get between (Y/N) and his objective. Especially after what they saw he was capable of.
(Y/N) continued to have fun doing the activities and all the while an invisible figure began to near the stadium. But as soon as the event started it ended, with Cementoss finishing the creation of the arena.
(Y/N) pov:
I was standing next to my king as we waited for his match.
Present Mic: Hey guys, are you ready?!
The crowd roared in cheers as I looked at the arena excited to battle. I wasn't going to kill anyone, but an "accident" may occur resulting in the death of my opponent.
Present Mic: A lot's happened, but it's now come to this! A serious battle! You can only depend on yourself! Even if you're not a hero, you'll face lots of situations like that! You get it, right? Heart, skill, body, wisdom, and knowledge!
I looked at my king seeing his body slightly tremble in either fear, nervousness, or both. I just placed my hand on his shoulder causing him to look up at me.
(Y/N): Don't worry Izuku, just remember what I taught you. 'When nothing is going right, go left'.
He just gave me a confused look before a small smile made it's way on his face.
All Might: Hey!
We both turned around and saw All Might walking towards us.
All Might: Sorry I'm late, but... (Y/N) your fight is not until later, how did you get here?
(Y/N): Well...
3rd pov:
(Y/N) was following Izuku's scent toward one of the entrances until he was stopped by two pro heroes. One of the heroes placed his hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder to keep him from continuing on.
???: Excuse me, but you're not allowed--
Before he could finish speaking (Y/N) wrapped his tail around the hero's neck before slamming him into the ground. The hero was now unconscious leaving his comrade to deal with the enraged beast alone.
???: Hey--
The second hero didn't fare any better as two powerful hands swiftly grabbed his head. And with no effort (Y/N) began smashing the hero's head into the wall until he stopped moving.
To hide the unconscious heroes (Y/N) dragged them over to a nearby trash can where he proceeded to stuff them into it. He placed the lid back on the trash can before wiping his hands and continuing to go see his king.
Flashback end~~
(Y/N): ...I got... lost.
He just looked at me weirdly before slowly nodding.
All Might: Okay...
I definitely fooled him.
He turned to Izuku who was also looking at me weirdly before he turned to face All Might.
All Might: You figured out One For All, right?
Izuku: No, I'm still worried... I can see it in my head by imagining the microwave and how I hit the villain, but it still feels unsteady if I don't focus, like it'll fall apart... Besides, as you saw, with my current body, even if I succeeded. I just end up with a little more power...
All Might: Yes, if we talk in terms of the zero or 100% from before, what your body can release right now is about a five.
Izuku: Five percent of my power?! Hearing that, I really feel like I've been blessed with friends and luck.
All Might just walked forward before hitting Izuku on the head. I hissed and tried to swing at him with my claws, but he ducked beneath my arm before shoving a treat in my mouth.
I slowly sat down as I consumed the delicious food causing a smile to spread across my face. He patted my head before speaking with Izuku once again.
All Might: You should just say, "I'll do my best, damn it," you prince of nonsense!
A prince? He's an emperor, I just need to find him some of my siblings to rule over.
All Might: Is the image of the hero you're trying to be that flimsy? Listen, it's the times when you're scared or worried that you should deal with smiling!
He turned into his stronger form giving Izuku a thumbs up while I moved to stand by his side.
All Might: You've made it this far. It's fine if it's a bluff. Stand proud! Don't forget that I've got high hopes for you!
My king gave him a nervous smile before turning to face the entry toward the arena. I wanted to stay by his side, but All Might tried to drag me back to the seats.
I say tried since he had to use a lot of strength to get me away from Izuku and even more to keep me from running. Eventually he managed to carry me back to where everyone else was, but not without suffering a few scratches.
He spotted Tsu, Ochaco, and Mina sitting together so he carried me over to them before plopping me down at their feet.
All Might: Could you three keep an eye on (Y/N), please?
Mina: Oh, sure we'd be glad to.
All Might: Thank you.
He turned and began to walk away while I stood up. I looked around for an empty seat but couldn't find any until Uraraka tapped my shoulder. She gestured to the seat she was just sitting in before giving me a smile.
Ochaco: You can have my seat. I'll try to find another place to sit before the match starts.
I nodded my head before sitting down in the chair and draping my tail over the seat so I could sit down properly.
Why don't I just let her sit in my lap? Izuku always sat in my lap when there weren't enough seats available.
She was about to walk away until I wrapped my tail around her waist and pulled her into my lap.
Ochaco: H-Hey, what are you--
I just wrapped my arms around her waist as well, causing her to stop talking as her face turned bright red. I looked to my right seeing Ashido with a smirk on her face.
She leaned over and whispered something in Uraraka's ear causing her to turn even redder.
Mina: You two sure look cute together.
Uraraka began to stutter and mumble out objections which reminded me a lot of how Izuku acts when embarrassed.
Present Mic: Audience! The finals that you've all been waiting for are finally starting! Match number one--
The huge screen displayed an image of the purple haired human and one of a very nervous looking Izuku.
Present Mic: Even though he's done well, what's with that face? From the hero course, it's Izuku Midoriya! Versus-- Sorry, he hasn't done anything to stand out yet! From general studies, it's Hitoshi Shinso! The rules are simple. Force your opponent out of bounds, or immobilize them!
So ripping off my opponent's leg counts as immobilizing them, right?
Present Mic: You can also win making your opponent say, "I give up!" Bring on the injuries! Because we've got our very own Recovery Girl waiting on standby! Put your morals and ethics aside for a moment! But of course, anything life-threatening is crap! It's not allowed! Heroes should only use their fists to catch villains!
No wonder why you humans still have so many villains. If you don't kill your enemy they'll just come back stronger.
Present Mic: Ready? Start!
Not much happened at first until the purple haired human said something that made Izuku angry. He yelled something out and ran forward, but stopped not a second later. It was almost like he was frozen.
Present Mic: Hey, hey, what's the matter? It's the important first match! Liven things up!
I stared closely at my king's face seeing he was in some sort of trance.
Present Mic: Midoriya! The match just started... ...and he's completely frozen?! He's got a blank look on his face and isn't moving a muscle! Is this Shinso's Quirk?! He didn't stand out at all, but could he actually be someone amazing?
I glared at the purple haired human as I began to emanate a low growl.
Present Mic: Hitoshi Shinso from general studies has gotten the better of Izuku Midoriya from the hero course! Who would've imagined this?! Will the bottom really overthrow the top?
The purple haired human spoke again and Izuku turned around and began to walk to the other side of the arena.
My king that's the wrong way!
Present Mic: Huh? What?! Midoriya's being so obedient!
Uraraka held onto my tail as she began to grow nervous.
Ochaco: Deku, why?
He continued to slowly walk toward the edge of the arena.
If I let out an ear-piecing scream will that be enough to break the control that human has over Izuku? Even if it was I'm not allowed to interfere.
Izuku's fingers slightly twitched and just before he stepped out of bounds a powerful blast of air shot out. He managed to stop himself just at the edge of the arena.
I looked down at his fingers seeing that two have been broken. It seemed he managed to break free of the purple haired human's control.
Present Mic: Th-This is...! Midoriya's stopped!
The crowd began to cheer loudly and I decided to join in by letting out a small roar. The human tried to get Izuku to speak again, but he kept his mouth shut this time and instead charged toward him.
As Izuku continued running the purple haired human kept trying to get him to speak until Izuku closed the distance. He began to push the human toward the edge of the arena, but it seemed he had some fight in him as he punched Izuku in the face.
I had to admire my king's endurance since he just ignored the attack and just kept pushing. However a human can only take so much pain.
The purple haired human punched Izuku's broken fingers causing him to let go. I let out a loud roar startling the humans around me. Ashido began to pat my head while Uraraka scratched my chin in a effort to calm me down.
Mina: Midoriya will be alright just calm down.
Tsu held out a snack for me causing me to open my mouth and use my tounge to grab the treat. As I was eating the snack I imagined it was the bones of the purple haired human.
Slowly I calmed down just in time to see Izuku toss his opponent over his shoulder and out of bounds.
Midnight: Shinso is out of bounds! Midoriya advances to round two!
I let out a loud roar as the crowd cheered as well.
Izuku is getting stronger, he might even be able to surpass my strength one day.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
My match was next so I was walking toward the entrance of the arena, but on the way there I had a small confrontation with the candy cane's father. But I think I resolved the misunderstanding between us well.
Izuku: (Y/N)!
I immediately turned around and exploded in happiness at the sight of my king. He stopped in front of me with a huge smile on his face.
Izuku: I just came to wish you luck on your match.
I crouched down allowing him to pet me.
(Y/N): Thank you, Izuku! That means a lot to me, but this won't be much of a battle.
After a few more seconds of bliss he stopped and removed my collar. He then lifted up my head so I was looking him in the eyes.
Izuku: Remember don't kill, mutilate, or melt him, ok?
I reluctantly nodded my head which seemed to satisfy him. He hugged my head close to his chest causing me to wrap my arms around his waist to return the hug.
My king then broke the hug and gave me one last smile before running back in the direction of the stands.
Izuku: I'll be rooting for you!
A small smile spread across my face as I turned back around and continued to walk toward the arena, as my small smile turned into a sinister smirk.
Soon I made it to the arena and the candy cane was already waiting for me. I climbed up the steps as the loud human began to speak.
Present Mic: Thanks for waiting! Next up is... these guys!
The screen displayed an image of the candy cane who seemed empty of all emotions, while my image was me attacking the camera with rage clearly burning within my eyes.
That is a great picture of me. I should get that framed and hang it over the candy cane's grave.
Present Mic: He's full of primal rage and truly a creature of war! You know him, you fear him, from the hero course, it's (Y/N)!
I let out a loud booming roar as the crowd cheered for me.
Present Mic: Versus-- Staying second in the prelims! You're way too strong, kid! He wasn't recommended for admission for nothing! Also from the hero course, it's Shoto Todoroki!
The crowd cheered for the candy cane as well while I just stared at him with my tail slowly swishing from side to side.
Present Mic: And now, for the second match of the finals--
I kept my gaze on the candy cane as he stared right back at me, but instead of no emotions in his eyes, I saw anger which caused a huge grin to form on my face revealing my sharp teeth.
Present Mic: --Ready... Start!
Immediately the candy cane attacked sending a large wave of ice toward me. I reeled my right arm back and morphed it into my ravager blade before swinging it at the ice wave.
The power and size of my blade completely destroyed the ice and even sent many pieces hurling back at him.
Since Izuku limited the things I can do I'll just toss the candy cane out of the arena.
I quickly morphed my arm back before charging toward the candy cane, but as I was closing in he had recovered from my counter-attack. He sent wave after wave of ice toward me but each time I dodged them with ease.
I was now finally close enough to leap at him, but while I was in the air he let out a large blast of ice. Unlike the first few attacks this one was much larger and colder.
My entire body and the area behind me was encased in a thick layer of ice. I focused my gaze back to the candy cane seeing him panting as ice covered half of his body.
Well played candy cane, although...
Midnight: (Y/N), can you move?
I just flexed my muscles and within seconds the ice trapping my body cracked before completely shattering. I kept eye contact with the candy cane as I landed back on my feet in front of him.
...that won't be enough to keep me down.
A look of shock was on his face before it turned into a glare. He raised his left hand to try and freeze me again, but his hesitation allowed me to get behind him and grab his wrist.
I kept his hand away while I placed my claws against his neck. I leaned down to whisper in his ear with my real voice.
(Y/N): If this was a real battle, I would've ripped your throat out. Face it candy cane, you're too weak to fight me just yet.
Shoto: Get off me!
He raised his right hand up to my face and my vision was quickly engulfed in flames. I released my hold on the candy cane and backed away while covering my face.
The fire didn't hurt, but the sudden brightness blinded me. I felt the candy cane place his hands on my chest in a attempt to push me out of bounds, but I stayed rooted in place.
I wrapped my tail around his right leg and lifted him up in the air while I rubbed my eyes. After a few seconds my vision went back to normal allowing me to see the still struggling candy cane.
(Y/N): You're just like the explosive human, you both don't know when to quit.
Shoto: I--
I didn't let him finish since I used my tail to slam him into the ground over and over again. This was the same thing I did to the explosive human only this time I wasn't holding back as much.
Blood began to stain wherever his face met the ground, but I didn't stop, in fact I just sat down and watched as his limp body kept hitting the ground.
Cementoss: Stop!
The voice of the sentient block caused me to stop tossing the candy cane, but not before slamming him down on the ground one last time. Midnight and the block walked up to the stage and came over to us.
Midnight: Release him.
What is the match over?
I unwrapped my tail from his leg before getting up and stretching my limbs. They crouched down and turned the candy cane's body over revealing his very bloodied face.
He was (unfortunately) still breathing, but remained limp and motionless. The block looked up at Midnight and shook his head causing her to get up and raise her arm.
Midnight: Todoroki is knocked out!
(Y/N) advances to the second round!
I let out a powerful roar at my victory, although I couldn't even call this a warm up. The crowd however didn't cheer they just looked on shocked, but I didn't care as I proceeded to do a victory dance.
Victory sure is sweet.
Apologies for this being late I was working on a 4th book. Anyway I have a project due tomorrow and I did not start yet so bye!
Here's my schedule for April:
Week 1 (5th-9th): Reincarnated as a Gorilla
Week 2 (12th-16th): The Xeno-Hero
Week 3 (19th-23rd): The Deadliest Droid
Week 4 (26th-30th): The Wolves' Shadow
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