Chapter 18 - The Boy Born with Everything
(Y/N) pov:
I was standing at my full height looking down at the small candy cane. Even in this form he continued to look at me refusing to show fear. I let out a monstrous roar no doubt striking immense fear in the hearts of every human.
Izuku: (Y/N), only half the time is left! Don't stop moving.
(Y/N): Yes, my king.
Before I could start running I noticed a bright light coming from one of the humans. Sensing danger I threw my head up launching Izuku, Ochaco and Mei high in the air, just in time as the bright light struck me.
The attack managed to stagger me and induce some pain, but it would've hurt Izuku and his friends if they remained on me. The other humans didn't fare too well as they were hit with the full force of the electric attack. The screams of my king and his allies caused me to redirect my attention to the sky.
Izuku: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): I got you!
I used my tail to catch them before placing them safely on my shoulders. They were panting and their grip on me was strong.
Izuku: (Y/N) please, warn us next time you're going to do that!
(Y/N): Apologies, it won't happen again.
With the team back on me I took off running in the opposite direction of the humans. The candy cane and his team gave chase as large walls of ice began to surround us.
Izuku: (Y/N) stop!
I buried my blades and feet into the ground causing us to stop before we went out of bounds.
Present Mic: Team Midoriya has nowhere left to go!
I turned around and faced the humans causing them to back up before the candy cane ordered them to hold their ground. The candy cane tried to freeze my legs but I used my tail to break the ice and retaliate by swinging it at them.
Every time they tried to close the distance I would slam my tail at or near them successfully deterring their attacks. As for their electric attacks I had to keep moving since a direct hit would also hurt Izuku. It was a boring battle, but staying within the ice walls did make it so we only had to worry about one team.
Present Mic: One minute left! Todoroki made it so he'd have the ten million to himself to seize in a instant! At least, that's what I thought five minutes ago! But unbelievably, Midoriya's been able to keep away in that cramped space for five minutes!
Victory is nearing. Just need to keep them away for a little while longer.
From the candy cane's expression I could tell he was growing frustrated. My king rubbed my head causing me to purr loudly as my tail smacked against the ground repeatedly.
Izuku: You're doing amazing (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Thank--
A loud blast caused me to focus back on the battle only to see the candy cane's team behind me, but there was no candy cane.
Where did he--
I let out a pained fill roar as my right leg began to quickly freeze over causing my armor to chip and break off. The candy cane was scaling my legs and freezing wherever he touched.
Present Mic: What's this, it seems the giant beast is wounded! Todoroki is attempting to climb (Y/N) in order to secure the ten million points!
I used my tail to smack where he was, but I only managed to break the ice as he had dodged out the way. I went to strike him once more but he froze my tail.
(Y/N): Izuku he's climbing up! You might have to engage in combat with him.
He nodded as I tried to shake the candy cane off to no avail.
Present Mic: Time's just about up! Start the countdown!
Just as the candy cane reached my back the explosive human came flying in through a melted part of the wall. I slammed my tail on the ground shattering the ice that encased it.
Katsuki: Damn Deku!
I couldn't see what was happening on my back but I could feel each attack they sent at each other. The explosive human redirected himself toward us as Izuku and Todoroki continued to fight.
Present Mic: Time's up!
Everyone stopped as the crowd roared with cheers. The explosive human fell face first on the ground causing me to chuckle.
Present Mic: That's the end of the second round, the cavalry battle!
I gently wrapped my tail around Izuku before furiously shaking my body causing the candy cane to fall off. Once he was off I placed Izuku on the ground as I transformed my body back to my human form.
I had forgotten Ochaco and Mei were still on my shoulders, so when the transformation was complete I was holding them up by their waists, while their arms were wrapped around my neck.
Present Mic: Now, let's take a look at the top four teams right away! In first place, Team Midoriya!
First place once again!
Something was tapping my chest causing me to look down at a blushing Ochaco and a still smiling Mei.
Ochaco: U-Um, (Y/N). Can you put us down, please?
I placed both of them on the ground before running over to Izuku who looked to be struggling to hold back tears. I sat down in front of him with my tail wagging furiously behind me.
(Y/N): See Izuku we came in first place once again!
Izuku: Yeah, you did an amazing job out there.
He took out my collar and secured it around my neck once more. I rubbed my head into his palm before looking up at him.
(Y/N): Dry your tears Izuku. When you have a hundred reasons to cry, show you have a thousand reasons to smile.
The tears began to slowly leak out causing me to take a step back not wanting to get soaked again.
Present Mic: In second place, Team Todoroki! In third place, Team Bakugo! In fourth place, Team Shinso!
Izuku began to let out so many tears that the ground beneath him broke. I was now beginning to worry about his health as this was the second time he has released so much liquid.
My king maybe your power has to do with your tears.
Present Mic: These four teams will advance to the final round! Now we'll take an hour's break for lunch before we start the afternoon festivities! See ya!
While I tried to stop Izuku's tears the candy cane human approached us causing me to growl. My king dried his tears wanting to know the reason for my aggression. The candy cane stopped in front of us with his emotionless face still present.
Shoto: I need to speak with you.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
We were at one of the entrances with the the candy cane but we weren't alone. I could easily smell the explosive human hiding just around the corner, but I didn't care.
I was standing next to Izuku with my arms crossed staring down at the human. Izuku had a firm grip on my leash but with the close proximity it wouldn't do much to stop me if I decided to attack.
Izuku: So... What did you want to talk about?
He didn't answer he just kept staring at Izuku while occasionally glancing at me.
Izuku: If we don't hurry, the cafeteria will probably be really crowded... and
(Y/N) will get upset if he doesn't get a treat.
Damn right.
Again no answer. Izuku swallowed nervously so I used my tail to gently rub his back in a attempt to calm him. It seemed to have worked as his posture slightly relaxed.
Shoto: I was overpowered. So much that I broke my pledge.
He took out his left hand from his pocket and looked at it.
Shoto: Iida, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Uraraka... None of them felt it. At that last instant, I was the only one who was overpowered.
Izuku: What... does... that mean?
Shoto: It means I felt something similar coming from you. Midoriya, are you...
Izuku began to get nervous while I prepared to silence the candy cane.
Shoto: ...All Might's secret love child or something?
Secret love child? What's that?
Shoto: Well? Are you?
Izuku: Th-That's not it! I mean, even if I was, I would say I wasn't, so I don't think you'd believe me, but anyway, that's not how it is...
You should've just said yes. You and All Might are very similar.
Izuku: In the first place, let me ask you something... Why do you think that about me...?
Shoto: Since you said, "that's not how it is," that means there's a connection between you two that you can't talk about, right?
Izuku just looked away knowing he messed up. I would've stabbed my tail through the candy cane's heart to solve our problem, but Izuku has yet to lift his order on me not harming anyone.
Shoto: Endeavour's my old man.
If I'm not mistaken he's the human with fire covering his body. However his presence is not very warm and inviting, it's more cold and unpleasant.
Shoto: I'm sure you know that he's been stuck as the number two hero for forever. If you have something from the number one hero, then I...
His glare was now solely on Izuku, but since I was here I knew he wouldn't try anything stupid.
Shoto: ...have even more reason to beat you. My old man has a strong desire to rise in the world. As a hero, he won a name for himself with crushing force. Because of that, the living legend, All Might, is a great eyesore to him. Since he couldn't surpass All Might, he moved onto his next plan.
Izuku: What are you talking about, Todoroki...? What are you trying to tell me?
I tapped his shoulder causing him to look up at me.
(Y/N): I believe he was birthed for the soul purpose of surpassing All Might, Izuku.
The candy cane soon validated my answer.
Shoto: You've heard of Quirk marriages, right? That thing that became a problem for the second and third generation after superpowers appeared. Choosing a spouse based only on strengthening your own Quirk and passing it onto your children, forcing people into marriage. The old-fashioned way of thinking brought about by a lack of ethics. He is a man with both accomplishments and money. He won over my mother's relatives and got a hold of my mother's Quirk. He is trying to fulfill his own desire by raising me to be a hero to surpass All Might.
His expression changed to one full of anger as he looked down to the ground.
Shoto: It's so annoying... I won't become the tool of scum like that. In my memories, my mother is always crying. "Your left side is unsightly," my mother said as she poured boiling water on me.
My family gave me some as well, several in fact. When I was chosen to became a praetorian my mother fed me the jelly and immediately everyone attacked me. I had to fight my way out of the hive so my body could complete the transformation. But I made it, and later had to do it again to become a ravager. I was the only one to survive the second time.
Shoto: Basically, I picked a fight with you to show him what I can do, without using my damn old man's Quirk... No... I'll reject him completely by winning first place without using it.
He began to walk away causing Izuku to slowly release my leash.
Shoto: I don't care if you can't tell me how you're connected to All Might. No matter what you are to All Might, I will rise above you with just my right side. Sorry for wasting your time.
My king quickly walked to catch up with the candy cane while I followed closely behind.
Izuku: I...!
The candy cane stopped walking but didn't turn around to face us. I stood on my king's right annoyed at all the talking that's been happening.
Izuku: I have always been supported by others.
He stood closer to me and gently grabbed my forearm. I just glanced at him before looking at the candy cane's back.
Izuku: That was the case earlier, too. I am here because of the people who have supported me.
His hold on my arm tightened as he looked down at the ground with a fond look in his eyes. I brought my other hand up and rubbed his head just like he does with me. Only difference here is that he's not purring like I would.
Can humans even purr?
My head pats caused him to look up at me with a smile before looking back to the candy cane.
Izuku: Saving people with a fearless smile, the greatest hero-- All Might. I want to be like him. In order to do that, I have to be strong enough to become number one.
The wind began to blow all of a sudden causing me to look around wondering what caused the sudden change of weather.
Izuku: My motivation might seem trivial compared to yours, but I can't lose, either. I have to live up to the hopes of those who supported me. That declaration of war you gave earlier-- I'll return that.
(Y/N): Does that mean I can kill him?
Without looking Izuku tugged my leash before giving me a light glare. His focus then returned to the human in front of us.
Izuku: I will beat you, too!
The candy cane stared for a moment before walking away. Izuku released the hold on my arm as he stared at the retreating form of the candy cane.
(Y/N): Can we go to lunch now?
He grabbed my leash before standing on his tiptoes to pat my head. To make it easier for him I crouched down allowing him to pet me easier.
Izuku: Sure.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
I was standing in the stadium near a group of new female humans. They were in outfits unsuitable for combat doing synchronized movements.
Present Mic: Now that lunch is over, it's finally time to reveal the last game! But before that, there's good news for all of you who didn't make it to the finals! This is just a sports festival! So we've prepared recreational games that everyone can participate in, too! We've even brought real cheerleaders from America to liven things up!
I continued to stare at the energetic humans and when they saw me staring several of them began to turn red before a few winked at me. Confused on the gesture I did it back to them causing the rest to hide their faces as they began to whisper to each other.
Before I could question the strange interaction Izuku quickly came over and began to tug me away from the humans.
Izuku: L-Let's go over here, (Y/N).
We were soon on the other side of the stadium where everyone was gathering. I sat next to Izuku playing with the grass on the ground when the familiar scents of Tsu, Mina and Ochaco came from behind us.
Present Mic: What's the matter, Class A? What kind of fan service is that?
I turned around only to see all of the females of our class dressed in the same outfits as the other humans. Not too far away the small human and electric human were giving each other thumbs up. The look in the small human's eyes was slightly concerning.
Momo: Mineta! Kaminari! You tricked us, didn't you?!
I looked back at them just as the second in command of the class fell to her knees. But my eyes followed the large bundle of noodles in her hands.
Momo: Why am I always caught up in Mineta's schemes?
I got up and began to slowly walk on all fours toward the large collection of food just as Ochaco stood next to the second in command.
Momo: I even used Creation to make the outfits--
Deciding now was the time to strike I leapt forward knocking the human on the ground startling her. I tried to bite the noodles but she kept moving her hands away, so I pinned her arms down.
Momo: Hey, get off!
I bit into one and pulled it out of her grip before jumping off her. The commotion caused the rest of the class to look at us.
Ochaco: Wait (Y/N) don't eat that!
She tried to pull the noodles from my mouth but I kept a firm hold on the food. Someone began to pull my shoulders and from the acidic scent I could tell it was Mina.
Mina: That isn't food it's a pom-pom!
It sounds delicious!
I was about to try and shake the two humans off when the call from my king stopped me.
Izuku: (Y/N)!
I immediately turned around and ran to Izuku while dragging Mina and Ochaco behind me. I stopped in front of Izuku before sitting down waiting for the treat.
Izuku: Drop the pom-pom, please.
I reluctantly spat the noodles out of my mouth making Izuku smile as he rubbed my head.
Izuku: Good boy.
He held the treat in front of my face allowing me to use my tounge to grab and eat it. Mina and Ochaco got up still disoriented from being dragged.
Ochaco: How is he so obedient to you?
My king just smiled at her before giving me one last pat and ordering me to follow him. We were now all gathered in front of a stage where Midnight was holding a large yellow box.
Present Mic: All right, everyone! Let's have fun competing in the recreational games! When that's over, the sixteen from the four teams that made it to the final round will duke it out tournament style, one-on-one!
One-on-one combat? This will probably be my favorite event of this tournament. Maybe I can dismember my opponent--
Izuku: Remember you can't kill or severely injure anyone, ok?
I pretended to not hear him which caused him to grab my face and make me look at him.
Izuku: Ok?
(Y/N): Yes Izuku.
Midnight: Now, let's draw lots to determine the bracket. Once the bracket is determined, we'll have the recreational games and then start! The sixteen finalists can choose whether or not they want to participate in the recreation.
I looked at Izuku with puppy eyes wanting to join the games. He just rubbed my head and gave me a small smile.
Izuku: You can participate if you want to.
Midnight: I'm sure some of you want to rest or save your strength. Now, from the first place team--
Mashirao: Um...! Excuse me.
We turned to face the human with a tail as he continued to speak.
Mashirao: I'm withdrawing.
Why? This is a perfect chance to spill blood that isn't yours.
Izuku: Ojiro, why?
Tenya: This is a rare chance for pros to see you!
Mashirao: I barely remember anything from the cavalry battle until almost the end. I think it was that guy's Quirk.
I looked to our right toward a human with purple hair. He looked away when he saw me and Izuku looking at him.
Isn't that the same human who declared war on us? He might have some sort of mental attack and if he does I have no defense against that. The only experience I have with those types of attacks are--
Midnight: Shoda! Ojiro! I accept your withdrawal!
Huh, what happened? I wasn't paying attention.
Midnight: In that case, we'll have to move up two people from the fifth place cavalry battle team...
A female human with orange hair spoke up.
Itsuka: If that's what's going to happen, then rather than us, who barely did anything during the cavalry battle, it should be them, right?
After getting confirmation from three humans behind her she turned back to Midnight.
Itsuka: The one's who fought to the end and stayed in the top, Team Tetsutetsu, right?
The team in question were surprised while I let out a sigh annoyed by all the delays.
I just want to spill the blood of my enemies, is that so much to ask?
Tetsutetsu: Kendo...!
Itsuka: This isn't collusion or anything. It just makes sense.
Midnight: And so, Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki have moved up to make sixteen! This is the bracket based on the results of the drawing!
I looked up at the screen to find out who my opponent shall be. It was--
As an apology for my late update I shall let you readers decide who (Y/N) shall face in the tournament.
April update schedule:
Week 1 (5th-9th): Reincarnated as a Gorilla
Week 2 (12th-16th): The Xeno-Hero
Week 3 (19th-23rd): The Deadliest Droid
Week 4 (26th-30th): Your choice or I roll a dice
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