Chapter 16 - Branching Off
(Y/N) pov:
Present Mic: What's this?! It seems (Y/N) of class 1-A has grown to enormous proportions! Although he's not as large as the opponents before him he looks extremely cool! But now he needs to deal with the first barrier! Robo inferno!
The robots were much larger than I was, but that didn't discourage me in fact it made me excited for the upcoming fight.
Robot: Prioritizing target.
I roared at them causing, everyone to cover their ears in order to protect themselves from the deafening boom of my voice.
Denki: Aren't those the zero-point villains from the entrance exam?
Eijiro: Yeah, and it looks like (Y/N) is going to fight them.
The robot in front of me extended it's hand out to grab me.
Izuku: (Y/N)!
I slightly turned my head to the left acknowledging that I heard him. He gave me a determined smile before pointing to the robot reaching out to me.
Izuku: Kōgeki!
That was the only word I needed to swing my blade arm up successfully cutting the hand off the robot.
It stopped for a moment allowing me to spit a large amount of acid at it's head, covering it in completely. My acid quickly melted through the entire head of the machine causing it to fall back limp.
Present Mic: (Y/N) has defeated the first opponent in a matter of seconds kicking off this battle with a bang!
I immediately went on the offensive using my powerful legs to jump up towards another robot's head with my blades extended in front of me. When I collided with the machine it stumbled back from the impact before quickly stabilizing itself. I began to rapidly stab into it's head cutting through it's armor with ease.
While I was busy killing the machine I saw another two approach before they both launched a punch towards me. Although my speed and agility were decreased in this form I was still quick, so I managed to jump down to the ground avoiding the punches making them connect with their ally's head instead. The combined force behind their punches caused the one they hit to go flying into another, destroying both.
Izuku: Well done (Y/N)!
My king's praise made me happy causing my tail to rapidly wag destroying a group of small robots that were approaching behind me.
Present Mic: That's a two for one! For a big guy he's as agile as a cat! What do you think of this mummy man?
Aizawa: He's outnumbered but he seems to know what he's doing. Utilizing not only his entire body as a weapon but also the robots themselves to destroy each other. It's like he's already experienced combat.
I raised my head and shot another stream of acid at one of the machines coating it entirely in acid, causing it to be quickly reduced to nothing. The remaining machine raised it's foot to crush me but I dodged to the side making it bury it's foot in the ground. I activated my fire Quirk making my blades and tail glow bright red as the red spike on my back glowed.
So my spikes show which of my Quirks I'm using? That could be a problem.
Regardless I wrapped my tail around it's leg before tightening quickly melting through and separating it's foot from it's leg. It would've fallen if ice hadn't suddenly enveloped us.
What the?
The candy cane ran past me glaring at me as he did.
Present Mic: That ice stopped (Y/N)'s hot streak dead in it's tracks! And the first one through the first barrier is Shoto Todoroki from class 1-A!
So this little attack was his doing, I'll be sure to repay him.
???: We can get through now!
As the students began to hesitantly run forward the robot began to tip over.
Shoto: I wouldn't if i were you. I froze them while the robot was unbalanced and I made that thing angry.
The robot fell to the side causing everyone to run back as I spun around using my tail to melt the ice on me and the surrounding area. I let out another loud roar as more robots appeared.
Fighting them all will be a waste of time and I need to get ensure my king gets first place. Now I just need to find him.
I only sniffed the air once before I was able to locate where Izuku was. I turned behind me to see him in the crowd of humans covering his face to protect himself from the dirt cloud made by the fall of the robot. I deactivated my Quirk making my blades and tail return to normal as the red spike on my back lost it's glow.
I ran towards the crowd causing them to scream, panic and scatter as I rapidly approached. All except Izuku who gave me a smile as I stopped in front of him. I sat down and lowered my head as he reached up with both hands and started petting my face. This action shocked the other humans as they thought I was going to attack him, but my reaction surprised them.
Izuku: You did a great job (Y/N) I'm proud of you!
Those words caused joy and happiness to swell within me as my tail repeatedly smacked the ground, causing everyone to jump and shake, even the giant machine was bouncing off the ground.
My king is proud of me! This is the greatest day of my life, even better than when I ripped Danny's head off for challenging me.
Present Mic: As adorable as this scene is the race is still going on!
Everyone began to run again causing my king to panic.
Izuku: Oh, (Y/N) we have to hurry, please transform back!
Obeying his command I transformed back into my human form. The process was quick as soon my blades became hands and my body shrunk. Back to my human form I wrapped my tail around Izuku's waist before pulling him close to me and hugging him. He wrapped his arms around me as well before letting go with a smile on his face.
Izuku: I love you too, but we need to hurry everyone else is already ahead of us.
I just nodded before turning around and getting down on all fours. Izuku grabbed onto my shoulders as he placed his head on my back in order to protect himself from the wind that will blow against us.
(Y/N): Give these humans a head start and I'd still outrun them if you order me to.
With that I charged forward and since I was in my human form I was much faster. A few small robots appeared in our way but I either dodged, melted, sliced or rammed right through them. All the while I made sure Izuku was protected by my body.
I wonder if Inko is watching us.
3rd pov:
Back in the Midoriya residence Inko is sitting on the couch in front of the tv waving two small flags. One was green with Izuku's face on it while the other was black with an xenomorph head and (Y/N)'s face.
Inko: I believe in you two!
In the window a group of small furry creatures were watching the tv unnoticed and in silence.
(Y/N) pov:
Present Mic: Look at that! (Y/N) and Izuku Midoriya of class 1-A have just caught up to the rest of the competition in only a matter of seconds! But now they must pass the second barrier!
I skidded to a stop behind Mina, Tsu, and Ochaco, startling them into slipping off the ledge and into the abyss below.
Izuku: (Y/N) grab them!
I quickly let go of Izuku to catch Ochaco with my tail while I wrapped my arms around Mina's and Tsu's waists before pulling them back into me.
Present Mic: If you fall, you're out! If you don't wanna fall, then crawl! It's "The Fall"!
That was a close one, they would've perished if I hadn't caught them.
All three of them were pressed against me as I moved us away from the ledge to safety. My king ran up to us frantically apologizing for scaring them and asking if they were alright.
Mina: Y-Yeah, we're okay.
Ochaco: I thought that was going to be the end of me.
Tsuyu: Thank you for saving us (Y/N).
I brought all three of them into a hug making their cheeks turn red. Ochaco reached up and scratched underneath my chin causing me to purr. My purring began to vibrate all three of them before I eventually released them from my embrace. Tsu gave me a small wave with a bit of red still on her face.
Tsuyu: Well good luck (Y/N).
She proceeded to turn around and jump onto a rope beginning her journey to the other side.
Mina: She's fast!
Many other humans began to cross in their own way. The most unique way came from a female human with pink hair and a strange machine attached to her feet. As I looked at the distance between where we are and the other side I got an idea.
Hmm, I could clear this in a few jumps.
I wrapped my tail around Izuku's waist once more surprising him as he held onto my shoulders.
Izuku: What's your plan (Y/N)?
Mina and Ochaco looked at me in curiosity of what I was doing as I began to walk backwards.
(Y/N): I'm going to jump.
Izuku: What?! Are you sure you can cover that distance?
(Y/N): I would never execute an action I wasn't confident I would succeed in. Especially if it involved your life.
With that I stopped walking and got down on all fours preparing to jump as far as I could. My king tightened his hold on me while I did the same with my tail to ensure he didn't fall off.
Present Mic: Look at this, it seems (Y/N) is going to attempt to jump the entire course while carrying another student on his back! Let's see how it goes!
I ran forward and once I was at the edge I did a powerful jump. I put so much strength behind it that the ground I took off on cracked and broke. We soared through the air for a few seconds before we began to be pulled down by gravity. Normally I would land on my feet but we passed the explosive human and he didn't seem too happy to see us.
Katsuki: Damn bastards! Get outta my way!
He made a large explosion causing him to not only pass us but to also knock me off course. We were rapidly approaching the ground of the other side and the landing wouldn't be a soft one. So I quickly moved Izuku to my front where I hugged him close before I turned my back to the ground ready to take the full hit for my king.
(Y/N): We're going to land in a few seconds! Brace for impact!
In response he curled deeper into my chest just as my back hit the ground. The impact caused my body to make a decently large hole in the ground as we skidded to a stop.
Present Mic: He did it! Ladies and gentlemen not only did he make it to the other side but he also took the full force of that crash landing for his friend! Now that's a true hero!
Friend? I'm unworthy of my king's friendship and I'm definitely no hero. All I am is a soldier following orders.
Izuku: (Y/N) are you alright?!
I was pulled from my thoughts by my king rapidly examining my body for any damage while I did the same for him. And once my quick scan of his body was complete I found no damage on him or his clothes meaning I did my job well. Some humans began to make it across so we needed to start running if we want to pass the candy cane and explosive human.
(Y/N): I'm alright Izuku, but we're still in a competition so we need to get moving.
Izuku: O-Oh, right c'mon!
He got off of me as I pulled myself out of the hole I made and started running alongside my king. In a few seconds we could see two giant signs with a skull in the center and "Danger Mines!!" written behind them. And if you looked closely in the mouths of the skulls you could see what appears to be a heart.
Present Mic: And now, we've quickly arrived at the final barrier! The reality here is...
I stopped and grabbed a random human to my right before tossing them in the middle of the field causing an explosion of pink to go off.
Izuku: (Y/N), why did you do that?!
(Y/N): Testing to see if the way ahead is safe for you and from what I just saw I'd say it's not safe.
He just sighed as the loud human continued explaining the final obstacle.
Present Mic: ...that it's a minefield! It's set up so that you can tell where the mines are if you look carefully. So you have to exploit your eyes and legs! By, the way, these mines are for games, so they're not that powerful, but they're loud and flashy enough to make you wet your pants.
Aizawa: That depends on the person.
The humans began to attempt to cross the minefield as a few triggered the explosives.
(Y/N): So how do you want to do this, my king? Carry you across, clear a path for you, jump the entire thing, kill--
Izuku: Actually, I want to do this on my own.
That sentence made me stop in my tracks as I remained frozen. Izuku immediately noticed my change in behavior as he frantically waved his arms around while explaining his reason.
Does he not... need me... anymore?
Izuku: It-it's just that you've did all the work for me in the first two obstacles and I want to see how I would do on my own. There may be times you won't be there--
Izuku: --and I need to learn how to deal with those situations. I don't want to keep using you like some sort of tool to help me out whenever I encounter a problem.
But that's my job! I'm meant to be used to attack, defend, and if the situation requires it sacrifice myself for you.
Izuku: So let me just do this one on my own. If you really want too you can help.
I can't argue with your orders so...
(Y/N): Alright my king, what's your plan?
He gave me a smile as he began to tell me his plan.
3rd pov:
While the event was going on an invisible being looked down at the students. It seemed interested in a select few, but what caught it's attention was the human xenomorph. It was unlike anything this being has seen before.
Not only could it transform but it also had powers. No doubt this creature was a powerful being which means the hunt would be that much more exciting. It looked at it's future prey on last time before turning and walking away.
(Y/N) pov:
(Y/N): Are you sure about this Izuku?
We had just finished gathering a large amount of explosives into one pile that would make the resulting explosion large and pink.
Izuku: Not really, but since you're with me I feel this plan could work.
That made me happy as my tail slightly wagged.
Izuku: But are you sure about your part of the plan?
(Y/N): Of course! I was made to take a beating and keep fighting.
He gave me a determined smile as more explosions went off behind us.
Izuku: Okay let's do this!
The people outside of our plan may be wondering what my role is. Well it's simple...
I grabbed Izuku and held him against my chest as I was in front of the mines we gathered with my back facing them.
(Y/N): Ready?
Izuku: Ready.
...I'm the launch pad.
With his confirmation I fell back onto the mines causing us to be launched high into the air and towards the front.
Present Mic: A large explosion went off in the back and the cause of this seems to have come from (Y/N) and Izuku Midoriya! That phenomenal duo sure know how to do things with style!
We soon began to come down too early due to our combined weight and at this rate we wouldn't make it to the other side. We were above the candy cane and explosive human which gave me an idea.
(Y/N): Once you land keep running.
Izuku: What why--
I didn't let him finish as I tossed him towards the end while I tackled both the explosive and candy cane human to the ground.
Present Mic: It seems (Y/N) took a tumble taking both previous leading contenders down with him!
Katsuki: Get the hell off me you damn overgrown lizard!
I just planted both their faces into the ground as I watched Izuku continue running.
Go my king get first place!
The candy cane human began to freeze my legs and lower body while the explosive human tried to blow my arms off. All the while I stayed perfectly still keeping them both pinned beneath me with ease.
Present Mic: Right now, the first person back in the stadium is that man... Izuku Midoriya's made a huge splash!
The crowd began to scream in cheer as I let out a loud roar to celebrate my king's victory. But even through all the noise I heard one sentence that made me excited.
Izuku: (Y/N) I've got a treat for you!
I immediately took off breaking off the ice I was nearly encased in and speeding past all the other humans ahead of me. In a few seconds I skidded to a stop in front of Izuku and sure enough he had a snack in his hand and tears in his eyes. I stood up and gently took the snack from his hand before breaking it in half giving him the bigger piece.
I think I'm in second place, a fitting position since my king is first.
Present Mic: And now, they're finishing one after another! We'll make a list of the results later, but for now, good work!
(Y/N): Congratulations Izuku! At this rate you'll surpass All Might!
More tears began to appear in his eyes but I brushed them away before putting his half of my snack in his mouth.
Food always makes people feel better.
Ochaco: Deku, (Y/N)! You two were amazing!
I immediately recognized the kind human's voice so I didn't react to the yelling or her approach.
Izuku: Uraraka!
Ochaco: First and second place are amazing! I still have a long way to go...!
My king immediately got flustered by the praise as he attempted to cover his face.
Izuku: I-It was just...
He seemed to go in deep thought more than likely about the events that transpired. As we waited the second in command of the class arrived with the grape human attached to her back.
Minoru: I killed two birds with one stone! I'm a genius!
Momo: You're the worst!
You... killed two birds?! I'll have you know I've allied with some of them! And an attack on them is an attack on me and my soldiers!
I threw my half eaten treat at the grape human hitting him square in the head launching him off the second and into the wall. The second turned to me and gave me a grateful smile before walking away. But I had a strange feeling we were being watched by something familiar throughout the entire event.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
Midnight: The first game of the first-year stage is finally over. Now, take a look at the results!
The results appeared and as I predicted my king was first and I was beneath him in second.
Midnight: The top 42 made it through to the next round. It's unfortunate, but don't worry even if you didn't make it! We've prepared other chances for you to shine! The real competition begins next! The press cavalry'll be all over it! Give it your all!
As I looked around I noticed the explosive human have an insane look on his face as he glared right at me.
What did I do wrong? All I did was pin him beneath me and shove his face in the ground.
Midnight: The next game will be a cavalry battle!
A battle?! Now this is more like it! I've participated in war before so I'll be able to slaughter these humans no problem.
Midnight: Let me explain. The participants can form teams of two to four people as they wish. It's basically the same as a regular cavalry battle, but the one thing that's different is...
I think we have different meanings of a cavalry battle, human.
Midnight: ...based on the results of the last game, each person has been assigned a point value.
I immediately tuned out what she was saying next as I realised my great mistake.
By making my king get 1st place I've essentially placed a bounty on his head. But--
Everyone gathered around my king with red eyes staring him down so I let out a loud roar causing them to back up in fear as I pulled my king closer to me.
They'll need to get through the king's protector to claim the bounty. And I don't intend to let them touch even a single strand of his hair.
3rd pov:
Every single one of the students looked at (Y/N) and Izuku torn on what to do. They could try to get the bounty on Izuku's head but then incur the wrath of his protector (Y/N). An easy decision for a sane person, but these students are desperate to win. And desperate people make stupid decisions.
(Warning lengthy A/N)
•Firstly, hey how you doing?
•Secondly, I got all the achievements on Star wars battlefront 2. So I'm proud of myself :).
•Thirdly, prologue of my second book is out.
And finally happy valentine's day! To all those poor lonely people out there like me I give you some of my useless love!
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