Chapter 15 - The sports festival
(Hear ye, hear ye, the votes are in and counted. And I've got to say I didn't expect this. In 3rd place with two votes the Human. In 2nd place with 26 votes the ravager.
And an unprecedented contender Both has gained 32 votes making
(Y/N) able to shift between the two forms. That's it you can ignore me and go about your day.)
(Y/N) pov:
We passed several students who like last time gave me strange looks when I walked past them. Iida was a little bit in front of me talking with Uraraka who was holding my leash. While they were talking I observed the humans for potential powers to relieve them of. But I remembered Izuku's order on not killing anyone and I wasn't about to disappoint him again.
Regardless if he's here or not I shouldn't disobey his orders after all that would be treason. And if I remember anything from my mother is that insubordination can not and will not be tolerated.
I was so busy reminiscing that I didn't notice we were in the cafeteria until Uraraka gently rubbed my head.
Ochaco: Are you okay, (Y/N)? You seemed pretty deep in thought.
Her hand was soft and warm which caused me to push my head into her palm and purr. She just giggled and began to rub my head and face with both hands. Iida went ahead of us leaving us alone. While I was in bliss a group of humans passed by us and the yellow haired human whispered to himself.
???: Weirdos...
I managed to see his face before he turned his back to us.
I will remember your face incase I find you anywhere secluded and alone, human.
He laughed before he continued to walk with his group joining a couple of humans that were talking to each other. I didn't care one bit about his comment since I was called that before, but the same couldn't be said for Uraraka who stopped and looked down with embarrassment clear on her face. Normally I wouldn't care for a human's feelings except for Izuku, but she has gained my favor from all the treats and head pats she's given me.
Time to initiate operation Care and Scare. This plan is only for Izuku, but I guess I can make an exception this once. Step one, tend to the human's physical and/or emotional pain.
I stood to my full height and lifted her up into a comforting and gentle hug which caused her to stiffen up before slowly relaxing into my embrace. She hugged me tightly and buried her face into my neck as I stroked her hair with my right hand. As we were hugging another group of humans passed, but instead of rude comments they awed. This seemed to snap her back to reality as she gently pushed herself off my chest causing me to move my arms to her waist instead. She had a bright blush on her face, but a huge smile as well.
Ochaco: I'm all right now, thank you.
I nuzzled her cheek with mine which increased the intensity of her blush.
Now that she's emotionally better time to move onto the next and final step.
Step two, deal with the problem(s) that caused the human's pain.
I gently placed her back on the ground and began to walk in the direction the blond human went which confused her.
Ochaco: Where are you going?
I stopped and turned to her thinking of what to say.
I can't tell her I'm going to go kill the blond human she might tell Izuku. Well I guess I need to wait to kill that human.
Using my tail I gestured to the line of humans and rubbed my stomach. She attempted to decipher my gestures and concluded I was hungry.
Ochaco: Oh, you must be hungry. I don't know what Deku feeds you, but I'm pretty sure Tsu still has some snacks. C'mon, she's right over there with Ashido.
She grabbed my leash before gesturing over to a far table where Mina and Tsu were sitting at. They were speaking with each other and seemed very engrossed in their conversation, so we began to walk over to them. As we were walking I noticed the plates of food in front of the two which reminded me that Uraraka didn't have lunch yet. I looked ahead to see a human with a plate that had a uneaten burger on it.
Perfect, it's untouched and should be easy to acquire.
The human was currently trying to open a bag. Key word "trying" since he seemed to be struggling with it as he fell under the table still trying to open it. I took this chance to stealthy take the plate as we walked by.
Meat a great source of food for any growing human and it's technically not stealing since I wasn't caught. What other items should I relieve these humans of...
A human was passing by us and she had the delicious yellow triangle, so I used my tail to tap her right shoulder making her turn away from us. This allowed me to grab the triangle and place it on my plate as she looked around confused.
A delicious triangle the meal is almost complete. Now I just need something for her to drink...
We were almost at Tsu's and Mina's table and a human sitting near them stood up and spoke to another human who was looking at a book. I also noticed a several bottles of empty water near his plate with only one still full and unopened.
???: Hey I'm going to the bathroom be back in a bit.
???: Yeah.
The human left leaving his beverage unguarded since the other human was busy reading something. As we passed I swiftly grabbed it with my tail before moving it to my left hand while holding the plate in my right.
Well done (Y/N), not only did you complete the meal but you also weren't detected while doing so.
Ochaco: Hi guys!
Her voice got their attention ending their conversation in favor of greeting us with warm smiles.
Mina: Hey, Uraraka!
She then turned to me and her smile got slightly larger as her eyes seemed to sparkle with excitement.
I still need to investigate her strange scent of acid. Maybe I'll find an answer during this time.
Mina: Hi, (Y/N)!
I let out a hiss before giving her a small smile. We sat down with them in different spots. Uraraka was sitting in a chair while I preferred to sit on the floor next to Tsu, still holding the tray.
Tsuyu: Hello Uraraka. Hello (Y/N).
Tsu rubbed my head as I slightly purred leaning into her hand with my eyes closed.
Mina: Hey, Uraraka where's your lunch?
Ochaco: Oh, I forgot to get it I'll be back in a few seconds--
I opened my eyes and placed the plate of acquired food on the table in front of her along with the unopened water bottle. They looked at the items before turning to me only to see me looking up at them with puppy eyes waiting for their response as my tail slightly wagged in anticipation. No one said anything, so I thought they must've not liked it.
"Well at least you tried" that's what Izuku says to--
My thoughts were cut off by all three of them tackling me into a group hug and yelling.
Ochaco/Mina/Tsuyu: So cute!!!
The hug took me by surprise, but I quickly wrapped my tail and arms around all three of them. The hug didn't last long as Uraraka's stomach growled making her pull away from the hug with a blush clear on her face.
Ochaco: Sorry, I'm still a little hungry.
Both Mina and Tsu giggled as I unwrapped them from the embrace and picked Uraraka up with my tail. She slightly panicked as she was lifted off her feet, but she soon relaxed as I sat her down on her chair before moving the plate of food closer to her. Mina and Ashido sat back down in their chairs as well while I sat next to Tsu once again with my head on her lap.
Ochaco: Thanks (Y/N), but how did you get the food? We didn't go anywhere near the lunch line.
I liberated it from various humans who were careless.
I just shrugged as Tsu took out her homemade snacks and fed them to me while Ashido ran her fingers through my hair. I then remembered I need to investigate Ashido's strange scent of acid.
(Y/N): Ashido.
My voice made her jump as she looked around before her eyes landed on me.
Mina: Hmm, what is it (Y/N)?
That made Tsu and Uraraka stop their conversation and look between the two of us confused. But I ignored them in favor of continuing to speak with Ashido.
(Y/N): Your scent is very pleasing, but it has a hint of acidity to it which confuses me.
A light blush was on her cheeks before she asked a question.
Mina: Why does it confuse you?
(Y/N): Well in my experience humans can't come into contact with acid without melting. So how come your scent gives it off?
Mina: Oh, it's just my Quirk, but the more I use it the less resistance I have to it. Why does it make me smell bad?
(Y/N): No, it smells good to me. It reminds me of home which is relaxing and besides no other creature has a great sense of smell like me.
Tsuyu: Ashido, who are you talking to?
This stopped our conversation as we both turned to Tsu.
Mina: Oh, do you guys not know?
Ochaco: Know what?
Mina: (Y/N) can speak telepathically it's a weird feeling at first, but you'll get used to it eventually.
Uraraka turned to me with pure wonder in her eyes.
Ochaco: Woah, you can speak telepathically?!
(Y/N): Yes.
She reeled back and held her head as she looked at Ashido.
Ochaco: Yeah that is a weird feeling.
Tsuyu: What is?
(Y/N): Me speaking to you in your mind.
She stopped feeding me treats and instead held her head.
Tsuyu: Oh.
(Y/N): Yes now can you keep rubbing my head? It produces a nice calming feeling.
Soon they all went back to what they were originally doing as I enjoyed the treats and head rubs.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
Class has just ended and I was following behind Izuku with him holding my leash. But as we were walking to the door I smelled several new scents which immediately put me on edge. Izuku noticed my uneasy stance right away as he crouched down next to me.
Izuku: (Y/N), what's the matter?
I gestured to the door as he stood back up in front of me just as Uraraka opened it. The new scents turned out to be several students gathered outside our classroom all staring at us.
(Y/N): Is this an attack do you wish for me to slaughter them, my king?
He just tugged on my leash which signaled me no, so I just remained hidden by using my invisibility Quirk.
Ochaco: Wh-What's going on?
Tenya: What business do you have with Class A?
Minoru: We can't get out!
I can easily carve a bloody path through them, but Izuku has already denied my request to kill.
Minoru: What'd you come here for, anyway?
The explosion human began to walk towards them and hoping things turn bloody I slowly crawled in front of Izuku.
Katsuki: Scouting out the enemy, small fry. We're the ones who made it out of the villains' attack. They probably wanna check us out before the sports festival.
These humans are both smart and idiotic. Smart since they wish to scout the enemy. And idiotic since this is the way they decided to observe us.
He stopped in front of them and they all got nervous with a hint of fear radiating off them.
Katsuki: There's no point in doing stuff like that. Out of my way, extras.
Tenya: Stop calling people "extras" just because you don't know them!
He did chopping motions at him which I've come to learn wasn't him trying to attack.
???: I came to see what the famous class A was like, but you seem pretty arrogant.
A human with purple hair and an expression that reminded me of Aizawa made his way forward.
???: Are all the students in the hero course like this? Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned. There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the hero course. Did you know that?
No, mainly because I don't think anyone cares. It just means they weren't good enough to make it this high, unlike my king who is going to surpass everyone.
The purple haired human and explosion human had a little stare down before he continued.
???: The school has left those of us a chance. Depending on the results of the sports festival, they'll consider our transfer into the hero course. And it seems they'll transfer people out.
Well you can't transfer a dead body, so none of you will make it in here. I will ensure it if you push me enough.
I began to slowly walk towards the human while making sure my leash didn't give away my position.
???: Scouting out the enemy? I, at least, came to say that even if you're in the hero course, if you get too carried away, I'll sweep your feet out from under you. I came with a declaration of war.
I stopped when he said "war".
This human wants to go to war with us? Heh, that makes me laugh. But I shall accept this declaration, so don't be surprised if your allies suddenly disappear. And remember you wanted this.
Izuku got slightly frightened which made me growl slightly making the humans look around confused.
???: By the way where's that savage animal you have as a class pet?
My king was no longer frightened instead he was slightly angry by what he said.
Izuku pov:
Izuku: (Y/N) isn't a savage creature or a class pet. He's my best friend.
Ochaco: Yeah he's really caring too!
???: We all know about what it did to the villains. We even saw it walk by with blood dripping from it's claws.
Izuku: He was protecting us. He held the villains off long enough for the other heroes to come get us. Even though he was outnumbered and hurt he still fought for us.
I could hear a faint purr which went unheard by everyone else. Living with (Y/N) made me focus more on sounds since his behavior is portrayed by the noises he makes. A purr means he's happy or feeling content. A hiss acts as a warning for anything he finds as a threat or when he's feeling agitated, but he also uses it as a response. And a growl means he's ready to protect and even kill for me.
???: That means it's loyal to you, but what will you do when it stops listening to you when you say no? What will you do when it decides to kill and you can't stop it? It's a danger to everyone and will one day see you as just another thing to kill.
His words shocked me.
Not once has (Y/N) ever tried to physically hurt me in fact he always makes sure to be gentle with me. Even emotionally since he always makes me feels better after I'm hurt or sad. Especially when I was a kid he would always cuddle up to me in bed and get me snacks. And he still does to this day.
Izuku: Hey, (Y/N).
I could hear a light hiss followed by his voice in my head as everyone looked at me confused.
(Y/N): Yes, Izuku?
Izuku: Jump scare.
Now everyone was looking at me weirdly as I could hear (Y/N) slightly purr.
(Y/N): As you command.
The leash moved in my palm before it stopped, but no one seemed to notice the movement. I could see his invisibility deactivating slowly revealing his feet and hands as he stood to his full height.
???: What are you--
(Y/N) pov:
My invisibility wore off as I jumped in front of them with bloodlust in my eyes and a malicious grin as I screamed in their faces. All of them jumped back with some of them unconsciously activating their Quirks. As for the purple haired human he fell on his back crawling away from me. They all ran as I spat a small amount of acid in their direction.
All: AAAHHH!!!
Ah, fear a great emotion to feel radiating off your prey.
I laughed as I walked back to Izuku with the bloodlust in my eyes gone and replaced by happiness as my grin turned into a small smile. Izuku smiled as well rubbing my head as everyone recovered from the fear I induced into them.
Izuku: Good job (Y/N), but let's go home to prepare now.
We walked out the door stepping over the holes I made with my acid. But before we left I turned back to the class and waved goodbye to Tsu, Ashido, and Uraraka. They waved back with smiles on their faces as I wrapped my tail around Izuku and ran out the school to prepare for war.
War has been declared and I'm intending to attack first with a quick and powerful strike.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
Two weeks is how long we have to prepare until we wage war. And the familiar feeling of going back to battle fills me with excitement. But I think it's just waging war back home with my family that I feel this way. For the first week I helped Izuku train whether it be helping during the training or caring for his tired body after.
Such as now, me and Izuku were in his room with him on his bed laying on his stomach shirtless. I was currently giving him a muscle massage while letting a bit of heat into my hands using one my Quirks.
(Y/N): Are you comfortable, Izuku?
Izuku: Yeah, thanks for the massage it's really helping my sore muscles.
I lightly pressed down on his spine causing a pop to resonate throughout his room followed by a moan. He covered his mouth as I just tilted my head confused on the sound, but continued giving him a massage.
Izuku: O-Okay I'm going to go take a shower now, thanks again (Y/N).
He got up and grabbed some clean clothes before heading towards the bathroom.
Now is a perfect time to hunt and/or search for those villains.
(Y/N): Oh, okay then. May I go outside for a while?
He stopped and turned back to me with a thinking face on.
Izuku: Sure, just come back before it gets too dark and don't attack anyone or anything, please. I think the police are starting to get tired of responding to reports of a giant creature ripping apart a vending machine.
That was only one time after it refused to give me anything after my offering of metal circles and I was not going to be made a fool of.
Izuku left as I got up and exited his room removing my leash as I walked towards the entrance.
A quick thirty minute search should be long enough to locate something that has to do with the league of villains. Not all of Nomu's memories were helpful in locating their base. All I could see was a factory of some sort and creatures stored within.
I dropped my leash next to the door as I opened it revealing a nice orange glow from the setting sun.
I don't have a lot of time, so let's get to searching.
I ran out closing the door behind me making sure it was locked as to not let anyone in. I was jumping from rooftop to rooftop deeper into the city searching for anything. Over the last week I learned that Nomu's Quirks increased my own natural strength, speed and durability.
Supposedly Nomu was made to take on All Might at 100% of his power, but I managed to kill him rather easily. Maybe it's because he wasn't meant to take on something like me. But either way I can probably take on All Might maybe even go beyond that. But that's for later right now I need to focus.
I landed on a tall building where I took the time to sniff the air for the scent of either the mist man or the hands human. But I didn't recognize the smells or sights of the area I was in.
I think this may be a different part of the city. How long was I traveling for?
Before I could do anything I smelt not one, but both the mist man's and hand human's scents. They were close and I wasn't going to lose their trail now. I proceeded to run to the origin of thier scents using the rooftops for quick traveling. This soon lead me to what seemed to be an abandoned bar.
This is where their scents are, but why here? Whatever, it's not my place to ask it's to do without question.
I dropped down and began to walk towards the door to the building preparing myself for combat with an entire base full of humans. As I was getting closer I smelt someone behind me, but I kept walking. In a few seconds I heard a grunt before I was grabbed and slammed into the side of a building.
???: Give me all your damn money and you'll live.
I looked up to see a giant hand holding me in place against the wall with it connected to a human with a hood on his face. I just looked at him confused on his appearance and my lack of response seemed to anger the human.
???: What're you deaf?!
He squeezed me in the giant fist making me growl at him due to my discomfort.
???: I'm asking you one more time and that's it. Give me all your money!
I stabbed my tail into his giant hand making him scream in pain and letting me go. He seemed to recover quickly as he somehow morphed his hand back to normal before claws appeared at the end of his fingers.
???: You just had to fight back.
He ran towards me with his clawed hand raised intending to hit me with a powerful strike. I sidestepped his attack and tripped him with my tail making him fall face first into a trash can.
(Y/N): If you're going for an attack don't make it so obvious.
My voice made him look back at me shocked before it was replaced with anger.
???: Shut it!
He got up and turned his hand into a giant tentacle with barbs at the end which he used to try and whip me.
Even if he did hit me I doubt it would penetrate my skin.
As I was dodging I noticed the sun was almost gone and Izuku said to head home before it got too late. I needed to end this quickly, so I grabbed his arm in my left hand before using my right claws to slice it off.
???: AAAGGHH!!! Y-You bastard!
I dropped the severed squid arm that was squirming on the ground as I walked closer to the shapeshifting human. He still tried to fight me off turning his remaining arm into that of a tiger's. This time I let him hit me and when it made contact his claws didn't even leave a scratch on my chitin. I grabbed him by his neck and lifted him up off the ground as I stabbed my claws into his stomach.
(Y/N): You know I would say sorry if I actually felt sorry, but I don't.
He struggled to look up in time to see me open my mouth and shoot my tounge into his brain ending his life. I dropped the lifeless body before looking up at the sky seeing that the sun has finally gone down.
Damn it I'm going to be late.
I looked back at the building slightly sad I wasn't going to be able to kill them this day. But there's always later, so I began to run home using the scent I left behind travelling here. On the journey home I got a massive headache and I could feel my muscles cramping before it stopped.
That's new, but hopefully it doesn't happen again. I don't even know what caused it.
Thankfully I was outside Izuku's home, so I didn't have to travel anymore. As I entered I made my way to Izuku's room with one last thought in my mind.
I need to prepare myself for battle it's been a few years since the last time I participated in any war.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
Two weeks seemed to pass by in a flash and in that time we trained vigorously even though I don't think it helped me. I was sitting next to Izuku as he tied his shoes.
Inko: Izuku, be careful not to get hurt. You too (Y/N), I don't want to see either of you hurt.
Izuku: Okay.
He finished tying his shoes and reattached my leash to my collar.
Inko: I'll record it, okay? In high resolution.
Izuku: Okay.
I handed Izuku his backpack as he got up.
Inko: Do your best you two.
I let out a light purr as she rubbed my head.
Izuku: We're off!
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
We were in a locker room with the rest of the class all dressed in the same clothing even me. I wasn't allowed to wear the (f/c) pants Inko made me or my baggy sweater which put me in a bad mood.
Izuku: C'mon (Y/N), it's only for today. How about I get you some of the food from the entrance once we're done?
That made me happy again as my tail wagged.
Izuku: And remember this isn't a real "war" so please, please don't kill anyone, ok?
I nodded just as Tenya bursted into the room yelling.
Tenya: Everyone, are you ready? We will be entering soon!
Izuku took a deep breath in to calm his nerves as I gently rubbed his back to comfort him.
Shoto: Midoriya.
We both turned in the direction of the voice only to see the candy cane human approach. And even though he is our classmate I don't trust him.
Izuku: Todoroki? What is it?
Everyone stopped speaking in favor of watching the interaction.
Shoto: Looking at things objectively, I think I'm stronger than you.
Izuku: Huh?
I hissed and moved between him and my king. The candy cane human glanced at me before looking back at Izuku.
Izuku: Y-Yeah...
Shoto: But... All Might has his eye on you, doesn't he? I'm not trying to pry about that. But I'm going to beat you.
Izuku gasped which caused me to get up and shove him away from my king with a little bit of force. But that force was enough to knock him off his feet. Everyone gasped as I growled at him. Izuku tugged on my leash making me sit back down, but I still glared at the candy human who recovered from the shove. He glared at me as well making the tension in the room rise.
Watch your tounge candy cane we wouldn't want you melting.
Denki: Oh? Is the best in the class making a declaration of war?
Katsuki: He'll lose immediately. If you want Izuku you need to get through
(Y/N) first. And if he can go toe to toe with all those villains he won't have trouble killing him and us if he felt like it.
Before things could escalate further the red haired human got between us and held the candy cane's shoulder.
Eijiro: Hey, hey, hey! Why are you picking a fight all of a sudden? Not now, we're about to start.
He shrugged his hand off as he continued to stare at me.
Shoto: We're not here to play at being friends. So what does it matter?
With one last glare he began to walk away before my king spoke.
Izuku: Todoroki, I don't know what you're thinking when you say you'll beat me, but of course you're better than me. I think you're more capable than most people...
(Y/N): Don't say that my king you'll always be better than him in my eyes.
He gave me a soft smile before continuing to speak while patting my head.
Izuku: Looking at it objectively...
Eijiro: Midoriya, you probably shouldn't talk so negatively...
Izuku: But, everyone-- The students from the other courses are aiming for the top with everything they've got!
He stopped his hand movement which made me look up at him.
Izuku: I can't afford to fall behind.
I hear you loud and clear, Izuku. I should kill the other students--
Izuku: I'll be going for it with everything I have, too.
Shoto: Yeah.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
I walked out with everyone else carrying Izuku on my back to comfort him since he was nervous about the audience.
Present Mic: The miraculous new stars who overcame enemy attacks with their hearts of steel. Hero course, Class 1-A, right?!
Izuku: Th-Th-There are so many people...
(Y/N): Indeed, but don't let that mess with your head, my king.
Izuku: Right, I just have to calm down. But are you going to be all right?
(Y/N): What do you mean? I'll always place my feelings second to yours. And if you're happy I'm happy.
He gave me a smile before rubbing my (h/c) hair making me purr in pure bliss.
Present Mic: They haven't been getting as much airtime, but this class is also full of talent! Hero course, Class 1-B!
I looked at the other humans only to see the same blond human that called me and Uraraka weirdos. His mere appearance made me hiss and growl wanting to tear him apart during battle.
Izuku: Calm down (Y/N), we don't want a repeat of last week.
I calmed my breathing and continued to walk forward as the loud human continued to introduce the other classes. I tuned out the voices as I focused on the nice feeling of having Izuku pet me. It wasn't until he stopped did I realize we were in front of an adult female human who I recognized as Midnight from Izuku's notes.
Midnight: Representing the students is Katsuki Bakugo from Class 1-A.
He began to walk forward as everyone was shocked.
Izuku: What? It's Kacchan?
Hanta: That guy did finish first in the entrance exam.
A sigh to our right caught our attention which turned out to come from a female human in another class.
???: In the hero course.
I hissed at her which went unnoticed by everyone except Izuku, but before he could calm me down she spoke again.
???: Also why are you on that thing's back? Are you too lazy to walk?
Izuku moved to get off me, but I wrapped my tail around him holding him in place as I turned to the human. Instead of a hiss I growled and spat acid at her feet making her and other humans back up. It produced a hissing sound as it melted through the ground.
Speak again and the next one won't miss.
I turned back to the explosion human in time to see him walking by us and hear everyone booing.
I guess he said something they didn't like.
Midnight: Now, let's get started right away! The first game is what you'd call a qualifier! Every year, many drink their tears here?
Oh, my king might pass this one greatly if that's the case.
Midnight: Now, here is the fateful first game!
A screen then appeared above her with an object spinning rapidly.
Midnight: This year, it's...
The spinning object stopped on "Obstacle Race"
Midnight: ...this!
Izuku: An obstacle course race.
Midnight: All 11 classes will participate in this race. The course will be the outer circumference of this stadium--about four kilometers!
I can run around that entire thing about five times before someone makes it to the finish.
Midnight: Our school's selling point is freedom!
She then licked her lips which made me slightly uncomfortable.
Midnight: As long as you stay on the course it doesn't matter what you do!
So I can kill the other contestants?!
Even though I didn't say that to Izuku he still somehow knew I thought about it which made him tug on my leash.
Midnight: Now, take your places everyone!
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
We were all lined up in front of a gateway with three green lights above it. Izuku took off my collar and leash afraid someone might grab it or it might get caught on something. He had a face of pure determination which filled me with eagerness to help him. The lights began to turn off one by one as I noticed something about the entrance.
It's narrow and there's only one way to go with hundreds of other humans pushing to be first. Somebody's going to be trampled when this starts.
Midnight: Start!
I grabbed Iuzku with my tail before jumping ahead of everyone else. And like I predicted they immediately began to squish each other trying to get past. In a few seconds we were on the other side just in time to see an explosion of ice engulfing the entrance.
Izuku: Woah, thanks (Y/N).
Before I could thank him for his praise ice trapped my feet causing me to stumble and slide. The candy cane human passed us and I wasn't going to be the cause of Izuku being last. So I placed Izuku on my back before getting down on all fours and running across the ice quickly. My claws helped dig my hands and feet into the ground before pushing off with enough strength to propel us forward with each stride.
Katsuki: You're not getting away from me you overgrown lizard!
I could hear the explosion human coming towards us, but it didn't matter since I quickly passed the candy cane human regaining our lead.
I can't lose my focus it may end up causing my king to fail.
I soon skidded to a stop after seeing several huge robots in front of us one of which knocked Mineta away.
Robot: Target found...
(Y/N): Your orders, my king?
Izuku: (Y/N), I know we only practiced this once, but I guess now is as good a time as any. Do you think you can fully transform now?
(Y/N): If it is your command then it shall be done.
Izuku: Then (Y/N), start hunting.
He quickly backed away from me and the robots as the other humans arrived and watched on as I transformed back into my ravager form.
The difference now being the crest on my head was (h/c) as the spikes on my back were all different colors ranging from fiery red to a golden yellow. But the majority of them were still their original black color. I roared loudly causing fear to strike into every human's heart except for Izuku who looked at me in awe. I stood over 6 meters tall with my hands turned back into large (f/c) blades and my tail stretching far.
It feels great to be back in my ravager form again.
All of the robots turned their attention to me as I raised my blade hands and tail ready for my first battle back as a ravager.
Let's see if I still have all my skills, shall we?
(Sorry for abandoning this for over a week I was playing star wars battlefront II and being lazy.)
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